Boku no Hero Academia

How did they not bust their limbs?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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just look at their muscles. they are strong enough to wield it without dying in 2 seconds

Mirio's huge cock inside of me.


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Everyone says Deku should intern under Miruko, but I think Tsuyu could learn far more from the bunny hero. I think Froppy could pull off the same type of kicks if given the proper training

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>3 months gone in the year and still no real plot development
Sometimes I really hate Hori.

He's distracted by his new bunny waifu

He said he wants to draw her for 30 more chapters breh

At least make it a fucking doujin then.

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they did, both of them broke both their arms, you even see Bakugou buckle under the pressure of OfA and the pain of broken bones at one point while Izuku just stands there, already used to the pain

I want to start this out by saying this is fully a vent post. For some reason, I've been having a lot of old salt boiling back up to the surface, and I don't really know how to deal with it other than to poor it out here. Preemptive sorry for my language in this! So here it goes:

I absolutely, absolutely cannot stand KiriBaku. At first I was neutral on it, and then I got harassed to high hell and back being told constantly by a very vocal minority that I was a whole slew of horrible names (abuse apologist was the most common) and "Why ship BakuDeku when you could ship KiriBaku & TodoDeku instead?" and it's grated on my fucking nerves for the past 3 years. I fucking hate KiriBaku, and I'll never like KiriBaku. I try to mute it and filter it out, but god damn does it like to snake it's way through the fucking cracks. If I never have to see the ship again, it'd be too fucking soon.

I've talked about my hatred for KiriBaku before though, so I'll just kind of vent about new stuff I guess. I'm starting to find IzuOcha insanely grating to me, and I don't think I'll ever reclaim the love for Kacchako that I once had. For both ships, it's my personal interaction and experiences with the fanbase that's just angered me so much.

And it feels horrible to say that fan interaction has ruined these ships for me. It feels dumb and stupid to say people have such a strong effect on my views over things, but it just is what it is I suppose. I like to think that maybe one day I'll be disconnected enough from the fandom to no longer have such strong emotions attached to ships, but for right now, I just have to live with it. It's frustrating as fuck.

Not canon.

>shit fanfic

they did, did you not watch it?

stop reposting this

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but ripping peoples' heads off with your thighs is against the rules

Eri pls.

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Lawfrog can use restraint.

Killing Nomus is a crime and they should still be given a fair trial since they still have people in them. It's not their fault they do what they do. Nomus didn't do anything wrong.

Reminder that Endeavor is handsome and that Miruko is shit

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I love BakuDeku to death. I'm ride or die with them. Their development is so strong and despite their rocky past they're growing together. I can't wait for the day Kacchan apologizes to Deku for being such an ass to him, and I can't wait for the day they truly become the Symbol of Hope and Symbol of Victory together

I'm reading older chapters and what the fuck

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His freckles are gone

I'm still awe struck by the fact that Horikoshi literally gave us a doujin page of Deku thinking about how fortunate he is to have Kacchan. He's so freaking in love with him I can't even put it into words at this point

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I think you and Mirio make a cute couple, Eri chan. And wish you happiness and joy.

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So, no one is gonna call out how the power levels in this series went completely crazy out of nowhere? In the beginning there were only like 4 or 5 top quirk user (Deku/Almight, Todoroki, AFO and the Noumus)

Why does greatb8's Mina model look alright sometimes and like a potato other times?

I love both KatsuDeku and KiriMina so much. I have an insane soft spot for ships where one view the other as a hero that inspires them, it makes my heart go doki doki

This movie is gay

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Has anyone posted Miruko's new pics?

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I'd love it if BakuDeku went canon (romantically). They'd need to work on a lot together before it happened, as there's still much Kacchan needs to atone for, but if it happened way far down the road I'd be insanely happy. It's not gonna happen unless Horikoshi pulls a wild card shounen-ai ending which has a slim to none possibility, but it's fun to dream sometimes

>30 chapters of Miruko
He's not even hiding the fact he's milking everything

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Stop spamming this incel coomer mascot

Ochako dying in Deku's arms, confessing her love to him, and realizing just as she passes that it was actually Toga!

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You're all good people and I wish you the best.

And she didnt heard any of it since she was busy drooling over bloody Ochako

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Sex with Monoma

Hey guys, where can I read/download Vigilantes starting from chapter 67?

Why was Ochunky so upset when Bakugo said he didn’t want to go with her to look for a lost kid in the movie?

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you can read the entire thing over on the readmha site everyone reads the new main chapters on every friday.

From Akiyama

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Bakugo and Ochako having their first kiss together while Deku watches

the absolute STATE

because he was being a lazy shit. you know it's bad when fucking pigguraka is judging you for laziness.

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>Yeah obviously yer REAL BUSY Bakugou
What did he mean by this?

>left arm intact

How tf is he lying down like that

No I can't, it's not there

>t. eri or fujo poster

Only Bakufujos will like this movie.

What do you have against Eri you tasteless fuck?

I liked it and didn't really feel like the fujoservice was near as prevalent as everyone is acting like it is.

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I only found this. I dont like it at all

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Through the power of love.

I have nothing against Miruko, I'd rather have more bunny posting than Decuck or fujo faggotry.

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oh, okay. thanks, i've been looking here

>"Let's have sex there Midoriyaaa~"

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They did you retard. The arms they did a 100% punch with were all fucked up

Are you bipolar?

Canon and written by Hori.

Canon and written by Hori.

how were they able to hang on to the inner tube when Deku was pulling them around in it?

It always looks like a potato.

Reminder that KnY is better written and even its asspulls aren't that bad

let me take a wild fucking guess...
both these faggots are going to be high ends?

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there is more than 1 person in 4channel newkid. Allow me to explain "anonymous" it's not really their username, in 4channel everyone posts without logging in, unless they are homosexuals.

I am also an Erifag apart from those two. And I think everyone itt is retarded except for me. Specially shippers.

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With their hands...? They were weightless so I doubt it would be hard.

searching twatter for pics is hell, zero tagging etiquette just like old dumblr

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She grabbed his tube

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They are on Tartarus

Bakugo is seriously getting OfA now? lmao this is fucking awful mha needs to end asap

The movie is gay as fuck. Deku is needy for some Kacchan.

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yeah but no gravity doesn't mean no air resistance or inertia right? i mean he was fucking cruising and he took off pretty quickly.

Hori will sneak the homo in like he’s been doing the entire time.

die, fujoshit
I laughed

Remember when people actually cared about this series

And I think it was a life preserver/throwable flotation device. They're solid and easy to hold, unlike a tube

Eri makes you nut, then rewinds you dick.

Bakugo will get with Momo, she’s the only girl that will put up with his abuse

I think having them come to a stop would be harder then the take off. Being weightless it would be easy to hold on, even with how fast he took off. Just look at skiers holding on as the boat takes off

He was right though. Most of clsss1A is dumb as shit.

black lines on every character in every show

*BakuDeku fujos
KiriBaku and TodoBaku fujos are seething.

They are hindering the arrest of a criminal, they deserve a bullet in the skull.

Deku: Only if Kacchan agrees to join in.


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So this was number 5 on the US boxoffice this weekend, when was the last time that happened? Didn't the last DB or your name made the top ten boxoffice?

So how will Hori jerk off Bakugou in the end without giving him OfA?

In this particular scene, Bakugou reminds me of Dante.

I think the Broly movie sold a shit ton at the box office when it came out, yeah.

Two Heros did really well too when it came out

I'd much rather lick Miruko's abs than Endeavor's, so she wins.

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Bakugo was much more tolerable in this movie than he normally is. So tolerable that it actually ended up feeling out of character.

Momo’s constant jobbing would break Bakugo.


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Truth be told, nothing's going to get people to take queer ships seriously until the public opinion shifts into something more accepting. Even an outright kiss would still not be enough for people that vehemently want to deny our existence. It's an insanely sad reality, but I really look forward to the day queer ships stop getting looked down on as "SJW pandering" or whatever bs they wanna label it as.

It’s #4.

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>So this was number 5 on the US boxoffice this weekend
It was 4th retard

>when was the last time that happened?
Last year with DBS Broly...of course since its Dragonball it did way better but still an great achievement nonetheless

1. Don’t assume he won’t.
2. No matter what happens, Hori will find a way.

this is why I don't come to these threads anymore. you're all idiots.

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Maybe you'd have a point if you fucking faggots didn't point at every pair of male friends and screech that they want to fuck each other in the ass and mouth you gross annoying weirdos

That wasn't me or any other MirioEri poster

I don't like this, BNHA makes a lot of money in the western side of the world, which is known for being cringe and bluepilled.
Feels like Hori will pander hard to them.


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don't insult grandpa dante like that you degenerate

No one cares about your opinion.

>beaten by Sanic

Mirio is such a lucky guy

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I've never understood how people can definitively say "x ship is canon" like in a 'these two are for sure endgame' way, not the 'it's fun to say it's canon' way. We're not close to the end of the story, and a lot can change from where we are now until the end. Who's to say what will 100% for sure be canon or not? Only the author can make that decision.

A small bit to tie into this: I especially never understood why the idea of 'x ship is canon so it's better than all others' is tossed around. Having canon backing is fun! But I don't think it's fair to say that one is better than another because canon supports it.

Hori, Japan, and Burgerland all want the same thing, more Bakuwank. And BakuDeku was a major hit too. There’s no stopping it now.

it's almost like one of them belongs to a still relatively niche genre and only got a limited release.

Who got her that lingerie?

the mods dont care about the quality of the threads for some reasons. honestly this entire site should get overhauled


Looks like Overhaul is all set for the pandemic. How do you think the cast would cope with a worldwide viral plague?

the degenerate that drew that picture

Tfw fanart is closer to the character’s actual appearance than official art.

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Bakugo is similar to DMC 3 Dante.

Grooming the perfect wife is anything but degenerate. That is what you, as a man, should be doing.

I love KatsuDeku so much. I really can't believe they're sharing the legacy of All Might together

>patiently waiting for a main cast villainess

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no he fucking isn't, stop trying to ruin other characters by comparing them to that insufferable sperg

I'm so proud of how far BakuDeku has come. They've both grown so much since the beginning, and now they've got their own movie together. Makes me wanna cry, I didn't think the day would come so soon

you will die alone in prison

Sanic had a budget of 85 million and a wide release. You’re probably too stupid to realize how stupid your comment is, but it’s pretty fucking stupid if you know anything about the American box office.

Any version of Dante >>>>>> Bakugou. DMC3 Dante is loud and silly but he's way less angry than Bakugou is, and when he is it's 100% justified because Arkham is messing with him or Vergil is being idiotic.

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Wedding present from Momo


They are, technically, corpses. You can't kill a corpse.

Not at all. Dante is a friendly carefree soul. Bakugo is an angry spaz.

What makes Ochaco so chunky?

Bakugo would make Momo a permanent housewife, only used for breeding, cooking and her family money

Cute Deku

don't be ashamed of being attracted to little girls user, look at what your dick is telling you. Even the church loves little kids, its only natural. don't believe the Jewish lies the media has told you.

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Deku would do his best to protect the people and keep the peace. Until, that is, things got to the point where Kacchan’s life was too heavily endangered by the outbreak. Then you’d see Deku make some hard choices (sacrifices) to protect the most amazing and important person that ever lived.

prominent mom genetics. she will definitely look like Inko when she's older.

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Watched this movie in speical 4d. They had the seats vibrate for every sound effect and gag but sometimes the effect was nice.

whatever you say bud

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Bakugou would never settle for such a creature. He respects strong women.

>Jewish lies
They want all the lolis to themselves, its literally in their bible that they're allowed to fuck kids.

He looks less dopey at least.

This is true. They want you to look at old hags and think you'll find love with them.

Random hero lady did it better.

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Only girl he’s ever shown respect towards is Uraraka and she isn’t strong

You will find love with no one. All women are sickened by you, incel.

tell that to the police next time. im sure they will agree with you


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Tranny opinions don't matter.

>she isn’t strong
yes she is. her quirk is broken and she uses it pretty confidently. she's certainly the strongest female in the class besides maybe tsuyu.

God, why are MHAfags such normalfaggots?

She was strong when she stood her ground and took him on. He respects that type of strength too. He’ll likely pick a mate that can be physically and mentally strong however.

The need to compete against Nejire's p-p-proportions

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team up against actual villains when?

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So that's why.

They look fucking jacked damn

Good lord, that’s hideous. Who ever drew that needs to be banned from ever picking up a pen again.

This arc i hope


I think Ochako didnt have her finger pads either. Its terrible.


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Fuck off dicksucker.

> tell that to the police
why would I ever speak to pigs? they hold no moral authority, neither does the law. It's all a construct by (((those))) in power to keep power.

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>mfw kaachan joins isis with ochako
>mfw they fuck and raise little terrorists fucks
>mfw I watch them fuck and bakugo threatens to kill ochako after impregnating her piggu body.

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>Mfw their spawn literally blow up for "God,"
>Mfw ochako doesnt even care anymore just looks forward to our cuckold sessions
>Mfw I pay them to do it cause it's my fetish.

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This ship should be canon, their quirks are very similar as well

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exploding spiral babies

>Mfw bakugo dies for "God," in a holy war
>Mfw ochako attempts suicide
>Mfw ochako gets with denki

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The mind of a cuckold is truly a sad and terrible thing to behold.

I thought decuck was the most cringes but you go beyond that, atleast with the decuck they have the excuse of "they know eachother" but they, nor the good morning says

Mirio is _____

And wholesomepilled

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And cute

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>Bakugo can instantly use OfA on the same level as Deku
More proof that Deku literally doesn't derserve it.
Mirio. Bakugo. Endeavor. Torodoki....any of them would have been way better than Deku with OfA

anyone got a link to a camrip of the movie

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No one is even shipping. It’s a match based on quirks. The fuck you even triggered for?


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horikoshi's phenomenal taste

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Read carefully his comment user, don't speedread even here

The better question is where do we get more Ochunky?

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>this is the piece of physics in this movie you find the hardest to believe

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The cutest

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Those rabbits are going to practice the table of four

wrong enji pic user

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Faggot shut the fuck up, I said the “ship should” happen based on quirk, nothing more nothing less, I’m not spamming a crackship like you incel Decucks

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Why the fuck didn't he use that move again when Miruko was on top of him? I swear, this shit is retarded.

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>I just made fun of the decuck and come to say that I am one of them?
Kekthe only trigger one here is you of how you respond me.Now with the combination I do not see much future, I would say that aoyama would make a better candidate bc his navel laser

That is a beam, not the same.


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>low res
Come on.

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i know, she actually has an uraraka set i just cba to trawl through my files to find it

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>Oh, hi there user! I've been thinking about you and us, and I'm very happy to be with you. You are a great- GREAT lover and I just want to let you know that I love you.

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Deku isn’t capable of loving anyone like he loves Kacchan.

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Deku belongs to me.

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To Kacchan.

How is she so fucking based.

Wrong. Me.

>watched the movie in 4DX
>water sprays everywhere every time Todoroki does something
>Gusts Of wind blow behind your eyes (kind of a pain in the ass if you’re ticklish)
>borderline seizure inducing light flashes when someone does a flashy attack
>seat shakes like a disgusted mother shaking an burden in infant form
10/10 based as fuck.

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did they ever explain why deku's body sharts itself when using one for all?
No 'his body incompatible' is not an answer

Give me back my miriofren you dumb jannies. If he's not here I can't be happy

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I just claimed him. Bye losers

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How many times did you see the movie? I was legit going top watch it again but luckily an user posted the pornhub link so I'm saving 13$.

Don't touch my Deku.

To Kacchan.

the tagging system literally doesn't fucking work on twitter. and it looks obnoxious to put on your post

I will do more than just touch him

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Deku is for FemBakugou

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Don't you dare! I'm warning you.

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This guy can’t do shit but fly, why is he ranked Top 5 again?

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Deku fell in love a long time ago. He never stopped.

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Better question is why wasn’t hero rising set after All might death? The themes would be stronger post all night death.

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God that's creepy.Your thoughts and mind are slowly turning into a slut while you're conscious until you're conscious no more.

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Ah, i love you so much.

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Just once. Might be seeing it again since my cousins wanna see it.

Also, the pornhub link has 15 minutes missing

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Well, she does have the same type of raccoon mask..

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Just saw Heroes Rising. Is it just me or did the movie literally require up-to-date manga reading to be understood? Someone who was even a month behind, let alone at anime pace, would have thought that Nine was given the real copy of All For One and then fucking disintegrated, instead of knowing that the Doctor can create duplicates of quirks, which was a recent revelation.

Tfw you’re in public, you’re in your hero costume, and you just got hard because Kacchan.

Well, it's nonsense and unrelated to the actual characters, but I can't deny that this comic is cute.

honestly, i could see deku doing that when he fucks bakugo for the first time.

Attached: 1579871043427.jpg (936x1170, 147K)

Followed by crying and a million “I love you, Kacchan”.

Because he can fly out of reach while letting his feathers track and slice his opponents up. He's unironically more dangerous than every hero bar Endeavor and only because his feathers are not fireproof.

This would've unironically improved the series.

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It's too late

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It takes place after MVA and Joint Training, so anyone who hasn't caught up with the manga is going to be slightly out of the loop. It totally spoils the doctor reveal. I think so long as someone finished season 3 they'll be alright.

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Bones said fuck animeonlys

>ticket said "japanese w/ subtitles"
>they played the dub

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MHA's dub isn't too bad imo, but I was glad that my showing was subbed.

You could just go and ask to have it changed?
Happened when I went to the Broly movie, too. But somebody went out and asked to have it fixed and it was.

Lol, good luck keeping a guy who can lift construction beams over his head restrained.

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>fujos shitting up the thread.
it's like a job to you, right?

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It seems to come naturally to them. It's as if they have no clue that they have 2 entire boards dedicated to themselves ( and )

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poor woman to do it when he activates the OFA in full intercourse

Attached: Messages Image(540220568).png (600x600, 1.15M)

Leave them alone. You tards are just bitching and shitposting by complaining while not contributing at all to the thread. Fucking ingrates.

Post link

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Because Bakugo is being a piece of shit, as usual.

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He was right, stupid. He doesn’t have to answer to a useless tub of lard either.

Attached: uraraka delete.png (318x454, 112K)

I don't quite understand the appeal of a Baku x Deku thing.

I just like Deku. That's it.

Attached: Messages Image(1831761972).jpg (1444x2048, 539K)

Well it's not just that. This came out in Japan long before the reveal of Ujiko being able to duplicate quirks even in the manga. If you were up to date with the manga and watched this at actual release time, not American release time, you'd still have been confused.

>implying they're 'contributing at all'
>imlpying they're even dsicussing anythingor would be open to discuss any aspect of the series which isn't the literal completely irrelevant 'shipping' side of it, no less homosexual 'shipping'
>implying any one of them has made their own content to attempt to improve the in their lifetimes (pretty sure the last one to try was the one who sacrificed her cat in a ritual)
The thread is a literal softcore porn dump on Yea Forums, and you're trying to defend them?

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In hindsight. I'd love to see what the look on his face would have been if the kid had been kidnapped and they're all looking at him the next day going.

"Well, we could have stopped that kid from being raped and murdered, but Bakugo didn't think it was a big deal. Sorry Mr. and Mrs. Doe."

I just like Bakugou. That’s it.

Toga v Uraraka II when

Attached: stalker.jpg (977x977, 241K)

I honestly didnt think about it but yeah you are right


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It's awkward to know that Hori probably intended the series to end with OFA being given to Bakugo, and that this will no longer be the case.

When Deku gets kidnapped

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Now deku will die and Bakugo will get ochako.

Hello? Based department?

Toga is fighting Hawks this arc now that Twice has most likely been taken

Like that’s a prize. She’ll likely get fatter than Inko.

I wonder if Deku was supposed to die during that ending.

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If he really had that as the ending, he might as well make the epilogue literally the entire cast blowing him or eating his ass, 1 chapter per character.


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I want to enjoy some kino with Aizawa!

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Do I need to be caught up on the manga/anime to see the movie?

>poor woman to do it when he activates the OFA in full intercourse
I think you meant to say "lucky"

Attached: 27.jpg (450x635, 82K)


Am I fucking stupid or was it impossible to follow what was going on in the beatdown that followed Deku+Baku clearing the clouds? Especially Deku who was usually being cut to with a totally unclear location, several times.

>not contributing
>being new to /bnha/ and how things go around here and have been for the last 4 years
Better than what you're doing, shitposter.

hk is pure soul

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It does a reasonable job calling back to the elements it uses, but it doesn't get all of them. I don't think it explains Twice clones, which makes the start unintelligible for unfamiliar audiences.

Kek just watched this at 7 at the local theatre, it was absolutely packed and the crowd was pretty good. Wondering if anyone else in this thread was at the same showing...

sort of yeah but you'll still probably enjoy as long as you've watched/read up to like the Yakuza arc.

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I just went to a 7pm showing myself. Out of dozens of theatres in town, only like 3 even had this movie. About 8 people in total were in there including me. It was nice, I didn't want there to be a crowd of fucking weeb teens.

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How can Deku keep 100% OFA without loli backpack?

Nope, my eyes also couldn't keep up with whatever the hell Nakamru or whatever his name is animated. It's not his first time doing this shit.
His sequence is at 3:09. The battle fights were all fine before he shat all over the deku and bakugo final fight.

some couple who came in dressed up at mine had their little boy with them dressed up like mini Deku in his All Might hoodie.

Attached: little deku I am here.jpg (1029x586, 93K)

Adult weaboos forcing their child into their hobby, lovely

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I feel sorry for those parents. They won't be able to show them the next season, or the one after that.
This is why bnha shouldn't be popular in the west.

>Miruko swipes right on *everyone*

Attached: Miruko selfie 1.jpg (600x849, 95K)

>writes better characters as jobber side villains than main characters
why is hori so good and so shit at the same time? fucking hack i swear

Thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread it's always the same shit being spammed. When will Mods do their job and ban you shitters? All this over a nothing character that's gonna die if not the next chapter the one after that.

why didnt you reply this to miriofag? hes been spamming the exact same images for 2 years+ straight but you seem ok with that

>being new to /bnha/ and how things go around here
Don't you dare try to rewrite history you little shit

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you need to let go of miriofag, he's been living in your head rent free for 2 years.

God I want another hk doujin so fucking bad. Or at least more wholesome vanilla doujins like it. That one where she's blindfolded while Deku has his way with her is pretty close at least.

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It's getting to the point where it really does seem like it is just hating women, especially non-traditional ones.

Or people liking Miruko gets in the way of their gay fantasies setting up Bakugo with the rest of the male cast.

>Let's do it again Mirio-senpai!

Attached: 1550711156883.jpg (850x1200, 123K)


>mommy, why is shigaraki's mother splitting into chunks of meat?

Attached: deku wtf.png (377x354, 16K)

Ah different place then, I agree though it's best when there's a small crowd, unfortunately with larger ones there's always some autist who can't keep their mouth shut and ruins the entire experience - happy you enjoyed it!

It's more like introducing it to them, and weaboo parents will be better at gatekeeping the trapshit from their kids

Kinda. fuck it, any woman would love that

Attached: Fullpower.png (756x480, 365K)

Aren't you the same user who's obsessed with miriofag?

Super Saiyan blue and Ascended Super Saiyan 2.5: Rage Mode



>it's real
oh shit thanks

thats not how you use the "rent free" term you fucking retard

>Avatar or signature use

It is, he's always in your head and you simply can't stop seething. It isn't healthy, man.

Make love in the missionary position while they hold hands and kiss

we super saiyan now


Once someone flagrantly ban-evades the task of eliminating them becomes plain old Anonymous's job. Self-governance at its finest. Viva laissez-faire.

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its like if your neighbor keeps you from sleeping because hes banging the wall at all times. of course you cant stop thinking about it. same thing with miriofag and all the shitposters

Thank you for existing, miriofag. You make these people kind of people mad and that is a good thing.

I think she's a bit more discerning than that.

Probably has minimum height and fitness requirements, and mandatory penis inspection to make sure you're big enough to satisfy her, and have some nice juicy balls that have lots of sperm. She's a rabbit, she's got rabbit needs.

kek I can ignore what I don't like just fine.
Stop being obsessed and letting others live rent free in your head and instead try to start some discussion yourself.

His most precious person. It’s cruel to make anyone else try to compete.

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>Still the most soulful and completely in character doujin
Hk is in another tier

Such good friends (:

Attached: 1583133633165.jpg (1066x1600, 352K)

What about buthi?

>t. never had a shitty neighbor

I mean, I consider deku posting my shitty neighbors so I have to deal with them constantly, but I choose to ignore them and focus on what I like. Life is easier that way.
Stop being obsessed.

Deku’s love for Kacchan is limitless and eternal. It’s a love that never runs out. It’s a love that can never be undone or washed away.

Attached: Messages Image(2887231726).jpg (546x1407, 91K)

which deku posting? the only one that harm the quality of the threads is the dekufujo. all of the others are just harmless at the end of the day

She's literally too good bros.

I want to help with her post workout recovery, and have a fresh towel and protein shake for her at the ready when she's done.

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>I just saw the little thread
>I'm the same one who said "who" calm down.
and of course I am not, I do not get into these threads if it is not to make pleasant conversation or make shitpost to have fun

Attached: Messages Image(3347325066).jpg (1024x825, 189K)

See? You don't consider that bad because you like it, just like I don't consider MirioErifag bad because i like him and the content he posts as repetitive as it is. It is subjective, and you're obsessed and sour.
Also, please don't tell me you're the Italian dekufag. That would be very sad.

You are cancer if you believe that.

Bury your head in the sand and your ears get filled with sand.

Nah, she would go after some athletic cute boy she fancied during high school. Then slowly bully and tease him into being her house husband. Later on in his life he would develop serious hip problems from all the breeding she would have him do.

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its not bad because its not weird. yes i am so what? i dont spam not even 1/3 as much as these retards

Did you just come up with this?


Of course it was you.
Stop being in love with miriofag and follow your own advice, just because you don't spam as much doesn't make you any less of an obnoxious shithead.

don't open

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I feel like she'd get a few contacts with people who have healing quirks to keep him up and running.

It'd be cute where she's very nurturing and caring for her boy, to keep him in prime breeding condition. Lots of loving massages and checks to make sure everything's working and there's no problems.

Attached: 1580253605052.jpg (4093x2894, 1.31M)

You can literally see it's the same doctor in his very first appearance. Only fucking retards think it was only confirmed recently

you must be either a troll or just fucking blind. go suck his dick and shut the fuck up

I love you glorious bastard you.

>yes let me praise the shitty spammer!!
die with him

He can hear and perceive through all the feathers of his wings, and he can send them all flying telepathically as if MCU Yondu had 1,000 arrows instead of just 1. The wings are as strong as steel and together can cut an entire skyscraper that's toppling over into pieces before it his the ground. The flaw is that they're not good against things more durable then buildings, like Nomu bodies, and he can't fly much at all if his feathers are off doing something else instead of being on his wings.
Also, his flight speed is insane, he's probably the fastest hero alive.

No u.

Attached: hypocriteshithead.png (258x298, 61K)

your hate only makes it harder!

Attached: dekunut.png (836x475, 336K)

imagine being dumb enough that thinks this image is on the same level as the miriofag. i have posted it like 20 times at most. and its not harmful like him

Healing quirks are rare and valuable as far as we have seen, some people have personal ones but only ones we have seen are recovery girl who just speeds up the healing and Eri who can heal by reversing personal "time" of a person or animal.

Even All Might didn't have someone who could properly heal his injuries trough quirks. Then again they were extremely severe.

Anyways, still probably gonna be hip problems even with love and care from a top hero.

>attacking a /bnha/ staple
Newbie, buddy. You gotta try this thing called lurking a bit more. It'll help you fit in round here.

Bakugo and Ochako will get together after they bond by grieving over Deku's death together

Katsuma and his dad have healing quirks too

bakek is gay though, he will never bond with anyone other than kirishima

>Posting this cringe somehow isn't the same because you just don't do it as much
You're incredibly mentally ill. Seek help, that hypocrisy should render you unable to interact with others.
Last (you), by the way. However, I'll keep in mind how much of a piece of shit you are for calling others out when you're not any better, as a matter of fact, you're worse.
I'd say have a good night, but that would be hypocritical from my end and I'm simply not like you.
Choke on a dick, ideally Kacchan's.

Attached: dekuuuu.jpg (2880x3939, 3.02M)

Not those anons but the thing with you is that you're so fucking annoying.

So does Deku now have explosion?


i have never even posted that image. good night
tell me one time i was annoying

>i have never even posted that image. good night
liar liar pants on fire

Attached: 1587212404337.png (185x196, 28K)

Ah, haven't seen either of the movies yet, but a quick wiki check said its also a healing speed improvement rather than an actual reversal of the injury, so most likely has the same problems as recovery girl.

i swear on the things i care about the most

Which students put out on the first date?

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this looks like the opening of a yaoi anime

so you want me to change filenames? i dont understand

OFA never abandoned deku. bakugo just has the free trial

I think she'd just have their number, not necessarily like 24/7 access, but if something happened, Miruko knows someone who can get him back in tip top shape.

She can't make both of them immortal or anything, but keeps him in great condition until she hits menopause and the heats go away, and she becomes a huge cuddle bug that helps take care of the kids and the grand kids, and possibly even the great grandkids before you both drift away one day in each others arms with smiles on both of your faces.

Your autism reminds me of that togaschizo fag who stopped posting. Won't surprise me if you are him.

Reminds me of the movie.

You clearly don't care about your honesty.
So sad.

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Seconding this

i wish she was still here. definitely way better than your garbage you post

None of them know how to date properly, they've been too busy with super hero training. They're just going to get taken advantage of immediately when they do date.

Mirio x Eri = cute, canon, and wholesome

Deku x any girl = self inserting virgins

Any fujo ship = degenerate trash

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All 4 of them

Attached: Team_Hagakure.png (1920x1080, 2.38M)

I honestly hope that is a falseflagger, dekufags can't be THAT damaged.

Reminder that Hori is based.

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It's like 8-10 dollars most places, are you afraid to leave the house or something?

go suck miriofag cock already

Mina, Setsuna, and Mei I think are most likely to put out first date.

Ibara, and Momo are the ones who'll hold out the longest.

Rent free.

Of course they are. They wouldn’t be dekufags otherwise.


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Saw it in theaters; not interested in paying again just because I'm looking for reference shots.

more like im the one living rent free in your head. i hope i will in your dreams too

Dekufags are 15 at most, it is exactly what you are witnessing.

You think when Tamaki got a hold of his quirk and showed the mass of tentacles he could create, that girls took a sudden increased interest in him and started teasing him and flirting with him?

Attached: 17e62a1123ae70d01e658ccc4df5c3e6.jpg (564x768, 54K)

Agreed, and probably Melissa too if she counts.

Attached: 1583012606552.jpg (946x1733, 408K)

It is insane. I don't hate Deku but this one fag is making this hard for me.

>Tooru and Mina obviously.
>Jirou might depending on how you made her feel about her looks on the date.
>Momo would definitely put out if you pressured her even slightly since she is easily flustered.
>Uraraka would put out before the date depending on the person
>Asui would make you meet her parents first

Attached: My_Hero_Academia_40_13.png (1280x831, 1.08M)

based on facts

Attached: c79014dada734e10a8a58b92840bbaa9.jpg (850x850, 75K)

Of course, but he's so autistic he didn't notice.

Deku looks at Bakugou like he’s delicious.

Honestly, I firmly believe 90% of the thread is falseflagging shitposters. Miriofags, Dekufags, Dekuhaters, fujos...All of them. I refuse to believe any of them actually think the way they do. It's just way too sad of an idea if they are.

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>Tsu is the only one who returns to the dorm after a girl's night out.

Attached: thatfacewhen.jpg (179x260, 18K)

its like if your neighbor keeps you from sleeping because hes banging the wall at all times. of course you cant stop thinking about it. same thing with italian dekufag and all his posts.

yeah but im the neighbor this time. good luck sleeping tonigh

I like the way Miriofag thinks, it is rather cute and canon.
Can't talk for the rest though.

Attached: 76558321_p1.jpg (1654x1134, 427K)

OFA can go inside Kacchan without leaving Deku because Kacchan is as much a part of Deku as his own heart and his own soul.

suck his cock already holy shit

Triggered Decuck. I will continue to post Krumbs since he's your equivalent of kryptonite.

Attached: hqd2hinnydz11.jpg (1080x1528, 157K)

>this time
You were always the annoying neighbor, but your psychosis made you perceive others as the problem.
This always happens among delusional people. No biggie, this can get solved with a simple test.
Tell me, how do you feel about Deku's feelings for Bakugo?

>Tfw you will never experience this
Why live

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> its not harmful like him
who is he harming?

Lines on paper that are seven years old!
It is okay when Deku does it though, that is BASED for him.

>Healing quirks are rare
Natural Selection
>only ones we have seen are recovery girl
>Eri who can heal by reversing personal "time" of a person or animal.

pick one

>Anyways, still probably gonna be hip problems even with love and care from a top hero.
What kind top hero-qualifying ability would also allow healing?

deku sees bakugo as his best friend. thats it, nothing more
the quality of the threads

Would you adopt Toga?

Attached: 186583_seJ4Z9Ib.png (600x600, 436K)

That is a nice picture.

Attached: DpFT8SNU0AAy8mq.jpg (1074x1200, 302K)

> the quality of the threads


Attached: 65337874_p0.png (640x512, 238K)

>Quality of the threads
And you think your pictures don't?

I can’t get her to stand with out this plastic piece of shit! She just falls flat on her face! Do they make official stands for these things?

Attached: DFFE79A9-4E00-48EF-A152-F80E5718E03C.jpg (3264x2448, 934K)

>deku sees bakugo as his best friend. thats it, nothing more
Are you sure? Why can't he see Iida or Todoroki as his best friend? what does the fact he sees someone that bullied him so much as his best friend say about Deku?
How do you feel about Horikoshi's words about passing OFA to Bakugo as a possible ending?

nope. otherwise every single picture of this thread should be harmful too

>Hagakure going commando

Yeah, she'll put out for sure.

Attached: 1493920488815.png (217x190, 55K)

We don’t know Bakugou’s sexuality, you sad incel who’s sexually threatened by an anime character.

You'd think one of the more aggressive ones would bully him into her dorm room and make him tentacle rape her.

Attached: b5218e61447f28264f56965333b1d7bb.png (716x1223, 352K)

So you think you're not the problem? you honestly don't realize your posting make dekufags look like complete nutjobs? the fujos are way better than you at this point, and I dislike them a lot.

>posting anything other than OC to 4channel
Are you not aware of the current situation of the trickle-down effect of information on our internet? Everything in the blogosphere starts here.

>Buying that crappy figure instead of the Banpresto or Kotobukiya figure.

You don't deserve a stand!

Attached: 1572455088178.png (433x524, 177K)

I like this pairing because they're both clueless as fuck, but they just work.

because hes his childhood friend unlike them. i think he still thought of him as a friend because they were actual friends before bakugo unlocked his quirk and became cocky

Attached: 491d00530baf993a746c5dc7ba87e4527046aa60_hq.gif (540x304, 1.07M)

Long term stress injuries aren't really "healed" by the passing of time; so far Eri is the only one who could reverse such a thing and her quirk needs to charge so it would be used most likely for things like lost limbs.

but i barely even post images anymore. and its not like i ever spammed them. i just dont understand what i did wrong

how long until El Hermano de Deku arc

>and its not like i ever spammed them
Bold face lie.

Attached: 79849737_p0.png (2150x3035, 1.47M)

>i just dont understand what i did wrong
Honestly? existing. You come off as extremely autistic and thirsty for validation. Not to mention the kind of discussion you encourage is cancerous harem posting, waifuposting and even that dumb midoriyaaaa meme just because Deku gets wanked and you love that. Hell, if Eri was posted with Deku and not Mirio I bet my ass you wouldn't complain at all.
You should fuck off forever.


Damn, Tamaki gets to fuck THIS?

how deku was orginally characterized with him creating a book filled with the abilities of various heroes reminded me of skitter from worm and david from the reckoners.

my hero had a lot of wasted potential

Attached: skitter.jpg (480x768, 72K)

Who's this cunt? Also, aside from spiderman, which comics do you think Horikoshi is into?

Attached: IMG_0284.png (500x349, 185K)

spamming would mean posting them every single thread multiple times. and thats not what i did
i bring more discussions that you will ever do. but of course you probably wont ever know that. and no, eri shouldnt get shipped with anyone

Go to sleep.

Attached: 1549144947888.png (811x1192, 811K)

Attached: Fixed.png (742x1458, 519K)

Why is Deku so in love with him?

I'm gonna buy every figure of Toga they ever make, you cunt!

Attached: 1553125976047.jpg (603x591, 244K)

i should. good night

Attached: sleepingiida.gif (600x300, 1.26M)

Attached: EOo2rtMUEAMQGi0.jpg (1191x783, 284K)


Can I watch this online anywhere yet?

Try to choke in your sleep!

>that reddit filename
you have to go back

Attached: reverse image search reddit filename.gif (1024x768, 1.56M)

We don’t know if Deku sees Bakugo as his friend. But he sees him as this powerful, talented, desirable being that he wants to protect and possess. The one he cherishes most of all.

It's a crack ship, I know. I'd like to see Tamaki and Miruko, just because they're so different, and it seems fun to have the whole Miruko breeding heat meme on someone like him.

Attached: 1581513827508.jpg (339x338, 39K)

Not just nutjobs, but the most abysmally pathetic incels Yea Forums has to offer.

You want me to die? How could I ever take 9 inches in my small mouth?

Don't pretend like you already haven't deep throated every last one of your bad dragon dildos at least twice.

Is he 12? He comes across as underaged

I think you've got the wrong user, I don't like Ryuko like that.

I ship you two, please get a room already.

You like hatefucking? What other ships are you into you damn weirdo?


Normally I reserve this image for cock sucking niggers, but when newfaggot zoomers like (You) post shit like this I bring it out.

Attached: HI, I'M OP.jpg (960x640, 269K)

What did Hori mean by this?

Hatefucks are great; 134686.

I'm into other pretty fucked up stuff tho, like raw hand holding, uncensored kissing and unadulterated cuddling.

Fucking sicko. I bet you enjoy fucking in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation

Attached: ew.jpg (600x867, 92K)

that Deku became the Greatest Hero by giving his most favoritest bestest Greatestest Hero his OFA Quirk.

Attached: Bakugo.png (1072x1075, 1.13M)

yeah fuck this semen slurping manga, Deku is truely cucked hard out of MC if that happens

Oui, Kacchan truly is incroyable!

Attached: 1503038165282.png (275x555, 104K)

Yeah but I'm an ever bigger sicko since I also like intercourse for the purpose of procreation from behind.

Attached: 1501478385173.jpg (500x187, 24K)

but bro. Bakugo was MC all along.

Attached: 1503630235126.png (801x536, 251K)

Aoyama really got his time to shine in this movie. That Supernova attack was pretty cool. It was also fascinating to see certain future elements animated.

I don't like Deku and even I can tell that giving OFA to Bakugo and giving up on his dream is way too cruel.
I wonder if Horikoshi is ok.

Attached: Messages Image(4256756285).jpg (875x2460, 389K)

Your filename keeps giving you away.

someday. you will see the light. as i have. as others have. for the creator is the one who shines that light.

Attached: Bakugo.jpg (967x487, 59K)