Older sister protecting her little brother

>older sister protecting her little brother
Shouldn't it be the other way around?

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Yes, older sister should be pouncing on her little brother.

What? That harmless goofball? How would he be able to?

She's only a little bit less insane than he is.

No, her brother, far as she knows, is an outright pacifist. Also she wants to bang him.

Cute sister and when do new manga chapters come out?

i feel real bad for her.

That's a little impatient, don't you think? One chapter is enough for one day.

Well, I'm dumb.

>imma do this, imma do that
That's how to deal with shitters.

Will MC's sister appear again in later chapters?

Maybe a mention or two, a single panel at best.

>new chapter TL'd
Anyone wanna dump?

She gets a powerup and starts bandaging her arm during a later arc, so the mc thinks shes become a chuuni.

onee-chans were made for otoutos

When did that happen? I don't remember it.

Vampire queen arc. She gets a powerup from her satan witch genes.

It should be both ways because it's natural to protect the one you love most.

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she doesnt think hes a pacifist, she thinks hes a lazy weakling with hidden potential

Too bad that’s her entire character which stops being relevant after you either kill or save shotabot

what manga?

thanks for not putting isekai in the OP this time unlike a certain other retard

whatever your gender if you don't feel that way with your younger sibling you fail as an older sibling.

>tfw want to discuss the small handful of isekai i read
>tfw threads i make always get overshadowed by the isekai general
Generals were a fucking mistake

What manga is this?

Google it, dumbfucks

I checked the archives and found her brothers name is Cid, and I know this is his Sister. Thats helpful I guess? Knowing absolutely nothing else and with no context clues, I get this. Am I close?

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Pretty much all of the characters were like that though, almost no one's sentimental backstory had any real bearing on the main plot and even the successors integral to it stopped having any real relevance after their level and boss fight. Then a major antagonist with no character at all suddenly appears near the endgame and is subsequently defeated a couple levels later.
The story ain't winning any awards but a lot of those memory scenes are undeniably beautifully executed, most of all Nicola and Mia's in my opinion. Then again I'm into incest and /ss/ doujins so there's that.

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literally just google the fucking image you incorrigible retard

Maybe fix the fucking google button, you incorrigible Weeb. I'm not asking you to fucking spoon feed me, just tell me if I'm on the right track or give me a fucking SMIDGEN of information you useless nigger

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this made me laugh way more than it should've

>I'm not asking you to fucking spoon feed me
you literally are, because you're either too fucking lazy, or so unimaginably fucking dumb you can't even paste a fucking image into google
so fucking what if the built-in function doesn't work?

It is the Eminence in Shadow, You could have just said yes instead of being a faggot. and now, its in the archives so that in future if someone wants to know they can just READ THE THREADI even replied the OP because unlike you I give enough of a shit to try and share the information with new readers. Or are you so stuck up your own ass you think that if I read it, you can't read it?

More like how to deal with women in general.

You fucking nigger I went ahead and USED THE FUCKING ARCHIVE to find enough information to google it and get an idea of what it might be, but you're such an egotistical retard that you couldn't just say "Yes you faggot" or "you dumb retard you had to try that hard?" or any other affirmation. You just said "hurr fuckin google it" Like a little autistic piece of shit. Fuck you, I'm going to read this manga and now everyone else who ever archive searches this image will know too because your little sekrit club is just fucking retarded.

go fish, retard

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Oh I see you exclusively browse Yea Forums because youre still using Google Botnet Browser in 2020. Let me know when you come over to the Firefox master race, and maybe just maybe stop being such a literal sperg that you can't offer to help someone. It took you more time to argue with me on this mongolian sewing board over a picture in a chinese calendar than it would have taken to just type "yeah you got it" Or LITERALLY NOTHING AT FUCKING ALL. You're right, it's a little obnoxious for people to ask "hey what manga is this" But have you considered, oh i dont know, fucking offhandedly mentioning it in the thread. I Would get your SEETHING if someone had said its name in the thread, but they didn't. It wasn't a case of "READ THE THREAD" it was a case of you being a little pedantic fuck.

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Turn your fucking tripcode back on so I can filter your fucking faggotry.

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I'm so glad we're discussing the topic of the thread on Yea Forums and not just arguing over how we should find information. Protip: Try not being such a grumpy asshole once in a while, people might like you more.

Why don't you try not being so outrageously stupid.

Why don't you tell me what you liked about this manga and what made you want to read it.

no, that's so hard, can't someone else do it for me?

I expect a 20 word report by next tuesday.

Did you actually read it though? Is the story cohesive and it's actively being written?

if you want to know its release schedule, why don't you google it?

OH, I guess I didn't read the board name. My mistake.

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good thinking, maybe you wouldn't get lost, then

seething boomerretard kys

back to my containment board, enjoy your.. discussions

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I don't think "feed me" classifies as one.

I can't help that no one else has even TRIED to talk about the manga while we were busy arguing. Sorry.

I'll start
Is the nee chan a yandere or should I put my dick back in my pants

I'd google it and the characters

Yes. Or no.

What a riveting "discussion".

I like to bingread tho

read the manga

You want me to read an entire fucking series just to find out if it's fappable?

yeah thats usually the best approach


Some people just can't be satisfied

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Based non retarded user. A rare sight these days.

Well if there is one thing to take away from this then it's the fact that people that ask for source are always entitled little faggots.

fuck off retard, this manga looks shit anyways.

Kill yourself

I literally hope you die faggot, you started up an entire argument in this thread just because you wouldn't write the title of the manga. That's actually something a female would do you retard.

Just how much autism can a thread have?

Learn to do things on your own

The potential is infinite

Not enough. We need more

> beats the crazy girl
what a fuckin chad


Because he is mentally ill. The story have great concept but bad execution.


>Also she wants to bang him.

Nice meta thread.

you realize it's a comedy, right?

What did they mean by this?

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>Shouldn't it be the other way around?
Only if you have expectations for wincest. She needs to see him as a man for that but if it's pure sibling love, of course the older one has to protect the younger.

Lurk 2 years before posting.

This manga was boring.

when did this happen? looks fine on my end

Yes, Older sisters should protect their little brothers.

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t. Youngest child.

>My browser is better because it can't do X
I can't even imagine the mental gymnastics required here.

Same here. I don't see none of that nonsense.

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