Where does Tohru hide all her dragon fat when she's in human form?

Where does Tohru hide all her dragon fat when she's in human form?

Attached: 1582142963086.gif (400x400, 1.27M)

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In her breasts

In the cooking pot.

You know where.

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its magic I aint explaining shit

In Kobayashi's ass

WHEN will she fuck Kobayashi? they're basically married and have a daughter, is this bitch doomed to be a virgin forever?

Attached: tohru licks.gif (320x180, 660K)

she knew kobayashi was watching
they fuck offscreen, we already know they sleep together and have seen eachother naked

kobayashi riding tohru is a metaphor for sex

D for Dragon.

Attached: tohru wink.jpg (5932x4084, 2.08M)

Their voice actresses are so cute
I love Tohru's the most, wish people would translate more of her radio shows and appearances


theyre all so cute together
just a bunch of cute azn seiyuus

The tail

Attached: 1569204925984.gif (480x270, 463K)

>s this bitch doomed to be a virgin forever?
Yes because lesbian sex is literally not sex. You can only stop being a virgin by fucking a vagina or having you vagina fucked by a dick. Futa doesn't count.

Better question is why is she so fat in the first place?

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>Being this retarded

shes eaten lots of peasants in her home dimension

Cope virgin.

She's a power-lifter, not a ballerina, user.

Sleeping with a tail that big must be uncomfortable

Attached: 1582251312149.jpg (3646x2202, 853K)

Not if it's with Kobayashi.

Attached: sleep.png (833x1192, 804K)

She's a fucking dragon. She won't be getting back problems from a measly 100lb tail.

Just need to be creative.

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Where is Kobayashi looking?

You can see she sticks her tail out of the bed. The horns must be horrible too

The corner of the ceiling. Try lying down flat and looking as far downward as you can.

I read this shit before the anime was even announced.

This is the ideal dragon body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

They need a bigger bed

Attached: sleep.png (672x239, 112K)

no they don't

In her giant futa cock

Kobayashi that's not how you treat your family.

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>Literally bought a new apartment for them

It's just folded over a thousand times.

That doesn't make it any less uncomfortable

>literal coiled up turd on her head

Thats fine, no one wants worst girl anyway.

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I want to see teen Tohru animated, season 2 can't come soon enough.

Attached: tohru-ch58.png (1311x1141, 682K)

Why sis she so smug?

I rather see baby Tohru

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That is one helluva buttplug

Its hard not to be when youre the best.

Attached: can_I_help_you.jpg (644x1491, 969K)

And Kanna.

Attached: baby-kanna.png (565x851, 460K)

can she be even more adorable?

Attached: 1581985171422.gif (330x422, 975K)

How does it attach?!

Then you should know that Iruru once turned Kobayashi into a man

Iruru also turned me into a man

Why is she so gay?

Because Kobayashi

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Isn't this a school night, Take-kun?

Attached: KMD_V06_052_049.jpg (2145x3056, 2.58M)

She intentionally gained weight so she could create a fattier, more marbled tail steak for Kobayashi.

Can you imagine not eating that tail? Why is Kobayashi such a hetero?

I don't think so, she's peak cute.

Attached: kanna-manga.png (1112x1222, 1.11M)


Attached: 16548.jpg (985x812, 61K)

Best chorogon

Attached: 1524607866172.png (1920x1090, 1.94M)

>Best chorogon
Breast chorogon.

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cute family

Dragon family best family.

Attached: kotatsu.png (1745x1167, 1.8M)

It's gay to not fuck a dragon, regardless of what gender you are.

would you fuck fafnir?

They look happy together

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They are happy together.

Attached: leaving for work.png (1067x1216, 1.13M)

Those horns are way too big for her

Is it even possible?

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So people won’t murder her. I do wonder if she’s ever tried stocking it in kobyashi’s cooch though.

No she’s mine.

Kobayashi's back needs it

They didn't fuck.

That's Tohru preparing Kobayashi her dinner.

I want to know what that feels like

She was fat before she knew her

Tohru is for dog cocks

Those are anime eyes, though

She is Kobayashi's wife number 2


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Someone post the greentext about Tohru shitty life


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Tohru would like it the other way around

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Baby Tohru>Baby Kanna

D for dragon

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Imagine that tongue in your mouth and down your throat

Do you have a link to that PV?

salty bags of milk

you can't explain magic

Her saliva might be corrosive.

Attached: tongue.png (1432x1432, 2.17M)

Correct. All of her mighty dragon essence is contained in that perfectly huggable tail.

Ask Kobayashi.

Attached: dragon-hug.gif (480x270, 1.57M)

her puffy vulva

I meant for Tohru

Lol just exclude the tail. It will be alright and better to see if she's a human instead of dragon. I know that in fact she's a dragon. Goddamn her tail is so big.

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Kobayashi is my wife

Attached: kobayashi.webm (1920x1200, 986K)

Tohru threads are always so wholesome. They really are a nice change from all the rageposting and bait threads.

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don't you have chores to do Tohru?

Can girls impregnate dragons?

No, but dragons can impregnate whomever and whatever they like, so the reverse works out.

Based. Made Tohru look human without a big fucking tail.

How long will it be before Saikawa (and the other kids in school) begin to notice that Kanna is not growing at all?
Kanna will probably want to become human when that happens.

Attached: kanna&saikawa.png (952x1086, 930K)

I think the manga explained that dragons don't choose their human form, but retain some essence. Basically their human form is "what they'd look like if they were human". Kanna is painfully adorable in her human form, so her dragon form is painfully adorable in the eyes of other dragons. That would also imply that Tohru isn't fat by dragon standards, given that her human form is curvy but slender.

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Ask Tohru for that.

>That tail wag

That's her snout

That's because Tohru is wholesome

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Kobayashi is a cute boy and would make a great husband.

the worst fetish
even footfags deserve more respect

Yes, you are right.

Attached: snout hug.jpg (873x1200, 343K)

Smugru best Tohru

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I wanna hug her too

Attached: smug drink.png (761x1057, 723K)

Kanna openly displays her FAT thighs.

Not for Kobayashi

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Everything is way too big for her.

Attached: Tohru-kneel.jpg (3900x5700, 2.61M)

They'll move to a new city and enroll her in elementary school again

That's horny not smug

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Pretty criminal.

what's her name?

Even her brain?


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I will fight you both and win

Iruru is going to ruin the second season
if it ever happens that is

If Iruru was gonna be in it then I rather not have it at all

Anons dream for a second season went up in smoke

Wouldn't she/he be supper buffed or something?

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I just want a cute dragon wife. Is that too much to ask?

I'll never get tired of seeing that Tohru gif.

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apparently yes


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brb getting corona then

Tohru gifs in general are great

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Who is the top?

Doesn't make sense. It's either so thin at it's base it wouldn't be able to stay attached and would fall off judging by it's size, or it covers most of her back.

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She doesn't.

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Tohru, I'd say


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VERY round

Attached: 1572637662173.jpg (3618x4096, 617K)

Very well rounded.

Attached: tohru_backstory.png (177x430, 50K)

round you say?

I headcannon this

not rounded, just round

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That is a curvy sexy dragon, user, otherwise she wouldn't transform into this human form.

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puffy vagina

I'm surprised this anime isn't yuri bait since it's from KyoAni. I didn't even know there was dyke shit in it before watching it

Her human form doesn't matter, she's still a cricle with wings

>Her human form doesn't matter,
Have a literate friend read the manga to you.

Attached: KMD_V04_33_39-41.jpg (5136x2547, 3.06M)

That really is an unfortunate design.

It's a narwhale tusk. She's hot as hell with...

Attached: 1553382831146.jpg (971x920, 101K)

or without it.

Attached: 1553382831146_a.jpg (971x920, 357K)

I want to have some Fucky with Elma

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I'd like to give her another outlet for her oral cravings.

Attached: elma_munching.png (1036x1280, 563K)

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Harmony out

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>Tohru and Elma weren't licking each other clean back in the old times.

Attached: KMD_V07_64_10.jpg (836x1200, 408K)

Don't say things like that, she tries her best.

Attached: Ilulu.png (837x1122, 778K)

Am I the only one who thinks she looks super weird here?

>Rule 69 Tohru
>Kobayashi stays the same
This is how Dragon Disciples become a thing in D&D

>Rule 69

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I'm sorry, what rule?


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It's the eyes.

Attached: eye of sauron.gif (800x450, 3.17M)

Homewrecking whore

Beautiful eyes

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Season 2 never because of a greasy retard. Hell dimension.

She's still a circle

>she killed millions.

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Attached: elmacht.jpg (262x213, 15K)

Her tail in human form is just the end of her tail in dragon form, about how it connects: dragon magic.

Attached: how her tail works.png (1014x720, 62K)

>Futa doesn't count.
It's even less real than trannies

>lesbian sex is literally not sex
Does that mean that lesbians are the purest girls and remain pure forever?

Attached: dumb eel.png (1233x1041, 2.34M)

That's actually a good sketch

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Where does Kana hide all the fur when she's in human form?

Attached: Kanna crab.webm (852x480, 261K)

Tohru is a real maid, unlike that retarded fish

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In the final episode of season two, Tohru will grow a giant dragon dick and passionately consummate her relationship with Kobayashi. Then she'll cut it off and cook it like she does with her tail, and serve Kobayashi a cockmeat sandwich.

Attached: tohru.gif (848x480, 1.73M)

Elma is Gluttony, fafnir is greed

So which chorogons are lust. Pride. Envy, wrath, and sloth?

I'd let her kill me

Tohru is wrath, Lucoa is lust, Iruru is sloth and I guess Kanna is envy?

Good user

Of filthy harmony worshipers, they deserved it

I wonder how that feels

She just want sex with Kobayashi, not being her wife

I want Tohru to fuck me silly with her huge futa dragon cock

But would you eat grilled cockmeat?

I'd eat Tohru's

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Gotta love the Yea Forums shirt.

it's VERY CUTE holy sea priestess, fatso
>liz to aoi tori reference

Attached: very CUTE holy sea priestess.jpg (957x542, 112K)

>2nd season will probably never happen because of Shota and Kanna
Feels bad.

The thing with this explanation is, it's completely contradicted by whatever the fuck Ilulu is doing.

What a chunky dragon. Surely that can't be accurate to what her actual dragon form looks like... right?

This is some "small boobs are just part of the surface of a much larger boob" logic.

I like it.

Of course not, she's even chunkier.

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