Pokemon Adventures/Special B2W2 24.2 and SwSh 4

New chapters is out.

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So the NPC gets Sobble, the important MC gets Grookie and the eyecandy MC gets Scorbunny? Wasn't Sun's starter a fire starter? What happened to the grass->fire->water order?

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Wait for LG Chapter that will happen before SwSh.

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fuck you are right I didn't even think about it
I guess the new kid will end with a Blastoise then

Thank you.

Fun SwSh chapter, I especially liked the Team Yell grunts being dragged into the 4-player max raid battle.

That's unlikely to actually happen, though I guess not impossible. I doubt it would be anything more than a really short arc, even shorter than the usual third version/remake arcs. I just think it would've already happened if it was ever going to.

SM/USUM protagonist got a fire starter and SwSh protagonist got a grass starter, the missing link is a protagonist with a water starter and there's a game between Alola and Galar so...

Sorry, but rather than blindly believing in >muh patterns, I'd rather stick to the simple fact that an LGPE arc hasn't happened. It might be because the authors wanted to finally knock B2W2 out of the way before adding anything else, but they haven't said anything about planning to do it either as far as I know. Not to mention that the starters are supposed to be Pikachu and Eevee rather than Bulbasaur/Charmander/Squirtle.

>if I type ">muh patterns" I will be able to ignore this decades old rule

If you really want to talk about rules, every arc so far has started on the same week the respective game released.

black and white was 10 years ago


>"A monster bites the hand that feeds him"
Asshole, you two haven't talked to each other in an entire two year timeskip, and when you finally met again, you started battling. That doesn't trigger you, but the worthless puppet saying he loves you does? How strange.

So what, are they basically all reuniting at the frigate just to put Ghetsis in a trial? How is that even gonna work like?

Get fucked, you brown bastard. That's for the BW ending.

>"That Genesect is actually a pokémon I bonded with personally and raised."
Hah! You got fucked by the one thing you can't do right, bitch!

You know, Colress? I'd prefer if you two could just die right where you are. But alas, you're falling into a forest instead of a deep ocean where you could become Sharpedo food.

Now I am just left wondering: what kind of ridiculous finale is this? The last part implied that the next part was gonna be about beating the shit out of Ghetsis, but it never happens. Not to mention, despite leaving a bunch of things unresolved, at least BW's magazine ending left some kind of resolution for Black's battle before you greenlit your idiotic bait ending, Kusaka.

And speaking of idiotic decisions, let me just say right now that no matter what decision you take to explain BW's ending, they're all gonna fail. Don't believe me? See for yourself:

>Case 1: everyone forgets about it
It's basically admitting the whole end was a garbage publicity stunt.

>Case 2: everyone agrees to not tell
More of the same.

>Case 3: "Gorr was right" (aka putting the blame on Black)
Shitting on a fan-favourite character.

>Case 4: it was plan to prevent a bad future
You should've shown said bad future back then and not now.

>Case 5: it was some asshole manipulating things off-screen
Giant asspull as bad as Celebi.

Also, found this comment about the chapter. It was too hilarious to not be shown.

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Will we ever get to see the original Unova dragon? Will Kyurem ever fuse with Reshiram and Zekrom at the same time?

I remember reading the Hoenn manga in one night like 10 years ago. I liked the romance between Ruby and Sapphire, do the rest of them have any romance going on? I mean true romance and not shipping.