167 leak: レゴシとメロン大観衆のまえで決闘開始
Legosi and Melon begin to duel by solve the riddles. Loser’s gonna get killed.
BEASTARS 167 short summary preview leak
>Melon is now not only Joker, but Riddler as well
fuck me
worse still I'm getting PTSD from that shitty Batman arc with both of them
a fucking quiz content is gonna decide the fate of the beastars' universe
Like can't the FBI or police just not send in swat teams or something to capture him?
>yfw this turns into a Se7en style mystery with themed murder victims and shit
something something social commentary perhaps
something herbi police don't trust carnivores and want to let them just duke it out
You could argue the same for the leader of some drug mafia, I’d say they aren’t always easy to pin down. But I don’t see how Melon is difficult to locate, so you got me on that one.
Tournament of Power when?
He literally works at a University, what I don't get is how there can be no records of him and yet he's employed there.
Exactly. He’s only hiding behind a mask. Can’t be hard to pin down even if he works under some kind of fake name?
So with Haru going through the same charecter arc Louis went trough during the first 2 arcs, will she also be chomped by Legosi?
Ok so for the next chapter I'll have Melon getting a coin toss wrong and burn half of his face off haha do you rike it
I just want to see Legosi lose just so we can get
>Melon raping and eating Haru in front of a broken Legosi
>mobs of carnivores going wild and eating herbivores
>cities on fire
>Louis fapping to the carnage as everything he loves is being torn apart
Do it Paru. End it all in dumpster fire. Just need one more push because this is the future you chosen.
Can that fucking bitch haru die already
She should give Legosi her heart. Literally
Post you face when the wolf wins through the power of austim.
Going by how crazy the latest arc is I would not be surprised if Paru heard about the Batman/Riddler movie and threw that shit in here for good measure
So if Legoshi loses a riddle, he will be eaten by Melon
Sounds like the Bilbo vs Gollum scene
but what if the Autism makes him lose
Wait how the fuck would that even work?
Melon has tons of cash. Wouldn't surprise me if he bought his way into getting that job and making people keep quiet.
I hope Olmec is the host
Whoru gets eaten, so he doesn't lose really.
What if Whoru was the main prize?
Melon a shit
So is Tem
>Legosi and Melon begin to duel by solve the riddles. Loser’s gonna get killed.
This is where Melon history PhD, the world "dark history" and the Whale get relevant, right?
There is no way Melon isn't going to chees his way through this.
>"Riddle me this Legosi, what's big, wet and solved the WW1?"
>"(You? no wait, Jack told me something, maybe is that) A- a whale?"
>Melon loses it abd pulls some bullshit
there is no way it's not gonna happen
I'm sure Zaguan might have told Legosi something about the whale or whales in general melon may not know.
hey I remember that show
It was a great show. What team would young Jack and Legosi be in?
How though? How do they get from harus promise to riddle duel?