She cute
Class Rep
She's already for Toji faggot
Ok dude
Tasters choice
Toji was a chad
Here's a nice asuka to go with your hikari.
i used flockmod and a mouse. Its not MS paint.
Why aren't there more anime girls with freckles?
If a character has freckles it's supposed to be homely or even unattractive. Nips consider them blemishes, or at the very least not desirable.
the amount of service fan in evangelion is scandalous. my appreciation for the series has fallen dramatically after i started paying attention to this fact. every scene theres a female they tease you. so cheap.
I'm going to have sex with the class rep and you can't do a thing to stop me
Reminder that movie Hikaru is now either dead or a hag.
Lol no
You are just fucking horny
Based thread for based girl
Reminder she's a EVA pilot candidate like everyone else in the class, meaning she also probably has some kind of mental fuckup
Wait, so was being emotionally unstable a requisite for being a Eva pilot?
Kensuke, Toji and other seemed Ok
None of them had mothers, so they couldn't be too well adjusted.
As far as we know. Not as much a requisite rather than an unfortunate side-effect of the traits that are needed, not having a mother.
It's not exactly a formal requirement, more of an occupational hazard. The kids grew up without their mothers in a post-Impact society, which was pretty spartan to begin with. Half of the world's population dead, tons of local wars during the first years, flooded coastal cities and half-broken economy focused on military tech and bare essentials with consumer tech and entertainment lagging behind ours of years. Not exactly the best conditions to grow up in, even if the government tries to prioritize kids' healthcare and education, but there's only so much they could do.
Then comes the whole NERV and EVA business. The pilots' sync rate depends on their mental feedback abilities, so it seems logical that you need a certain mental flexibility (which is often synonymous with insanity) to interact with your dead mother's soul inside a giant biomech.
And after all this comes fighting a war at a tender age of 13 or 14, giant monsters, seeing soldiers die just to buy you some time and risking splatting someone every time you take a step. All of this with absolutely no healthcare, because your employers benefit from having their pilots to be at least moderately unhinged.
So yeah, you won't find many sane people working for NERV either inside the EVAs, or outside of them.
I bet she fucks like a tiger
Why is that she always makes the best evangelion porn doujins ?
Why did she's smiling here?
He ain't interested. She literally only has a chance in the Tojibowl when he becomes a double amputee and can't run away from her.
While I agree with most of your point, it's worth remembering that the main pilots we see are fucked up for good reasons outside of just having dead mothers. Shinji and Asuka both have severe abandonment issues and both actually witnessed the deaths of their mothers. Shinji was then raised isolated and without affection, while Asuka was basically in a child soldier training camp from the age of 4. The stress of piloting obviously doesn't help either of them, but it's pretty clear their issues would be there with or without the Evas. Rei and Kaworu are literally aliens who are baffled by human emotion and whose actual mental ages are unclear.
Toji was raised in a stable home with his grandfather, father and sister, while Hikari had her father and sisters. Kensuke is apparently an only child but is on good terms with his father. All are fairly well adjusted, despite losing their mothers.
What was his problem? And I know there's a manga version of the anime with different characterization, do they fuck there?
Didn't nips come up with wabi sabi? Tsk tsk.
I wish user
He only has eyes for Misato. A true man of taste.
And to answer your question, no, she makes her feelings for him very obvious and then he dies when the dummy-controlled Unit-01 crushes his entry plug.
>If a character has freckles it's supposed to be homely or even unattractive. Nips consider them blemishes, or at the very least not desirable.
Wow, like wtf? I can't speak for others, but to me freckles are basically a looks trump card of sorts. Freckles + light eyes is basically off the hotness meter and should be considered cheating :P. Pic related - cuuuute!
Misato > Soryu > Hikari = Rei > Maya > Shikinami > Ritsuko
Would be shame if somebody were to vore you in mecha suit before that could happen.
cute and second hand canon
Just a reminder that 4.04 is in 3 months and 3 weeks.
Just a reminder it's going to be a disappointment. The series ended with EoE.
Asuka is for Toji.
She's not as cute as Kaworu.
That whole series is a 10/10 so good.
EoE was a clusterfuck
Literally the ugliest NGE girl.
When the "ugliest" girl is such a cutie you know you're in for a treat view.
I've fapped to this before
There is a fucking TON of Asuka/Hikari lewds. Which of course is funny since both of them were straight as an arrow.
They all say that until they're wet.
She’s the cutest girl! HIKARI IS THE CUTEST GIRL! You can all shut the fuck up! All I hear is Asuka and Rei and Misato and sometimes even Ritsuko (not really) being the “cutest” girls but it’s always been Hikari you dumb Mickey Mouse fuck house suns of bitches and you really need to get your eyes checked when you claim some small chested red head and dumb BLUE haired lesbian slut bag can even compare to a girl as supportive and cute as this Hikari. Jesus Christ Yea Forums... Jesus Christ.
We don't talk about Ritsuko because her hair is fake and she's also Gendo's used goods. In the end she became an old hag just like her mother.
It does look like it helps. Evas are operated by nervous link with something that still has a secretive mind of its own in spite of efforts to suppress it, it does reflux into the pilot if it goes wrong and command can't break the circuit, or if the Eva takes too much interest and tries to probe, and they're meant for fighting weird monsters that can also try to get into that brain. Part of why Shinji is the only one to last all war is that he can just deny he saw anything and be back the next day.
There's so much their fingers can do on their own.
>Class Rep
I read that word and all i can think of is that exhibitionism comic nanashi did.
It feels weird to see the Eva cast wear fashionable modern clothes, considering the series is so quintessentially 90s.
Misato is best gorl
She is so cute brothers
So, what your saying is...they really do just need to have sex?
Something I wish could have been developed more is that she had kind of romantic presumptions. Her immediate thought seeing Shinji and Asuka in the same apartment is that they're living in sin, and then she assumes Asuka ran off because of Shinji in particular and he needs to go after her.
Imagine being Hikari and watching Toji perv on every girl in class except you. I can see it now
>Suzuhara you pig! I know all about those photos you and Aida sell!
>o-of course, I wouldn't mind modeling for you, I could even go over to your house and-
>Haha good one Class Rep! You really had me for a minute there!
But it's still a definitive end for the series
she piloted those flying kkks?
It doesn't stop from being sad. This was her big move, while he's eating the lunch he was called away from that day and obviously distracted about something, and she's just so thrilled that he absently agrees to eat stuff so she wouldn't have to throw it away.
Question is, was he not interested or was he just convinced Hikari would not like him? He doesn't give the impression of disliking her, more like he could just not imagine she would care for him.
wasn't the whole eva candidate program bullshit because only like 2 moms did a contact experiment? Sounds like shit writing.
The Marduk Report and how they claimed to be selecting candidates was a sham, but Hikari, Toji, and Kensuke all admit to growing up motherless. Shinji's mom did it on purpose, Asuka's mom we don't know how much she knew except that she revised the experiment and attempted it herself, and then there's just a list of children of Nerv employees that cores can be readied for.
So after the first two contact experiments/accidents NERV decided "Let's grow a few spare eva cores/whole eva units, force some more NERV employees to merge with the new cores and keep their kids nearby as backup pilots" ? I don't even remember seeing eva cores being swapped/removed outside of rebuild and there weren't enough units for all the kids in class even between all the branches.
They do talk about rewriting core data and reconfiguring for specific pilots. Maybe the moms are just saved data that can be uploaded to a core. For sure they read the moms destructively, because they're disappeared.
ah yeah, i remember that. Makes sense.
This is pure contrarianism.
Misato > class rep > Rei >Urine > Shit > Asuka
>cute, slightly tanned, freckles, smart and energetic
>not make her one of the main characters
Reminds me of the Kandagawa mechanic.
Being a major character didn't go great for her.
Imouto is the only girl Touji needs.
Yea Forums forgot to celebrate her 18th birthday last month I wonder if Toji remembered
>Kaworu is for Touji
Fixed that for you.
>ywn tag team a hot albino clone of your mom with your bro
Why live.
Obviously best girl
Toji is a lucky man
Is that how you see it going? You think Toji's not trying to just watch?
Too busy jerking off to Misato or Rei or fantasizing about having hate sex with Asuka.
>Toji watches as the girl he never had a chance with fucks Shinji
History repeats.
The glasses nerd is probably suicidal because he keeps wanting to get in the robot
Wait, maybe there is something to this.
What's with the file name. He helps her realize her feelings.
>Freckles and twintails
>he goes with shinji
homo 100%
She's only 14, you pedo.
Someone post the graph of the scientific study that determined 13 and 14 years of age were rated as peak female attractiveness
He's attracted to Rei and this is the second time he turns interaction with her into being about Shinji.
He knows what she wants and can't bring himself to cuck his friend. Besides, didn't Eva 03 dump alot of juices on 00? They fucked by proxy.
Because he's perceptive and mature enough to not try and interfere. He's honestly in a far better place mentally than any of the other pilots.
Drool is not the same as semen, user. If it's different for you you may want to go see a doctor.
If you drool onto a girl, that's the same as penetration. Even if the robot you're piloting drools onto the robot she's piloting
>Seems like a horny dumb teenager
>Actually is level headed and competent.
He would have been a good one.
He has the same protagonist brain disease as Shinji, where he can only be perceptive of others and not himself or relations to him.
could've fooled me
best girl, asukatards and reitards eat your heart out.
Hikari chan
The only sane EVA girl
Shinji should have gone for her so when they get married she'd be Hikari Ikari.
Maya seemed fine too, unless you count being a dyke as insanity
That's a picture of Shinji.
Rei and Toji must be high as fuck to be staring at her hands like that.
It's more about chasing Ritsuko specifically that makes me doubt her sanity, than being a dyke in general
Shinji would never do something like pic related
>chasing Ritsuko
She has a girlcrush that's seen in one brief scene in the movie, she's hardly chasing her. Asuka chases Kaji more and that's hardly obsessive either.
>last thing she sees before getting Tang'd is Ritsuko
that's more than a crush
Maya's nuts because of how into Magi and the idea of an AI overlord she is. She's at Nerv despite retching at what goes on and refusing to defend herself with a gun because she likes their computer.
best girl of the show. deserved happiness.
fuck rei, and fuck asuka. fuck the drunkard too
>fuck rei, and fuck asuka. fuck the drunkard too
Will do.
he always had such a mecha mc design. but nah, we had to be given shinji
fuck girls
But right is the cutest girl of all.
boipussi is degen
fujos get out
I thought about this many times
Was she lesbo?
He is a very serious boy.
All Eva girls are absolutely TOP TIER
I get more a Gundam sidekick vibe.
Is she giving him a reach around?
If you think about it, by helping Rei realize she cares about Shinji he deserves credit for saving the world. If Rei hadn't betrayed Gendo then 3rd-impact would've happened on his or SEELE's terms instead of handing instrumentality to Shinji and everyone getting a chance to come back.
Truly the best boy.
Cute and canon
why the fuck is slutworu the only kaworu that gets any merch?
If I thought like that about it, I'd have to credit Naoko for teaching her she wasn't real and wasn't free to die, and Armisael for reminding her to be peeved about it.
>Asuka chases Kaji more and that's hardly obsessive either
constantly lusting over someone that doesn't return any of your advances counts as an obsession imo
That’s not insanity, that's just autism.
She's cute in this official 2001 calendar. Sorry, I had to cut the last week, hope you guys don't feel lost because of it.
yeah, those were some good calendars
inb4 someone brings up the "Maya and Shinji are related" theory
This is HOT
Now now, Gendo probably banged Maya's mom when he was a 24 year old punk.
Does anyone have a link to that one old fic where Ristuko is molesting Shinji?
she looks very pure and innocent
This is the first I'm hearing of this, I'd love to read it as well.
I feel like rewatching after all these years. Recent times have really put Shinji into a different spot light for me.
>99, 88, 11 and 33
Holy shit user, weren't you satisfied with a single set of dubs?
Outstanding digits, user.
Hikari joined the Borg?
Close. IIRC she got brainwashed. Toji was spending too much time with the Rei clones and she got angry and SEELE used that to program her into attacking NERV. I might have gotten somethings wrong but she was mind controlled.
Did Toji at least get a "knight in shining armor" moment and saved her?
How the fuck would I know. He was too busy being a cyborg and whacking it to Rei clones then telling the loli Rei clone to clean up.
It really is the little actions that lead to the world being "saved".
shinji made a mess on them
An imprint of Kyoko was left behind in Hikari's Eva made out of spare Eva-2 parts. She was saved by the cybernetic ghost of her friend's mom.
Can't unsee Asuka sucking milk straight from the tiddy
I think it's actually Rei's high as shit and wants people to look at her hands.
Asuka is sexy.
>Adam Kadmon
I knew he wrote it since he usually writes dark edgy shit like that. IIRC he remade it but changed Ritsuko to Mana Kirishima. I specifically remember the scene where she makes Shinji lick up his own cum and Asuka imagines wriggling sperm all over Shinji's face.
Tojis sister is hot. Hikaris probably a total babe like Misato during the series.
Ooh, that one. One of my favorites.
>Isn't it funny, how the exact moment you got a Dreamcast was the exact moment I realized I liked you?
One of the few Shinji and Hikari fics I've found.