You can finally read raw manga!

You can finally read raw manga!

Attached: 20604585_70865cd0a97bfd1c92e72986f65f310e_wm.jpg (727x485, 147K)

that TL with his sick mother are on suicide watch

moot betrayed us for this evil company. Let that sink in.


>reading manga on your phone

Works in the desktop browser too

Besides, most releases are intended to be read on a phone these days.

mtl that can only handle bubbles is not any kind of solution
>This can be very useful if you want to read manga that’s not yet translated, although from my little experience with reading some, they usually get translated within a day or so of release.
They have very little experience.

>dozens of mtl scanlators invalidated overnight

How will scanshitters ever recover

let me see

Attached: 2020-03-02.png (1920x1080, 1.19M)

but wait it gets worse
>no gay sex with hats on
This site is dead.

>trash replaced by different trash

This has been possible for at least a year. The problem is, when you are scanning pictures instead of live translating (which is more low quality), it only recognizes about 10%


Well, the translation is far from perfect and sometimes it fails to recognize lines of dialog. But it's a work in progress, the fact that this even exists is a miracle in itself.

What's utter bullshit is the reason I needed to post that screengrab here: Japanese raw sites today are hiding the images behind some sort of layer through which this program can not revognize the images.

But, again, I'm sure it will be improved. Bless whoever made it.

It's decent for speedreading a chapter. The two main problems are still that it's a MTL so there's going to be fuckups and that sometimes doesn't recognize text outside bubbles.

Attached: 2020-03-02 15_16_23-Window.png (1095x862, 415K)

This shit has been a thing for a while with Capture2Text.

How would that smug bitch ever recover?

>Windows 10 with all of the shitty defaults enabled
>logged in to Microsoft
>no sign of a good ad blocker

It's still fucking google translations, and from my experience of putting porn dialogue in it, it's mediocre at best.

>nhe never heard of Ghostery
lol pleb

>not using windows 10
>using third-party shit when Microsoft always works best with Microsoft

>kanji OCR + google translations
Because it has worked so well in the past, amirite

>getting mad at Tampermonkey
I can tell your taste in video games is absolute dogshit

>nhe never heard of Ghostery
Ghostery collects your data and is owned by a media corporation. Also
>using NSA/Windows 10
>implying Pajeetsoft works at all

Tampermonkey is proprietary shit. Use Violentmonkey.

>and from my experience of putting porn dialogue in it, it's mediocre at best.
since when hentai had any meaningful dialogue in it? Its some retarded, cringe and unnecessary excuse for characters to fuck

I can't fap if it doesn't have good buildup.

Man, you have no idea how much more sexy good dialog can make a scene


Never heard of her.

It's how the Japanese pronounce Yotsuba.

>muh linsux

At least now we will have insta shitty translation by google when it comes out into -> shitty translator group -> proper translator group.

Holy based

>using adblocker

nu-edge is unironically the best chromium fork out there rn

machine translations suck ass
just start learning jap like me

There is virtually no difference in princi


bumping for interest

It works most of the time, needs improvement on the visualization though.