Nanatsu no Taizai 343

Seems it finally wrapping up and Cath goes simply down.

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nice link retard

Is Arthur really going to be a reality warper in the sequel?

just end it fucking Suzuki cunt

Just shut the fuck up, you whiny little cunt.

>dead manga
>dead anime
>dead thread

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It's not dead. It should be, but he won't let it die. This is the 8th and final sin.

It's Netflix exclusive isn't it? The first season wasn't as nearly as badly animated.

off sources to some chinks


It's ending and honestly I am waiting for the translation.

What killed the hype?

Six months of beating the Punching Bag King

>3 more chapters to go if the volume is normal length
What are your expectations?

It dies with a whimper.

Nice virus link

It's not Netflix' fault unless it was them who told A-1 to fuck off or said let's go with another studio because fans don't like waiting.

Welp, I thought that logically, Arthur should somehow eat Cath, since Cath gained his power by eating his arm. Never thought Nakaba will actually go through with this idea. That is cool, but I still don't understand where this is going.
I guess it ended with Escanor's farewell, and this was the post-game secret boss with hints for the sequel? But I still can't see how does it relate to a possible Arthur sequel. He can't start the next manga with reality warper powers, but this is so weird to finish NNT this way.

It's possible that Nakaba doesn't care about Arthur anymore and just wanted to wrap everything up. The way his sword went through 2 transformations over the course of like 5 chapters seems rushed to me.

True, that would be an explanaition. When was the last time we heard anything about the Arthur sequel? Maybe he scrapped it when he changed the third arc.

The Q&A where he confirmed he wanted to do it was a few years ago. He did mention the sequel in an interview 1.5 years ago where he said that it depends on the editors. The editors would definitely be on board with it since Fairy Tail also got one and the magazine is in a pretty bad spot right now after losing their top 2 series (Toubun and Nanatsu) almost at the same time. Some kind of milking is pretty much guaranteed but who knows if Nakaba still wants to do it himself.

Thank god its almost over