i cant believe Anime used to look this good
I cant believe Anime used to look this good
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Is this supposed to look good to me or something
looks like blurry shit
Back when Anime didn’t have the Gamma turned up to 11
yea the colors really popped but just the right amount
why were german anime intros so fucking chad in the 90ies and early 2000?
It's more a technical limitation than artistic choice. If you ever look at old cels the colors are incredibly vibrant. What most people don't realize is that broadcast television standards had terrible color accuracy as the priority was backwards compatibility for black and white. VHS tapes & dvds were probably mastered to match the broadcast.
I would say the opposite that modern anime looks terrible because what color is used is washed out with heavy, HEAVY filters for uniformity. There's also the obvious variations in texture and brushstrokes using cels and actual paint has over digital which gives everything a superflat clean look.
I think some artstyles are just better suited to cels and others digital.
That's not to say the industry hasn't shifted to churning out generic garbage.
What does gamma do? I can gell op looks good but can't explain why.
you're...you're not wrong user
Good animation still exists , you just have to look for it
Thank god for Blu-Ray remastering. It's painful that there's still plenty of material that's video only. Not that DVD only is really ideal in the current year.
Peak digital > peak cel > shit cel > shit digital
present (2017 year) always looks worse?
The anime on the left were considered outliers in the eras they came out.
Why does modern hentai have better shading, detailing and colouring than a lot of the best-selling, high budget anime of the 80s?
But it's only been 2 years since Violet Evergarden, where it was surpassed.
It's also only been a couple months since Violet Evergarden Gaiden, where it was similarly surprassed.
I'm not a fucking ant.
sailor moon looks good
Based narutard
Why are kyoani fans so obsessed with this show? Is soft lighting and heavy blur all it takes to impress you?
>That one moment of cgi ruining the entire sequence
No, thank you, i like my Sakuga pure and unadulterated.
>Soul >Soulless
>Soul >Soulless
Crawl back to Yea Forums and take your reddit buzzword with you you underage shitstain.
this thread is giving me a strange sense of dejavu
Based YuYubro keep the Cel love alive.
Jesus christ, what the fuck did they do to Gunslinger Girls?
Because that era of anime was good enough to produce outliers. Nowadays, everything is the same fucking uninspired crap.
It's always the same posts posted over and over again
>Nowadays, everything is the same fucking uninspired crap.
Watch more anime. If anything, anime was even more derivative pre-1995 simply because so much of it were glorified toy commercials.
I can cherrypick tons of otaku-pandering OVAs or bottom of the barrel low budget TV shoujo/shonen and pretend that anime then were all uninspired.
>If you ever look at old cels the colors are incredibly vibrant.
They still looked completely different from the shitty ass colors you see in digital animation today. Pic related.
Digital will never look like actual paints and inks, just stop it already.
Also even early digital animation had less brighter colors before the dumbass HD era started and all of a sudden everything had to be acid bright.
That OG Warau salesman looked so great, shame they changed the artstyle the way they did in the new adaptation
There is a lot of animation with soul out there , just watch more stuff.
First Saiyuki wasn't cel animated. The modern remake was considerably better because it would have been impossible to make a worse job than the absolute garbage that was the old show.
>tfw no Koto gf
One of those girls is a fucking faggot from the then panel. We still have girl(male) faggots in anime.
>Left side
>Right side
>good animation
You tried
That looks like shit.
Peak digital was in the 4:3 days.
Rock Lee vs Gaara >>>>>> that garbage you posted
Please refrain from posting reddit buzzwords outside of Yea Forums
>traced CG models
Has anyone redone an episode with the black channel in the proper balance yet?
>>traced CG models
I hate how flat the art-style looks.
Rock Lee vs Gaara was the peak.
Still nothing compared to Cel greatness like HxH 1999.
That looks like shit Yuasacuck.
This is a C class?
Garbage animation/art for a garbage manga.
>'Why was old anime so much better?'
>only exposure to old anime is toonami garbage, critically acclaimed westaboo movies and OVAs, and entry-level meme shonen
>only exposure to modern anime is whatever's popular among twitterfags
Why does this always happen?
Naruto had some well animated episodes and interesting directions but you shouldn't really use it as an example to convince someone to watch more modern anime.
I dunno, you tell me, Buttobi CPU poster.
Was there any need for the 2011 version?
Why did they made such neat animation and had a daring direction for the doctor fight ?
The next fights were "meh".
Sailor Moon had a weird intro in the German dub
Those Digimon intros though.
>that digimon adventure ending
>that digimon tamers ending(still mad the TV version was cut to 15 seconds long for "muh ad space")
>that One Piece opening
>that Jeanne opening
>that Pretty Cure opening
>that Dragon Ball GT opening
Good fucking times
Nice bait. Take it
>L-look at me I'm totally not strawmaning
This would have to be 5 seconds of sports to 20 minutes of tomboy slice of life for me to stand that shitty animation.
It didn't. Save the thumbnail of your botan picture and display it full screen on an 8 inch CRT TV. There you go.
>I-i was a poorfag so everybody else was a poorfag too
Holy cope
When will they remaster YYH on Blu-ray properly instead of these shitty upscales?
If the original works don't exist then the broadcasters will only have it on magnetic tape, meaning AI upscaling is the only thing that can be done, short of redoing an entire series.
Here's an example from the completely wrong show.
Your being right doesn't mean you're not a faggot
>its another cel animation vs digital thread where zoomers who have only seen 3 old anime are complaining about muh soulless digital animation
Takahata wasn't an artist or animator.
christ anime sucks now
Based hat guy.
Fukken saved.
Shading goes a long way.
>hat guy.
Are you new?
Why even wank about how much better cel was when they're not about to go back, and cels aren't even made anymore. You can emulate the colors and artstyle anyway, people just don't because it's not in vogue anymore.
>because it's not in vogue anymore.
Good color palettes, use of contrast, and texture are not in vogue?
>You can emulate the colors and artstyle anyway
This is not true, you cannot perfectly emulate cel.
How do you go from this...
Because your eye can spot the differences
In theory you could but no one would ever bother going through the effort. Use very complicated brush tools that create variations in stroke patterns and thickness, don't use solid colors but textures, and finally no fucking color filters. If you drown everything in blue or green, you'll never get highlights like . Oh and don't forget you would need to draw everything at a giant native resolution for anyone to even notice. Not worth the effort at all.
To what
>modern animators
You don't even need to have seen a single episode of anime as long as you've saved a few images from one of the previous threads and are able to type "soul" and "soulless"
You could probably wire up a bot to carry on these threads
Based nostalgiafag