It is my 31th birthday today. Can we have a comfy fate kaleid illya thread please?
It is my 31th birthday today. Can we have a comfy fate kaleid illya thread please?
If you want a illya thread you do one don't ask for one.
happy birthday
>It is my 31th birthday today
I know that feel, bro
Meet up and fuck
Happy birthday user it's my 29th
Happy 31st birthday, user.
60 minutes ova
3 minutes of Illya
Even less of Miyu and Kuro
I'm still fucking mad.
Happy birthday btw.
Good luck next year future wizard. You can try summoning Illya as your first magic trick.
How are your wizard powers?
Happy bday.
Use your powers for good friend
time is accelerating, I'm 26 and heading to be a wizard with no obstacles in the foreseeable future.
mfw I had the chance to be a well adjusted normalfag years ago and now I've thrown that away. I look back at that as the best time in my life. why should I continue.
This is a birthday thread, not a fap thread.
I'm almost 23, could you elaborate your history? please...
You're still too young for her.
I'm jealous of the fat bald ugly bastard that gets to fill up the cups every night
happy birthday
are you a wizard?
誕生日おめでとう user, i turned 30 myself a month ago
I guess, but it's not very interesting. Out of highschool I was a nerdy introverted guy so on college I decided to put a bit of an act and be more normie. I was a handsome and smart dude in college, was recognized on campus as a genius by both students and teachers, was fairly popular. I got the courage to go out with a girl I was in love with since highschool because she looks like a loli. She was in the same college and we started dating. That's when I got cocky.
I started skipping class and I was too obsessed with my gf. Juggling college, a gf, going out with several groups of friends and extracurricular activities stressed me out or something and I started dropping shit. I broke with my gf, failed some lessons, and because of my pride I couldn't cope with repeating a year while everyone saw me as a genius. so I dropped out of college and moved away to another city.
Now I'm fat. I have no friends, no studies, no gf, no career and no motivation. All my old friends have graduated and are working on the field or research.
Ah. An issue of being too smart for your own good.
Humans are just a big biological machine. The two important parts to look at are the cortex and the limbic system. One thinks, the other feels. Your cortex was powerful enough to figure out all the easiest tricks to make the limbic system issue its reward chemicals. The issue is that these are only tricks. You're not actually doing what you know to be the intended purpose of the limbic system. You are cheating and thus two conflicting forces are at work within your own mind leading to inner turmoil and regret. Cheating the reward system was too easy for you, and because of that you never reached a critical point where you determined that your actions are an overall failure. As things got worse and worse you understood the amount of effort required to set things right is not worth the time invested when the reward system can be cheated much easier. It's a vicious cycle that sets you further and further away from what your limbic system really wants.
At this point you have to ask yourself a question. Do you want to live in harmony with your instincts or would you prefer to continue learning as many tricks as possible to give your thoughts more power over your actions? I think there are merits in both, but to really experience what each side has to offer you can't keep being indecisive. You need to choose one or the other.
At least you had a gf i'm a 22 yo kissless virgin because i don't know how to talk with a girl about the relationship thing, i mean, i can talk to girls, just not about that sort of thing.
I also ignore girls who give me hints even when i like also like them because i'm to shy.
Nah pretty sure they are filing up your brain instead
Happy birthday, OP!
Don't feel bad user. I'll soon turn 28 and I'm the same. I'm speccing shadow, the first thing I do to get the summons wrote about.
>tumblr filename
>irrelevant information that's bound to invite blogposting
I'll end up believing in false-flagging at this point.
Your birthday sucks but Illya is the best.
user you're 4 days older than me.
Based Vanilla poster
I want an hour and a half of Miyu masturbating.
Sex with cups
What does Miyu think when she's doing that?
God I wish I was Miyu
W-why you want to be me?
So I can be Illya's wife
Don't you mean Kuro's fucktoy?
Why not both?
Delete this Fatty
Wife of both or fucktoy?
Wife of both
A three-way relationship sounds ideal to me
I don't see a problem with it if we all love each other
Being a little girl with a fat butt would be a dream come true.
Imagine Illya eating your pussy out while Kuro is eating out your ass
Or going down on Illya's pussy while Kuro is playing with her butt
Or Kuro eating your pussy out while you french kiss Illya
A lot of people seem to think Slow Starts gimmick is retarded, but it really hurts being placed an irreversible step behind all your peers. You should at least get fit user, it won't fix you having to be ashamed in front of people who know you, but it means you won't have to be ashamed of being seen by strangers.
>not french kissing Kuro while holding hands with Illya
Happy Birthday OP!
It's probably just a newfag from one of the slower boards. They're more accepting of blogshit low quality images on a bunch of them. It's cancer, but normalfags eat it up without a second thought.
Imagine a fat Loli butt on your face
i'm gonna start hollow ataraxia tonight bros
Imagine a fat loli butt on your own fat loli butt
Same. Kinda dissapointed about the whole wizard thing. Or do I need magic books or something?
at least you had a gf, i finished comp eng, got a shitty job as a web dev, couldn't take full time employment and quit and NEET ever since 2018
Every Prysma Illya should de a fap thread.
Have your present OP
Cunny cunny
Happy birthday fellow March user. I turn 27 in 3 weeks and I cant believe how little I've accomplished...
Yes, not only you do not have the time if you are a normalfaggot, but if you lose your virginity, you become one with a whore, therefore you become a whore as well and that precludes you from ever being able to manipulate your very being since you not only became impure, you also failed to temptation instead of being governed by reason (the fabric of reality).
Good luck! It's a lot of fun
You should stop comparing yourself to others.
That's an extremely negative feedback loop, and everybody is different with different strengths/weaknesses.
People also try to only show their good parts and hide the problems they have.
Only compare yourself to your previous self from yesterday and try to become a better version of yourself with small steps.
You may have to look back on your past and try to find something which you like to do and use it as a catalyst for your future goals.
It's also possible you discovered something wrong in the life model society was selling you and rejected it.
In that case you should try to read Unscripted and see if the entrepreneur life is more compatible with your values.
You never loved her.
Damn what a luscious loli.The things I'd like to do to that fat little ass....
happy birthday user.
wish you all the keleidos for your 32th
>tfw gonna be 33 in June.
Tell me I'm not the oldest one here, bros.
Happy birthday user. You should get the Illya alarm to celebrate.
34 on the 22nd of feb
there are literal and figurative oldfags around, just not as much anymore
congrats OP, from here on out you can enjoy time starting to pass by faster and faster until it only feels like a couple of months between years
Do you prefer Illya having sex with other little girls or with fat old men?
I want to fuck Kuro's mouth in that exact position
>until it only feels like a couple of months between years
This holy shit
It's already march
Like what the actual fuck?
well that depends on your definition of love doesn't it?
personally I define it as the act of giving someone your thoughts, affection and compassion. I'm not afraid of saying I love you to all of you Illyafags. You have excellent taste and wish you good times. May you find good doujins on your way.
Going to be 34 in June, relax.
Although I look like I'm 28 so maybe you still are the oldest looking one.
Hi I'm here to join the Over 30 Cup Club
It's the best fate content on the market. Hope you enjoy it!
what if i literally only like playing video games and shooting guns
and the only reason im a semi functioning member of society is to fund my hobbies
Love between a man and a woman is bonding, not at all intense in nature but nonetheless transformative. It feels like it has always been there, yet it's unlocked. The other person starts to feel like part of you, so imagine your arm, you don't have strong feeling for it yet you still care for it and under no circumstance you would accept being separated from it. In the end, it's the feeling most conductive in the survival of the children, not merely the feeling conductive to make children, that's a key difference people ignore. It makes you care and stay. People nowadays call it like a disease, "oneitis" or somesuch.
Now I don't know if women feel love the same way, I think they feel it like Sora from Yosuga no Sora does when she says "Go ahead do as you like... because I love you". That is a feeling of total submission, which would make total sense if the man has a feeling of oneness with the woman, akin to an extension of his own body, you do want your body to obey you otherwise it doesn't work.
Fucking kek at normies thinking love is "friendship", you don't fuck a friend, or love is living together, you don't fuck a roommate, or that love is a economical contract, you don't fuck a business partner fucking lmao losers.
She is quite the specimen isn't she?
I hate Chloe so goddamn much
>Only compare yourself to your previous self from yesterday and try to become a better version
Every day, I am a worse person than I was yesterday.
Men and women absolutely have different ideas of love. Women it's mostly practical, men it's emotional. It's an inversion of how the sexes handle everything else.
>Inability to cope with how shit reality really is
Yes, the belief that women and men are the same is indeed pseudoscience
Yeah how dare I form my worldview around things that actually happened to me.
Unless shamed into monogamy and keeping their word, women will only "love" you until a better man comes along.
>Women it's mostly practical
No those are whores who cannot love. It can happen to men too, it's when they want to treat women like holes, women treat men like wallets. If you think that's anything related to love you've been psyopsed hard.
>This one incident happened to me therefore everything is like that.
And those people are the majority. Love is a myth.
I don't know how you can look at the world and not see it.
As if that makes any sense. That's circumstantial, not a principle, it's not a function of being a woman, it's women who are not virgins who cannot be trusted, for them you will never be the "one", you will always be the "next". Their fathers having allowed them to get taken advantage of and broken as a human being is circumstantial, not normal.
Look at all the idiot women who get beaten up by their man, unlucky for them, they've done the act of making children with an idiot so now they're bound to an idiot and will make up every mental gymnastics to defend him.
Men who don't treat women like holes still fall in love with beautiful women far more easily than they love ugly ones.
It's the same with women. Just because she respects you and doesn't treat you like a wallet doesn't mean her respect and appreciation for you isn't rooted in your ability to perform.
Love is a trait that increase the survival of children, the fact that most people lost the ability through immoral behaviour which is already thoroughly described in many religion that have survived generations doesn't suddenly make love a "myth".
Even if you never saw or heard a tree fall in a forest it doesn't suddenly mean trees never fall, quit being so solipsistic.
Young, pretty, healthy, motherly, pure women are more likely to bear healthy children that will in turn be more able to successfully reproduce, it makes sense that feeling attracted is easier toward them, note that feeling attracted is different than actual love. To understand the difference, just assess the intensity of the feeling, if it's intense and blur judgment then it's not love, if you're a man at least.
For women, it does make sense that they only want to submit to the most skilled man, otherwise it can be deleterious and not at all conductive to reproduction and survival of the genes.