What's are some of essential qualities of soft-seinen manga? Also is 5toubun soft seinen? It has many concepts of political strategies that are taken from Machiavel's work "The Prince" and exemplifies some of the culinary paradigms from the Mantes-La-Jolie school of thought.
What's are some of essential qualities of soft-seinen manga? Also is 5toubun soft seinen...
>soft seinen
nigga u are serious?
How do I know a hiatusfag made this?
it's a hunterfag who doesn't want his shounenshit lumped in with all the other shounenshit
>Soft shounen
Things like My hero Academia, Naruto, Bleach.
>Hard shounen
Shounenshit stories that are published on seinen magazines, such as Tokyo ghoul, Berserk, Gantz.
>Soft Seinen
A manga published on shounen magazines by mistake, it has mature themes that have a layered plot which often serves as a commentary on contemporary society which easily goes over the head of the young demographics of shounenshitters, things like HxH, Devilman, Ashita no Joe.
Mature manga fit for older demographics : Akira, Punpun.
Steel Ball Run
Is berserk a hard shonen?
Why is Dorohedoro on there?
It was published as a seinen for over 15 years and only went to a shonen magazine for its finale because the seinen magazine stopped.
native isekai
>A manga published on shounen magazines by mistake
mildly kekd
Berserk actually is since it has a regular world and fantasy one unlike something like GS with just one world.
No berserk is native shonen isekai
How the fuck is Wan Piss soft-seinen?
It's a non-existent category so anything qualifies really.
Not really no. It's still a generic Tolkein fantasy with generic and standard themes that other books have done way better. People like Berserk because Guts is relatable and it gets hilariously edgy at times. Nobody likes Berserk because it's "good".
>I have no idea what I'm talking about
Maybe try reading it.
It’s an edited image here’s the original
>soft seinen
You know, this place would be so much better if you people simply ignored people using made up buzzwords.
Firstly, Seinen is not a genre
Secondly, a term like "hard-seinen" would be more appropriate to describe seinen manga with deeper topics, "soft" implies it's a actually shallower in content than the average series or that it's made for 7 year olds.
What, you don't think this is peak writing?
>Teen Note
There's retards that do think berserk is good
Well yeah. We live in Clown World now. The Untermensch now have a say in what art is considered "good" now.
Your ignorance impressed me, user.
Recent chapters were garbage but you have to give credit for the Marley arc.
Why are recent chapters bad
Other than everyone being a group I thought the last like 10 chapters were pretty good
Because the morally ambiguity of the story is gone. Eren is a JRPG monster that needs to be stopped by our BRAVE and INTELLIGENT heroes.
And the savior loli, don't forget her.
She's been built up as the one who will stop him.
Actually fuck youre right
This pic sums it up. This chapter was rushed trash. Connie going to his mom was totally pointless and every single bit of it was predictable and cliche. And I don't know how you could read that scene with Annie meeting Armin and Connie and not have your faith in Isayama vanish completely. It's like he's writing to retarded little seals clapping any time a character makes a silly face. Also the alliance is dependent on ridiculous conveniences with characters bumping into each other, Armin somehow catching up to Connie, and absolutely unbelievable character developments like Mikasa working with Annie and Reiner or Connie begging Falco for forgiveness. It's rushed as fuck.