Why did Mob Pyscho 100 feel more impactful and soulful than 90% of all other shonens last decade?

Why did Mob Pyscho 100 feel more impactful and soulful than 90% of all other shonens last decade?

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Only the first season.

Because it's written with a theme and story in mind with proper character developments rather than the usual shonen which is shitting out a chapter a week endlessly while making shit up as you go..

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S2 was better.

It's shit. Without the excellent animation and Reigen hard carrying the show, no one would give a fuck about it. Easily one of the most overrated anime of the last decade.

It didn't

Reigen is annoying as fuck though

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Disagree, it turned into generic shonen by the second half and was rushed.

I agree with you. I was just pointing out that the character was very popular among MP100 viewers even if he was annoying.

Why do every Mob thread turn into contrarian shitters spamming up the thread?

>Why did Mob Pyscho 100 feel more impactful and soulful than 90% of all other shonens last decade?
>Why do every Mob thread turn into contrarian shitters spamming up the thread?
bros I made a bait OP and now people are (justifiably) responding in kind
it's not fair bros

>The best arcs still aren't animated

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I didn't make this thread. If anything OP is probably a falseflagging shitposter like most Mob threads nowadays.

ONE ia a great writer.

This. Just give me Dimple Arc and I can die in peace.

how much is still left to be animated? i haven't watched season 2 yet

it really didn't

He's a hack.

>Mob Shitco
Everything only turns out fine because of coincidence. Had Mob fallen in with the wrong crowd, which, let's be real here, would have been far more likely, the entire world would have been enslaved by espers. Contrast that with the masterpiece that is HxH, where the ants being defeated by humanity's malice is an inevitability and relevant commentary on mankind's position on Earth, and it's laughable that one can say Mob is good.

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Isn't that kind of the point when it comes to Mob? He learns to be thankful for his friends and the quality of his life, and makes himself stronger to protect the people important to him.

Because it's genuine shounen. It's about the emotions and growth of someone in puberty who has to find himself.
Most shounen has their characters just wanting to get stronger and protect everything. That's not how you think at 14-15 yo, that's not what you do at that age.

>it turned into generic shonen
It really didn't

>Everything only turns out fine because of coincidence. Had Mob fallen in with the wrong crowd, which, let's be real here, would have been far more likely, the entire world would have been enslaved by espers.
Yes, that's literally the entire point of the Mogami arc. He acknowledge that he's extremely lucky and that Mogami is right.

Why are huntertards such brainlets?

2-3 arcs

Go rewatch S2 episode 5.

??? Mob would be interesting

>14-15 yo, that's not what you do at that age
true, real shounens only masturbate and watch anime

Man I wish I was the protagonist of my own life.

The lack of actual new chapters has been killing them from the inside ever since ever.

chotto matte, sono kardo.

masaka!!! burakku magician!?

The more bitter pills are the best part about the show, and make the moralizing feel less like empty platitudes. Mob was lucky and it isn't fair that some people aren't, but that just makes it even more important that he doesn't waste what was given to him. Mob is one of the few shows that makes a compelling case for the Japanese's sense of duty to society and humility. Most everything else is written as raging against these ideas that oppose individualism, but Mob instead says that they can all work in harmony.

Though i agree it's theme is what made it stand out from other shonen but i don't think Mob is really that well written character. He is passive protagonist who most of time minding his own business untill plot force him to act and because the story is mostly focus on him, it's kinda boring

>He is passive protagonist who most of time minding his own business untill plot force him to act and because the story is mostly focus on him, it's kinda boring
One of his character development traits is literally becoming less passive and take action earlier, which is steadily progressing to the point that he stops being a bitch and ask's Tsubame out.

because it was good

The whole point of the show is how Mob grows stronger as a human being. If you couldn't figure this out then you could very well be retarded

What went so right with the animation?

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Babby’s first character-driven plot

I felt exactly the opposite. Although I liked the 1st season.

>hurr durr mob would’ve been bad if he hung out with bad people
That’s truly some incredible deductions there user. About as powerful as saying anyone could be a school shooter if they had been raised by shitty parents or was bullied constantly

Its pretty self insert autist marysuey and all the characters are pretty one dimensional, it is better than hunter x hunter and shit tho i guess

Can they all be done in season 3? Or will it need another additional season?

they scrapped a lot of dialogue from manga and only left the le epic battle between big bad guy and mob

The fitness club are kino incarnate.

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Just finished the first season. Reigen sensei is absolutely based. That's all I wanted to say.

SHigeo is a teenager living in a little bubble who
defends society not because he thinks this is a good system or concept but because that is all he has ever known and then goes on to shame those who would stand against it because it threatens his peacefullness, yet he acts as if he has the moral highground

>then goes on to shame those who would stand against it
Yeah, because telling people that go around stealing shit, destroying shit and literally trying take over the world that they're wrong is "shaming" them.

Brainlet tier post. Mob objectively has the moral high ground, showing it is not bad in the least. He acknowledge it.

wow if you take away all of the good aspects of a show it becomes bad. what an astute observation.

Because people self-inserted harder on Mob.

I want a third season so we can have another round of RedrawReigan

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