What is this JS saying?

What is this JS saying?

Attached: 1573860042821.png (1300x1704, 615K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Here, OP. I translated it for you.

Attached: translated.png (1300x1704, 569K)

I love it when lolis do that.

> U r a faggot

Attached: 1579880364200.jpg (1920x1080, 233K)

Something about cunny perhaps

funimation tier

"Scum" works better I feel in this situation. Also would likely just keep "ロリコン" as "Lolicon". The basement dwellers here would understand what it means fine.

"ロリコン!クズ!", by the look of it

Best Ai.

Lolicon literally means pedophile in Japanese. Stop being ironic lolicons.

Attached: 1558226516552.jpg (2059x3000, 2.94M)

It says
"we love Ginko here"

Agreed. Translating it to "Pedo" just feels off to me is all. But it's probably fine translated as well.

When a loli calls you a lolicon, it just makes my dick hard, but when she calls you a pedo, my dick pierces the heavens.

Not necessarily, it can mean that but not even close to always.

>we all hate Ginko here!

Get better at Japanese, retard.

Translating lolicon as pedo is not uncommon in h-manga.
But that's what it means. When a 10-year-old is calling you a ロリコン for being attracted to her, she's calling you a pedo.

Attached: 1571614791324.jpg (663x641, 182K)

If she didn't want people to be attracted to her, then why is she so sexy?

We love loli ginko here

Attached: 190c0e67a8c547401c740386f92295c1.jpg (1640x2048, 177K)

Still shit but at least she’s not hagshit

A thinking man's fetish

Attached: 1562055033456.jpg (861x1200, 446K)

Bitchy lolis aren't shit. They are perfect to be tamed with the D.

I guess any character can be improved by turning them into a loli.

Based pedocon loli

"Impregnate me."

Attached: 1518411319297.png (1280x720, 1.3M)

We ai Ai and Ai here.

middle one reminds me of akane.

Attached: 56907213_p0.jpg (853x1200, 444K)

There is nothing wrong with making a grade schooler your wife.

The holiest of matrimonies, the tiniest of matrimonies and the tiniest holes of matrimonies.

There is: she'll become a hag one day.

Looks like he was more impatient than the usual today.

By that time you should already have a daughterwife ready to replace her.

But that's incest.


We get it, you miss him

Season two when?

Devil's advocate, that translation is in broken English.

Do the japs seriously not have a native word for "person who wants to fuck kids"?

They do have a native word for pedophile. It literally means "child sexual attraction person", so there's no handy way to shorten it like "pedo".

I hear the French have no word for entrepreneur, go figure.

Wonderful girl. Shame her anime is mediocre.

Lol, language. Uneducated guess, lolicon just got adopted as shorthand for "child sexual attraction person" due to the lack of a decent short word, but after it was initially used in animated content. This is just an uneducated guess, don't fuckin' roast me.
Ya don't say?!

Perfect design for a loli.

Why would you allow (or even want!?!?) a small kid to look down on you and insult you like that? As an adult, why let her do that?

Russell trainer's lolita complex is what japanese lolicon originates from. Moe otaku took the term lolicon to refer to their attraction for young looking 2D characters. Following the miyazaki incident, the word got popular among normalfags and began to mean a pedophile.

Lolicons like petite body type.
Pedos like literal children both mentally and physically.

Forgot my pic.

Attached: blue_ai.jpg (1457x1032, 970K)

We hate Shitko here

I know lolita complex, though I missed out on the Miyazaki incident. Spoonfeed or point in a direction please?

Blue Ai is good but I am more of a black hair + red eyes guy.

Attached: Ten-chan.jpg (1800x2546, 2.29M)

Whelp, never mind the spoon feeding. As usual a quick search was all I needed.

Attached: ryuuou likes what he sees now.png (583x505, 395K)

Poor delusional ironic lolicon with his "loli is a body type" meme. Guess you can't wait to check out all the legal lolis in the next Comic LO is— oh wait.

>all of a sudden he's now using LO in his arguments despite hating the magazine in the past and repeatedly saying their definitions of loli are wrong

Honestly blue ai is better, just look at She is the perfect wife, would cook for you and make your life pure and heavenly every day. The pleasure would be immense.

Do not engage.

Do not engage the orbiter either.

Attached: lolicon.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

>engaging the orbiter of the orbiter and now I am engaging that orbiter
This is my last engagement post

"Rorikon! Kuzu!"


Attached: 1561922003953.webm (852x480, 2.94M)

What the fuck does that mean

I don't hate Comic LO. I just hate artists like Noise that put literal hags in it and go "she's actually 12, so it's okay."

>posting the false lolicon webm again
>Restricted and repetitive behaviors and interests are among the three core symptoms of autism. They include repetitive movements with objects, repeated body movements such as rocking and hand-flapping, ritualistic behavior, sensory sensitivities and circumscribed interests.

The filename doesn't even match. Imagine thinking everyone who disagrees with you is LRD.

Rorikon means Rorikon

Attached: 1574274971267.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

I genuinely want to murder every single heretic who says "loli is a body type" in cold blood.

Attached: 1565694513195.png (1422x1016, 692K)

Further proof is how that filename doesn't exist in the archive, meaning that either you have this option enabled, or you haven't saved it from Yea Forums after it was posted on June 30th last year, at 16:13:23.
And where did I say anything about LRD? Spilling the beans too hard there in your desperate defense attempt, dude.

Attached: implying I'm a newfag.png (626x41, 8K)

Actually pedophile otaku coined the term lolicon to refer to their attraction to young looking girls.
The only rule for lolicons was not to commit any crimes, which only indirectly means that the greatest focus will be on drawings.
If you look at the "lolicon material compendium" in Cybele vol.2, you'll see many novels and some photo sets.
The whole "3DPD real girls are icky" thing came after, and is mostly western.

>still can't prove it

that doesn't contradict anything in my webm you retard

Lolita Complex originally referred to pubescent girls who listed after older men. But since the word Lolita was often used in photobooks of sexy 12-year-old girls and Japanese people don’t know what the word “complex” means it got flipped around. Lolicon was more 3D than 2D until Miyazaki murdered and ate those lolis.

>no, don't say the p-word; it's scary!
Where do all these redditors come from?

probably all followed you

Lolicon cannot be translated to pedophile because pedophile is a general term for attraction to young children, while lolicon is a specific term for attraction to young girls. People who call themselves "pedophiles" are announcing to the world that they like little shota dick as much as lolis and are therefore prancing la-la homo men.

Don't mind them. They're just normalfags who fapped to Megumin once and think they're lolicons.

Not really. You don't have to be attracted to both prepubescent girls and boys to be classified as a pedophile. No definition of pedophilia says it's a requirement to be attracted to both genders. You can just say "straight pedophile" anyway, but p-word is too scary for normalfags like you, isn't it?

Does that also apply to you making these threads even worse by constantly adding fuel to the fire?

I ai Ai!

Do you prefer
>I love to you even though you’re a pedophile
>I love you because you’re a pedophile

That doesn't disprove that lolicon doesn't directly translate to pedophile if you have to go out of your way to add another term to it to specify what you are. I suppose the l-word is a little too complicated for a ledditor like yourself, eh? Got to stick to English-only words, right chum?


>no, p-word is scary! reddit will ban me for being a pedophile!

>Lolicon = pedophile in 2D because they are fictional 2D characters from our perspective, but in-universe, the characters are real people to one-another
>Lolicon =/= pedophile in 3D because in the real world, real 3D people and fictional 2D characters aren’t the same
Doesn’t this make more sense?

>you're reddit
>no, you're plebbit
>no, YOU are leddit
Please leave.

Attached: a1273198.jpg (1000x1000, 301K)

So what you mean is how, despite the fact that we have a term which perfectly describes what we are (attracted to female 2D children), you'd rather use a different, more ambiguous term that requires the addition of a second word in order to be comparable to the one most people use and prefer, or else you risk conveying a completely different meaning.
But why?

s2 when?

>So what you mean is how, despite the fact that we have a term which perfectly describes what we are (attracted to female 2D children), you'd rather use a different, more ambiguous term that requires the addition of a second word in order to be comparable to the one most people use and prefer, or else you risk conveying a completely different meaning.
>But why?
To piss off redditors who fear the p-word like you.

>I'm only doing it to make you mad XD
Well guys you heard it from the man himself.

Attached: lolhedgehog.jpg (277x377, 43K)

How to fuck a cute girl like Blue Ai?

I agree with this, but the loli has to be effectively 12 or younger IMO. I suppose this is just a loli meta thread, and not a loli posting thread though. I do believe in a loli hierarchy, so loli looking girls are lolis, but lesser lolis than characters who are are canonically, psychologically and physically loli. I envisage 2D legal lolis to legitimately look like kids in their fictional world, unlike "youthful" looking women in real life, to such an extent that one would have to be an in universe pedo to find them attractive. IRL, a person sexually attracted to a 20 y/o who looks exactly like a child would also be considered, by and large, a pedo. If an adult character merely overlooks, or gets used to the appearance of a legal loli, he's not an actual lolicon/pedo, he just climbed the hurdle for one girl.
This too, I like prepubescent girls irl (but I stick to 2D cuz muh morals), but lolicon as 2D only is simply more useful. Ironic lolicon is a dumb term, and doesn't even mean anything.

How to fuck a cute girl like Blue Ai:
Step 1: Find Blue Ai
Step 2: Fuck her

Yes, it's fun watching ironic lolicons cry over a word.

Attached: 1556996939887.png (600x810, 182K)

Japanese and English words never have 1:1 meanings. The Japanese word for leg also means foot, the Japanese word for blue also means green, the English word for 米 also means ご飯, etc. Even leaving words untranslated doesn’t work; bitch doesn’t mean ビッチ and 酒 doesn’t mean sake.

> I envisage 2D legal lolis to legitimately look like kids in their fictional world, unlike "youthful" looking women in real life, to such an extent that one would have to be an in universe pedo to find them attractive.
I mean really, that’s the whole point of legal loli, hence why I tend to stay away from age autism. I prefer elementary school age but I wouldn’t go as far as calling other characters non-lolis purely for age even if they visually look no different than any other loli.

And yet lolicon is one of the few cases that describes what we want to say perfectly.

Oh, oh, pick me! It’s because stop replying to LRD already before his boyfriend shows up and makes the thread worse

I, I don't. Looks like a JS = loli to me, in the 2D world, so long as it's actually LOOKS LIKE A JS and not just short and flat.

>accepting legal lolis
Ironic lolicons. In two years, you will delete your loli collection and replace it with MILFs and cowtits.

Lolicon most definitely doesn’t mean the same thing in Japanese as it does in English.

Red Ai is so fucking hot

Haven't deleted it the past 14 years, mate. I doubt that's gonna change in the next 2. I'm still convinced you're a dedicated shitposter who only wants to drag down these threads though.

There's no point in falling for any more of his bait so I'm done.
Let's try to put the thread back on rails by posting more of this little fucking cunt.

Attached: 67784575_p1.jpg (600x800, 92K)

This. Legal lolis are just a fantasy created by cowards who fear the law. It's just a way of slowly turning you into a haglover.

Attached: 67227061_p0.jpg (600x800, 98K)

This, a JS with cowtits is still a hag
>legal loli is bad
>but he likes 3D hagshit
For that ridiculous logic, I’m fully convinced that you’re not really a lolicon

Attached: 67056108_p0.jpg (860x1370, 646K)

I don’t like those hips but I’m quite fond of fucking little cunts

Attached: 67282655_p0.png (1200x1557, 1.11M)

While I’m no fan of legal loli myself, I’m pretty sure somebody who likes legal loli is more likely to become a lolicon than a haglover

I'm attracted to 3d little girls, not adult women.

>calls little girls hags
>accepts legal garbage
Some lolicon you are.

Yes, 3D in all forms is hagshit, and you are unironically a haglover for liking it. This is Yea Forums, not Yea Forums, and if there’s any ironic lolicon here, it’s (You).

3D little girls are hags, and a true lolicon would make that distinction

2D lolis > 3D lolis > 2D hags > 3D hags
If you disagree with this, you're not a lolicon.

Someday pedophilia will be accepted and we won’t have to put up with these stupid taboos and purity tests anymore

>he thinks hags will ever let that happen

2D lolis > hags, that’s all that needs to be said

And there will be no more "legal" lolis (a.k.a. hags) because there would be no need for such normalfaggotry and cowardice.

what show?

>not a single Ai post, or even any loli image in general in the past 10 minutes
And with that, this thread's true intention is exposed.

Attached: 67824973_p0.jpg (1005x1005, 553K)

>a pedophile who pushes 3D in 2D loli threads
>a haglover who pushes non-lolis in loli threads
I see these two retards have more in common with one another than any actual lolicon from Yea Forums. Seems like when one of these two is around, if not both, thread goes to shit. I guess not everybody got the “report, ignore, and post fucking lolis” memo.

>posting fucking lolis
But that's against the rules!

Want a loli JK? Why make her a 17-year-old with a child's body when you can just make her a 10-year-old who managed to skip grades?
Want a loli teacher? Why make her a 30-year-old with a child's body when you can just make her an 11-year-old genius?

There is only one reason legal lolis exist: to turn you into a haglover. Wake up.

Attached: 1560664096444.jpg (1541x1721, 702K)

No, no, no, I said post fucking lolis not post fucking lolis

>Wake up.
I don’t know why anybody actually took your low effort trolling seriously.

If little girls weren't so sexy, we wouldn't have any lolicon doujins now would we

Yeah fuck pedos

But I'm right, aren't I? Why make her 30 when you can make her 11?

Attached: 1560607243346.png (1920x1200, 1.06M)

t. little girl who needs money


I agree, but it’s really not that big of a deal dude, I just want comfy loli threads

>agrees with a troll who's baiting
You're hardly helping.

>continues the metashit instead of posting lolis
You're hardly helping.

Attached: 7b7a60023bc5f4c98398c7955298f7c2.jpg (511x771, 240K)

I agree that 11 is better than 30, I don’t condone the trolling

There is nothing more distracting than hag age. It feels nowhere near as good and "I can't believe I'm cumming inside an elementary schooler" line that I love so much is completely gone. A lot of the appeal is lost when you give a character hag age. They're pretty much unfappable. Lolicon is more than being attracted to a body type; it's a way of life. Rejecting hags with loli bodies is the first step towards becoming a true lolicon and embracing your true nature. You can say I'm trolling or whatever, but that's legitimately how I feel right now. I cannot masturbate to her if she doesn't have both the age and the body. Hag age is a pretty big turn-off. Legal lolis are to lolis what NBR is to incest.

Attached: 1583045696795.png (800x720, 593K)

That’s cool but if you’re going to sperg about it, keep that shit to yourself or just post lolis that you do like. We’re already in an elementary schooler thread so just post fucking elementary schoolers and stop bitching.

>fucking elementary schoolers
God, I wish

>We’re already in an elementary schooler thread so just post fucking elementary schoolers and stop bitching
Well, I did post Hana, an 11-year-old JS5 that I like.

Attached: illust_79215975_20200303_031716.jpg (1403x992, 1.07M)

I want to fuck elementary schoolers

More of that then, please

Please don't let my daughterwife Hana get covered in chocolate and flan like that. You have no idea how hard it is to clean that off.

It's just a reason to take a bath with her.

You can clean it with your tongue. No need for baths.

Attached: illust_76411071_20200303_032635.jpg (1111x1554, 876K)

Attached: illust_78684028_20200303_032456.jpg (1552x1040, 131K)

Attached: there is a microbikini version of this.jpg (849x1200, 312K)

Thank you for not posting it.
Microbikini a shit A SHIT A SHIIIIIIIIIIIT

Who here /alicon/?

>Report in!

Alicon with a strike zone of 7 to 12 here. Have a cute 9-year-old JS.

Attached: Yoshida Ryouko.jpg (699x994, 205K)

>125 cm

What is it like to have 125cm-type gf?

A good loli design is the one that makes you go "God, I'd love to pin her down and molest her."

Attached: e813d6e0dabacadb3e5139d561068bd2.jpg (1364x1472, 1.32M)

Pff, sure. Next you'll tell me that otaku doesn't actually mean fan of Japanese animation.

Am I a lolicon if Kuro is the only JS girl I'm interested in?
What if I'm predominately interested in JC1?

Attached: 1582996792904.jpg (4176x4240, 1.23M)

Too old. Too tall. Would not molest.

For you.

But 12-16 year old are the best because they're just old enough to have a vague understanding of what's going on.
Also, you can impregnate them.

Attached: 1538019142165.jpg (1161x1618, 367K)

>Prillyafags are hagfags

>bleeding and has a bush down there
>the best
Pick one.


That is an eight year old child, user.

Depends on if you like JC lolis or JC hags

If you fill her with enough baby juice you can stop her from bleeding.

Attached: __mule_la_mall_assassins_pride_drawn_by_ninomoto__26c6dad0a3da0abcb7f83dc572b3cfa8.jpg (1159x1618, 330K)

>they're just old enough to have a vague understanding of what's going on.
>Also, you can impregnate them.
An 8-10 year old will give you all of that and more just by being prime


>JC lolis or JC hags
What's the difference?

Attached: 1571520700411.png (780x1154, 1.26M)

AssPrides are so fucking deliciously flat

Situationally, so no IMO. You like a character for who she is, which is noble, but that doesn't make you a lolicon. I think most people who aren't lolicons would be content to bang their wife/gf/significant other at younger ages than they'd be inclined to for other females. Retroactively attracted to a loli doesn't make you one.
12-16 can (tho not always) have quite a decent to total understanding of what's going on. 9-11 can even have some vague understanding, dependent on upbringing though. At risk of sounding creepy, I have known of (in a completely legal and normal way) a few surprisingly mature young girls.

Attached: 80f272f22614715609ffc50dad78ca3b.png (1776x2485, 715K)

>JC lolis

JC hags are what you posted, JC lolis would be a girl of the same age but with a loli body

Sperm lolis, zygote lolis, fetus lolis, baby lolis, JY lolis, JS lolis, JC lolis, JK lolis, legal lolis, JD lolis, cake lolis, adult lolis, granny lolis, eternal lolis, infinite lolis, loli lolis, all lolis.

I love how their uniforms seem to be designed to deliberately showcase how flat they are.
They're practically begging for it.
Pray for me to win the lottery; I'll pay for an ultra-lewd OVA as the first major purchase.

Attached: __merida_angel_assassins_pride_drawn_by_ninomoto__400166f0331e3918a51e7416e3f9fa8f.jpg (1152x1618, 332K)

>What if I'm predominately interested in JC1?
You kindly make a JC thread and stay out of this JS thread

But they're so flat...
What about Kyouko?

Attached: 1580742209132.png (1582x1756, 723K)

It’s like a lolicon remix to that Jay-Z song, the Story of LRD

Kuro is still JS

Attached: 1583016320440.jpg (1000x1760, 299K)

I’d like to see a kid’s vagina

Attached: 1510755657305.jpg (785x1109, 127K)

There’s much more to lolis than flatness, hagfriend, I think you just like flat chested characters

Char must be the best loli design.

Attached: 6b30fa087ef68dac1a04e989c026a617.jpg (675x900, 381K)

But JCs aren’t, so it’s pointless to bring them up

None because the shitposters will yell at any JC no matter what. Feel free to ignore them and continue posting lolis until they get so mad that they mass report the thread and it gets deleted.

But I'll admit that Ai > Ginko

Attached: __hinatsuru_ai_ryuuou_no_oshigoto_drawn_by_gurasion_gurasion__b2dde3115c291a684a6e0840691cf71c.jpg (853x1204, 600K)

That’s naughty, user. They pee from there!

>JS lolis
There you go. That's all you need. That's the only kind of loli there is.

>continue posting JCs in a JS thread
>not even JCs who actually are lolis
>openly advocating for off-topic trolling
And you wonder why nobody likes you

Blue Ai > Red Ai

Attached: 1538019142164.png (900x1446, 543K)

>no thread with only JS gets mass reported and deleted
>no thread with only JC gets mass reported and deleted
>every JS thread with off-topic JC shitposting has gotten mass reported and deleted
Who's the mass reporter again, I forgot.

Loli Jesus says:
Wrong. For constantly giving the wrong answer your lolicon card is now revoked and you are unfit to participate in any further loli threads. Failure to comply will result in increasingly greater levels of punishment so it would be a wise idea for you to listen for once.

Attached: 1500905667924.webm (480x464, 328K)

Shut up, ironic lolicon. Elementary schoolers are the best.

Is there anything HOTTER than a loli calling you a lolicon?

Attached: 35.jpg (1280x1831, 366K)

>n-no u
Never gets old.

Hag’s like, “I’m not twelve, I’m twentay”. Okay.

I dunno, I've seen plenty of JS/JC threads get derailed over who is a real lolicon while still making it to bump limit

Attached: 1538019142163.jpg (2480x2480, 1.72M)

Her smug expression mirrors the authors state of mind. From utter obscurity to the most likely candidate for a Nobel prize in literature for Japan in 36 years just by catering to a certain clientele of gentlemen.

>mods are faggots who ignore reports towards actual shitposters and nuke entire threads when they feel like it
Who would’ve guessed

Maybe I missed more loli threads than I thought I did, but I think the point is clear.

Attached: dca09b5bf90972130e6c39477696ddea.jpg (900x1200, 385K)

I'm sure I've seen a good number of loli threads with all kinds of lolis regardless of school grade being posted peacefully make it to the goal line as well, but contesting what autistic people say usually isn't a good idea.

How many were JS-only threads
And you'd better back up your claims too

>you'd better back up your claims too
With what?
Are we supposed to provide links to suptg?

Attached: 1538019142160.jpg (707x1000, 95K)

Probably because everybody can stay in their own threads for literally any other kind of character except when it comes to JS threads

Loli is a body type meme was a mistake.

Attached: 0bbc81441f97dcf295c6659c8a27e177.jpg (1600x861, 152K)

Attached: 53e0beca7ef30594abf1c11ace29f047.jpg (850x1200, 908K)

are JS not popular?

Attached: 1538019142167.png (1504x1400, 823K)

JS are the most popular, that's why those faggots hanger-ons have to target us.

Attached: 64678378_p0.png (1094x1500, 910K)

That would explain why most people seem to agree that ginko is shit

Attached: 1538019142159.jpg (2508x3541, 3.52M)

An easier explanation is that she is a cunt so hatable

A toddler who can't even comprehend what that would mean.

I want to marry her

Attached: 969a13d4d464d9fb41b7a8804a436f50.jpg (2318x3639, 4M)

Blue Ai is cuter.


Attached: JY.png (934x699, 397K)

Based toddlercon trips

I'm a proud JS-only purist.

Attached: 1582681816647.jpg (691x633, 138K)

Give it a shot :^)

Attached: 9d7627e3c5c4d4a96fc21c2b8576d1a5.jpg (787x787, 438K)


>Cunny with a period
Nice try JCfag

>JS-only purist
You can just say alicon.

Aight, what do I get for two trips in a row?

Same thing.

Attached: 1206687182661.png (699x482, 15K)

Attached: peak performance.jpg (960x767, 65K)

Fuck off, JCancer.

This graph is nearly perfect, I’d only change sweet spot to 6-10

Hey, Illya is a JS
Just look at her dressed up as Alice

Attached: 1538021019006.jpg (1440x2560, 506K)

>using 3D hagshit to justify 2D hagshit

A JS shouldn't be holding a chart that says 14 is prime.


Why not?
Illya hasn't actually reached 14 herself
Isn't it a part of the JS's charm that she is naive enough to want to grow up?

Attached: 1538020267509.jpg (1440x2560, 331K)

Lolis should only want to grow up after I impregnated them, and not a second earlier.

Attached: cardcaptor.jpg (576x432, 46K)

That's a weird thing to find attractive.

Attached: 6e76444780fd69507b3a17b0d10d0ccc.jpg (938x776, 105K)

Her recent official/promotional art makes her look like a hag.