Attached: Pure, Unadulterated Kino.jpg (1115x1600, 235K)
A thread for all things Kino
Christian Ortiz
Other urls found in this thread:
Hunter Butler
I don't see Kino there
Lucas Moore
Nolan Cooper
Kino Kino.
Blake Roberts
The Kino is there. There's just so much of it that you're blinded.
Jaxon Fisher
Colton Jackson
Hello Reddit
Oliver Thomas
I have no interest in reading that manga so someone explain to me why this panel is being memed to death
Oliver Campbell
Go ask reddit
Charles Powell
Just finished reading this
I still don't get this meme.
Luke Price
Leo Martin
Was it necessary to shoot him
Samuel Perez
Colton Rodriguez
What meme? Do you not get the ending?
Noah Fisher
He's a big guy
Colton Howard
Alright pack it up redditors, kino has arrived
Adrian Lopez
It was part of the plan
Jordan Smith
Perhaps he is wondering why somebody would shoot a man after throwing him out of a plane
Owen Collins
Adam Wood
i will wait the day when anime blow up and normie will shit on your thread
Charles Wilson
Elijah Fisher
"normies" will be filtered
Christopher Bell
That was fantastic. Why can't Yea Forums create works of art like this?
Leo Thompson
Just in case there were skydivers nearby.
Adam Hall
More kino
Brayden Rivera
that's what jojofags used to said
Zachary Walker
>he thinks normalfags will tolerate incest, bestiality, child rape and the most extreme of all, misogyny among others themes
Carter Miller
If you had any friends or social life at all you would've known that the average anime fan isn't exactly a normalfag either, sensitive twitter bluechecks are not representative of the average anime "commoner". Fire Punch will get a lot of following along with controversy, and that's what "normie" otaku love.
Get out of your basement.
Elijah Ramirez
Dangerously based
Colton Ross
Ryder Brooks
>crossboarders openly use the K word now
how low has Yea Forums fallen
Christopher Hill
>he thinks that anime fans and liberals/the lgbt community are mutually exclusive and that they haven't already ruined industries like gaming
Spoken like a true brainlet. Do you live under a rock? People will target things they have no business nor interest in for the sake of pushing an agenda. The mha fanbase is just one, tiny example of this.
Dylan Rogers
It's been going on for a while now.
Evan Green
Its great.I love it.
Jonathan Cook
When are the filename threads coming in?
Tyler Bailey
Yes it CAN be mutually exclusive, not every person that doesn't browse Yea Forums is some sjw liberal that gets outraged by every controversial reference, holy fuck twitter really fried your brain Yea Forumstard. Not everything is black or white retard, you should go out at least once in your life.
Remember goblin slayer? Journos and "normies" cried but still a lot of people followed it until it dropped the ball becoming the average isekai shit. Berserk also has a huge following, Vinland saga? Nobody cared about what journos said about it, just to name the most notorious ones.
And now while using mha as an example you're forgetting essential info, China is a big consumer of manga and anime as well and nanking is something heavily criminalized by the government itself on top of the awareness that chinese people themselves over that incident, so the references werent reverted because some twitter trannies complained about it, it was reverted because a huge part of the chinese audience denounce it.
Next time rub your two braincells more before posting.
Jaxson Howard
>that they haven't already ruined industries like gaming
Only a GamerGay fag would unironically believe that they're the ones killing gaming and not the Venn diagram of lazy developers, greedy publishers, casual consoomers and obsessive whales. Maybe if you brought up comics you'd have more of a point.
John Gomez
>He forgot about Gay couple
do you even read or just push meme?
Connor Foster
Cameron Anderson
Yikes you're really seething. I guess I hit the nail on the head.
>not every person that doesn't browse Yea Forums is some sjw liberal that gets outraged by every controversial reference
No fucking shit, I didn't imply that. The fact that these people exist is enough, especially when all it takes is 1 person to light the flame.
>He's comparing Fire Punch to fucking Goblin Slayer and Berserk.
Bloody hell your brainlet is really showing now. Content like rape, incest, gore has been done to death in western media to the point that people have become desensitized to some extent.
Misogynistic content like this rarely goes beyond books and manga because creators know some people will take more offense to that. They fear another Gamergate. There is a specific reason some manga don't get animated and Fire Punch is one of them.
Ayden Phillips
Michael Bailey
Jaxon Gutierrez
>Yikes you're really seething
Kek. Not even him but you're hilarious. Also you keep trying to point at FP as some misogynistic anti-feminist manifesto when it's the exact opposite in context. It didn't get an anime because it was published in a niche magazine which never made a big enough splash in sales and wasn't considered to have enough mainstream appeal to justify it, same as the vast majority of unadapted manga.
Samuel Bell
Or maybe, just maybe, Fire Punch sold like shit and no studio actually wants to bother animating it since no one cares about it? Not to mention it would be a CGIfest that wouldn't be worth the effort.
But I suppose, yes, that the SJWs are the problem.
Carter Howard
>>he thinks normalfags will tolerate incest, bestiality, child rape and the most extreme of all, misogyny among others themes
you know those are the bad guys right?
while the main bitch is a tranny that caused hundres of innocent deaths but you're supposed to feel bad for her gender issues. And she has lgbt friends that got banned from the cities
Jacob Fisher
>There is a specific reason some manga don't get animated
Of course, its either too unapologetic or no studio is interested in it. Asians don't give a fuck about controversial themes, -most- western otaku neither, you're trying to make this case when ishuzoku reviewers is airing and EVEN despite cancellations it still has a huge following. Please user.
Levi Baker
>hundreds of innocent deaths
This post was approved by the King of Behemdorg
Ryan Butler
>Fire Punch sold like shit
No it didn't? All volumes recently got reprinted too
Joshua Wilson
Not him but do you actually think feminazis care about context? That's a bit naive
Aiden Morales
It sold "well" relative to all of the other unknown Jump+ manga at the time but not nearly as much as most other manga that are popular on Yea Forums. And the recent reprints are thanks to CSM giving it more notoriety.
Nathaniel Green
Look at that fucking face, what More explanation do you need?
The guy just realized that the female villain that he kept mistaking for his dead sister lost her memories and totally trusts him, so he can make her act out his delusions
Jace Price
It's quite impressive to hit his head after he fell so much, maybe she wanted to show off
Brody Baker
>Yea Forumsermin turned that panel into a reaction face because of its superficial similarity to soijack
Kevin Gomez
Yeah, it's like watching a Tarantino movie. And the bad guys are punished by a badass tranny who's even worse, it would be a hit with normies, with enough controversy to keep it aflojar unlike GS who doesn't have any fuel after chapter 1.
Zachary Lewis
>I was excited about the anime airing
Talk about monkey paws
Josiah Turner
Damn i want it animated more than ever now.
Jonathan Jackson
>nanking is something heavily criminalized by the government itself on top of the awareness that chinese people themselves over that incident, so the references werent reverted because some twitter trannies complained about it, it was reverted because a huge part of the chinese audience denounce it
I thought that he was talking about Professor Warcrimes
Ryder White
Well, the bastards living on those slums were practically serfs, what fault did they have? And tranny gave power armors to criminals, I don't know why Agni is treated like a murderer when he was thrown into the buildings while on fire, it's their fault for being retards, unleashing those brutes and dancing to the tranny's tune.
Jeremiah James
>and she fucking shoots him
Okay, what gundam is this?
Sebastian Cooper
No survivors.