What did he do wrong?
What did he do wrong?
He get into the robot
run back to his peaceful world with his tail between his legs
he am become gaylord
He didn't do anything unexpected of a normal teenager, but his lack of mental flexibility early on messed up his late game.
The fucking state of U S A
Not only a teenager, just anyone who watched the end of the world
He doesn't speak the international language
Why are two hives fighting each other?
Considering its in America maybe one hive had its woke moment and decide to side with human
He never stopped being a bitch.
Even in the late game the girls had to babysit his ass
Genuine pussy
To be fair it was kinda a waste to put their best dogfighter in the slow floating artillery platform.
Didn't commit seppuku
Nah, the last arc is a mess, but he was a real chad in the previous arcs
why does Hiro have such a big nose
He didn't fuck Stella
What's wrong with Alternate V plan again? In the end his waifu and daughter still make it to other planet aren't they?
There's really no point defend the earth
It involves leaving most of humanity to die on a mostly-uninhabitable shithole of a planet.
Because most people get left behind to die, and there's no guarantee the BETA won't find that planet eventually.
It gives them time to tech up somewhere, maybe reclaim the solar system somehow.
Didn't fuck meiya in alternative
>there's no guarantee the BETA won't find that planet eventually
Correct me if i'm wrong but the reason why BETA invaded earth in the first place is because they need minerals to create G-Elements, right?
They only massacred human because they don't see human as intelligent life form so, if humanity decide to abandon earth there will be 0% chance BETA will follow unless new planet has something they need for G-Elements
This is now Sumika thread!
More like Slutmika.
Real question is what did HE do wrong
Kagami Sumika
I heard she loves Twizzlers.
Sumika does enjoy sweets from time to time.
The BETA are a massive group of self replicating harvesters that are all around the galaxy. Known a Von Neumann machine, they harvest planets and send resources back to the home planet. They will find the Alternative V people. The only hope is either perpetually hiding or fighting back. Fighting back will all of humanity's infrastructure on Earth is a good idea if you can win back the planet.
I just looked this up and apparently the animes are all spinoffs except for the one that's upcoming... which is supposed to be the finale of a 3 part VN. How the fuck are you supposed to pull this off well?
Is the VN still even selling well after all these years? Why go for the finale instead of starting at PART 1?
Eh, it's not the first time an adaptation has done this so it's not like I'm not surprised. It's just fucking strange.
Like most of the audience, he took Extra for granted.
It's impossible to pull off either way. They'd need to completely ignore sales and do at the very least a 48 episode anime, which just isn't feasible. We'll be lucky if Alternative is more than 12 episodes.
Figures... but what are they aiming for here? "Show off the final bits of the story and hope that they're interested enough to want to know how it all began?"
I guess it would work, but man... what the fuck. It's definitely not because they just want their existing fanbase to see an anime adaptation of the finale... unless it's THAT BIG of a fanbase that it's actually going to be a pretty lucrative decision.
And alien penises
I mean, on the balance if you can't win any other way, saving 100,000 people or so is the right call. But that does damn almost a billion people left behind.
There was no guarantee that the other planet was even habitable, we only know it was because we saw another timeline (as an aside, I love sappy bullshit like "wife and daughter on a distant world waiting for man to come home")
beyond that, alt V didn't even kill all the beta on earth, leading the other billion with a large mess on their hands. if they can get it sorted, so be it I guess, but it'd be hard
if you could possibly get alt. IV to work, you'd be able to win with fewer deaths, it's still a gamble, but honestly it's a safe one, since if all else fails you can resort to alt V
tomboys are for raising tomboy daughters that will retake the earth in an attempt to find their father!
had dinner with his teacher
More like Cuckedmika
Alt V should at least reduce the number of BETAs thanks to G bombs
Read The Day After.
Shits fucked up.
Not sure what actually happens but the bet isn't
bad. G bombs are proven to work, but at a very high cost.
You have no fucking idea.
How many BETAs were wiped out?
the fuck you talking about? go read the vn
he didn't do anything wrong
That doesn't matter.
After Alt 5, most of Earth is destroyed. And humankind itself is on a brink of collapse. And even single hive is enough to fuck things up.
It matters if the rest of humanity can at least suppress the remaining hives and use what little they have left to keep civilization alive
it killed many of them, BUT
some hives survived, rendering the entire thing moot.
Like, after alt V, the frontlines hit america even, with seattle coming under siege
Read. The. Fucking. TDA!
muh imperialism
Fuck TDA, I wanted to see more MLA stuff. Ending at Kashgar was a dumb choice.
It's do or die, it's not like their chances were any better without the G bombs. Using G bombs in a kamikaze attack at least gives them a chance to succeed, at the cost of most of the Earth.
At the very end of the story you have to realize that the scope of the BETA force is so large that even eliminating all of them in the solar system is absolutely pointless. The only hope is to achieve real communication with the Masters behind the BETA.
the problem is that it didn't even work, and now humanity is in an even worse spot
the "we must colonize other worlds" bit was well and good, but it was literally just tacked on to get UN approval
honestly a better plan would be to absolutely annihilate hive 1 and work from there, rather than nuking absolutely everything, fucking up the environment, and putting hives underwater where we have no ability to reach them in the immediate future
The "MUH GAZILLION BETAS" thing was kinda dumb, there was no need to give a number. We already know BETA hives on the moon and Mars are a lot more advanced than the ones on Earth, that's super threatening in itself, more than a meaningless number.
tfw genocided due to a clerical error
how would silicon based lifeforms even work?
it's theoretically possible, the idea is that both carbon and silicon have 4 valence electrons, and so can bond in similar ways
there are some problems with it and our current understanding, but it's not super uncommon in sci fi
The extreme bitter makes the mild sweet stand out. It's the story's real feat that it makes you appreciate a generic romcom world as much as you do by the end.
I know it is fiction, but G bombs are such dumb anti-nuclear propaganda. Real nukes aren't that damaging to the environment. I understand that G bombs aren't actual nukes in-story, but a lot more things would have made for more effective weapons than mecha...like actual nukes.
He was a FPS/fightan game player when he should have been a strategy player. If he were the later, he could have approached the problem of defeating the alien menace by moving up humanity up the tech tree.
In the end, the Beta were just dumb miner biobots. No real humans would have lost to them.
You are stupid.
Now, lets get back to posting Sumika.
yeah they should have just built ghost academies, upgraded stealth, and nuked the shit out of the zerg
restart because I wanted the meiya route
>G bombs are such dumb anti-nuclear propaganda
Not really. They actually worked. Without G bombs, the Earth would've been doomed.
it is kinda ridiculous how much trouble humanity was having with the BETA. I get that laser classes are hot shit, but still
>every hive has millions of soldiers ready to fuck your shit up close and personal, while laser classes make your planes useless and can blow up your tanks
>humanity has trouble with that but still manages to secure the hive entrance
>what humanity can't do is invade the hive because of the chaos, sheer amount of BETAs, and size of those things
>more BETAs come out a few hours after the entrance was secured and start fucking humans by attrition and due to coming out from everywhere
Not hard to believe.
I wonder if napalm works
Actually a normal teenager would have shot himself somewhere along the way. Even with his "bitchy" moments it's amazing the amount of shit Takeru manages to deal with.
That's thanks to his Unlimited training and having actually seen the end of the world.