>When your view of art is too contemporary
When your view of art is too contemporary
That's what a lack of dicking do to you.
That's unironically a heterosexual guy.
This is such an amazing series. No wonder Yea Forums doesn't talk about it.
How so?
>Yea Forums
>talking about a seinen that isn't upgraded edge/romcom shounen
Pick one.
>Yfw he passed the first exam with this shit
Meandering hollow stories with no cohesive or meaningful narrative or ending and liberal dosages of dark themes that aren't given the respect and weight they demand. Tropes used wherever possible like a crutch, but are summarily lampshaded and subverted at evety turn without rhyme or reason to the detriment of the quality of storytelling. Smoke and mirrors done to appeal to low wis ignorants permanently stuck in the dunning kruger valley.
Pretentious. If that's what you unironically enjoy I could recommend a dozen web/co/mics made by woke types of the top of my head.
Sounds like one of Monthly Afternoon staff has fuck your mom
Modern art was a mistake.
>Meandering hollow stories with no cohesive or meaningful narrative or ending
This is widely applicable across manga my dude, nothing worth fedora tipping about.
Should just heem whoever did that shit
did you even read this manga
I want to neck modernists so bad
Introducing an annoying tranny in the first chapter wasn’t a good idea
This Blue Period?
Periods are red dude
What's the name of the manga?
That's only because most manga can be considered seinen. But yes, that specific point can also be applied to long running soulless battle shounen cashcows or the beginnings of certain LNs trying to appear relatable, and it's not the case for all seinen series too. But for the others, even episodic romcoms typically have some character motivation that's realized at the end of it, or some narrative or commentary that fits the theme of the story arc and isn't essentially just an observation of life following the author's nihilistic worldview.
Wow...artists are so deep
No it's because the goal of most manga isn't to be a well paced and thought out story, it's because the goal of most manga is to provide the reader with a specific emotion/experience on periodic basis for as long as it's feasible. Also, I hate to break it to you but most seinen isn't Eden, SNK, Berserk, ect, if we regard seinen as a demographic label that is.
>specific emotion/experience on periodic basis for as long as it's feasible
Of course, but it doesn't really apply to monthly manga that aren't adaptations, and even if it isn't authors usually try to provide some substance to the overall story. You don't need to have a coherent plot to set up narratives, good authors can even do it in a single 30-50 page chapter. And of course, most of what is regarded as seinen aren't exactly as described, but those who identify themselves as seinenfags would gravitate towards works that do fit the bill. Also, a darker manga done by a competent author would certainly not be garbage, and in my opinion it'd be better than if it weren't as dark, but most authors are hacks. It's the same issue Yea Forums shit faces when they delve into philosophical or political shit.
>everything can be easily generalized
Sure if you're a faggot.
Lots words
Ugaa don't understand
You smart.
Not my fault the type of faggot who'd enjoy deep shit are all one and the same
No it's definitely your fault that you're a faggot.
>tfw you're artsexual
Behold, you have inspired me.
Period designer.
What's the significance of Picasso's Blue Period
>those who identify themselves as seinenfags
How unfortunate for those that separate themselves just to look superior
Found the shounenfag.
Why yes I read shounen too
The world's been in post-modernism ever since way before you were born though.
Mori senpai is imagine tier
>Mori senpai will never cheer you for GMI