Ah yes HP lovecraft my favorite yuri mangaka

Ah yes HP lovecraft my favorite yuri mangaka

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Women are lovecraftian creatures and women loving other women is an abomination

I mean italians are rather queer creatures.

There's barely any women in Lovecraft's stuff unless they're evil or were raped by an alien god as a subplot.


The clams would accompany the fish people well.


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>Ah yes
kill yourself

except for my wife she's got dem khazar milkies

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>hate kikes
>marry kike woman
Should I get a jew gf too Yea Forums?

>And then, I spied with these weak mortal eyes a sight so abominable, so mind-numbingly horrific, that words cannot possibly explain the utter fear that reached across the cosmos to grip my feeble soul in its colorless grasp. I considered myself a brave man, dear readers--I have seen more negroes before than I wish to count, I have had to skirt by suffragettes, I have even endured the eldritch wail of jazz music when it accidentally came upon the radio, but in that moment, all my courage, all my experience with vile creatures beyond the breed of the anglo-saxon, utterly failed me.

For in front of me on the locomotive platform that day were two female creatures--ones of thin eyes and yellow complexion, no less--making horrible laughing noises together, extending their horrifyingly hand-like tendrils to touch each other, whispering vile words to one another in a tongue I did not understand, their voices a terrible timbre, almost as if they were..enjoying one another's company, as a female does with her husband, yet no men were present to tame this vile creatures. And it was there that I began to remember horrible names, fragments of books and scraps of paper and newspaper articles I had put out of my mind, thinking them some horrible phantasy of the savage races--Azathoth, Shub-Niggurath, Cthulu, Yom Kippur, and most terrible of all, one that even the mad Arab Abdul Alhrazed could not speak of--Sappho.

>Tentacles oozed putridly from the seeping masonry, shambling horrifically through the impossible corridors. There was no escape, even if my mind, its last tenuous thread of sanity all but severed, could overcome the horror and summon the courage to flee the eldritch abomination creeping ever closer.
>The cultist laughed languidly, her haunting voice echoing from every direction, my senses lost in the non-euclidean geometry. Deep within, I knew exactly what torture, what corruption was imminently wrought; what malice even the most maleficent would hesitate to inflict; what diabolical ritual this girl, if indeed girl she remained, was about to force upon me:
>She held my hand, and my circumambulating cunny seeped sanguinely as my body gave over to damnation.
Seems yuri to me OP.

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I like yours better


I don't know whether I should be terrified or aroused.
Is this part of Azathoth's idiotic musings?

>Yom Kippur

If Lovercraft is /u/ then who are /h/, /d/, /y/ and /aco/?

>women loving other women is an abomination
nothing wrong with it.

>two humanoids having sex despite their sex organs being located mostly inside their bodies
Seems incomprehensible and Lovecraftian to me user

t. King in yellow

It's not sex, it's foreplay.

its not sex, its love that transcends physical form and enters a dimension of pure queerness l

you know humanoids can have children right?

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There was that one woman who was secretly a man and that other one who was secretly black. Oh, there’s also that retarded albino tentacle fucker. That’s all I can think of.

I remember a story which included the nice girlfriend of the protagonist who basically saved him from the eldritch horror, but I forgot the name.

Thing on the doorstep?

Yuri will inherit the Earth it will conquer countries, worlds and galaxies.

The future is yuri.

>the dyke in the dark
>the homos out of space
>the call of lilies

That’s the one where a guy gets married to a girl being possessed by her evil ancestor so he beats her to death, but “she” does a soul swap jutsu before dying so the guy has to shamble about inside a mangled corpse (he’s the thing on the doorstep)

What did he meant by this?

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no such thing when real women all crave for dick

The Great Race of Yuri

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>no such thing when real women all crave for pussy


That was fake Carter/Raum.

The real one showed up, was friendly to the cat, and then decided on a whim to take it with him across multiple dimensions.

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>the call of clitoris
>at the mons of madness
>the manless city

Absolutely based.

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If you stare into the dyke, the dyke stares back at you.

That's Nietzsche, twit.

I liked that one.

Well, duh.