Should I bother watching Tokyo Ghoul?

Should I bother watching Tokyo Ghoul?

Never read the manga but I see people talk about the anime with a lot of love/hate like it is really divisive, is it worth checking out?

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Season 1 is pretty good however I wouldn't recommend you watch the rest because season 2 is not canon and Re is just shit.

I do not think I would bother watching an Anime that was not finished or never planned on finishing


If you're interested in the series just read the manga. The original is great from start to finish and :re starts well but starts to drop off about halfway through and then nosedives from there.

Only manga I could ever bother reading through was AKIRA since then I have tried reading stuff but I just prefer anime instead

Sounds like a big mess so I might just avoid it all together, thank you though

That's fair. I remember when I only watched anime too, started reading manga somewhere around 2013 and basically stopped watching anime altogether like 2-3 years ago, airing stuff at least unless it was adapting a manga I read/was reading.

And for a person that doesn't read manga I wouldn't say TG is a very good series to start off with lol.

>And for a person that doesn't read manga I wouldn't say TG is a very good series to start off with.
This. If you're not big on manga and don't want to watch an anime you won't finish, then you're better off just skipping TG altogether.

Read the manga. Half of the anime is basically non-canon.


Yeah, wise decision. It's a trainwreck.

Read the manga, do yourself a PARTY

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Eh, not really. The original is perfectly fine and even if you don't like the setting of :re you can't say it turned until a trainwreck until at least volume 8-9.

It's just not a good manga to read if you're not into manga or new to reading.

I finished this manga a long time ago but never kept up with the threads or the author. But I remember being fond of the art and stunned by how much the author improved throughout the series. What is he up to nowadays?

He's making a switch game or some shit.

Read all of Tokyo Ghoul and read :Re till chapter 57

If you're a female: Yes.
If you like edgy shit with trash writing: Yes.
If you just like watching/reading something fully to trash it later on Yea Forums because know what you're talking about when you do it: Yes.

I miss her bros.

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I wish it stayed edgy throughout, because thats when the series shines

Same, she died too soon. At least we got some fresh art, even if it's just chicken scratch.

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If a manga turns into shit at some point it's not worth reading. There's no payoff and it leaves a bitter taste.

I would generall agree with you here, but you won't find many manga that are 10/10 from start to finish. Especially with TG, it's it always about the journey and the characters were the strongest part. And, for me at least, I got less invested in the series as soon as the cast got too bloated.

>If a manga turns into shit at some point it's not worth reading.

I don't get why anyone would choose Furata as their main villain over someone like Eto

It's the journey that matters, not the destination.
You can read an unfinished story and come away with a positive experience.