Why is there lots of dancing in OPs/EDs?

Why is there lots of dancing in OPs/EDs?

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Good Dances

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>Why is there lots of dancing in OPs/EDs?
It might be because there's lots of music in OPs/EDs.

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Give something for people to embarass themselves at cons.

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because its fun

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Showing the characters of a series dancing (or posing, or running) is something that can fit at the start or end of any episode regards of the plot or timeline of any series without having to be updated for different episodes. It showcases the characters and artstyle for the series in a way that provides an excellent background for credits or title sequences without necessary being too engaging on its own merits or spoiling content within the series (unless of course the creators want it to...).

TL;DR: it's visual filler

Attempt to make the next viral Haruhi, so basically a profit motive

but Haruhi didn't start dancing OP

>Haruhi invented dancing

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It didn't, but it made an unknown LN into a megahit

>dancing made an unknown LN into a megahit
You seem to have dancing confused with KyoAni.

because they're jamming out to the music user

idc why but it's comfy as fuck so I hope they keep doing it

Shimoneta ending has my favorite dance.


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>sunshine-y day
What weird kids get together to do choreographed dance routines?
>it's night and then day again
Wait, did their parents abandon them in the middle of a park overnight? How long have they been dancing?
>leaves change color
Nigga I'm calling CPS

Please list the franchises KyoAni did that to before 2006.


If the OP doesn't make you want to dance it's a shit OP.

Lucky star you newfag


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The same reason why there are group dance scenes in every modern kids movies out there.

2007, and the manga was a bestseller before the anime aired.

>music is playing
>"why are they dancing anons??"
the absolute STATE of nu-Yea Forums


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Damn I remember this from when I was a kid.

Shrek popularized the sing & dance endings in the early 2000s

>unknown LN
you have no idea what are talking about. haruhi suzumiya was well-known in LN circles but anime made it million times more popular

Ballroom dancing > party dancing

What weird me out is that some who have no apparent dancing talent can pull off idol level choreography to some jap music. Even weirder is they sometimes help sing the same song they're dancing to.

>it's visual filler
Nonsense. OP/ED sequences are frequently used to showcase character personality traits and relationships more directly than inside a story and are even used to foreshadow events in the story itself.

Nobody cares about your sportss manga.

you know, because of music

but who popularized the sing & dance opening?

Because OP/ED are music videos advertising performers belonging to the record labels who are part of a production committee.
>Attempt to make the next viral Haruhi, so basically a profit motive
>Haruhi invented dancing
This is also objectively true, like a billion of other things nowadays you just think are "anime," the elaborate dances in the OP trend was started by Haruhi (before it every fucking OP was "characters running")

Because it's fun, you single-digit-IQ, mouthbreathing, smoothbrained retard