Dragon Ball Super

Is Vegeta undefeated against Goku?

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Is Vegeta undefeated against Pan?

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Goku is also undefeated against Vegeta.

Yes, just like Freeza is undefeated against Vegeta.

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The great 2-0 trio. Who will break the record first?

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T-this wasn't how it was supposed to be...

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Gohan is holding Piccolo back.

Yes, it is Akira Toriyama's will.


Guess who else has a 2-0 on Goku

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¿Cell Morado?

>Screw-Attack is canon.
I might as well call infinite hypothetical UI Goku vs Superman with kryptonite skin battles as canon.

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Shut the fuck up Kuckerotfag

Those Supermans are possible in Scribblenauts games.



If your post is anti-CHADrengetahan, do not even bother hitting Submit. Your IESL WILL NOT be worth reading dogs.

What is this? It looks way better than canon perfect cell.

We all know Broly is coming back in the future. We all know he'll job.

What I want to know is, when they inevitably need to fuse to fight someone again, who he'll fuse with first? Kakarott or Vegeta?

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missing the true chad

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>goku and vegeta fuse into Gogeta
>"here broly. This is called a "potara." Put it on your ear."
>they put one on their other ear
What's the fusion's name?

*gets shot*

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The nameless fusion, the strongest being in DB's history.


But that's the fat fuck

Deelen x Brori is stronger

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>Leave Jobgito and Cuckgeta to me

yes because the shit you're referencing is non canon filler.


>Goku is [headcanon]


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nice headcanon. vegeta had frieza on his knees twice and then vegeta's janitor cleaned up the second time.

>implying Gogeta is stronger than Broly
>implying Vegito is as strong as Gogeta
>implying Broly is stronger than Jiren

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>stronger than Vegeta

Nice headcanon. Freeza killed Vegeta twice.

either Groleta or Kakageroly

This is Cell Negro. He has to partially revert back into semi perfect form, but in return gains ghetto ki, and has the power of a thousand niggers, but still has his cold and calculating mind.

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Movie night: King CHAD and his 2 sons fucks a bondaged bulma- wait KURIZA NO YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO SEE THIS WTF

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>.... Bros, i got too cocky and got killed by the mexican cartel. Even BLANCO didn't work!

>Father, Bejita-dono, Buruma-chan, Cheelai-chan, Broly-dono.....

>Please gather the dragonballs to revive me!

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lol vegetafags thinking prince of jobbers is undefeated

RIP Gohan's VA in the Mexican dub.

Even his sex life is a mere compilation of jobbing. CHADler and his brother have a bunch of side bitches, and bulma is one of them lmao
>pic is bulmas POV sucking CHADler off while frieza has his dick in her ass

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You are not considering the psychological victories CHADgeta had over those characters

Why is this such a meme anyway? Is it because of poor people projecting their issues with their father onto Goku?


That's not nice; a real person was murdered.


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even OOlong banged Bulma

Holy fuck people in these generals are as dumb as goku

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Watch yourself, saiyan monkey

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If you followed the story closely it's actually quite gruesome, imagine being murdered with your wife and brother in law, that's like 2 of your family members

>Goku: "Oh no! His Gag Ki!"
>Cooler: youtube.com/watch?v=CcKdtHmk06U

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It's all in the bang.

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>Gohan is muerto
Oh noes! Pressay el effay key to payay los respectos!

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Yes, gruesome unless you live in Iraq or Mexico, where it's quite common for things like that to happen.


Kefla loves Gohan

>Different user here that doesn’t necessarily beleive it but can accept it.

What if Gogeta gives a potara to the fusion dance of Jiren and Broly?

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Infinite keks is that he did better against Hearts later in blue. Goku got stronger by himself than with the grand priest.


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This is alwasy weird to me just running around somebody striking a pose doing it some more and then looping to the same positions exaxtly.

This is just a mess kek

It’s just semi-perfect cell with the fsce and skin color of perfect cell. Also the yellow ear and chin thing.

Why did he do that?

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bulma's hair stylist needs to be stopped.

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You're pushing it, dog.

He's still seething that CHADkarot didn't tell him to bang his wife like what his autistic fans told him so he vent his small dick on Bulma's kid


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Now that the spics are finally gone we can enjoy the Year of Kefla

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>Goku didn't tell Vegeta to kiss his wife
Nice headcanon Pedro

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>I love Vegeta, the final boss of the Saiyan Arc
>please add him to the main cast, tori
>Toriyama: *laughs*

No wonder Friezachads are afraid

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Can anyone confirm something for me? What chapter does Frieza burn the Namek flag in?

Asking for a friend.

You're asking for it faggot.

I am GAY

We know Horserenfag

Because he didn't want Bra to get in the way of him attaining Perfection.

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Okay waifunigger

>Zamasu 2.0

you pathetic low life low level racists can't even post an image relevant to a given thread topic that is also in allegiance to your views because you're a bunch of can't meme losers who will never succeed in what satan sent you here for- demoralization. you're failures in all things and worse of all I can do what you wish you could without even trying. it all comes so easy for me.

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Exit Moro.

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Based Gokekbitch

We know, Brolybro...

Me too Brolybro

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What's the difference between Gogeta and Vegeto? I know Vegeto needs Potara rings but is there any difference in the power level or the time limit?

There's no difference on power level as far as Nu-DB goes only time limit and methods

How long can Vegeto stay compared to Gogeta? What about difference in attacks?

1 Hour

What the fuck is going on ITT?

Vegetto has 30 extra minutes but all fusions last only 5 minutes if going beyond SS so that's kinda irrelevant

The fact BEJITA-SAMA is UNDEFEATED against our hero SON GOKEK

Then, what's the point of having Potara rings?


The fusion process is faster and can't possibly go wrong, and (according to most of sources) the boost is greater. I think the power boost is kinda irrelevant too because Gogeta and Vegetto always are stronger than the antagonist they are fighting so I don't really care about that, but having a fusion that can't fail is way better than using one that gets you stuck on a pathetic shape for 30 minutes if you do a slightly wrong move

Can UI possibly restore Fusions time limit to what they are? Since it doesn't really overpower your body until can no longer contain it and split the fusion, it's simply making you fight better

C-Cutebros what’s Broly doing to Kefla...?

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Nothing, Broly isnt even base Bejita tier.


Does anyone have that picture of Broly lifting the true cross with his bare ass cheeks hanging out in center frame?

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thank you

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MODS !!!

>Broly isnt even [headcanon]
>Literally embarrasses God Keketa

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>Goten is darker skinned than Trunks
Based Toriyama palette.

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Based broly quints

Holy based Waifugetatard BTFO

His grandma is a blonde Western woman

Nice quints pardner

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Based Pan, lives rent free in Vageta's head.

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It is probable, but would be off-panel. Buu would likely let her go ahead, but Vegeta would be sure to assert dominance over a ‘Son’ without fail as with all the rest.

True (in canon).

Gokek and Frisbee lost theirs. Vegeta kept his.

Get better allies, lil lizza.


>thinking Bejita-sama is [AT’s will]
It is known.

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Okay user, but tell that to Toei who makes Trunks darker than Goten; a literal chink.

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Soulless vs Soul

Hold on a sec; is Goten wearing the Power Pole? I never noticed that!

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That's just Toyo giving Goten a buff

The strongest never jobs.

I like Dragon Ball Super.

>I [headcanon]

Maybe. Some people theorize that UI uses user's "true power" so it's based on the user's full strength (like if Goku was using his SSB form during UI), in that case UI should still fuck the fusion time. Otherwise UI should allow fusions to keep their full time


Вегета лузер. Најголем плачко.

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Well I don't.

Vegeta is not a loser!

Discarded, Chadgeta will always be a loser that never scores matter what

Bejita please fuck my wife

I am obsessed with Vegeta. My whole life revolves around him.

>MOEgetafags thinks their opinion matters

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>The fusion is either Broku or Goalie

>Goku is comparable to an angel trainee like Merus
>Vegeta is leagues above rookie GoD tier guys like Toppo
>Broly doesn't even need Super Saiyan to be stronger than Beerus
>Moro makes angels shit bricks

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Are you guys all loyal RENCHADS like me?


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>Goku [headcanon]

When is this fucking headcanon going to stop

Literally how? Merus was ready to go full power against Goku and that was when the time was nearly up so he obviously didn't plan to let Goku extremely damaged. Goku is strong enough to face an angel trainee at full force and not only survive it but also get ready for another fight after take a nap.

Not even a (You) for you

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>angel trainee
Literally not an angel. Now fucking COPE for me.

The absolute level of comprehension of a Shitrendog..

Glad you agree that Merus isn't an angel and is just a trainee, FOAZ.

I know that you are that one annoying Jobrentard because no one ever uses your cringe as fuck abbreviation. Ever. Also cope.

Imagine being this obsessed and schizophrenic. I know you're just trying to deflect from the fact that you're WRONG about Merus being an angel, btw.


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Sauce on this ?

Sadly don't know, I too would like to read about CHADler mopping the floor with monkeys

I really feel bad about taking you seriously you stupid Shitrentard but here, Merus is an angel but he is still not in service yet. EGP sent him on an assignment to U7. Whis mentioned that it's the law of their existence to not interfere with the issues of the mortals and that was a huge point in the chapter. What now, Jobren shitposter?

>LITERALLY SPELLED OUT that he is not an angel, but a trainee
You pathetic schlemiel.

It's such a simple concept really. Pity that you are a Shitrentard..

>angel trainees aren't angels, Whis and his brother are from different races!

>It's such a simple concept really.
It really is. Merus is a trainee and NOT an angel.

>literally strawmanning because he has nothing left
I won again.

>weaker than Broly
>weaker than Goku
>weaker than Vegeta
>weaker than Merus
>weaker than Moro

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At least he is stronger than Bejita, right Shitrenbros...

>this cuck is weeping again

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CHADler VS Gagcharacterus + Kekarot, I need this

y-yeah I'm sure Vegeta didn't even got stronger after the ToP ha ha haaaAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HELP ME TOPPO

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All of us Jirenegros are.

Teaching her the ways of the big green monkey.

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Where is your reading comprehension, el retardo

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Changing topic because the shitposting is getting out of hand, which confirmed U6 counterparts do we know of as of now?
>Cabba is Vegeta
>Caulifla is Goku
>Frost is Freeza
>Kale is Broly
>Champa is Beerus
>Auta Magetta is Bikkura Quoitur
>Saonel/Pirina are Piccolo

Who else do we know of? Could Botamo be considered Buu's counterpart or is that a stretch? And who is Hit's counterpart?

The cartel stole it

Boring thread. Time for some comfy.

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>boring thread
>posts the most boring character from the most boring movie in the franchise

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>Hit is 0G 73
>Cabba Cauli and Kale are the 3 girls
>Maggeta is Bikkura
>Botamo is Panda
>Saonel and Pirina are El hermano de Zarbon

Broly reconciled with Ba? Fuck yeah, is this canon?

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What race is Zarbon

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How have they not used Raditz again? He was the first one of these interplanetary threats, the gate to the whole beautiful mess that is DBZ+DBS. He is Goku's fucking brother. Yet no one ever mentions him or has tried to revive him nor we ever see him in heaven or hell. I'll take Raditz over fuckers like Pilaf, Ginyu and all those other literally whos who have made reappearances.

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Gohan is Renso.

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Because Plebitz is fucking weak and no one remembers him. Goku probably doesn't remember even having a brother.
>literal who
You fucking Z-babby

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Why are all the new Super characters so fucking unmemorable? I never had trouble remembering even shitty filler characters' names from DB and Z, but when it comes to Super I just can't be fucked to remember. Any time I talk about the ToP fighters outside of the main crew I have to go look up their names because honestly who gives a fuck? Boring designs, boring names, and none of them did anything. Why is it so stale and boring now?

Thank fuck Super isn't canon.

Why is Mario posting his cringe fanfiction

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Beerus, Whis, Hit, Jiren, Caulifla. All memorable to me. I think there was a black version of Goku too or something

My name is actually Juan.

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That's why I said "out of the main crew", and I was mostly referring to the ToP. Hell, Beerus and Whis were technically introduced in Z. None of the ToP fighters were memorable. Even Ribrianne I barely remember, I'm probably spelling her shitty name wrong. And obviously no one will not know who Jiren is because half the thread uses him to spam autistic shitposts

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Your fagfiction is bad and you should feel bad.

>evil Goku
>green kai guy who screams the n-word
>purple penis man
>ayy lmao
>fat lorax who screams the j-word
>green bulma
>good broly


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All of that is either unmemorable or bland, yes.

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Super has had a faster pace than Z, with less filler and less sub sagas, which means less screentime for secondary characters. Moro saga is hopefuly going to fix that.

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You are a fucking retard

>Gogeta lives rent-free in Broly's head, is associated with "pain", and makes him piss himself

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So you don't know who the other counterparts are?

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This manga is terrible, I dislike it

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Cope and seethe

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I wonder how many transformations Moro will go through before he reaches his final form

I'm basing them off from the namek relevant guys, so far his race is not known

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Kek, based

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You know that Disney story where a prince becomes a frog

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Calm down greasy taco, go take a breather and then come back.

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God, Jiren is the best


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>seething ponyfucker

Romance in Dragon Ball is cringe

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>no sexy time
Get this shit outta here.

Broccoli is actually a Fujo dream boy. Tori threw a bone to the female losers amongst us.

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>Brocolli is the Fujobait
>but Gogeta is the one filled the movie with Gay fanservice
What did he meant by this?

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>Jobku is now 0-1 against Cheelai and Lemo

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Nah, the franchise needs just a little bit to make these characters not feel like psychos. Instead we get shit like Goku never kissed his wife.

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What's he been doing with that hand?

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Yes Gogeta is gay fanservice for gay guys like yourself. Broly is for fujos who are dumpy females.

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I wish it wasn't canon too, my friend.

>no sex
Fuck you

>spend the last hour reading this fucking shitty fanfiction
>Broly doesn't even tongue punch Cheelai's fartbox
Back to the kennel with you.

That's a cute Cheelai design.

Cheelai is cute.

man that was wholesome and cute, thank you user

>DBS is a gay propaganda now
What the fuck happened bros?

Want to know how I'm sure you're underage?

Broly is cute.

Z never did this, OG and GT is a pedophile show, Super did this shit first


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Absolutely, I love how tall and muscular he is!

Lemo is handsome.

t. Lemo

I want a big black cock in my faggot ass.

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Me too!

Cell Laden?

Kefla's name, eyes, and hair color all make no goddamn sense. I really hate everything about the U6 Saiyans.

Not at all. The hair color is from the non-dominant participant of the fusion. Just look at Vegito's stats. And Kefla's name is Kafla with the proper Japanese pronunciation/stress.
Similar to how Caulifla is pronounced as Caulifra, but nobody in the west does that.

If you want to objectively determine who the most dominant personality is you have to compare it with other fusions:

Kibitoshin: Shin's face, Shin's personality, Kibito's name in front.
Kefla: Caulifla's face, Caulifla's personality, Kale's name in front.
Vegito: Goku's face, Goku's personality, Vegeta's name in front.

>Fusion dance:
Gotenks: Trunks' face, Trunks' personality, Goten's name in front.
Gogeta: Vegeta's face, Vegeta's personality, Goku's name in the front.

If we assume that the Potaras work the same, we must conclude that Vegito has Goku's personality (based on two canon Potara fusions).
If we assume that the fusion dance works the same, we must conclude that Gogeta has Vegeta's personality (based on one canon fusion).

Then there is:
Goku's face, Goku's melee attack style, Goku's mutliple bangs, Vegeta's hair color and spiked hair.
Vegeta's face, Vegeta's ki blast dominant style, Vegeta's hairstyle, Vegeta's receding hairline, Goku's haircolor, less bangs than Goku,

03-03-2020 soon.

Funny, Gogeta has Goku personality in GT

Z had naked kid Gohan, Goten and kid Trunks too. Cope.

Seething, Jobgeta is nothing compare to the CHADly.

Non-canon sources seem to make everything Goku dominant.
Heroes (Toei) Gogeta has Goku's face, while DBS Broly's Gogeta has Vegeta's face.
DBGT (Toei) Gogeta also has Goku's face and wacky personality.
Might be because Heroes and GT were cashgrabs and not as well thought out as movie 12 (the director had a passion for the series that oozed off the screen) and the Broly movie.

But Gogeta from the Janemba movie clearly has Vegeta's face and stance on artwork.
I assume that pic related is official artwork (possibly minus the background) and we know that only Vegeta crosses his arms like this.

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Yamcha was psychologically undefeated in Dragon Ball up until Gero gave him a handjob.

What is this move called?

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Is it July 2019 yet?

i don't know but gogeta's spin kicks are some of the coolest shit DB has ever produced. the sound effect is so cool

How come all Gogeta's fighting style are elegant but effective? In fact Gogeta seems to move like he's in UI when he goes Blue, he dodged everything Broly threw at him

This was technically a win for Broly

>destroyed by Martial Arts
Weaker than Roshi

there's nothing elegant about Gogeta's fighting style, Broly was just too slow

Attached: SCAREDly.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

The "Showing off because I can't win" shuffle.

It still has more choreography than anything Nu-DB has to offer, i mean Vegito did nothing but ATATATATA Zamasu

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>b-b-but Broly was winning easily against SS Gogeta!
>gets his jaw kicked into Universe 11

I love laughing at seething Brolyshitters.


>jobs to Base Vegeta
>jobs to SS1 Vegeta
>jobs to SSG Vegeta
>jobs to Whis
>jobs to SS Gogeta
>jobs to SSB Gogeta
>fails to kill Frieza
Who thought this was a good idea? Broly was one of the least menacing enemies I've seen in a fighting movie. He only performed well against Goku and then briefly against both SSB Goku and SSB Vegeta , how do you even hype up an enemy like this? Dude was just a punching bag for most of the movie.

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>All this seething
I win again, as expected of the strongest.

Attached: CHADly.jpg (1280x705, 63K)

>inherited Pissgeta's piss poor fighting technique
Ohnonono vegitobros?!?

Attached: vvsz.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Broly wasn't winning, but he wasn't losing either.
Their SS match was closer to a draw than a win for either.

>Forces SSB Goku and SSB Vegeta into fusion
Go back to sucking trap penises, Cuckhan.
This place clearly isn't suited for you.

Fact: RETARDly didn't manage to sneak a single hit in once Gogeta went SSB.

>closer to a draw
>needing to go FPSS because 'his constantly getting powerful' gimmick isn't catching up to SS Gogeta

And Jobgeta couldn't beat CHADly even as a SSB.

No (You)s for the Jobrentard, or the Jobhanfag with his shitty headcanon.

>Too scared to fight Gogetachads themselves so he shat on Horserendogs and WHOhancucks
SHITly couldn't even land a SINGLE (1) hit on Gogeta because he's simply too nimble, also he decided to concede AFTER he almost ate the whole Kamehameha, he's lucky to have that green harlot, no need to keep embarassing yourself there when Broly himself admits defeat

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Attached: Jobren crying.jpg (184x184, 8K)

>he's literally seething and running away while plugging his ears and screaming his delusional camelcanon

Why the long face?

Because the OP is anti-shitku and he needs to make the thread hit bump limit as fast as possible.

>Can only shout out headcanon like a mindless chicken
Done, I leave to my throne.

Attached: Dably.jpg (504x434, 45K)


>complains about Toyotaro's occasional bad perspective (something even Toriyama was guilty of) under relatively tight schedules
>defends Broly's fist being as large as Gogeta's body due Shintani's bad art

Attached: Shintani.jpg (1192x1584, 275K)

>he literally ran away

Attached: death kek.gif (360x270, 1.63M)

You do realize Broly is a literal giant, right Toyodog?

I haven't seen a non-fused mortal who would be able to do that.
The difference between SS3 and SSG is huge already, which means that the difference between SS and SSB is even bigger.
How big is the difference between SS3 and SSg, you ask?

Well, SS3 is galaxy-level, but SSG is universal.
There are at least 200 billion galaxies in the universe.
So SS3 to SSG is a 200 billion multiplier.
SS3 is a CANON 400x multiplier from base.
So you'd have to multiply 400 x 200 billion, which would give you a 80 trillion multiplier.
Thus SSG is a 80 trillion multiplier from base.
SS to SS3 is a 8x multiplier and then we multiply that by 200 billion to get 1.6 trillion.
SS Gogeta became over 1.6 trillion times stronger than his SS form.
It's over 1.6 trillion, because SSB adds another mutliplication, but we'll leave it at this, because it's uncertain whether SSB gives a 50x mulltiplier on SSG.

Is it a high number? Yes.
Does it contradict the canon?
No, because the manga agrees that amount of galaxies in the universe is nearly infinite and anime showed it when summoning the dragon of the super Dragon balls.

Also, the universe has 200 billion to 2 trillion galaxies, but I was being generous by using the lowest estimation.

Also, Also this means that SS Broly is over 1.6 trillion times Goku's base. Imagine if Broly were to stack the SSG transformation on top of that. 1.6 trillion x 1.6 trillion is quite a lot.

>implying that his power wasn't naturally increasing.

Oh no no no no

Attached: 8 million dollars for this.png (1020x489, 607K)

>all these headcanon numbers and multiplier babble
Ask me how I know you're Mexican.


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Yet he couldn't catch up to mere SS Gogeta without immediately jumping to the next stage, why?

Yikes, people like you still exist?

>What were scouters again?
You can manipulate scouters, but the readings they give are accurate as snapshots.
They do show the power the fighters are showing at that very moment.
So, no, powerlevels are not bullshit, but they can be manipulated.

>Too dumb to read why the numbers aren't headcanon.
Ask me how I know you've never finished high school.

Because he was having fun toying with him and dragging out the fight like a true Saiyan, what now? BOOM.

>babbling about the Daizenshuu's non-canon SS3 multiplier
Literally stopped reading there. You're done.

Sheesh kid it's a children's comic book, go be productive someplace else that can actually benefit your life.

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uh oh, no (You) for you this time Doglypablo

>he couldn't refute it
I won. Just another day in the life of the CHADest, CHADly.

>literally Shitrenpony 2.0
Oh how Brolyfags have fallen


Attached: BROLYBRO.jpg (720x755, 72K)

Sad how all they can do is cry about Shitren in the face of ALMIGHTYly.

>Replying to the wrong post

Look, you can't get around the fact that SS3 is galaxy-level and that SSG is universal.
You cna use your own headcanon for the SS3 multiplier or you can use none.
The difference between SS3 (galaxy-level) and SSG (universal) is and will always be at least 200 billion.

>Calls me a kid
>Complains that I'm commenting about a kid's book
You're a special type of retarded, aren't you?

>He even copies their posting style

>Jibronies have ever done math
You're projecting.

>putting the scene where he tells Krillin to shoot him for a zenkai boost
Kek you're not even trying.

>implying I'm talking to you Mexican mathfag
Go impress someone else

Even children wouldn't go full on sperg like you are right now.

Attached: 1572430381924.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

That's still a job you know.

>Freeza gets beat up and overpowered

>Grins and compliments the enemy on their battle power


>H-H-He's not writing like a dyslexic. M-M-Must be a Jibronie.
Maybe you shouldn't write like a 12 year old yourself.
Oh, what am I saying? You probably are 12.

Attached: 1576958269743.gif (320x180, 2.91M)


Why does he have Vegeta's face?

>Calls others Mexican
Nani dafuq, fag?

They can't, because they're kids.

>AAAAIIIEEEEEE just kidding I'm fine.

Attached: HUMUNGOUSly.jpg (706x1015, 101K)

Because he's a horse.

>still didn't kill frieza
What now Doglyfags? Just like Broly is weaker than Frieza since he can't kill him? You guys did say Gogeta lost because Broly didn't die right?


>Mexican in charge of determining grammar
Again, go impress someone else


Based TANKza!

>The jirendog card again
I wantd to believe that this just Jirencuck falseflagging, Brolyfags aren't this pathetic right?

>Being impressed by something that shouldn't be considered impressive at all.
You just outed yourself, little mouse.

>even more IESLB
You're done.

More like Zamasu is Baby 2.0

>Zamasu is inferior Baby
>#17 (Super) is inferior to Super #17
>Didn't even bother copying the SDs because they knew they were too CHAD to be copied.


>not even trying to make sense anymore

Not only did Frieza not die, he tanked weakly for an hour and didn't even expend enough energy to drop out of golden

I want Kale and Caulifla as my plathings.

Oh God don't tell me this relly is a Brolyfag


Holy fucking SHIT.

Nobody cares.

It's funny how his mere gimmick might murdr honky himself

Broly was holding back, otherwise Frieza would have died instantly.

So C O P E


Out. OUT.



Jus like Broly once he proved to be too unpopular for this franchise

>Berserk mode Broly attacking everything in a rage was suddenly holding back, I s-swear!

Cope, kneel, and wail.

Attached: D3lNkOBW4AAasCn.jpg (1200x675, 115K)

So, never?


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kek pathetic jobber

This is canon.

>replying to the wrong post
No? Are you so fucking stupid you forgot you posted about the non-canon Mexican fanfiction SS3 multiplier from the Spiczenshuu? You wetbacks have really short attention spans.
>SSG is universal
In Toei's fanfiction, maybe. You have NOTHING but headcanon. Cope and seethe.

Daizenshuu is canon.
Super is not canon.
End of discussion.

That's how big TITANly is tho

>Goku never kissed his wife
That's hilarious and Toriyama/Goku-esque as fuck though.
Of course Z-only Amerilards like you don't get it though.

Discarded instantly.

>takes so long to come up with a burn that it forgets which post it should reply to.

>SSG i-i-isn't universal. G-G-Goku and Beerus' clashes w-w-w-weren't shaking the u-u-universe. My abuela told me so.
It's canon in the manga AND the anime, retard.
Cope, Kneel, Concede and carry on.

>OG and GT is a pedophile show
Back to you Yea Forumstard

>Super is not canon.
Your post is the ultimate cope.

Almost everything is fan fiction. Super is fanfiction, Toei filler is fanfiction, Z is fanfiction. Nothing is Canon except the very first scene in DRAGON BALL where Goku lives in the mountains. Not even Bulma is Canon. Dragon Balls dont even grant wishes, that's an afterthought. In fact there is only one Dragon Ball, the one Goku got from his grandpa. It's called Dragon Ball, not Dragon Balls.

>next stage
>still in SS
I feel sorry for schizoids like you, even knowing how futile these exercises of headcanon are, you still persist in spewing taco sauce all over these hallowed threads.

Attached: 1babc26e6a6aa0a29d72c6dfd377014a.jpg (750x1000, 79K)

03-03-2020 soon.

>The retard thinks that it's Dragon Ball Z and not Dragonballz.
Yare yare.

That's Tori not Toyo

No. That's a calculated move.
The fact that Vegeta was able to control his Ki level to where he got hurt by Krillin's beam but not enough to die so he can get a Zenkai boost and then get healed by Dende was impressive.

God, I miss Namek saga Vegeta.
Him becoming a good guy was a mistake.

Kneel little pup, OUTOFCONTROLy let the main character get up from a beating and stood there watching as he powered up, BEASTly doesn't have cowardly instincts like PISSren the tearful, that tried to kill Goku's nakama.

Attached: Broly playing with his new friend.jpg (1208x328, 94K)

are you even trying, pup?

>no argument

So you're saying that everything is just Goku's imagination?

>Never tried to kill cuckza
>never used a ki blast
>m-muh Gogeta

Shut up amerifat.

Broly is a good kid. That's why he's liked so much. He's not a retard, an egomaniac, an autist (looking at you, Jiren) or a sadist.
Broly is a genuine good kid.

This honestly. The ones crying about it are the retarded dubfags that think muh hope of the universe Superman Goku is canon. They always cite the Toei filler of him and Chi-Chi kissing and then sperg out when it's pointed out that it's not canon and completely out of line with how Toriyama writes, which they obviously aren't familiar with because they've only watched dubbed Z and probably didn't realize Dragon Ball was A). A manga and B). Didn't start with Raditz when they were like 15.


>ad hominem
God, it's so easy with you nostalgiasheep.

Broly did nothing wrong.

>Daizenshuu is canon

>approved by Toriyama
Yes, little pup.

>Unable to admit its error
>Tries to postpone its comments to make it looks like it's busy, so it sets a timer.
Nice try, little mouse.

>w-why didn't you link to the post you were referencing? P-Please be patient with me, my puny Mexican brain can only handle so much
You are truly staggeringly stupid, aren't you?

>he didn’t write any of it

You just had to remind me that SHITren is a seething homo, just like the SHITrentard.
Good thing that CHADku decked his ass in less than 20 seconds.

>Tardcuck doesn't know what "approved by" means

Yeah because you totally aren't nostalgiafagging for Z you retarded funimationfaggot.
You don't even understand the franchise.

Yeah, Super is shit but that's not one of the reasons.
FFS Goku was willing to whore out Bulma to Old Kaioshin in Boo saga...probably because he didn't think Chichi was hot top kek.


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>N-No u
Esto es el fin, ratoncito.

>>approved by

Attached: 1487454124312.png (520x667, 637K)

>now he's babbling in his native spic language
A victorious denouement in my favor.

OUT of my thread, gramps. These threads are about DBS. The most canon and successful series. Not about that non-canon, optional, comedic, isekai, pedophiliac prequel called DB.

>literally no argument
I guess you can't stand against cold, hard facts.

>They always cite the Toei filler of him and Chi-Chi kissing
Wait a sec, I don't even remember this. Are you sure this happened?
Post a pic.

>El ratoncito is prancing like a pigeon on my chessboard.
BOOM. Even a tard like you should know that it has lost to a superior being such as myself.

So was Toyotaro.
It's easier just to make up your own headcanon.
Mine is that it ended with the Freeza saga and Vegeta didn't get revived.

>still babbling in its uncouth caveman language
That will be enough out of you, filth.

Attached: Dragon Ball FighterZ - All Kefla Special Interactions Easter Eggs & Quotes (DLC).mp4_002134994.p (1280x720, 909K)

>DB will never be this brutal again
It sucks

Dub, but the scene is there. Even then, it happens offscreen, and this wasn't in the manga.

Underage toonamitards are not allowed here.
Go back to Yea Forums.

Maybe next time, ratoncito.

Why has no one posted Kefla's winning quote against Cuckren?

>he's still going
Continue if you wish, jester. You're providing me with a modicum of entertainment.

When will they put Mr. Satan in that game?

>Vegeta didn't even got

>Shitrendog abbreviation


>It's not even on-screen and you can't even see if it was on the lips or not not to mention that you don't know who's kissing who
No wonder I didn't remember geezus

And oh god I forgot how bad the dub voice acting is.
Holy crap...whoever is voicing Chichi in particular is godawful.

You know what you can do with your "facts".

The original Funi dub is fucking horrible. It's even worse now that I've gotten used to the Japanese voices.


>This Daizenshuu, the 7th and final one, is a huge Dragon Ball encyclopedia. I think the staff who make these books always have a rough time of it, but this one looked even more hellish than usual. They really did a great job. I’m ridiculously forgetful, so despite being the author, there’s lots of stuff even I don’t know anymore. It was often quite a nuisance, and I think having this encyclopedia around when the series was still running would have really helped me out. Darn it all.

>Anyway, my thanks to the staff, and to all Dragon Ball fans.

>— Akira Toriyama


What's my mission? Wiping the Shitrenponies off the threads

>this timid little bitch is still begging for attention

>2 wins with one post
I'm astute.

Attached: oof.png (1600x900, 2.74M)


Attached: CHADkawa.jpg (961x968, 90K)


>The original Funi dub is fucking horrible.
Well the original Funi dub with the Ocean cast at least had competent voice acting(even if not accurate due to the scripts) but when they got their in-house cast...YIKES.

The only good english dub the franchise ever had was those 3 movies by Pioneer with the Ocean cast.

It's sad. Even the Harmony Gold dub of DB had better voice than the Funi version.
Wendee Lee as Bulma was great in particular

Fuck Toei and Fuck Funimation.

>offtopic garbage

>*horse noises*
Speak up, Shitrenpony.

>pony noises


>gets BTFO
I accept your concession.

Yep, you are absolutely right. That's every pro Shitren post ever.

Who was this guy?

f-f-filterchad-sama-dono... please.. i'm begging you.... please pay attention to me..... *sad horse noises*

Attached: cryren.jpg (1440x809, 191K)

Little PUSSY.

>tardkumongs literally SEETHING in this thread like usual
Status quo.

Attached: Chadchad cha CHAD chads chadgain.jpg (1229x1241, 367K)

Attached: Here is your you.jpg (1280x720, 494K)

>Is it because of poor people projecting their issues with their father onto Goku?

Attached: Goku being a good father.jpg (3000x1535, 1.03M)

>The latrine boy is calling his superior a jester
I shall let it slide, but only because you don't know any better, ratoncito.

You got shut down by FACTS, and now you're coping.

Is The Doc undefeated against Vegeta?

Attached: UKNOWHATITIZZ.jpg (276x254, 13K)

Be quiet you weak fucking jobber
They are doing what they are supposed to do. Don't you see how they are forcing you to behave around me to have me see your posts?

>did just as ordered
That's a good fool. Dance for me, clown. Dance and make merry for my enjoyment. I COMMAND you.

>You got shut down by headcanon

Attached: 1547059652643.gif (500x239, 403K)

This is the kind of low quality baits that I don't want to see. And the filters grow..

>he thinks I'm a Shitrentard
I'm not a weak-minded little bitch who needs to hide from posts that hurt my fee fees.

>Toriyama's words are headcanon
I won.

Attached: chadrennm.jpg (1000x563, 64K)

>it's the filterbitch that got anally raped by the Cellchad and pretty much the whole fucking thread
KEKimus maximus.

>"Continue if you wish" is an order now.
>I-I-IF I say "I command you" t-t-then he will stop, r-r-right?
DONE. Your retardation can be seen from Vega and I shan't be associated with retards such as yourself. BOOM. Anything else, little mouse?

>insults vegeta
What did he mean by this?

>Toriyama's words

Attached: 1488996190937.gif (239x200, 438K)

>does as ordered yet again
What an obedient pup I have! Dance for me, clown. DANCE and amuse me, as is your purpose. AT ONCE, my subservient little jester, AT ONCE.

Again, not me.

Attached: truth.jpg (4201x1600, 1.1M)

Massive jobren samefagging.

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>he didn't read the Toriyama quote
Or is it that you can't read?
Either way, I WON.

Go donate to Teach more.

>coping this hard about headcanon

Attached: 1563989193842.jpg (900x728, 101K)

>calling Toriyama's words headcanon again
You are SEETHING over losing.

Good boy.

It's a comic retelling RoF only with cooler in it and better written.

Attached: 7f2bdecccb83f904c13e5c65d8f84ab9bde84961e942f84c6c1991b92f3826dc.jpg (300x400, 68K)

Also, it's made by dragon garrow lee so if you search for his work you should find it. It's also a crossover with one punch man if I don't remember wrong.

Attached: tumblr_madkwbax6a1r70e6ho1_500.gif (500x281, 742K)

>he acknowledges that I own him
GOODEST of pups.

>Brolyspic just admitted to being a moecuck

>Toriyama's words

Attached: 1536608450678.gif (320x240, 2.07M)

>This Daizenshuu, the 7th and final one, is a huge Dragon Ball encyclopedia. I think the staff who make these books always have a rough time of it, but this one looked even more hellish than usual. They really did a great job. I’m ridiculously forgetful, so despite being the author, there’s lots of stuff even I don’t know anymore. It was often quite a nuisance, and I think having this encyclopedia around when the series was still running would have really helped me out. Darn it all.

>Anyway, my thanks to the staff, and to all Dragon Ball fans.

>— Akira Toriyama

I accept your concession.

Attached: 1566662640706.jpg (1031x712, 118K)

>Yes, Master. I concede, Master.
Good dog.

Attached: 1538731591848.jpg (1000x750, 97K)

Attached: 1562199812916.jpg (1132x1705, 1.36M)

Cope harder.

Attached: 1499441232735.jpg (562x557, 37K)



Attached: 1537380625364.jpg (3810x9000, 3.92M)

I accept your concession.

It’s not fair when you include every single frame from every single fight.

Cope and concede.

Attached: 1581809528149.jpg (1920x1080, 186K)

S-SHITrenbros what the fuck is this!?!?

>goku and vegeta fuse into Gogeta
>another goku and vegeta fuse into Vegito
>gogeta and vegito fuse
>Gogito is born
>Gogito fuses with Broly, Zeno, EGP and Whis
Enter CHADren.

Attached: d55c03bd320311aafbd3b32040f952bd.jpg (720x713, 57K)

I accept your concession.


Attached: 1582606283512.png (854x480, 642K)

I dogcept your dogcession.

I accept your concession.

>Enter CHADren.
And EXITS as SHITren.

Attached: 1560709050107.jpg (540x304, 51K)

I'm sure than in your mind Shitren is a good character too

Based and funny.

Why would he offer his wife?

Nothing was as brutal as gohans haircut that saga wew


Not until the next tourney where CHADku wins and JOBgeta jobs. Stay tuned!

Attached: 1582769916528.jpg (231x210, 15K)

I won.


Takahashi is godsent