Post an anime only you and max other 5 people watched.
Post an anime only you and max other 5 people watched
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Hana to Alice
this anime was fun as all hell. the dub also shares a lot of pokemon VAs so that's fun if you like that extra corniness.
i really wish the second half was as good as the first half. those first 12 episodes are true atmospheric comfy early 2000s kino aside from the bits of gay teenage relationship drama.
this is the very first time this anime has been mentioned on Yea Forums
God, this was depressing.
It's shit
Whoever managed too make lolis, space pirates and an army of robo assassin maids boring needs to be shot. I tried it twice and couldn't make it past episode 2.
probably closer to 10 though
Giant Gorg
ZS was great though, shame it doesn't get more love.
I feel like watching mahou shojou anime is a meme and few people actually sit down and watch these old shows. How many other people here have finished Creamy Mami?
That ending where they just carry out her corpse for all to see (or something like that, it's been years since I watched this) was so fucking bizarre.
Show sucked but the op is great
Man, I wanted to like Shangri-La so much, but it put me to sleep. Is it worth coming back to all of these years later?
No, not really.
Maeterlinck's Blue Bird
Pretty sure lots of folks have seen this since it ended up on rec charts and used to get mentioned a fair amount on Yea Forums.
Nah, lots of folks have seen this show since it's a canon /m/ classic.
Burst Angel.
This shit has probably the most chad MC of all time. Undisputed king of chads
I've watched all of Mami that was translated. And a few untranslated music videos.
Narutaru is not obscure by any means. Not on this board, at least.
I've only ever seen Dragon's Heaven mentioned once in about 10 years of posting here, but I don't visit /m/ so that may be why.
Pic related is probably more obscure despite being a Tezuka film. It's one of his many low effort trash films that hardly anyone knows. I don't think I've ever seen it on Yea Forums, actually.
Wagamama High Spec (a.k.a. Wagahai)
short anime, basically ad for a porn game
The girls were cute, but the anime was crap.
I picked it as my short that season and stuck with it to the end.
The last episode was basically the characters apologizing for the show.
Suomi finland perkele
o shit ace combat the anime
It's okay. The opening was the most memorable part of it for me.
more like "depressed dude has mental sex with his airplane"
I have no idea how many people have watched it, but I'm sure as hell I've never seen people talking about it on Yea Forums.
apparently it was slightly popular, but I've literally never heard anyone talk about it
What's wrong with it?
Come on man, it got an english dub that aired on adult swim, you know plenty of people watched it.
Didn't know that. I didn't get into anime/manga until long after I'd stopped watching TV.
I guess it was a long time ago, now. 2005, maybe? Whenever they did that one April Fools bit where they drew mustaches on things in every show.
there were like 3 threads for this show last week
Anybody here seen Gdleen?
Damn, I missed out. That's pretty good. I tried to actively avoid anime back then because I was in denial about liking it for fear of getting picked on in elementary/middle school.
The first half felt like a gigantic waste of time and wasted potential that went nowhere interesting. I liked the second half though.
It was actually really good.
I've never heard anybody ever talk about Shingu.
KOUME! It's eight of clock! WAKE UP!
I remember this bombed so hard the director apologised for it after the first episode or something.
I've watched all the Pierrot magical girl anime and all the Ashi Productions except Youkoso Youko and the second half of Umi Momo.
I liked it.
I know more than 5 people have seen it, but it's super rare to see anyone mention Niea_7.
I have no idea why this was so unpopular, I thought it was really good myself.
Plenty of people on Yea Forums watched this when it aired... the first episode at least. "Tokyo no juice" was even a meme for a while.
Fuck you.
I'm the only one who has seen this. The tactics they used were pretty clever.
Figure 17 is genuinely one of the best SoL's I've ever seen, I can't believe it's so unknown.
You're the first person I've ever seen prefer the second half, though admittedly I rarely see people talk about it in the first place.
i really liked the battles but the entire cast irredeemable
And I can't think of a thing to recommend about it.
It's one of those completely forgettable mid 2000s shonen for the most part, but somehow it gets pretty tense and interesting in the final episodes.
I felt this overwhelming sense that this OVA was absolutely pointless
Made 3x3 just for this thread.
I actually liked this show, from the very beginning. Too bad it had only like 11 eps.
The Third, god that takes me back. There were previews for it on my haruhi dvds
I watched the first few episodes. Great animation and setting, but wasn't feeling the pacing.
I slept on GA for a long time, big mistake
Most underrated ED
Figure 17 has been on my to-watch list for a long time, saving it for a special occasion
>Yamamoto Koji, the producer of Noitamina, apologized to the staff for the low rating of Saraiya Goyou in his twitter. According to his post, the rating of the episode 1 was 1.5%, which was considerably low compared to other Noitamina series (eg. Nodame Cantabile Finale: 3.9%, Tokyo Magnitude 8.0: 5.8%, Higashi no Eden: 4.8%, Moyashimon: 5.2%).
shit anime but I would the gynoids, especially April
was popular on Yea Forums at least
>Hanada Shounen-shi
I have such mixed feelings about that show, it was really good in parts but the kids are so realistically bratty and annoying in that it sometimes it felt like a chore to sit through an episode. Also, Backstreet Boys.
what's bottom left?
Tried watching it twice. Neither time I managed to make it past second episode.
*hides behind tree*
This is in no way obscure
Seen all these except for Captain Earth which was pretty popular on Yea Forums
you're gonna make me rewatch seto no hanayome
> what's bottom left?
Allison to Lillia
One of few hard sci-fi anime. Albeit not a good one. It tried.
One of the best horror anime too.
Soukou no strain very good 8/10
Star ocean EX shit/10
But op is incredible
One of last decade's best. Kept me entertained from start to finish, and a good premise too.
Reminder that if your anime has seeders on nyaa, it's not obscure enough.
>fucking implying
I swear there are even occasional Blue Gender threads. They are very few and far between but they do happen. I personally love the anime.
A recent and underrated one.
Entertaining but boy is it dated.
I watched that on YouTube a decade ago
the OVAs are just the movies split into two, right?
Yukikaze while not reaching big popularity was known around here.
Even years later when All you need is kill / Edge of tomorrow happened and there were hints about Yukikaze movie and possibly more translated books plenty of anons cared.
I've seen all of these and still have them on my hard drive
Does it have publicly released subs? Then at the very least a couple of hundred people have watched it.
This one also aired on adult swim, or tech tv or something. It had a dub + broadcast
Is this better than Noir?
Probably not "max other 5 people" but for how much people praise Yuasa and his works, I NEVER see people talk about Kemonozume. It's like there's a gaping memory hole between Mind Game and Happy Machine/Kaiba.
Equally boring.
Saw this as a kid thanks to my Dad having a bunch of laserdisks for it.
Less boring imo, but nothing special. Average anime that won me because of the MC design and western setting.
Maybe 7 anons.
Noir > Madlax > El Cazador
And this one is just a beauty.
Lurk more
Already mentioned ITT. It's almost a cult classic at this point.
it's so hard finding the nips raw
>Zettai Shonen
>max of 5 people
It was a very popular show for it's time, it aired on those anime channels on cable TV, the torrent for the show still has a decent amount of seeders.
Fuck you.
Are you just picking shit out of /m/ and pretending it's obscure?
Unironically better than that trash that was Devilman Crybabay.
I know OP made a thread about shows that a few people *watched* rather than talk about, but something I noticed just recently is how Yea Forums never really discusses noitamina shows that are not (teenage) romance, mecha or attached to a famous director. They usually quietly disappear as soon as the show is over even when anons enjoyed them.
This had many threads back then, probably just because of all the people picking it up after watching the "chair battle" gif.
This was a huge hit on my country.
I even had a bootleg action figure of Gai.
Maybe more people watched it about it, but I didn't browse Yea Forums back then and none of my weeb friends even know about its existence.
The OP was pretty nice too.
They don't attract enough shitposters and autists.
I think most of Yuasa's work gets ignored these days despite his apparent popularity. It's pretty much just Ping Pong and, I suppose, Eizouken that hog all the attention.