You can never go back

You can never go back

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Titty Cuban is a hack.

what if I shoot myself, I won't be back nor forth, I will be nowhere and everywhere. Checkmate

Fullbring arc is best arc.

Best girl tatsuki got shafted

It's not fair.

Stop making bleach threads you nigger. Kill yourself

What chance did she have after her tough girl schtick got stolen by Sui-Feng

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I only liked the first arc. Then it turned into the same old fantasy universe power creep shoen as always


It's actually the Bount, but you're close.

Good. Bleach is amongst my biggest regrets in life.

I tried reliving Bleach by plagiarizing it, but my dad wasn't famous enough to give me the boost I needed.

It's always the same frame from the first OP too

Oh I'd shaft her alright

It's just a shame Based CHAD got the short end of the stick narratively

Always gets a good laugh out of me.



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There was this one image of a 3dpd cosplaying as Rukia. By which I mean, standing in a doorway naked with a Rukia wig. I lost it when a hard drive failed and was never able to find it again. Let us all pour one out for all the times I could have gotten off to it that I had to use something else.

Kek faggot

Who are you quoting?

Do americans really dress like that?

I'm always going back just can't change anything

Second best but it’s underrated.

They're Japanese.

I had a cosplayer I could never find again too. tfw

>white people


I can't believe anyone actually thought IchiRuki was going to be canon, I guess I underestimated the amount of autism the general public truly possesses.

they dont look like any ugly japanese clone ive seen. They look like the white people i see all the time though. really makes you thonk

I liked the final arc


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New kubo manga soon

were going back home, boys...

>New kubo manga soon

Didn't that fucker quit Bleach because he was too tired? Now he has a new one? How long till he sabotages it?

>sabotages it

Fullbring arc was unironically great until the captain's got involved. Should've kept them out and given the fights to Ishida, Chad and Orihime instead. Maybe Isshin and Urahara could have had a couple of fights instead as well, would've made more sense than the captain's who were just shoehorned in later.

Stop coming here then you faggot. Go back to fapping over your moeshit

Ichigo is half-german, half-japanese, half-mexican

Attached: rukihimeOP.gif (400x301, 2.24M)

Because he was injured and ill you idiot. We're talking about someone with actual work ethic, not Togashi

>3 half
>50 + 50 + 50 = 100

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The only arc I ever actually skipped in the anime and it was canon. Shit taste user

>filtered by fullbring
>tells others they have shit taste

So the upcoming Bleach Figurama figure was finally revealed to be Vasto Lorde ichigo vs Second resurrection Ulquiorra.

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That's how Bleach works

No, quit bullshitting. That's not how genetics work in Bleach

Just how many new figures is Bleach getting this year?

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>Those hips
Man Ichigo got to tap THAT

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Icefaggot nenroid releasing this month.

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This opening is objectively the best.

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simpler times.

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Cute and canon

True best girl Nel got shafted

>but my dad wasn't famous enough to give me the boost I needed
But he was famous enough to get a pokemon designed after him so what gives

It was tragic irony. Kubo predicted the concept of the Chad and subverted it before it could even be realized.

In the 80s they did

Whatever happened to that "burn the witch" thing?

God I hate this piece of shit so much

Kubo should have his forehead jabbed with a rusty nail for conceiving such an awful character

Might be getting an OVA and/or serialization.

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Holy shit


Blonde Rangiku or Strawberry?

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I never watched anything after soul society because I could tell it was going to shit with character spamming. So I assume you all have shit taste for watching this after what was a natural point for the series to stop.

Ok retard

Blonde makes her stand out more but I've got a thing for redheads

Kubo took his sweet revenge by having him, Byakuya and kenpachi job hard to Gerard, for getting all those death threats over byakuya's death.

reminder that this fag's hollow hole is on the tip of his penis

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I have one too.

Paizuri queen

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>by having him, Byakuya and kenpachi job hard to Gerard, for getting all those death threats over byakuya's death.
>Meanwhile Mayuri gets the best fight in the arc and one of the best in the series.

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>implying Kubo would ever let his favorite character job

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Kubo literally just needs to do a manga with a simple ass plot that barely matters, because all we care about is the art.

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I swear there was a 16:9 version of the first OP, but I could be wrong and it was just 4:3 cropped to 16:9.
Same with Manabi Straight. I know that Chobits was fully done in 16:9 with TBS cropping it to 4:3 much like the later series K-ON.

Taimanin suits are the best, but jesus those overinflated tits.

>Retard says the story should end at soul society


Boobs should be big, huge even

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>Alright Kubo, the Espada are ranked from 10 to 0 in terms of power, ten being the weakest, one being the strongest, right?
>so Yammy is number zero. Zero is lower than one, therefore he should be stronger than Starrk.
>makes sense to me
>so he'll get a good fight, right Kubo?
>nope he dies offscreen and Kenpachi says the fight was shitty

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Yep. Should have stayed more of a character-driven paranormal piece, keeping the specifics of the Soul Society's ins and outs left to the imagination.

Kenpachi's got shit taste

>being a SOLfag
>muh imagination

We don't have to Yea Forumsnon. We never left.

Bleach offers nothing that many other shonen didn't already do a thousand times better. I would have taken a mindless harem plot over the confused mess that it became.

>I would have taken a mindless harem
>confused mess
Of course you would retard

I remember when High and Mighty Color OP came out, and people were losing their shit.on the old forums I used to visit and at school. Fun times.

Having the highest reiatsu means shit when you are a brain-dead retard like Yammy.

For whatever reason, Kubo seems to get off on powerlevel wankery only to unceremoniously dump shit off-screen. Look no further than 4/5ths of Squad Zero. Build them up for years to fucking offscreen their deaths to absolutely boring chumps + Nakk Le Varr

they should have ended together

Askin was based. He needed two former captains and top espadas to be defeated and not even clean.

He was in and out of the hospital fighting for his life. If you disrespect daddy Kubo again I will personally anally rape you. I'll shoot my cero into your manpussy and you will die.

What happened to him?

What if all Bleach girls were best girl though?
Kubo should go into lewds.

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Bleach should have ended here


It's fitting that a Bleach fan should be obsessed over nostalgia for their own naivety.


Nah, that's the Zanpakuto Rebellion Arc

>Half human
>Half shinigami
>Half hollow
>Half quincy

How many halves does one have?


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The One has at least 4 halves so far.

I fapped to the nude filtered version so fucking much

I don't think I ever took part in a proper Bleach thread in all my time here. I lost interest in the series because of the Bount stuff in the anime. This remains one of my favorite songs, though.

Is that Gintoki?