How are they gonna handle all the inevitable romantic stuff...

How are they gonna handle all the inevitable romantic stuff? Season 2 had some pretty endearing cute moments that were pretty much played for laughs but things get genuinely steamy later in the LN

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reminder all the girls have already seen kazuma's excaliber

They should give Aqua her own show instead

Attached: aqua smile.jpg (931x866, 99K)

by cutting them

Why not just let the romance happen? Aquafags being mad aside, I cant think of the last time I saw a decent comedic romance in anime. Toradora! maybe?

So they can bait you into buying the LNs.

kikuta will try his best to shove them aside like the hack he is. that cunt removed the valentine confession and handholding from the movie

>Kazuma carrying Megumin on his back
Name a cuter thing in anime from the past five years

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They severely reduced that stuff in the film, because they're cowards.

So I can keep having fun watching a fun show instead of a shitty isekai romcom?

Play the VN if you want an idea of how it'll probably go down

is it fully voiced?

Imagine getting every LN adapted, every time cutting as much of that content as possible even up to an eventual sex scene. Then when there's much less evidence of how things progressed, a graphic sex scene gets shown where the LN would just have an early fade to black.

yep and theres even chris/wiz/yunyun routes. It's a pain in the ass to get though

There are some LN scenes I genuinely cannot imagine being animated or associated with Konosuba. The Megumin confession, Kazuma and Megumin almost having sex while Darkness is forced to hide and watch, and Darkness attempting to rape Kazuma after getting rejected all read like things from stuff that Konosuba would normally parody

eh the Darkness rape one i could see but your right Megumin and Darkness full on confessions just would seem silly in the show. They really toned down the romance in the movie, not sure why though. Fucking Aqua had a more romantic interaction with Kazuma in the movie

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Cut it all or just make them an actual pair.

By making Aqua the main love interest

Aqua was just using her motherly godly instincts. People seem to forget she's an actual goddess that governs the world.

Just lemme enjoy this stupid group of idiots without all that. They're great as they are.

It's literally impossible,too much content must be cut if you want to keep status quo. Unless they decide to adapt the WN,much shorter and without the majority of romance and other shenanigans. But it's never gonna happen anyway,because,you know, Kadokawa only adapts shit to promote it,so season 3 never

But what if its not shitty? What if its a good isekai romcom? Have faith user.

>Decent Romcom

School Rumble
Baka and test
B Gata H Kei

imagine the delusion required to think kazumin isn't endgame.

>implying Kazuma wont eventually grow the balls to go the polygamy route
judging from how Megumin and Darkness have treated each other in the latest volumes they're totally down

they finally agree to concede and let Aqua have him

Attached: KazumaAqua12.jpg (700x1050, 94K)

>judging from how Megumin and Darkness have treated each other
>Megumin jumps on Darkness at a slightest hint of intimacy, calls her a shameless slut and drags her out forcefully in >the latest volume
>they're totally down

It truly became a shitty romcom
What a horrible fate

Why do you think the anime chad directors cut that shit out right from the get go? They always knew exactly what they were doing - unlike the original author, who is a moron.

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>expecting a bunch of dysfunctional retards to suddenly get along in a harem end
You're both morons.

Based kinosuba directors

Haha crazy girl thinks she’s a goddess. I’m glad she has a reliable tard handler like Kazuma.

maybe thats why they ended it after 2 seasons.

Season 2 was far more comedic than season 1 with meme facial expressions to boot, so a season 3 would have to be just as comedic if not moreso.

If the story just continues into romance then that's the wrong direction for the show.

Megumin is awakening her M side, prepping for her and Kazuma to double dom Darkness. She'll have a normal loving relationship with Kazuma, and let him use Darkness as a broodmares.

I guess it's considered more profitable to advertise different LN instead of making more for the same one. That doesn't mean it's the best idea.


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Konosuba could been the next gintama

>Dude lets just kill Konosuba for a mobile game.
Kadokawa need to be destroyed

Ah damn really? Haven't seen the movie yet, what did they reduce from that volume?

Unnecessary stuff. Should've pulled it out by the roots though

>I'm sorry Megumin
>I too can only "explode" once a day

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I've been on a real LN binge lately, should i look into the konosuba LN? I found the anime a nice ride, how's the writing?

What's the volume in which Aqua is feeling homesick? That was the last one I read and want to continue

Depends. The fan translation is polished,and each LN volume is relatively short, you can probably read a single volume in 2 days or so. However if you expect the story to be completely the same as the anime, you'll be severely disappointed. I personally enjoyed reading it, you really should try reading up to volume 6 or so and if you'll have a strong desire to drop it by that point, do it.

Thanks user I'll check them out!

The ending of School Rumble is retarded tho

Turn Kazuma into a shota apparently.

I wanna fuck both of them.

>kazufat has bigger tits than megumin