This was a priiiime case of Araki saying "idgaf I'm changing things lol". You know time travel was going to be a big part of part 4, and that's why we had that josuke lookin guy there.
explain the clothes then faggot
The flashback is not a literal description of what happened. So what if he was missing the buttons. It wouldn't be the first time in JoJo that things haven't been entirely consistent with what's shown.
In all seriousness though, we know Araki has said he was writing the story as he went. It seems likely to me that he was dropping these seeds in as potential threads to pick up later in the story. In this case, he simply chose not to water this particular seed. However, I refuse to believe that he wasn't at least considering the idea at the time, in spite of what he has said to the contrary.
This part was bullshit
>The flashback is not a literal description of what happened
It's amazing how little self awareness you have. Yes, the story is told from Koichi's perspective from a story that Josuke told him that he was only half listening to. Just as the clothes aren't necessarily what they were shown as in the flashback the guy may have not actually looked as much like Josuke as he did in the flashback. The only thing that would have definitely been the same is the hair, since it's what inspired Josuke.
Kill yourself headcanonfag
Jojo fans are retarded and can't read. In other news the sky is blue and Part 9 will never happen
>Just as the clothes aren't necessarily what they were shown as in the flashback the guy may have not actually looked as much like Josuke as he did in the flashback.
His looks aren't the issue. It's about the story itself.
>there wasn't any houses
During this timeline, Josuke didn't rely on the golden hearts of Morioh but his own power, he managed to awaken his ability to heal himself while fighting Kira, but in this timeline Kira also managed to pull his bites the dust off out of everyone, because of Josuke's awakened healing power Josuke somehow managed to get dragged into the past along with Kira while he's using his bittes the dust (similar to how Josuke drags Okuyasu back when Otoshi Akira was pulling him out of electricity cable)
Josuke managed to beat the crap out of Kira but something felt off when he check his surroundings, yes, in fact Kira's bites the dust activated to go way back past when Josuke just manifested his stand for the first time. Perhaps Kira was out of blood for the kid version of Josuke. Josuke knew although he was victory the fact that Kira finished everyone else with his Bites the Dust still remains, in that moment Josuke knew that his power isn't enough to stop this terror that reigning over Morioh city, this realization gave him an idea to implant the importance of bonds, golden heart, into his kid version so that his future version (the one that we know) will able to defend the city Morioh from Kira and other lurking terror that reside in Morioh city. You should know what happens next.
The damage to Silver Chariot is nowhere near the severity of the damage to Polnareff, so they’re not completely wrong.
Fuck you, learn how to actually read themes.
it was part 8 josuke pushing the car after unfusing with kira and undoing pucci's universe fuckery
probably was originally intended as time travel but it's still pretty fitting of part 4's themes in the state it ended up in
Golden heart of Morioh anyone? Thematically it perfectly fits with Part 4's themes. We don't know who the delinquent is to show that it could have been any delinquent. I've never thought that the guy was Josuke and you should stop believing your gay headcanons
>You know time travel was going to be a big part of part 4
I never got that vibe, seemed to be another dramatic flashback, this one just explaining why josuke loves his hair. Not everyone who appears in flashback should return if the story doesn't need them.
Araki said in an interview that he literally just forgot he did the whole flashback thing
He absolutely didn't, during an interview with Tite Kubo who thought that it was Josuke from the past corrected him and told him that it was a stranger stop spreading this kind of fake informations you piece of shit
Are either of you going to source these interviews or just talk out of your ass?
What if after Kira and Josefumi unfused, Josefumi some how went back to the other universe and helped young Josuke
Both of you are wrong. In an interview midway through Part 4, he said that the flashback wasn’t foreshadowing any future events, but didn’t deny that the delinquent was Josuke himself.
>This is something I highly doubt anyone else can answer. The solution to that question that may otherwise go forever unsolved is written here in this book. I'll investigate him for you here and now. But tell me, has it ever even crossed your mind? The possibility that he never actually existed at all?
>Your mother must've asked the school, right? About whether there was a student there with a hairstyle like that or not? If she still couldn't find him, then it's only natural that the idea "he never existed at all" might cross your mind, wouldn't you say? And he was covered with injuries like he'd just gotten out of a fight? You must've wondered what somebody like that was doing on a country road in the middle of the night during a blizzard like that, right? Kinda convenient, don't you think? Almost like foreshadowing they might stick in a time-travel sci-fi story? So from that I came up with a hypothesis of his identity.
>Now, this is purely a guess...
>Maybe he was actually you?
It was a guy attending the same school Josuke years later would attend, having the haircut that Josuke would later based his upon.
Why are shonenfags so fucking brainless. Jesus fuck.
>it's a le conspiracy!!!
If Araki tied the flashback in with the SBRverse, would he be the best mangaka ever or biggest hack of all time?
>It was a guy attending the same school Josuke years later would attend
Oh really? It's interesting that you would say that, since according to the manga nobody in the town was able to find him after that incident. Pretty strange for a teenager to be attending school without anyone being able to locate his existence, huh?
It doesn't fit with the themes.
The theme that wasn't established until well after the chapter was written?
The trips will make it happen
>Look guys, I posted it again!
Hey guys I’m trying to find that one panel of joshu in jojolion smiling and he has a watch on. Does anyone have it?
Thank you man you’re the best
He's already the biggest hack of all time because he forgot about Josuke literally saving himself
>The last thing Tooru sees after trying to hurt Yasuho
>the final battle of jojolion is a 2v2 with Joshu and Josuke against Jobin and Tooru
There is nothing that would be more kino than this
It was kitakubo not Kubo but apart from that he's right about josuke not being his own time traveling savior
Tooru hasn't done anything. Jobin is the one killing Yasuho.
Tooru isn't trying to hurt Yasuho.
Man I can´t wait for the next chapter and see how the Doctor dabs on the entire family
The family is fine in the flash forward so the HD is probably dead
Not canon or even written by Araki
Tooru is obviously manipulating the fuck out of Yasuo. Idk how it’s possible to be this much of a beta simp that you don’t realize that he’s using her
Are you one of those idiots in denial about PHF?
I'll never understand why this autist is so hung up on his headcanon
t. delusional cuck
Is written by Araki or not faggot? I'll be here waiting.
There's no way that HD is dying in the next few hours.
PHF also wasn't written by Araki but it's still canon.
it was but Araki gave himself an out. No way to prove it wasn't just "some guy" now.
How so?
Manipulating for what? If he was going to do something he had plenty of chances.
Araki drew art for it and allowed it to be published.
t. Joshu
Same with Jorge Joestar and Eyes of Heaven.
>Allowed it to be published
Then I guess pic related is canon
Yes, those are also canon.
>Everything is canon
lmao cope faggot
You need to cope since I'm right.
I will accept these terms.
Why is it so hard for people to just accept it was just some gold-hearted punk with a pomp who was bloody after a fight and just helped out Tomoko and Josuke?
It's not like Josuke ever investigated this incident and went up looking school registries for the guy, hardly anything about the scene is that significant enough to think it was some fucking plot point for the future even if time travel ultimately had a slight part with Bite the Dust. When I first saw it, I just saw it as light characterization about Josuke being grateful and molding him into a decent type of person with few father figures in his life aside from his grandfather
>Why is it so hard for people to just accept it was just some gold-hearted punk with a pomp who was bloody after a fight and just helped out Tomoko and Josuke?
Maybe he fucking died from wounds or was from a town over. I'd immediately jump into conclusions like that over time-travel, especially the likes of Josuke literally helping himself
>Finally, a subject that has much been written about, even at the time of the manga, about the boy who saves Josuke in the flashback. The famous role model. Since he appears in this episode, I’ve decided to ask Mr. Araki what this was about before launching the production. Who is he? But it looks like the truth is forever sealed… For this scene, we settled for a style imitating old voiceless movies. I feel the end result really pleased the audience, which is the important part.
Why won't Araki speak about it?
Even if Josuke traveled back in time via Bites the Dust there still shouldn't be 2 of himself in one timeline. He would literally have to relive the events of him getting sick, not seeing a younger version of himself getting sick.
If a kid died of his wounds in a small town I'm pretty sure it would be in the news. And if he wasn't going to school in Morioh it wouldn't make sense for him to have their uniform.
> I'd immediately jump into conclusions like that over time-travel
In real life, maybe, but not in a story like this. You have to remember that this is not a description of real events that happened, but a fictional tale created by an author. You wouldn't waste several pages setting up a mystery about an unknown stranger who miraculously appeared and disappeared if the solution was that it was just a normal circumstance which only seemed abnormal by coincidence.
>You have to remember that this is not a description of real events that happened, but a fictional tale created by an author. You wouldn't waste several pages setting up a mystery about an unknown stranger who miraculously appeared and disappeared if the solution was that it was just a normal circumstance which only seemed abnormal by coincidence.
I expect Araki and Jojo to be grounded in its own absurd take on reality and time-travel of this particular caliber have no place in it. Not in the way of Josuke creating a paradox of himself being his own hero at the least
>You wouldn't waste several pages setting up a mystery about an unknown stranger who miraculously appeared and disappeared if the solution was that it was just a normal circumstance which only seemed abnormal by coincidence.
Araki did and you're just gonna have to deal with it. And deal with the Mob Boss that helped Giorno in Part 5 while you're at it.
What does the mob boss have to do with anything?
There wasn't any mystery presented in Giorno's backstory.
Only because that's what he eventually decided to go with. There's no way that was the intention when the chapter was written, or else he wouldn't have made it into a mystery. If Araki's intention was to write a story about a boy who saved Josuke and then died from his wounds, he would have wrote that. Josuke wearing his hair in honor of someone who died saving him would work just as well.
the guy that giorno saved was literally supposed to be diavolo
This but unironically. However, it isn't Diavolo from the past - rather, it was one of Diavolo's GER deaths that sent him back in time. When Giorno "saved" him, it unconsciously undid the effects of GER. This is how Diavolo redeemed himself, by setting into motion the events that would undo the harm he caused on the country.
based retard who can't read a full sentence without replying to it.
>this is the story of how josuke adopted his hairstyle from someone else with that same hairstyle
Imagine being that retarded
kill yourself retard
they used josuke's appearance as a stand-in because they didn't know what he actually looked like
they said they couldn't even see his face in the dark and the blowing snow
likely it was just some random delinquent because the style was popular at the time
josuke's pompadour is even stated to be outdated and it makes sense time wise
>''Giorno's stand manifested and his hair changed colour likely due to the presence of some powerful stand user in the area''
>never addressed again
>>never addressed again
>Implying that doesn't happen in every part
Araki forgets shit. Can't stand the retards who treat him like a God, it's just not one of his strengths as a writer.
>his hair changed colour likely due to the presence of some powerful stand user in the area'
What page are you getting this from
Or it could just be Araki choosing for the identity of the boy who saved Josuke to be a mystery. Araki has admitted to changing his story structures in interviews on occasion. Most notably his interview about the ending in Stone Ocean. In this interview he directly states that he changed the ending of Stone Ocean at the last minute to accommodate for the reason's of starting over with Jojo as a series. The point I'm trying to make is that Araki isn't shy in admitting to putting changes in his story. Diamond is Unbreakable was 30 years ago. If Araki wanted to say that the mysterious man was Josuke and he had a time travel plot involved the story then he would have admitted it by now imo because he's admitted to changing so many other things in Jojo already. It's a secret that Araki wants to keep a secret. If yyou want to make the boy Josuke, fucking fine. It won't be canon until Araki admits it. Anything in response to this at best conspiratorial.
You didn't even need to post this. Only a retard that willingly knows Giorno is Dio's son wouldn't be able to put two and two together.
Didn't Dio lose to Jotaro because The World kicked with his bad leg?
>not his backstory
>just jotaro's assumption
>Jojo protagonists dress gayer and gayer as the series goes on to the point that part 8 Josuke is literally a sailor
No, he lost because he pissed Jotaro off.
>bad leg
This is just a theory fans made up because they don't like the ending
>Araki not using characters to spill exposition for the sake of narration.
come on dude. This has been a thing since Speed Wagon ala Phantom Blood.
The fact that people believe this being Josuke is better than this being a random delinquent just shows that anime fans have no taste whatsoever.
And they still end up getting more coochie than you LMAOOOOOOOOOO
I assumed it was because DIO was weakened enough the Jonathan's body along with Josephs blood was finally able to reject him
If Jotaro is wrong, what's your explanation for why it happened?
>entire part is about random persons affecting others when doing normal life actions (at least from their perspective)
>character is written entirely to be a random guy to show how someone can change things with just one action
Well shit we need some reason why Dio decided to explode then and not earlier.
But the whole point of drinking Joseph's blood is that it would help him fully acclimate to Jonathan's body.
He wanted to be a full white boi.
>And they still end up getting more coochie than you
Except Johnny
Do we have any proof that it would actually work or was DIO just assuming?
Back when Johnny was a famous jockey he was swimming in it. Then he married a japanese woman.
DIO drank Joseph's blood and said that it worked
Or Star Asspullatinum's other ability is the same as Killer Queen's.
>he was swimming in it
Kinda hard to tread water when you got no legs
New stand idea.
It's a stand that functions as a bag of holding located between the users ass cheeks. It's a literal asspull.
He had legs when he still had fame. still funny though
When I first read the manga, I absolutely thought that it was going to be Josuke.
Because the story is written to make you think that.
babby's first red herring
JoJo fans whenever you point out any kind of plothole or inconsistency in their story
>No! No no no no NO!!! Shut the fuck up you faggot retard Jojo is perfect and Araki is a genius! Ever since the first moment Araki put a pen to paper he already had decades worth of story planned out, weaving subtle foreshadowing and brilliant twists into every stroke of ink and you're just too much of a FUCKING RETARD to understand it! It's perfect! Araki is perfect! Fuck you fuck you fuck you AHHHHHHH!
Araki himself when someone points out any kind of plothole or inconsistency in his story
>Oh yeah, I guess I forgot haha.
What is wrong with jojo fans?
Reminder that the same people who keep talking about this "dropped plot point" are probably the same people (or at least same kind of people) who were posting in part 8 threads about Norisuke being alive because they just couldn't grasp non-linear storytelling even with the timer being on screen to tell them when things were happening.
Retards that think anything that doesn't fit their headcanons is something that Araki forgot
>Araki is a hack! This is obviously another example of the Araki forgot meme because why would Araki do something other than what I, the infallible genius reader, was expecting from my flawed interpretation?
>why would Araki do something other than what I, the infallible genius reader, was expecting from my flawed interpretation?
This applies to everyone who thinks it wasn't meant to be time travel
He literally admits to forgetting things and his fanboys still try to insist he's never forgotten anything.
>she couldn't see his face
>asked a few people if they knew who he his in a entire city
>"Sorry, no" "Oh, ok"
During Jojolion do they ever make a joke about Johnny getting his Sea-Legs?
>lmao araki forgot meme xD
have sex
>During Battle Tendency's original publication in Weekly Shōnen Jump, fans complained of Caesar's existence as his grandfather, Will Anthonio Zeppeli, had stated that he did not marry or have a family. Zeppeli's line was fixed in the Tankoban version, with earlier editions including an apology from Araki himself.
Well it's not like people are saying Araki NEVER forgets. Most of the time people are genuinely speedreading
>Well it's not like people are saying Araki NEVER forgets.
People are saying that.
How did star platinum bring things to jotaro is his cell despite being a short range stand. Let alone how did it get stuff like a motorcycle through the bars.
Why did Kakyoin never use his painting powers OR his mind control powers ever again after his first fight with Jotaro.
Why did star platinum never use platinum finger again.
Why didn't they just have Joseph find Kira, the entire reason he was brought to Morioh was to find an unknown stand user.
Why did Jotaro say no stand can bring back the dead when he himself brought Joseph back from the dead using his stand.
Why did Dio never use his vampire powers again.
>How did star platinum bring things to jotaro is his cell despite being a short range stand. Let alone how did it get stuff like a motorcycle through the bars.
Araki didn't think about it.
>Why did Kakyoin never use his painting powers OR his mind control powers ever again after his first fight with Jotaro.
He doesn't have those powers, it's just using Hierophant Green's normally.
>Why did star platinum never use platinum finger again.
He did.
>Why didn't they just have Joseph find Kira, the entire reason he was brought to Morioh was to find an unknown stand user.
He was brought to find Akira by using Hermit Purple to search the power lines. Kira was not in the power lines.
>Why did Jotaro say no stand can bring back the dead when he himself brought Joseph back from the dead using his stand.
He didn't bring Joseph back from the dead using his stand.
>Why did Dio never use his vampire powers again.
He did.
Because parts 3 and 4 are poorly written
>he actually defended all of those plotholes
>he argues tooth and nail until blood comes out his eyes that "ARAKI NEVER FORGETS YOU'RE JUST A SPEED READER REEEEEE" but will honestly say "Araki didn't think about it."
Just sad. Honestly, what do you get out this? Why are you so adamant to defend a 20 year old comic book about magic punch ghosts from the other side of the planet like your whole life depends on it? Do you just have nothing else going on in your world? I'm guessing that's it.
I didn't defend the first one. The others aren't plot holes.
So they're just Araki forgetting?
What did he forget?
They stem from your misinterpretations or speedreading.
Everything I listed.
But the things you listed weren't truthful statements. Star Platinum did use Star Finger again. Dio did use his vampire powers. Etc, etc.
When did he ever use it again. Why do you ignore Kakyoin never using 2 of his powers ever again. Could it not just be that, Araki forgot about them? I can't think of any possible reason Kakyoin would willingly abstain from using such useful powers ever again, unless maybe the writer who was controlling everything he did simply forgot he had them, as the writer frequently forgets about many things.
This dude better get shit on in t-minus now
>When did he ever use it again.
He used it against Forever, the orangutan stand user.
>Why do you ignore Kakyoin never using 2 of his powers ever again.
I didn't. I addressed every question you asked in my original post.
You addressed them with your own headcanon, outright lies or just brushed them aside entirely.
Can you admit or not that Araki sometimes forgets things?
How could Dio create more vampires if he didn't have the mask anymore?
In Phantom Blood it's stated that the bite only turns them into zombies, for vampirism you need the mask
>You addressed them with your own headcanon, outright lies or just brushed them aside entirely.
The irony
Can you admit or not that Araki sometimes forgets things?
He puts his own blood into them, speedreader, he did it to vanilla ice
You mean Jonathan's blood?
>You addressed them with your own headcanon, outright lies or just brushed them aside entirely.
Where is the headcanon? Where are the lies? I can cite the manga as proof if you disagree with something specifically. By not responding to my points individually and instead generalizing them as all being wrong, you're the one brushing me aside.
>Can you admit or not that Araki sometimes forgets things?
I can. For an example, I posted this I also said that Star Platinum bringing things to Jotaro's cell despite later being stated to have a short range was a case of Araki not thinking things through, but you somehow interpreted that as me defending Araki despite me literally agreeing with you.
Jonathan died 100 years ago, he has no blood.
I imagine you're talking about Vanilla Ice. Off the top of my head I can't think of any other vampires in part 3 besides him. He didn't just bite Vanilla Ice, he gave him some of his blood. Which is a pretty common thing in vampire fiction.
Time travel loops are always stupid in stories
>Sailors are suddenly gay now
In their battle in Part 1, Dio says he can turn Jonathan by inserting some of his vampiric essence into his blood.
Sailors have always been joked about being gay because of how much time they spend at sea without any women.
>suddenly gay now
How young are you that you've never heard that joke before?
That and they're surrounded by Seamen.
Also only faggots and sailors are named Lawrence.
I'm still disappointed that Avdol wasn't a grown up version of Smokey.
Araki must have forgotten about it.
Meh, Avdol is cool enough, I like intergenerational friendship.
>How did star platinum bring things to jotaro is his cell despite being a short range stand.
range =/= effective range
>Let alone how did it get stuff like a motorcycle through the bars.
i don't remember this, must be something that was fixed in the anime
>Why did Kakyoin never use his painting powers OR his mind control powers ever again after his first fight with Jotaro.
he never had painting powers to begin with, that was theatrics. he even destroys the painting afterwards the show its not related to his stand in any way
as for the mind control it's not because he lost the ability but rather he became a good person again and refused to use it. he did have his stand continue to shrink and crawl into enemies such as the lovers and death 13 though
>Why did star platinum never use platinum finger again.
the anime fixed this. also star finger is bullshit anyways but i guess it makes sense as a successor to the zoom punch
>Why didn't they just have Joseph find Kira, the entire reason he was brought to Morioh was to find an unknown stand user.
they were going to have him use hermit purple on the power lines to track akira. also joseph's stand is shown to be inaccurate as hell as made evident with his stand taking pictures of angelo when he tried to take pictures of josuke
>Why did Jotaro say no stand can bring back the dead when he himself brought Joseph back from the dead using his stand.
he was working off of his current knowledge similar to how kakyoin stated there was no such thing as a mirror world for a stand to inhabit or how it was previously stated that users are only limited to one stand etc. also it was dio's blood that revived joseph, he just jjumpstarted his heart. he meant that no stand has the direct healing power to bring back the dead (that he knows of)
>Why did Dio never use his vampire powers again.
he uses flesh buds, vampiric regeneration, blood drinking, etc. he didn't use his other powers mostly because he's too prideful of himself and his stand
in response to
also for dio's vampire powers jonathan's hamon-filled blood was preventing him from using them to their full extent
>You're in charge of casting a live action version of Phantom Blood
>Due to time fuckery you can use any past or present version of an actor even if they're dead.
Who do you choose to play Speedwagon, Jonathan, Zeppeli, and Dio?
And Erina. Almost forgot about her.
Speedwagon: Will Smith
Jonathan: Joaquin Phoenix
Zeppeli: Charlie Chaplin
Dio: Clint Eastwood
Erina: Scarlett Johansson
This but unironically.
He never argued otherwise. You are attacking a strawman.
Exactly. How tf did Josuke get that hair before he met himself? I'm glad he didn't do that route.
>also for dio's vampire powers jonathan's hamon-filled blood was preventing him from using them to their full extent
Straizo was a Hamon user and could shoot eye lasers just fine.
Cavill as Jonathan.
also dio could use the eye lasers as just a head
What is the appeal of videos like this.
post obscure jjba characters
>Zeppeli: Charlie Chaplin
That would actually work
Seeing a boomer enhoynanime is rare and he actually lived in the 80s so it would be interesting when they get part 3
>Seeing a boomer enhoynanime
based schizoposter
Look I'm very tired right now, I meant to type enjoy anime.
The truth is that yeah, he clearly meant something more out of that part
But Jojo is about the art, the delivery, the pace, the aesthetic, the experience
It isn't really about the story at all, it hardly cares about the story
>Joseph failed to take the spirit photo that he wanted (and still produced a useful photo) once before, so he should never try to take one again.
This is a headcanon that is contradicted by the manga. Dio doesn’t use eye lasers or freezing because they wouldn’t be effective against Jotaro, which is even outright stated in the CD adaptation.
taking a spirit photo would've been useless after kira's face change anyways as they wouldn't recognize the man in the photo
plus rohan had a picture of him on hand already and was already investigating it
>joseph tries to use hermit purple to get pictures of kira
>gets pictures of kira's dad instead
This could have happened.
>taking a spirit photo would've been useless after kira's face change anyways as they wouldn't recognize the man in the photo
If trying to take a picture of a random a powerful stand user who has disguised himself as someone else yields the result of a “random person,” they should probably investigate that person.
they already found him naturally by investigating his abandoned house
i guess that's true
>they already found him naturally by investigating his abandoned house
And he’d keep appearing in any photos that Joseph tries to take after that.
Phoneposters begone
That would involve making use of a supporting character and part 4 can't have that.
The second was supposed to be
The worst ones are "I try and get my non-anime-watching friend into anime". Or "I get my mom to guess stand names". There's actually some that seem like they might be cool. Like the channel where a doctor reacts to Cells at Work.
Does mobile tethering count as phoneposting?
Jotaro has different clothes in each part that features him, does that make him a different character each time?
Damn, who the fuck is this guy?
Not all mysteries are meant to have solutions. Some are written simply for the feeling of mystery itself, to reflect how there are things in life we'll never know, and to stimulate the readers' imagination.
JoJo is inspired by a lot of urban legends, and it's in line with Araki's style to make a "guess we'll never know" tale like this.
I think that’s one of the Led Zeppelin zombies.
>in each part
We are talking about the same part, retard
and Josuke never changes his clothes unlike other characters like Rohan
The ones are disliking the most are people who haven't watched Jojo reacting to the openings.
Also, the idea of watching boomers react to anime seems especially cringeworthy to me, more so than regular reactors. At least this guy in particular seems to be actually enjoying it, judging from the thumbnail.
Kakyoin has his stand enter Death 13 and control his arm
But Josuke could have changed his clothes if Araki wanted him to. Part 4 was not finished when Araki wrote the flashback chapter.
I fucking hate Josuke
>"heroically" claims he's going to protect Morioh
>doesn't give a shit when Koichi tells him about the serial killer
>doesn't even consider that if he wasn't caught in 15 years then maybe something is going on
>even if he wasn't a stand user, that gives them more reasons to try since they'd have an advantage
>literally doesn't care that people are dying left and right
>doesn't do shit after the face swap
>when Rohan tells him about Hayato's lead, he still doesn't give a shit and gets angry, claiming he has to go to school instead
>so much for "I'm going to protect this city"
>literally the only reason he was part of the final fight was because Hayato happened to call him
>had Hayato called anyone else, they'd have fought instead
And to name other things
>sees how Yukako tried to murder a girl
>says "nah, Koichi will be fine, let's leave her alone"
>Koichi procedes to get kidnapped
>cruelly screams at a 90 y/o man for something that wasn't even his mistake
>after trying to scam Rohan and thus setting in motion the events that got his house on fire, and after Rohan tried warning him about the tunnel, he still has the audacity to sperg out and scream at him, when it was all his fault and Rohan knew what was more important
>Miyamoto's fate, when in the first arc previous stand users had done worst shit
For example
>Yukako kidnapped what to her was a non stand user, was going to torture and then kill him
>Hazamada made a guy gouge his eye out due to waifu shit and almost got Josuke to stab Jotaro
>Kobayashi almost got Koichi's mom to kill herself
>Rohan almost kills Koichi and gets Okuyasu to kill himself
>but nah, golden heart
>except you, you'll be turned into a book for all eternity
I mean I get Angelo, but the Enigma dude was on the same level of prior enemies, jesus.
hmm i dunno faggot they both appear to be missing their limbs
Rohan getting turned into the last page of his forever unfinished manga when?
When he says he's going to protect the town, he says he's doing it to fill in his grandfather's place. His grandfather was just one policeman out of many so it's not like he's responsible for literally every criminal in the whole city. I'd say Josuke did more than enough in one summer to fulfill his claim.
Part 4's characters are absolute unbelievable garbage. Doesn't help that most of them are crazy fucks who become part of the cast without ever really redeeming themselves.
>I mean I get Angelo, but the Enigma dude was on the same level of prior enemies, jesus.
Did you forgot that Enigma kidnapped Josuke's mother?
Hands and feet aren’t the same as entire limbs.
Absolutely based.
Fuck part 4, fuck slice of life. Jojo is a TRILOGY, anyone who enjoyed part 4 should be sold into slavery.
>literally doesn't care that people are dying left and right
What people?
kira carries part 4 HARD
if it wasn't for him it would definitely qualify as the worst part
Why didn't Araki ever explain this? It came completely out of nowhere.
It wasn't just his bad leg, he also just shot blood out of it and it had been cut off earlier.
On one hand Araki does sometimes just like to set shit up then do literally nothing with it (Sometimes intentionally) just to keep the Audience guessing but on the other hand He is also known to be genuinely forgetful to actual story elements (One of the most infamous being in part 7 where he accidently changed Sandman's name to "Soundman" in his arc a few times because he literally forgot what his name was etc)
>It wasn't just his bad leg
It wasn't his bad leg
I'll never understand why people obsess over this flashback so much.
Part 3 might as well be a slice of life with how inconsequential the stand fights are.
What's your definition of a consequential stand fight?
>How did star platinum bring things to jotaro is his cell despite being a short range stand. Let alone how did it get stuff like a motorcycle through the bars.
not really sure desu. probably Araki just wanting a cool introduction or something.
>Why did Kakyoin never use his painting powers OR his mind control powers ever again after his first fight with Jotaro.
The painting thing wasn't a power, it was just a way to hint at Kakyoin's ability without actually showing the stand. Kakyoin also uses the tentacle ability against that baby stand, but for the most part something that requires Kakyoin to come extremely close isn't very useful considering how Hierophant Green gets stomped in close quarters combat
>Why did star platinum never use platinum finger again.
He did a few times, it's just that it was very situational. Shooting two fingers out a meter or so isnt really useful for much.
>Why didn't they just have Joseph find Kira, the entire reason he was brought to Morioh was to find an unknown stand user.
Hermit Purple had gotten super shitty by the beginning of part 4 (Trying to get pictures of Josuke only gave pictures of Angelo multiple times), and Joseph was only brought to Morioh to search for RHCP's user in power lines
>Why did Jotaro say no stand can bring back the dead when he himself brought Joseph back from the dead using his stand.
Jotaro's stand didn't resurrect him, he just restarted the heartbeat. The magical blood, Joseph using hamon before nearly dying, the medical treatment he got, and the very short amount of time that passed let him survive
>Why did Dio never use his vampire powers again.
Dio says he's disgusted with chimeras when they're first shown, space ripper stingy eyes probably can't work with a body actively rejecting you (considering it's Dio firing bodily fluids out his eyes) and a lot of the rest just aren't useful now that DIO has a super strong stand
>he accidently changed Sandman's name to "Soundman" in his arc a few times because he literally forgot what his name was etc)
Soundman literals explains that people calling him Sandman was a misunderstanding. It could be a retcon or it could be foreshadowing D4C, but it certainly wasn’t Araki forgetting.
>The magical blood, Joseph using hamon before nearly dying, the medical treatment he got, and the very short amount of time that passed let him survive
Actually, only the medical treatment and short amount of time parts are true. The blood wasn't magical and it had nothing to do with hamon.
It's a retcon, Sandman's own tribe and sister calls him Sandman in the beginning and he also has the power to control sand
Anything which causes the protagonist to change their goals or strategy. All of the stand fights in Part 3 never change ultimate goal of fighting Dio or even change how they fight him.
>vampire blood isn't magical
Also the hamon might've let him hang on a bit longer then usual (this is just speculation on my part though). Lisa Lisa managed to survive getting stabbed through the chest by Kars even though they were probably an hour away from any medical help, so Joseph incurring a similar injury and surviving has some canonical backing
Not him but didn't Kars purposefully miss any vitals with Lisa Lisa? She still could have bled out I guess but Kars' and Dio's intents were different with their attacks.
But if Soundman really is from another dimension, it wouldn’t contradict any of that.
Is Jojo part 6 stone ocean really the worst part? I just got into reading it.
Yeah Kars did leave her intentionally alive but this is still a pretty grisly wound. There was a pretty high chance of bleeding out or whatever
Koichi even said Josuke was probably making it up
By your logic all stand fights are inconsequential because none of them do that
Soundman being from another dimension would contradict how D4C is explained to work. All other dimensions are supposed to be based on the dimension where the corpse parts are.
>vampire blood isn't magical
Joseph isn't a vampire
Josuke made up a story about saving himself? Why?
Because he's a crazy diamond
Star Platinum's eyes always creep me out. He's starting intently at everything.
Now imagine if you read the entire manga instead of taking a single panel out of context. They're obviously referring to the blood that was sucked out of Joseph's body.
I always kinda liked how crazy he looked in his first appearance. The weird perma-deathstare he gets later always looks really strange, considering Star Platinum is one of the few stands with a human face
>his point is literally contradicted in the image he posted
There's no way that the machine they used could selectively take out Joseph's blood without taking some of DIO's as well, which is why the Doctor says DIO's blood when talking about the transfusion.
Is there any context for how star platinum can phase through josephs body? i can understand jotaro doing it to himself since its his stand, but does this mean jotaro could just phase through someone and crush their organs?
>You want to transfuse DIO's blood back into Joseph?
>back into Joseph?
Hey Einstein... how is the blood going "back" into Joseph? Oh yeah, because it was originally Joseph's blood.
>Is there any context for how star platinum can phase through josephs body?
It's... a stand?
Did you even read my post? obviously the doctors are putting blood back into joseph, but there is no way that some of dio's blood wouldn't be transferred over as well during the transfusion, unless all of the blood that came out of dio when he exploded was conveniently only his.
dio lost because he's fucking retarded. The world isn't a vampire and he knew that damn well and still thought "eh, I blinded jotaro so everything should go fine now. Let me use an attack that leaves me extremely vulnerable" he gets attacked and immediately goes
"WHAT?! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE? HOW CAN I, THE GREAT AND MAGNIFICENT DIO DIE IN SUCH A STUPID WAY?" fuck dio and fuck araki for writing such an ass ending for him
"Putting blood back into Joseph" means it originally came from Joseph.
star platinum's ability to stop time isn't an asspull, it's actually hinted that star platinum could always do it jotaro just never realized it. Him beating dio by punching him in the leg is.
Why didn't Dio just dive underwater?
>no sunlight can reach him
>Jotaro can't reach him either because he needs to breathe
>can use vampire powers to freeze the water if needed
Dio just needed to haul ass.
Because he wanted to kill Jotaro. If he was okay with running the fight never would have happened in the first place.
>lol I'll just let myself get killed by a clearly superior opponent because I'm dumb
Riveting writing. Alas, poor Dio.
no shit. There is no other point where it is mentioned or shown where a stand can phase through an object, let alone a person besides the user. Diver down even hinges his entire ability on that, and multiple stands have been trapped before, like aqua necklace and green baby. so can they phase through stuff or not
right but the argument is that during the fight with kira bites the dust was supposed to send him back in time right? how does him being sent back in time change his clothes?
>jotaro has different clothes in each part, is he a different character?
yes because part 3 jotaro fucking sucks and he's better in every part after
>same with jorge joestar and eyes of heaven
In first he drew only the cover, in phf he drew every new character and stand, and he oversaw eoh development.
it was shut down by his editor, dumbo
Obviously some of the blood is from Joseph, but like I've said multiple times, unless the doctor's are working with extremely high tech equipment that flawlessly separates blood by which person is belongs to(even though we can see in pic related that they just did a basic blood transfusion), there is no way to perfectly separate the blood of Joseph from the blood of DIO.
>could have
I'm starting to understand where you headcannon fags are going with this
The only way Star Platinum would have been able to go outside of the cell at the beginning would be to phase through the bars. It isn't done very often but considering they're spiritual entities there's no real reason why they shouldn't be able to. A lot of stand mechanics are kind of inconsistent though. Where they might be useful in some instances but aren't used. If ever stand could do it though on the other hand I feel like Diver Down would be kind of useless. Another point where a stand phases through objects is when Soft and Wet appears. But these are quite a bit later than part 3.
It's all Joseph's blood
you think araki planned the atire that josuke would wear at the end of the series? he was writing it as he goes. and its not too much of a stretch to think his pins got knocked off in the middle of being killed
Literally the first time we ever see stands is in a prison where they fight by phasing through the bars
Theres plenty of people irl that have just left and/or vanished even teenagers
If only i could phase through this glass jar
>There is no other point where it is mentioned or shown where a stand can phase through an object,
That's one of their defining characteristics. Did you think they were just invisible robots or something?
now, this is just headcannon it's not based on anything but I think DIO is scared of water. His stand appears to be wearing scuba gear which I think might be a visualization of his mental scarring from sitting at the bottom of the ocean for 200 years
Wow it's almost like Aqua Necklace is bound to physical water or something
The atomic structure of glass obviously conflicts with the foundations of how stands work.
No user, the diving gear is because of HOLY DIVER
The World has scuba gear so it can still breath when time is stopped.
based and crazypilled
here's another example.
He probably won't be convinced by that because Hol Horse is the user
Hol Horse was way cool. I wonder what he did after Part 3.
good point, here's hermit purple phasing through a TV
Here's Joseph openly mentioning that stands can slip through objects and people
didn't he die by shooting himself? or was that just in the anime?
As far as I recall he just got sent to the hospital.
>this part was bullshit
Is Jojolion done yet?
Do we know if Jobin is the main villain or not yet?
Not sure if it's contradicting anything, just because they're based on the dimension with the corpse parts that doesn't mean everything is absolutely identical, his name could be different in another dimension
Dio's always way too confident for his own good, in his mind there's noone who's 'clearly superior' to him, especially after he drank Joseph's blood, he thought he was the sharpest tool in the shed
>just because they're based on the dimension with the corpse parts that doesn't mean everything is absolutely identical,
He said so
How are you fucking newfags still getting this wrong?
Uhhh isn't the sky yellow?
Retarded speedreader
Is the >Hol Horas was supposed to be a crusader at some point
A real thing or fan meme?
It's real, you can read about it in Araki's little character notes in your Jojonium editions of the manga, which you of course have purchased.
joseph joestar was the one that tied up the user of wheel of fortune
he tied that nazi to a cactus the one time, hes known to do things like that to defeated minor villians
Stop replying to your own post you massive cum guzzling faggot. It doesn't prove you right and this only makes you look incredibly self-absorbed. The entire point of the sequence andoone of the key themes of the entire part would be ruined if it was Josuke. Just accept you're wrong and stop listening to whichever anime youtuber told you that "lol Araki forgot xD".
It absolutely does. Meanwhile having it be Josuke doesn't.
based hair poster
That's probably what it is. There's plenty of stuff like that in Jojo though, like how Anasui was a girl at first. I like it though, it adds to the bizareness of the series.
Only Araka/JoJo can get away this shit. If it wasn't for the batshit plots and stands, people would be sick of this shit decades ago.
I mean we kinda do...
based “based hair poster” poster
>jobin isn’t the main villain
It doesn't. There's no theme of mysterious heroes appearing and then disappearing without a single trace.
Based and Jobin pilled
Part 2 is so ugly in the manga.
based "based "based hair poster" poster" poster
It isn't. Even if Dio lost all of his blood before getting Joseph's, Dio healing through the rest of the fight shows it had taken on vampiric properties.
Jobin and Akefu are both main villains.
I always assumed it's phantom pain. I read once theory that once we understand what makes people feel it it might accelerate prosthetic limbs development.
There's only one main villain in each part.
Pucci literally created the SBRverse.
Jojolion breaks that trend.
Ok shonenbaby.
Araki is a shounenbaby.
He’s been slowly maturing over the course of his career.
how do Jojo threads only manage to progressively get worse with time? Aside from the Yea Forums-tier partshitting killing any and all discussion, now you have retards like OP unironically pushing the "DUDE JOSUKE WAS MEANT TO TIME TRAVEL" meme
What happened?
That's why Jobin is his most grey main villain.
Josuke literally saved himself
Did Araki always plan to bring Avdul back? I thought his death looked pretty convincing.
>I killed him once in India, because I'm always trying to keep readers from getting bored with the same pattern. I also wanted to add some reality to the story by having someone get sacrificed. I thought it'd be great to add in an episode where they lose a team member. I didn't intend to erase him forever, though.. But I thought it'd be too easy if he came back to life immediately, so I wanted to prepare a flashy comeback that readers would be able to accept. When I draw JoJo, I never plan out the small things. In the end, I managed to bring Avdol back just before they reached Egypt, but I never planned that beforehand. It was just an idea that came to me while drawing. Now that I think back on it, since I killed him once, I probably should have made him more important in the story. Of course, these thoughts all come to me after I've already finished the story. Making the story center around Avdol would have been very adventurous at the time (Laughs); Even in the character popularity polls, I don't think he was ever in any of the top spots. Everyone just wanted to see Jotaro fight... Also, drawing Magician's Red was a bit of a struggle for me.
Why doesn't Japan appreciate black bulls?
Shitty theory
Present Josuke was saved from the spirit of himself from another timeline where he fisted and killed his mom which led Okuyasu to kill him
More like, most GAY main villain
That's not Pucci
Kira is the gayest because he refused to fuck Shinobu.
So is this the new thing that shitposters spam? No wonder no one respects the opinions of the board at large or anyone who uses it.
>1 year
Bros... I miss JoJo
JJL in 2 weeks boi
Kino, even if Jobin turns out not to be the main antagonist he's already one of the best antagonists in JoJo as a whole
If Jobin isn't the main antagonist Araki is a hack
Another filtered shonenbaby.
Kaato is the ally of the main villain (Jobin).
Post sources or shut the fuck up.
K: Part 4's going to be quite long, isn't it?
A: No, well, I haven't organized it or anything.
K: How about little hints? Like when Josuke met his past self?
A: Oh, that's not related.
K: It's not related!?
A: That's just Josuke's memory.
So was right
based Araki
Joshu not being part 8's primary jobro is a crime
Joshu must be the character with the most disparity between screentime and plot relevance in the series
He's an asshole
^^^ this
a story absolutely needs to establish its themes upfront as obviously and as early as possible. if you add something like this later, its considered bad writing by experts. my teacher told me this basic shit in my community college creative writing course which is embarassing that araki cant even do that xd
user, I swear to god
He's ugly too
so by your logic diego just always had the world and never did anything with it or acknowledged it
He probably would’ve gotten The World if he’d awoken his own stand instead of stealing someone else’s.
Diego having Scary Monsters instead of The World was a direct result of the Holy Corpse which only exists in the base universe. Sandman's stand (and his fucking name) have nothing to do with the corpse, so they are the same in all universes.
I hope Joshu dies off panel.
what did rai mean by this
it's very important
Part 4 worst part btw
Kira could have done ANYTHING he wanted to
he waited to turn back time until he was inches from death, and then an ambulance ran over him. what a joke. I havent seen much of part 5 but it made up for the shit that was part 4
Kira and his stand were such wasted concepts
>praising Part 5
too obvious
parts 4,5 & 6 were a waste of time and I regret reading them.
ok obvious how
I'm talking anime btw gonna read manga later
imo part 3 was too drawn out, part 4, as I've stated, total ass (kira best villain by far though), part 2 was phenomenal, part 1 my personal fav
cringe manimefag
>Giorno meets Bruno the very next second after Jotaro emphasized powerful stand user
>This explains how Giorno got blond hair despite being born with black hair
>It also explains how he got Gold Experience
>Yea Forums racks their brains to uncover this big mysterious plothole
Should I watch the 2012 anime or the old one?
Giorno and Bruno have been living in the same city for years
watch the anime of 1 and 2, watch the OVA of part 3, skip part 4 and then watch part 5 as an anime. Then read everything else.
fuck off faggot go read a book
How'd you tolerate part 3, the worst part?
dio died and his hair changed color. he inherited dios curse being his son. just like that bad company faggots father turning into a mutant after dio died because some of dios henchmen had dio cells implanted in them. it was shown in pictures of gio when he was slightly younger and looked more asian and then he turned into a aryan neo nazi . her pulled a inverted aryana grande or shaun king
and? did you know things can be introduced that aren't necessarily tied to the main story. are weebs THIS used to shitty writing that EVERYTHING has to be connected?
>then he turned into a aryan neo nazi
Go back.
>no argument
>tells others to go back
But they weren't fated to meet until 2001.
>his power is to heal, and by extension rewind time on an object
Yeah, there was going to be some time travel fuckery. Using his power to “heal” something which in result somehow turns back time. Shame it never came to fruition
>rewind time on an object
>time travel
Those are different thinks retard
So what? Jotaro said the awakening was recently triggered by a powerful stand user in the area, not that it was triggered because he would be fated to meet a powerful stand user in a few months.
I think Josuke time traveling will still happened. But towards the end of the show. The final fight is going to be so batshit crazy, with a stand user that somehow causes past Jojo’s to return in some form. Even if temporarily or in a time pocket. This will directly tie into Josuke somehow being in that flashback moment.
It was triggered because he was fated to meet a powerful stand user in a few months who was also already in the area.
Did you watch the show? He uses his power in ways that qualify as rewinding time.
I hope you're not saying you want Araki to go back and appeal to original universe-fags with some shitty universe crossover. Like Eyes of Heaven.
It was way worse that Josuke wasn't the one who had a final fight with Kira. Waste of momentum just to be subversive
>qualify as rewinding time
Yes but thats not time travel retard
But he was
You know that Araki abandoned the original continuity, right?
I don’t want him to resurrect them. But having some loophole via stand that causes them to make an appearance in the final fight would be pretty cool. Not have them all make an appearance, just some, one being Josuke (perhaps the most crucial flashback character).
That’s the only reason for that Josuke flashback set up I can think of. Unless he literally just dropped the idea but then I don’t know why it would be in the anime
It was stupid that Josuke was the one who fought him when he was barely concerned about the guy for 99% of the second half
I have no idea what you are talking about since I’m not caught up. He rebooted?
Part 7 and 8 take place in a new continuity.
>That’s the only reason for that Josuke flashback set up I can think of. Unless he literally just dropped the idea but then I don’t know why it would be in the anime
It was never intended in the first place. Even if it was it was in the context of part 4. There's no reason to bring it up again even if it was a dropped plot point.
Part 6 is the last part in the original universe. Parts 7 and 8 are a separate and unrelated continuity. They're not linked in a way that would allow a universe crossover. They're essentially a separate series.
DP usually keeps Araki's dropped ideas in the anime.
Well that’s stupid.
How did Josuke deal with knowing how his life would end after the universe reset?
Sadly, part 4 wasted too much time on filler instead of the meaningful things.
You'll grow to love it.
>have an interesting concept of each arc being a new generation of the Joestar Bloodline
>from the very first arc, introduce vampires
>”oh shit, this is going to be good. Such potential with this concept”
>after part 3, no longer cares about introducing new ways of fighting, it’s all just stands now
>Dio / Vampires are finished as a story device
>and then part 7 he just reboots it all
What a fucking waste of potential. So directionless. Japanese really don’t make stories with any ending in mind, do they?
It's not like he can magically predict that his manga will be successful enough to last ffor over 30 years
The Jojo stories do have an end. Each part is a separate story. And part 6's ending was the perfect way to end the original universe.
Each part is a separate and distinct experience, which is why the series has remained fresh despite running for several decades.
>And part 6's ending was the perfect way to end the original universe.
How? It didn't touch upon anything from the first 5 parts.
Any chance that we get early Jojolion spoilers? I'm dying to see what happens next. This break nearly broke me.
You haven't even read it.
I'm caught up to Part 8, user. Part 6's ending doesn't conclude any conflict other than the ones introduced in Part 6.
Are you a different user or are you unable to keep your story straight?
I'm not
vampires are pretty overdone, honestly. It's a good thing they are no longer a thing in JJBA. I do like the pillar men though.
>no longer cares about introducing new ways of fighting, it’s all just stands now
>implying hamon isn't repetitive and uncreative as fuck
Why do earlyseriesfags show up everywhere? They also always use the same buzzwords like "wasted potential"
Technically Jotaro gets better at using SP throughout Part 3 because of random Stand battles
If anything would be cut it'd be shit like Oingo Boingo Bros. or the entire Horse repeatedly coming back as filler even though I love both
>no longer cares about introducing new ways of fighting
>I do like the pillar men though.
Rock Humans
Low quality post
I wish he'd have joined the crew and helped against Dio, I fucking loved Hol Horse
In that case then there wasn't anything needing concluded. Dio was dead. That was really the only overarching thing in the series. In part 6's case it was a leftover piece of the Dio struggle (though like you said this was introduced in part 6) but it also essentially broke the chain of fate of Joestar vs Brando due to how it ended. Dio for instance was still an antagonist to some extent in part 4 since he started some of the shit that happened there even though by then he was already dead. The conflict in part 6 was introduced in part 6 but it still concluded it better than part 3 when you take into account Dio having a lasting impact even after he died.
If Kubo says its past josuke I believe him over Araki
cringe ship
Part 6's ending only finished things with Pucci. It's not like DIO's legacy as a whole was ended, Pucci was only one of many. Jongalli A, Versace, Ungalo, and Rykiel are still out there thanks to the reset. We don't know what happened to all of the arrows, or if DIO has any more minions or kids out there. I can't see it as being any more of a conclusion to the original universe than 4 or 5 would have been if Araki stopped there.
>the world literally fucking ends
>didn't wrap anything up
>the world literally fucking ends
And gets replaced with an identical one minus one jobber