New chapter is out, dumping.
Yeah, yeah!
Monkey boy
That's rude Yonagi.
>Ugh. He's super creepy.
Okay, that was some really shitty delivery.
>implying Araya isn't prettier than Chiyoko
Crouching Angel Hidden Demon
>Chiyoko and her idolshit acting is shit
More news at 11.
What losers. That's it for this week. MEGA link for anyone catching up
Kuro's being cringy explaining what's happening
What a shame
>>Making beautiful and wicked faces
Is the character of the goddess that hard to understand? It's not the anger or the beauty that draws us towards her but her inner vulnerability that she feels and tries to cover with rage. At the end for the day she is a woman torn apart by the deads of her cheating husband, there is no feminity in Chiyoko's actions nor any sense of vulnerability that the character tries to hide.
As for the Monkey King, immitating the movements of an animal is a great idea but there just isn't any powerful presence/aura to Araya's portrayal of a king. Some of the dialogue delivery is horrible. I expected so much more from Kuro.
>producers treating fans like helpless crack addicts
chiyoko makes my pp tingle but the performance seems pretty shit
I really hope it's just shitty TL, but the lines are coming off as cheesy.
>but her inner vulnerability that she feels and tries to cover with rage
That was just Kei's portrayal, otherwise you have a raging cunt who is ultimately miserable.
Kei is a lucky girl
>That was just Kei's portrayal, otherwise you have a raging cunt who is ultimately miserable.
There is no reason for me to feel for her misery if i can't sense it in her until the end. You need to build it, not just show it at the end and expect it to reach the audience.
Not him, but that's what separates the character from just being a ragetard.
The vulnerability in Yonagi's portrayal only came up once the Monkey King-as-Ox-King talked arrogantly to her and she teared up, until that point she also seemed just implacably angry. Chiyoko hasn't got to that scene yet.
Riku was the Monkey King, but Araya is Monkey Kino
>until that point she also seemed just implacably angry.
Not in the least. That vulnerability is present throughout the play from the moment she steps in and her desperation in trying to hide it can also be felt. You can feel her feminity beyond the anger and rage, that's what ultimately makes you believe in her.
idoltards literally are helpless crack addicts. Look at how demented people here get over fictional characters, then add Jap autism and the fact that they're obsessing over real people and not cartoons. Chiyoko will be lucky if someone doesn't mail her a letter bomb after this play
In Yonagi's case it was clear she was angry and looked evil because of some tragic fate.
Chiyoko looks like a madwoman, not a tragic heroine.
perfect blue arc when
Act-age chapter 102 has been the favorite Jump chapter for japanese readers in Twitter
Hot damn
What’s her form called Yea Forums?
Based and theaterpilled
>3 Mitama
Pigeonman stronk.
Yonagi and Chiyoko marriage WHEN
Chiyoko's acting started off weak compared to Yonagi in this chapter as well but I did not see her getting on all fours coming. Quite good.
>Akane blushing
>Misaki not
>twitter poll
>small sample size
this doesn't mean shit
we already have TOC for this kind of shitposting
we have shit translations it seems, I just didn't felt the impact
Since Kuroyama made changes to Chiyoko's performance, I wonder if they'll say how it was originally meant to be like.
why is the dump so much more HQ than the website or when downloading from tachiyomi
>Chiyoko's acting started off weak compared to Yonagi in this chapter as well but I did not see her getting on all fours coming. Quite good.
I think that's the point, Chiyoko was already aware her usual acting wouldn't be good enough to surpass Yonagi's a few chapters ago. It's when she can use it as a springboard and break off from it like she does at the end of the chapter that she can bring her performance to a higher level.
I get the point yeah. I just didn't expect this to be the way they choose to do it for now. Whicn is why I liked it. Like she's got him by the hair, and stomping on his crotch, ha
Although the last lines of the chapter seems to me like it's impying the endgame here is to return back to her angel persona at the end of the play.
We knew from a few weeks already that someone from the mangaplus team dumps the chapter here.
Since Kuroyama took the ending of Death Island as an example, I think she'll end up crying and smiling sincerely (rather than to hide her anger like she was doing at the start of the play) as she forgives the Monkey King and crew.
OP here, I always take the new chapters from Tachiyomi. I don't see any difference from the previous Manga Plus rips.
>Still has to copy Team A's ending in some way.
Kuro is just another big hack.
Nice try James
Almost like this is a double-cast play and both teams are following the same script.
reminder that R*ddit are Team B shills.
Looks like they can't top based Chad
they should have dropped the dead weight and had Araya play Princess Iron Fan for Riku's Monkey King
Araya's Monkey King is miles better than Riku's one though.
>mfw Kuro is also a hack
No charisma
Actually kind of scary & I want to see where it all goes from here.
This is legitimately more interesting than One Flashback & I hope Jump realizes they struck gold with this series.
spoken like your usual burger
I just don't feel it, so far it's not interesting.
>As for the Monkey King, immitating the movements of an animal is a great idea but there just isn't any powerful presence/aura to Araya's portrayal of a king.
You haven't read/watched Jorney to the West series then, Araya's acting is spot on.
thx tried it again and i m only pissed that the mangaplusscans look like shit on my pc for whatever reason and that viz only gives medicore quality to shushei
I don't see the presence of a king in Araya. He is the king, he should act like one.
Every moment kei makes is delicate and shows her feminity. The rage and anger in her eyes gives a sense of desperation in trying to hide her vulnerability as a woman.
>pages that will get destroyed by an anime adaptation
>in her eyes
You understand no one can see her eyes, right?
literally all of them
This is such a hack play. Bet its gonna be full on powerlevel faggotry
>no one can see her eyes, right?
All the other 4 characters from the audience on that page give the same reaction as the loli. Seems like they can see
meme buzzwords like this don't suit this series
You should read the fucking book. That will let you how absolutely retarded you are sounding.
Combining both Riku's and Araya's portrayals, you'll get the Monkey King character of the original series.
>Team B starts performing
>Thread dies
Its started really bad, as expected from a hack indie director
I don't need to read a book to see a king not acting like one. That's the actor's job to make me believe.
Fuck off Tezuka
>Chiyoko - Forma del Demonia
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt but I can see it now. Fuck off with your retardated shiposting.
Can somebody post THAT meme?
Also hope Chiyoko gives good perfomance, pity win will be an ultimate hackery
But they can stop the news from shitting on Rick that way since the crying scene will look scripted.
Kei and Rigu are too charismatic.
>Is a king
>can't act like one
Never change user.
Based Iwao shitting on Kuroyama from the grave.
We really didn't need team B performance.
I hope it doesn’t take as long as Team A. Even Team A was running for too long
I blame team B.
Araya is cute.
Dead threaddddd
Which lines? The cheese went over my head.
Whatever iteration of Chiyoko this is isn't as memeworthy as Yonaga Furiosa.
user, you don't even need to read the book. Just remember that the most famous character inspired by Sun Wukong is fucking Goku and you should immediately know that the "Monkey King" isn't kingly in any way. He's primarily an overpowered retarded monkey.
What's this about?
What the fuck is going on lately. Did shit posters migrate here because their harems ended?
Where would Mahitofag and Amachifag be on this?
Huh, I thought they were Viz scans. Those things are a pain in the ass to rip.
ah, yes. the famous "kengan espanõl meme tier". do you have a png ver. I'm actually collecting them
Where’s the shitposting?
Not really feeling it either, definitely a weaker start compared to Yonagi's but I'm looking forward to seeing their play evolve.
I get that she's supposed to be a madwoman but Chiyoko's constant smiling really doesn't feel like it fits with the delivery.
The file's too big.
I can't get excited for this play since Kuroyama said they'll win so they will. The Kuroyama wank is getting annoying.
I disagree, it would be boring just seeing one side of the coin and having the competition decided like that.
Would you feel satisfied if the very next chapter after Team A's play we just got "lmao u lose" without showing why?
I don't know if Matsuki is aware, but the theater audience don't have manga framing. Exaggerated flashy "normal" fight from the first play will work much better.
Yes. Because we already know that team A was a shitshow, it was fun to read but in universe was a terrible play.
No so far Chiyoko looks insane but not angry.
Gentlemen. How many times did you ri...I mean vote in the poll?
I threw in a couple dozen votes for Ayumi, I hope it was enough to get her into the top 20.
Around 1000 votes. I hope they count.
This can be very based or unbased depending on who is it
I contained myself and I just gave 10 or so votes each to my 2 favorites
I haven’t voted yet. I can’t pick.
Which characters would you want them to be? ,':^)
El Padre
everyone else
I don't know about the shitposters, but I'm genuinely not impressed with this and the previous chapters. They're explaining to me how amazing the Kuro's directing is, but I don't feel it at all, this looks less interesting than the previous play so far.
The voting is already closed.
I didn't even know burgers were allowed to vote. Whoops.
800 votes, I wonder if they'll count.
Sorry, I only gave 5 votes to Amachi-san.
I find it a bit predictable. We already knew Chiyoko would destroy her image too.
FUCK I took too long deciding
The poll was daily, you could vote for any character once a day.
No I actually prefer Kuroyama’s directing. I just think the Chiyoko Araya combo is a bit off and I don’t know how to feel about Chiyoko trying to be icy-angry
The thread is picking up a ton of Yea Forums tier shitposting.
Most of the complaints about B team are also skub nonsense, and most people, I'd wager even you, are actually comparing a complete play with the opening chapters of team B without realizing it.
The mangaka have actually mirrored the plays extremely closely for the first two chapters of each so far. There're people complaining about exposition or Kuro wank, but the first A chapter was also just a slow open into a second chapter that was 90% explaining what was actually happening.
It's fine to dislike the actual performance so far, but the criticisms around here are almost universally bullshit.
I know but I want to do it fairly. Just 1 vote for 1 great character. It’s retarded I know just ignore me
Compared to the roundabout methods of voting literally 24/7 non-stop, once a day IS fairly.
What the fuck is going on?
for whomst
as a pro audio technician, that sound system really rubs me the wrong way. Sorry for blogging
I found team A's opening chapters better for the following reasons
>more personal because of el padre and la madre
>madwoman Hanako continuously provoking Kei
>new side to Kei with her psyche being more broken than ever
>play was still fresh
>dug deeper into a new character, namely Rick's thoughts and backstory
>many randomising uncontrollable factors like Kei's rage and Rick's ego while team B has a systematic approach and is completely in control of Kuroyama
>more easy to empathise with an enraged/broken than an outright insane woman
>more aggressive acting and more action
I still hope team B can surprise me but this chapter just didn't do it for me.
Who is that? Did you vote in the CSM poll by accident?
user's OC.
Ignore him.
Is the CSM poll still going?
Yonagi’s yonagis
Don’t you mean Kei’s keis?
Also no Ayumi in team B.
Yeah, ends next week.
>CSM poll now has "write your own" option
>you actually can vote for Amachi in CSM
Not sure who to rig for yet.
Here are some suggestions:
>林士平 (Rin-san)
>天知 心一 (Amachi Shinichi)
>真人 (Mahito)
>アーニャ・フォージャー (Anya Forger)
Is rape time
>Who's the real Monkey King? I can't decide which one to shoot!
>Tags: Succubus, Reverse Rape, Unusual Pupils
>Bestiality, Pegging, Roleplaying
mega user, why don't you store full spreads for the current arc?
>wasting your CSM votes instead of voting for GODkamura
I can vote as many times I want.
Vote for team FUTURE.
Name my band.
Two Homos and Future
>Casually achieved Rinnegan without needing something like El Grande Padre hack
Heh, nothing personnel, Kei
Definitely a sharp uptick today. Well, I wasn't in the raw/spoiler thread.
That was my reaction too. The hell, Kuroyama? What a quick and weird way to take off the wraps. I thought the game plan called for a longer buildup, but instead it's an early shocker. Now I have to know what he's saving for later, if he felt confident enough to blow this so early.
Well yeah, the behind-the-scenes drama destabilizing the play makes it more tense. With Team B the suspense is more "how is Kuro et al. supposed to beat THAT?" because the author has to make it convincing. Right now it's hard to get a read on Chiyoko's Princess Iron Fan, I guess because they're trying to define a viable alternative to Yonagi's more straightforward portrayal.
You may not like it but this is what autism looks like.
Skirt physics and skirts being in positions like that turn me on for some reason and I don’t know why
Upload this on mega please
That's a nice page.
Oh, she's wearing one of her fashionable shirts again.
>Kei will be fully immersed in being the MC
>Chiyoko will play a yandere
>Rick will play himself
>Araya isn't wanted
What kind of movie is Kuroyama making?
Thanks for the dump.
>no audience loli watching their play
Not even a shota?
Many anons way to categorical. Team B performance is definitely more slow, but i don't see it as worse on the grand scheme.
Team A performace greatness at start was result of much bigger build up before actual start. Team B only now finished to prepare for possible high points.
I'm convinced it's a documentary of Arisa's life
That actually makes sense since Rick and Chiyoko would be involved there but not Araya.
>Rick as Iwao
Isn't that a kind of NTR?
No, Rick as Rick. Kuroyama as Iwao. Takemitsu as Akira.
I've been having a sense of deja vu since everyone is talking about how they don't like these chapters as much which is what exactly people said when this arc started before Hanako went all el grande padre on Yonagi. Don't get me wrong, Kuroyama and Team B's performance might be shit after all of this but since we don't know how the play will turn out yet I'd give it the benefit of the doubt.
I'm still enjoying this arc and I'm glad Team B is getting screentime. It just isn't anywhere near as tense as the Hanako bombshell and I don't really care who wins, so I'm not really on the edge of my seat anymore.
#metoo, but Araya is the victim
He'll be sued by STARS to hell and back
I gave Chiyoko 2 votes, but she was bound to place highly anyway.
Was it a mistake to frame Kuroyama as a cannes-type artsy wackjob?? I mean if the shounen manga writer can only think of shounen manga ideas then Kuroyama's directing is never gonna live up to the real world reference.
The real reason he's waited so long is for Arisa to die first
It's his infodumping that's killing it for me
Not sure if there is in Team A's play, but if I didn't even notice those.
Sure, Hanako is a total hackjob, but at least I enjoyed the ride
I think it's 2 separate problems:
-A lot of infodumping which sometimes is not reflected in the actual pages, so it feels like the manga is telling you "please feel like the characters are asking you to"; it's not exclusive to these latest chapters (nor to this manga alone).
-The actual tricks we've seen so far from Kuroyama are absolutely pleb-tier generic, even though we've been led to believe he's some sort of Japanese Godard or whatever.
Rui and Rei is watching the play
Makes me want to know what kind of shit he submitted to be even considered in Cannes.
We're starting to see why the editor had the author change the story premise from directing to acting.
>Murakoshi: In Asagaya, the director Sumiji Kuroyama was the main character. But for a Jump series, a director would make a difficult main character. Take for example Nodame Cantabile, which is themed around musical performances, and Blue Giant, which is based on jazz gigs. Both have these high-energy, climactic points, but I felt it was going to be really hard to achieve that with a director as the main character. On the other hand, with an actor as the main character, we could highlight their actions and emotions while in role, with those big developments on stage being the climax. We chose to make that change and went with it. Also, for younger readers, the idea of a director might be a bit too abstract for them to understand and empathize with. Actors, on the other hand, are right there on the television on a bunch of different programs. They’re much closer to home. Finally, there was the manga Glass Mask, which was a huge hit. Sure, there might be differences between shonen and shojo manga, but Glass Mask was able to entrance young girls across the country, and I thought surely we could do that too at Jump (laughs).
Kuroyama was always shown to sort of think higher of himself than his directing warrants. FFS his first line in the franchise is paraphrasing Tarantino
Is that allowed on live performances? Weren't this supposed to be family friendly?
This performance isn't even halfway close to Team A's and these faggots were saying they already won. Kuroyama is one overrated hack.
Maybe it's because team A's entire performance was done by the time I started reading, but so far I'm not that enthused with team B.
So I tried reading the Team A play again, and it really wasn't really that good like what anons in this thread saying.
I guess it's because I'm too mind driven by what user said on the thread. Maybe if I said that I like Team A more, I can fit in.
No, people are blowing it out of proportion because we had a dozen chapters with Chad and Hanako and Kei training before Team A even started, compared to barely showing any prep for Team B. Once we get more into the performance they'll be more equal
Nobody posted it yet?
>watching movies as business expense
What do you mean user?
It just looks like some sibling rough housing.
I couldn't rig as much as a I wanted because I had to rig CSM's too but I send around 2k votes I think.
Once a day for Chiyoko, it's how she'd want it.
I voted for Shiro 14 times
>That one chiyokofag still trying to damage control.
>The Absolute State of Team B
I started the arc and I hate the author and think rick is annoying. How do I get motivated to continue reading?
stay for your self-insert's reactions
I stayed for her madness
Araya going full monkey for the role makes me curious how he's planning to play a monkey playing an ox.
Based Team A chad.
Author is shit but as someone who disliked Rick at the start he becomes surprisingly really likeable.
Haven't read the book, but isn't the Ox King more like an actual king, unlike Wukong who's more monkey than king?
reading bump
imagine not knowing Rick will be likeable the moment you meet him
based, I'm gonna vote for Ama-chan
Chiyoko is scarier.
This is very convincing
Okay the play itself will make up for everything then
>as someone who disliked Rick at the start he becomes surprisingly really likeable.
I started to see this. But his gimmick should be explained better.
Come to think of it, the movie where she plays a knife murderer should be coming out sometime too.
Death Island? It's already out. They went and saw it a few chapters ago. They brought the Yonagi twins. Because it's clearly an age appropriate film.
No, during the Galactic Railroad arc, Chiyoko went on a date with Yonagi to learn how to act for the role she talks about in that pic about a high school girl who secretly murdered someone. That movie likely won't be out for a while but I guess it would've been the first instance of Chiyoko acting against type had the current play not happened.
>Sumiji sniped another director thanks to theater's quicker turnaround time
Between this and the Chiyoko fans, he's really playing with fire, if you know what I mean.
When will they announce the poll result?
CSM poll is said to be released on May so probably either the same month or late april.
Oh, no wonder this Chiyoko's face looks weirdly familiar. I forgot that Yonagi also made that kind of face too.
14 votes. All for Chiyoko.
Hanako is the Shaiapouf of AA. You're supposed to hate her, but she's still a great character
Who do you think should make the soundtrack of the inevitable anime? I feel like Taku Iwasaki would bring something new to the table.
I want to be stepped in my balls by Chiyocute!
It's shit, I hope team Yonagi doesn't lose this.
what a nice butt
>I started to see this. But his gimmick should be explained better.
His gimmick is that he's supposed to look like a dick because most people think he is.
>Team B performance
>Thread this dead
what went wrong?
This arc is too long and Team B's play started dreadfully, Chiyoko really doesn't suit the role and Ayara just looks like a child
I unironically missed threads like this because we were reaching general tier cancer lately.
>what went wrong?
all the shiptard spammers left. This is the best thread in multiple weeks
These. Fuck those past few threads. The threads were fine weekly until people started spamming shit about who they're gonna vote and other shipping nonsense that do nothing but make the threads worse. Though once the votes are revealed, expect the threads to go back to shit again when people won't stop spamming who won which place and how bullshit the nips taste are.
Polls ruin everything all the time, in this case it was at least funny by being able to vote and rendering useless by mass voting.
this is the only correct post in this thread
Team B sucks. Kuro got exposed for being just another hack.
Seems like a typical thread before the poll and shipping nonsense happened to me.
Number of bad posts does not equal a quality chapter or discussion
Hey at least he tries.
Hanako did jack shit
It's time, pastabros.
Man, I fucking hate it that they always have to explain what's happening and tell you how you should feel about it. At this point, the drawing is unnecessary, just turn it into a book.
A nip that doesn’t hate the gooks? Impressive