Why is Runouni Kenshin praised on this board? Seems like the average kiddie anime.
Why is Runouni Kenshin praised on this board? Seems like the average kiddie anime
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the author is pretty based
It's a decent show we all watched and enjoyed when were kids... Right OP? It's just fun
That aside the flashback Watsuki wrote it's absolutely amazing and Trust and Betrayal is kino.
i've noticed a lot of people on here confuse the praise of tsuioku-hen with the original show. the show itself is pretty mediocre but watching it before the OVA makes it more impactful imo.
The Trust and Betrayal OVA is one of the best forms of Japanese media ever made
>Seems like the average kiddie anime.
No surprise there, given its author's tastes.
>mfw girls between late elementary school to second year of middle school
The anime is crap but the manga is great
The manga is shit too
The battle shonen part is kind of standard but I really liked the historical part
The anime is bad. I tried to do a "toonami block" marathon and I couldn't get through Kenshin and Ronin Warriors.I could only take so many
>Static image of weapon with speedlines
Those are the least of its issues
Because Kenshin is easily the best Shonen protagonist. It's like he's the most interesting parts of other shonen protagonists like Gintoki and Vash, and isn't the annoying "I wanna be the best" protag #147485.
>Static image of weapon with speedlines
The manga barely had any good fight choreography to adapt
They should remake this with the tone of Trust & Betrayal. The kids who watched this are now working adults. This should work.
Because your dad is a wuss, like you.
There's Kenshin pre-Kyoto inferno, and then there's Kenshin Kyoto Inferno onwards. The difference between the two is staggering.
Well, the thing is that all matter bears a level of resistance, and that a single blow's impact is wasted upon meeting this resistance. From this, two blows are to be acted to fully transfer this impact. With the fist, the first blow, using the proximal interphalangeal joints of the hand, meets to absorb the object's initial resistance. Then, with folding the hand immediately to switch over to the proximal phalanx knuckles, delivers the final strike to the weakened object; in addition, the two hits are to be delivered at nearly the same time, with a few milliseconds interval. The result is the complete destruction of the object, which has no more resistance to sustain itself and collapses into dust.
tldr, it's cool
The OVA and episodes leading up to the Shishio fight were fantastic. Pretty much the jesus stuff after and the gay stuff before is pretty gay. But the Shishio stuff and OVA? A++
Because the author is a cunnyseur.
Those kids now watch the live action.
>Kenshin you are so cool
>Thanks Kaoru
>Kenshin! Its evil dude!
>Kaoru watch out!
>Kenshin help me!
>Dont worry Kaoru I'll hit him with the Hitten Mitsurugi!
>Thanks Kenshin you saved me
I hate it.
No, he's the worst of shonen protags and is why later protagonists are supposedly really strong or legendary killers but never actually harm anyone even when it means millions of people die. He's all the worst bullshit about superhero comics, virtue signaling is more important to characters like Kenshin than any worthwhile moral code.
>Consistently sticks by the moral code
>Acknowledges the fact that his moral code is too optimistic
>Follows it because it's what he believes it suits his life
>Came close to breaking it when the stakes were too high
Where is the virtue signalling?
So many techniques in RuroKen perfectly hit that balance where it's utter bullshit but I'll buy it.
>hide gunpowder in your glove so that you can spark it with your sword and explosion-punch people
>wear an outfit that causes an optical illusion so people misjudge how long your strikes are
>get so good at one particular type of stab that it's all you need to beat literal masters
>catch a sword strike with your fucking wrists so you can pommel bash them
It's dumb, but the good kind.
>arrested for possession of over 120 Discs of child pornography. Most of them girls between 12-16.
This devastated and depressed me.
The anime honestly isn't great outside of the Kyoto Arc. Too much filler, and even the stuff adapted from the first arc in the manga had some weird changes and made the tone a lot more slapstick. But the Kyoto Arc is really good.
Jin-E and his magic paralyzing eyes was too far, but it was early enough in the series that you can say the author just didn't know how far he wanted to go with the super powers yet. I'm surprised they bothered to put it in the movie, though.
RuroKen was one of my favorite anime and manga in the early and mid 00s. And I still like it quite a bit but I haven't watched or read too much of it anytime recently.
I was going to say the studio should have improved it but that would prolly be too much work. Still aren't going to draw themselves.
It had its moments, but there were clear peaks and valleys in both budget and the talent of whomever directed the episode. I thought the Kenshin vs. Saito fight was better in the anime than what was in the manga, but it's immediately followed by a fight that recycles the same lazy shots over and over and generally makes Speed Racer look like Akira.
>120 Discs
Based that be backed it up to DVDs rather than using HDD. Funny though that 120 DVDs makes it sound like a lot more than it really is. That's like 520gb of data if every disc were filled to the brim.
The anime works as a concept. There are some good episodes and moments and they inform the general conceit. It has an astounding amount of filler and cheap animation and lazy storytelling in between though. The soundtrack is great too, worth mentioning.
To this day I have this incredibly impression of Kyoto "during the revolution". The Kenshin and Saito fight accomplished this and was the peak of the show oddly enough, despite being nowhere near the conclusion.
The OVA is god tier also (not the shitty recap movie though).
>The anime is bad. I tried to do a "toonami block" marathon and I couldn't get through Kenshin and Ronin Warriors.I could only take so many
>>Static image of weapon with speedlines
Now this brings back memories.
de gozaru
the Kenshin OST is very nostalgic, the show in general captures a feeling for people more than a story or anything like that
A lot of mangakas are pedos it shouldn't surprise you.
Kenshin vs Saito and Kenshin vs Sojiro are two of my all time favorite fights.
The difference is, he was stupid enough to not throw them away, like everyone else did.
>that dark grungy brooding opening that transforms into a sugary poppy tune
>anything but great
Kenshin is one of the best shounen ever, fuck you op.
The OVA is the single best piece of japanese animation.
he didn't even go to prison
>Hurrr why was someone punished by the bounds of the legal system they reside instead of by my own standards.
Eh. Kenshin was always inferior to Trigun with similar themes, so this didn't impact me, I was just around for the wild threads about it.
I liked it.
Big true. Kenshin OVA is the greatest thing ever made, nothing compares.
While I do really like Trigun, I always thought that Vash was really unlikable compared to Kenshin. I've only ever seen the anime though, so maybe it wasn't like that in the manga.
>the average kiddie anime.
i wish the average kiddie anime was this good
I kinda like it because I like seeing cool dudes doing cool things but because its shounenshit it kinda sucks in some ways too. The way kenshin was always whining about trying not to kill anyone got pretty off putting at times. The OVA is breddy gud though.
>Most of them girls between 12-16.
The man did nothing wrong, it's the prime age
The new Amazon Blade of the Immortal series takes a massive steaming dump on this entire franchise.
much better ending that the faggy manga one
In the extras for Busou Renkin, Watsuki said he didn't like sword beams because they defeat the point of a melee weapon. That's the point where I knew he would always be my nigga.
>kiddie anime
Maybe because the author is into kiddie stuff?
Someone already made that joke user
IIRC it wasn't full on hardcore CP; it was child gravure which had been legal until like 2 years before the incident.
In retrospective, Misao might have been the authors favorite character then
>he was stupid enough to not throw them away, like everyone else did
no he just was caught.
uWu who is this cute girl???
same reason everyone praises yuyu hakusho and outlaw star.
it was aired on toonami.
YYH has some merit though; shit takes itself way less seriously than HxH
not saying they're mediocre at all - just over-memed because everyone has seen them.
The regular anime is pretty good. The Trust and Betrayal OVA is extremely good.
You need to have watched this when you were a kid otherwise it'll be just bland kiddie trash for you.
Pretty sure it was all previously legal nude gravure stuff and not the kind of cp you would imagine.
Just curious, are the live action movies any good? I remember hearing the buzz about the first one back in like 2012 and was surprised to find out recently that they're still getting made.
The first and third one are really good. The second one isn't terrible, but it runs into the usual anime adaptation problem of having to cram too much into too short a run time, which the other two sidestep with some clever rewriting and merging. The acting isn't really anything to write home about, but the fight choreography is excellent and the guy who plays Kenshin's a great athlete. They're definitely worth a watch.
I liked the dub and Kaoru is cute.
The dub was your typical late-90's mediocre fare overall (The Media Blasters one, anyway), but I have to admit that I prefer Kenshin's English voice to his Japanese one.
So is Watsuki's career ruined?
In the West, for sure, but in Japan the series is still ongoing
This. The reverse blade sword is also one of the coolest protagonist weapons ever.
>take another step right as you draw your sword to increase power and wrongfoot your opponent
It's weird how the strongest technique in the series is also one of the simplest
He fucking killed him, what the hell
Because most anons are low iq simpletons
anything under 16 is not okay user