Why and when did you drop One Piece? Come back. It's god tier

Why and when did you drop One Piece? Come back. It's god tier.

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After suffering through the godawful bullshit that was Dressrosa, I finally threw in the towel.
I have no idea what happened to One Piece, but it and I are clearly no longer compatible.

That sounds like an awful idea.

dropped it around after the crew reunited at the archipelago i liked everything up to that but was just really burnt out and now that the animes gone on for so long i cant really see myself catching or being as invested as i was

No, it will always be trash piece

You must be preconscious, because you dropped it at the perfect time.

I dropped it after the Gear 4 chapter.

>C-come back KINOtsu no Yaiba is beating us in sales...please...

I started trying to catch up in wano, and have been thinking it's okay so far, but the Nu Piece's excessive hordes of WHACKY new characters it has to introduce every arc, along with apparently yet another long ass flashback has turned me off from continuing.


The moment haki was introduced ruined OP for me, I dropped it about mermen island arc

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Haki was definitely the first real big sign that One Piece was about to plunge in quality

i didnt, I invested too much time to stop like a bitch


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I dont mind Haki, because even users can empower their DF with their Haki.

fair enough

too bad I never wasted any money or this would make sense.

Time is money, my friend.

but you wasted your TIME

Because everything is so god damn long, I don't even care about the Yonkos I just wanna know more about the void century, Im and the world government, that shit is honestly more interesting

Franky being introduced, the loss of the Merry and Sogeking. Had a check a few weeks back and that's in the 200s epwise. Only major things I know happening were Ace dying, the gear shit and Brook, which I saw a few eps of when i was into streaming jap tv. Sad to say I preferred it as an adventurous gag manga with the occasional seriousness/big fight arc, which it was for the first 200 eps or so. Then it became long drawn out dramafilled arcs full of power leveling. Still a fun franchise and I should dip into a few of the movies if any more were good after Baron Omatsuri which was great fun.

I'm a huge one piece fan, and I don't care about sales. But I am interested in why people dropped it. KnY is probably the second worst shounen battle anime I've completed.

I unironically dropped it during Dressrosa, precisely during Sabo's and that one blind admiral faggot's fight. Everything felt so random and the subplots kept adding up without adding anything to the plot

anime sucks read manga

Originally dropped it after Alabasta, but started reading from the beginning this year and up to Fishman Island
I like every arc, Water 7/Enies Lobby is the weakest and Skypiea is the best

I managed to make it through the whole thing just out of sheer stubbornness, thinking that maybe, somehow, all of the padding and overwrought bullshit would justify itself by the end. It didn't. You absolutely made the right choice.

>it's not a strawman argument, for you see, I never had any straw at all!

>Water 7/Enies Lobby is the weakest



i dropped it a little over chapter 930, i just couldnt be made to give a fuck about whatever was going on. maybe ill read the last arc when it ends

I couldnt bring myself to read Wano it was really bad and i didnt like how much Haki took over the manga

You're a retard. If you don't like One Piece you should stop reading. The people that enjoy it will keep reading and being happy.

Fellow dressrosa haters. And to think these oda cocksuckers defended that arc tooth and nail while it was out, saying it was the best arc in the series, and even defending bird cage.

I skipped a huge part in the middle of dressrosa and will probably never know what happens most of the arc, and I'm glad. At least it got a little better after that, but I'm only still following one piece out of past investment, and maybe seeing an end one day before I die

I'm not a philistine so I can recognise how bad CP9 is compared to every other villain so far. A few amazing moments don't make a weak arc amazing because every arc has a few amazing moments.

>If you don't like One Piece you should stop reading
I did. I was referring to Dressrosa. Despite it being a miserable read, I kept going at it until the end, and it somehow kept getting worse. When it finally ended (It felt like an eternity), I realized I was stubborn for nothing. That's when I stopped reading One Piece.

The guy I was replying to that dropped it midway had the right idea.

Consensus is that Dressrosa was a bit dragged out.

Dropped it at this fight. I realized shonenshit is useless since the fights, even featuring weapons like huge razor claws, will always be copouts from having to show actual injuries.

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>Come back
Sure, when it ends

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I dont feel I did

See you in 2027 user


>he doesn't know about marineford

worst arc by far

what the fuck do you mean? If you have a retort to make, state it explicitly or shut your mouth.

fish man arc was worst imo but not by much

Not during its run/shortly after finishing. Yea Forums was praising it like it was the best arc, barely had any flaws "if you think it's drawn out it's because you have ADD! It's meant to be reread in one go instead of week to week!"

Now they've all come around to my truth, but fuck those fuckers for defending that trash arc.

Based Powaposter. Wano is a fucking borefest. Oda needs to up his game

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he does, its only good when things are revealed about the world.

>Wano is a fucking borefest

Did you drop it early, or are you still following and think it's boring? I thought it was extremely boring until luffy got thrown in jail, and now I'm digging it a little again, but I can see how someone wouldn't like the arc at all.

>It's meant to be reread in one go instead of week to week!
holy autism

I'm stuck at Dressrosa and can't force myself through another "heartwarming" ending of an arc where everyong is bawling their eyes out. Fucking sick and tired of this retarded shit

That shit isn't even true. I read Dressrosa all in one go and it was still despair-inducing.

The best parts are when Luffy is being a maniac to save his crewmates or to beat a difficult opponent, not the infodumps

they dont. They do what they can do and run from it.

it's a give away when one piece is the flagship title of WEEKLY shounen jump
if it's not fun week-to-week, it's not good

>the real one piece was the friends we made along the way
you know it's coming

Info dumps are best when they reveal important info not shit like Oden wank. Plus Luffy being a maniac can also drag on.

>not fun week to week
now you are just asking too much.

Expositions is cool but it's not the point of the story at all
Oda confirmed the one piece was real, and it's safe to assume it's something world-destroying

Wano arc flashback

I thought everything since Reverie ended was boring. I then decided to read 10 chapters at a time instead of every week, but I couldn't even do that. If reading a manga feels like a chore, then what's the point?

Never. Haven't missed a chapter since 2008.

I didn't drop it, Mangastream did.

I alwats thought one pieve arcs were kinda long, but dressrosa was the straw.
I also though the fishman island and vega punk arc were kinda boring.

Post timeskip arcs are simply impossible to read in weekly basis. The story structure are all over the place. You can only get the whole picture by binging them at once

Dressrosa is still unreadable in one go. It's straight up torture.

what could be more world destroying than the power of friendship?

During that city with water arc. No reason in particoular, it's just that it's too long. But they aired it on tv some time ago, and I could watch some episodes from that arc and it was the robin arc so after watching it I wanted to pick it back up but... It's definitely too many episodes... I could just watch one episode a day though

>no-one mentioning thriller bark
it's great to read but the anime is utterly atrocious with pacing

The anime's pacing was shit since Skypiea.

who watches the anime?
the manga is the best selling single comic ever and has some of the best paneling around
watching the anime is like looking at compressed jpegs of rembrandt paintings

I dropped the anime it was disgustingly bad. Oh my god! Moved to the superior manga.

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chainsaw man is boring. I've tried to read it multiple times but I can't get into it.

Never dropped it, I do wish it was more popular in the West. All everyone is chatting about is Heroes. Need another huge genre like Pirates.

>I do wish it was more popular in the West
Maybe it would be if Oda didn't drop the ball hard post-timeskip

one piece is very popular in germany

after usopp got back into the crew instead of leaving.

Dropped it at the Fishman Island arc. It's poorly illustrated, poorly written, over bloated, and too long.

What about it do you find boring? CSM hooks most people from the first chapter because Fuji knows how to make a good first impression. He never does long introductions, exposition dumps and inner monologues that drag on forever.

you can skip the recap in Skypeia and Water 7 and you still have a good 15 minutes of content
you skip it on TB and you have five minutes

Does the plot still move at a glacier's pace? Does it still feel like it'll be decades before we get to the end? No thanks.

I think my realization came late, but it's the chapter right after sunny was sunk by the big mum pirates. That was such a great moment showing how much of an underdog the straw hats were. then came the following chapter and it became clear, luffy is not the underdog. everything goes his way no matter how retarded he acts. somehow Wadatsumi just happened to be there, it just happens that he meets a girl that tames animals in an island ruled by animal themed pirates. big mom loses her memories when convenient. falls in love with shiruko which just happens to be the thing queen enjoys the most. breaks in the prison at the right moment. gains her memories when convenient. homies lose their ability to communicate with her for reasons. she falls a sleep just cause it's convenient. Kaido is invincible but it's okey luffy was imprisoned with the dude that just happens to know the technique that bypasses his high DEF stat, and is willing to teach luffy. The samurai need weapons for the rebellion but it's okey it just happens that a magic fox guy was collecting weapons for years and got just enough. toki just happens to be from 800 years ago. Luffy does not have to learn from his mistakes and follow the plans cuz he has destiny on his side an no matter how much a fuck up he is things go right. he isn't the underdog everyone else is cuz fate conspiring against them and in favor of luffy. Basically no stakes the series.
Another weakness would be how stingy Oda is with the reveals, and from it never goes well when everything is revealed in bulk at the end

Fuck you. Luffy is Pirate Jesus now. This crappy manga reached its lowest point

Is it wasted time if you get enjoyment out of it?

>Why and when did you drop One Piece? Come back. It's god tier.

Dropped it during the current Wano Arc. I just can't handle anymore of this tedious bullshit, it's melting my fucking brain.
But, I more or less agree with these Anons:

If I had to summarize my issues with One Piece: it's become extremely predictable and every arc is more or less the same thing. I also think Devil Fruit Powers and Power Levels in general are just getting completely out of hand- which is a shame because early One Piece had a lot of creative and interesting ways to 'solve' Devil Fruits, but now it's just stupid Haki bullshit.
The Navy doesn't feel relevant anymore and Bounties were turned into Power Levels vs being treated as actual bounties- does literally ANYONE fucking remember Bounty Hunters? I know it'll sound completely retarded, but it feels like anybody who ISN'T a pirate has lost all agency or relevance in the story.

I'll come back for more Coby.

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one piece is about pirates punching other pirates with pirate magic, anyone who is trying to sell it as a complex and thought provoking tale is lying to you
if you want to overthink something go read hxh

>every arc is more or less the same thing
that's good because I like that one thing

>decide to watch op again
>at water 7 arc
>first 10 mins of each episode is a recap of last episode
>snails pace
>realize luffy solves situations like goku
>gets defeated easily
>comes back
>"I'll try harder this time"
>wins against cp9
>thriller back is a slow boring mess
>hard drop
>try to read manga
>its still shit
>skip around to see if there is anything to get me interested in continuing
>almost every new character is a hideous monster mash with a circle for a head and body
>luffy face ruins ace death
>every thread is about how they hate oden and the newest arc
>dumb round man is shot to death
>looks stupid so I dont care
>oden sounds like the only intresting person in the longest time

I tried and got bits and pieces since sanji left but there is just nothing intresting about one piece. It's a shit show with good qualities completely overshadowed by a massive pile of shit. So not I dont think its god tier. I'd rather wait another 4 years for a hxh chapter

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Haki is shit. Navy will be relevant next arc.



none of the characters are fleshed out enough

>the only battle shounen he's seen are one piece and kny

>922 Episodes

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I can't drop it if I never picked it up in the first place.

YYH, HXH, BnHA, etc

And I've never seen one piece. I only read the manga.

haki ruined the creativity and the strategies to beat DF users

>he actually started enumerating series he read

It's old news. Recent KnY volumes sell better than the recent OP volumes. It's over.

I still keep up with One Piece because I've spent too much time on this shit, but you got to be legitimatelly mentally challenged if you're still emotionally invested in the story or thinks it is interesting

The main characters have become caricatures of themselves and are barely ever present. There are no stakes, Luffy can overcome most opposition and if he can't he won't be killed anyway because plot. We know how the story fucking ends: Luffy finds the One Piece and become the Pirate King. The only mystery is "what the fuck the One Piece is" and even that isn't interesting anymore. Whatever the hell the One Piece is won't be worth +22 years of blueballing. Oda's writing style has become so formulatic that I think he doesn't even care for this shit anymore either. One Piece should've ended at least 5 years ago.

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The irony. EL was the first big arc that attracted "muh fights" western plebs.

>KnY is probably the second worst shounen battle anime I've completed.

How in the fuck have you completed something that isn't over?

Isn't Alabasta the part of holy trinity of fightfag arcs with EL and Marineford?

They are though. Fuji characterizes his characters better than most authors in WSJ, especially in so few chapters

When Alabasta was being publsihed, One Piece was pretty small in the west. It started receiving most of attention from W7-EL on, and peaked at Marineford.

Alabasta is pretty damn popular with nostalgiafags.

Karakuri vs Luffy was stupidly slow and I don't read manga

start of dressrosa. it was too painful to continue

I've seen all of the anime that's out. Plus, it's delineated by seasons.

So you're basically doing the equivalent of judging OP based on pre arlong park? Kek.

Me too. Can't Oda draw anything you can take seriously anymore?

Dropped it a few chapters into the arc after Dressrosa. I might pick it up again soon just to experience chapter 1000.

I do prefer mangas that are a bit more realistic. I don't expect 100% realism, obviously, but at least be as realistic as Fullmetal Alchemist. Have people who still feel like people. Squishy, vulnerable people. At one point Roy got a puncture wound from Lust and would've bled to death had he not sealed that wound. I want THAT kind of realism.
But then you have One Piece which essentially has power levels like Dragon Ball. Character #1 totally overpowers Character #2, Character #3 totally overpowers Character #2 and so on.

You can have your Philosopher's Stone McGuffins and overpowered beings like the Homunculi or the Ackermann Clan from Attack on Titan but don't let those elements take over your entire story like One Piece. Which makes you wonder why regular citizens still exist in such a world.

It's pretty sub-par emotional manipulation, yes. It lost its charm after the first few times.

Stopped reading weekly at Fishman island because the plot and characters started sucking. Stopped reading bi-monthly at Punk Hazard because there wasn't a single redeeming quality left. After that I've resorted to skimming chapters once a year at most just to see how bad the series has gotten. The last time I checked in was around the middle of the big mom arc and from what has been posted about Wano I probably won't bother to catch up again.

I believe Dragon Ball was fun week-to-week. But it kinda fell apart once you looked at the big picture.

It's because all the people who hated it were already gone. Only the circlejerk was sticking around.

>Stopped reading bi-monthly
Twice a month or once every two months?

The latter of course, and even then it's unbearable

That's still 8 volumes, isn't it? Lots of content. At Vol.8, Attack on Titan wrapped up the Female Titan arc. Death Note was already past L's death. And Fullmetal Alchemist gave us Greed vs. Wrath, gave us our first glimpse of Father and introduced Ling Yao.

You don't get it. It's so bad you'd rather go outside and experience life than read through it.
It's the ultimate escapism cure. Oda is a genius.

Agreed. Reading this post makes me sad.

I left midway through Whole Cake Island because I thought it fucking sucked, and this was after sitting through 100 goddamn chapters of Dresrossa. I hear it's good now though.

It's 7 volumes, but still, some series just find their groove later than others. You watched the equivalent of 54 chapters while pre arlong park OP is 68 IIRC, and I definitely don't think pre arlong park OP was all that great.

Missed the point though. Claiming to have "completed" a series based on having watched season 1 (especially when the movie was announced during the final ep of said season) is stupid and factually wrong.

stopped reading right here

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>I hear it's good now though
That's what they always say. Nu-WanPiss fans were unironically trying to argue that Dressrosa was better than Alabasta the other day. It's either screenagers or pure sunk cost fallacy.

>I hear it's good now though.
Not really. There were some big endgame teases, but aside of it, we're in 60 chapters long set up phase of the arc with little to no pay-off. Wano was way too ambitious of a project.

>Whole Cake Island because I thought it fucking sucked
I really, really disagree with this opinion. Except for the Jobma subplot, WCI has been my favorite arc since SKypiea.

>this thread
Thank you anons for reminding me that there are people out there who remember how good OP used to be and how you didn't have to be ashamed to associate yourself with other fans. See you around

>OVA 1998
>movie 1
>anime all the way up to the grand line
>some of the other movies
>everything else

It's less about if it looks good or not but that he suddenly pulled an ace out of his ass (pun not intended) and whips the floor with Doflamingo, reducing all that fighting and danger till now to a joke.

Correction: It's ABOUT to be god tier. And has had some god tier chapters recently in the flashback.

How can anyone say that?
Crocodile alone elevates Alabasta so much above Dressrosa.

A skypia chad. I see. We are a rare breed my child but we are obviously the master race. Stay safe and based.

Love user

>How can anyone say that?
Nu-WanPiss fans are desperate to pretend they aren't wasting their time reading the dreg One Piece became.

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Tell me when Carrot officially joins the Straw Hats and MAYBE I'll come back.

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I binged it in a month in 2015 and stopped at Zou, I told myself I would get back into it but the drive never came back.

I haven’t dropped it, but I can see why people think it’s become a chore to read it. Dressrosa was fucking horrible with its subplots (anything Tontatta Tribe related is boring as shit), and I had a lot of issues with how Whole Cake Island played out

I’ll be livid if Kaido and Big Mom aren’t dead by the end of this arc, along with several of the strongest members of the Big Mom and Kaido pirates. That’ll be an indicator that the story has turned another corner with two major enemies knocked off. Although we still have a long way to go unfortunately

>I’ll be livid if Kaido and Big Mom aren’t dead by the end of this arc, along with several of the strongest members of the Big Mom and Kaido pirates

>he doesn't know


>Dressrosa haters

I dropped it during Law's flashback in Dressrosa. But I've since caught back up to it.

I never dropped it, because I never picked it up.

Does it really matter at this point? Current perks of being a crew member are color spreads and anime openings. Crew aren't the only characters carrying from arc to arc, they can even be absent for a long time, they aren't getting longer fights like they used to, most prominent allies are basically the same as crew members at this point.

End of Fishman Island.
Because Funi hasn't put out any episodes since then.

Right at the Animal Zoo people arc. Odas designs are too wacky now, his emotional moments has gotten shit and arcs follows the same formular.


What said. There are a few arcs I like to go back to every now and then but even that might be out of nostalgia, although they're generally considered far superior. But the current One Piece hasn't grabbed me the same way the Paradise arcs did since the return to Sabaody. It's a shame but as I've been following the series ever since I was a kid I might as well roll around until the end despite paying far less attention to the overall story than I used to due to general lack of interest and investment.

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I dropped it when I realized that the only Wano chapters worth reading were the ones that showed what was going on outside of Wano. The entire rest of the arc has been a boring slog. I might pick it up again depending on what comes after but at this point I'm not sure Oda has it in him to actually end this fucking story.

Fishman island was just dull.
Punk Hazard pissed me off on a personal level for shitting all over Smoker and Tashigi in favor of shilling alliteratively) new characters.
I mean that was Toriyama level of mean spirited. I wouldn't expect Oda pull such shit.
Dressrosa basically was the nail in the coffee for me. Not only because how it was dragged out it was but it made me realize, if this is the way One Piece is gonna be, I won't be happy.
It's not even worth to just pull through it, because there was no end in sight for that show.
Only thing I was looking forward to is seeing Basil Hawkins, because I liked him very much since his introduction, but it wasn't worth the waiting, and from snippets I heard about his inclusion in the story, it wouldn't have been worth the waiting anyway.

>highest IQ in East Blue

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i dropped the anime shortly after thriller bark.
lately i've been considering picking it back up in the manga since I don't feel like sitting through 500 episodes.

in the new world the marines have little power

that damn arc shouldn't have featured any of the "poor oppressed kingdom" bullshit

You made the right choice. If Oda keeps his word, you can pick it up in 5 years and read the whole manga.

half of the dressrosa arc is just a bad alabasta ripoff

That negative IQ physically hurts.

I read weekly from Skypeia to that stupid arse colloseum arc. I read up to the chapter where Sabo came back, and realised it wasn't the same manga I grew to love.

I hear that everything post Fishman Island has been utter wank. Can anyone disprove this?

>I hear it's good now though

You heard wrong it's worse now, Oda just made a fanservice flashback and papered over the cracks

Funniest part was how he went full speed and lost control when he was already pretty much teleporting relatively to Luffy while having full control in the beginning of the fight

middle of wano specificly when zoro met momosuke sister. i hate waiting so i just pile them up and read later

Man, what I hated from the beginning till the end are those stupid spectator comments making stupid faces and describing what we see, like we are fucking morons.

I dropped it around fishman island because it was shit
caught up with it at the start of Wano and it's still shit

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I got bored at the Skypiea arc so I dropped it

Not sure if "directing" is the right word or if there's one for mangas/comics but Oda is a bad director, some times it's like he wants to ruin the flow of the scenes on purpose

It's not like he is the only one who does this, but he stands the most out for me. Probably because there always so many characters and spectators.

Time is life

One piece is a romance. Every single aspect of it is exaggerated. From laughs to heights to reactions. It's a way to tell a story that allows the author to focus in different stuff and to be forcibly epic since we already know the good guy will win at the end. It's like a theater. Shut up and enjoy the acts.

It's actually pretty funny that the most liked chapters of the Wano arc actually have nothing to do with Wano

One would hope that Oda can understand that the readers want him to start working towards an endgame and have meaningful developments instead of dragging them out, but will he get the message? Or rather, will he give a fuck?

I've never dropped it because I haven't started it in the first place. Heard the anime is god awful even when compared to Naruto or Bleach.

>Yea Forums was praising it like it was the best arc
No it absolutely wasn't, Dressrosa threads were unbearable.

>Every single aspect of it is exaggerated.
There is a reason why theaters do this. One Piece doesn't really have that excuse.
>It's a way to tell a story that allows the author to focus in different stuff
>It focuses too much on unnecessary reaction faces and expedition, so it can focus on other stuff.
>and to be forcibly epic since we already know the good guy will win at the end. It's like a theater. Shut up and enjoy the acts.
We also know in other stories, it will have a happy end. I don't see why this is an excuse.
You act like One Piece has all those nuanced elements that justify certain writing, yet they are not at all that unique. Be it manga overall or battle shounen.

What are you talking about?
Wano sucks. The straw hats don't even have personalities anymore. Zoro has zero motivation now; he just exists to swing a sword.

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>3 minutes opening
>Intro presenting the main crew
>Summary of what happen since the beginning of the arc
>1st scene is the ending scene of the last episode
>5 minutes of characters running away from gas/birdcage
>5 minutes of Ceasar/Doflamingo laughing
>"To be continued"

Fuck post timeskip anime, I dropped it at Punk Hazard (I still read the manga, tho)

after Ace's death. Just felt like a good point to drop

The anime has been shit since Skypiea. How did you last that long in the first place?

Whole Cake Island Arc and mostly due to Sanji who I was neutral towards despite finding him annoying at times this arc was meaningless and made me hate Sanji.

I didn't like him before WCI but I thought WCI was pretty good and he wasn't as annoying there was he was for me before that. The meaning of the arc was introducing Big Mom who had been mentioned several times since Fishman Island.

Okay now I get it, thnaks user. I tried to get back into One Piece again but once I got to Wano arc and Sanji started pulling his weird thirsty shit again which made me drop it again.

Dropped then anime back at punk hazard, dropped the manga a few months back when Kaido became a drunk dragon. Everything just feels like it gets more boring.

There was a Roger flashback with Roger staring at the treasure which was very kino. I would say that chapter was top 5 ever...

when they introduced this insufferable bitch. The "funny" scenes between her , luffy and chopper feel so forced and cringy that i couldnt bear it anymore.
Oh yea and the obvious drop in animation quality and the big mom arc in generell

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>Bounties were turned into Power Levels

Pretty much. Just look at Wano Arc. One Piece fans jeezed themselves after seeing the bounty reveals.

I didn't drop the OP, but I haven't read for few weeks because I don't know where to read from

Since Jaimini stopped translating I tried new official mangaplus site. But their scan quality looks like dog shit. (official Spanish scans looks good tho I don't know why there is a difference)

And I don't know how good is non-official scans. So if you know a great one please recommend to me.

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The difference is that the uploader decides the quality, the uploader for the english version is viz and the uploader for the spanish version is not, so obviously only one of the two looks like utter shit.

So yeah, blame it on viz basically.

>The second half of the grandline has been hyped up to be the turf of the Yonko for hundreds of episodes pre-timeskip
>Complains that the second half is the turf of Yonko

Other than that, I agree with what you are saying. But it doesn't change the fact that current one piece is as good as its ever been.
People are saying that One piece used to have soul and now it doesn't have substance.
I believe it's the opposite, those people have become incredibly jaded to anime in general and most likely find no enjoyment in anything besides complaining about anime they haven't seen on Yea Forums. Because of this, they compare their current feelings to their old ones.
If you were to watch one piece again and detach yourself from your old memories, you would most likely dislike it.
One piece hasn't changed, you changed.

This what happens when you go on reddit/youtube. Niggas will make up everything under the sun to justify why their generic shonenshit is somehow nuaced/brilliant

Sanji's expanded backstory in WCI annoyed me enough that I dropped the manga for several months. His history with Zeff was one of the better origin stories, and resolving to always feed the hungry after almost starving to death himself was poignant. But then in WCI, it turns out that no, he always fed anyone who wanted food, up to and including fucking mice. I thought it cheapened one of the few good aspects of his character.

Meh, I feel like that's been the case for a long time, even back when One Piece was good.

>But it doesn't change the fact that current one piece is as good as its ever been
Holy fucking delusional cope.

Even most Nu-WanPiss fans that still keep up with this shit admit that none of the post-timeskip arcs are anywhere near the level of the top arcs from pre-timeskip.

Marineford, it was good but I realized the series wasn't going anywhere.

stay mad

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>It's because you were reading when you were a kid, and now you're an adult!
>It's because you just started reading weekly
>It's because you are currently unhappy with yourself
>It's because you keep discussing it with Yea Forums
>It's because you, you, you...

Attached: file.png (1080x1080, 1.54M)

I read lame immature below-mediocre shit like Hero Academia and enjoy it. I'm not jaded. One Piece has just had a gigantic plunge in quality. Since we're speculating on each other's reasoning for liking/disliking something, let me say that you only keep up with One Piece because of sunk cost fallacy.

Wano, why read this dogshit when KnY is the better samurai manga

I dropped sometime around ... Thriller Bark?
I noticed the quality of the anime plummeted right around the time they switched to HD.

Oda's manga layout always confused me , so I just gave up on it.

Could you send me a link I am quite curious

I've heard legend that Nu-WanPiss fans have as many copes as to why it doesn't actually suck now as Dressrosa has chapters

The archive should have all the info you need, just look up Oricon and choose a time period. If you can't find it then just look it up on google, sales stuff isn't that hard to find.

One piece 95 - 883,228 (week 1, this was 2 days I believe)
One piece 95 - 1,452,119 (2 weeks)
One piece 95 - 1,685,705 (4 weeks)

Kimetsu no Yaiba 19 - 1,378,361 (week 1)
Kimetsu no Yaiba 19 - 1,636,001 (2 weeks)
Kimetsu no Yaiba 19 - 1,778,215 (3 weeks)

You know, that makes no sense. No one would read or watch anything anymore, if they just grow up.

>actual bounties- does literally ANYONE fucking remember Bounty Hunters? I know it'll sound completely retarded, but it feels like anybody who ISN'T a pirate has lost all agency or relevance in the story.
I always wondered why noone on any fucking island tires to pull a Whisky Peak and poisons some pirates that come along to cash in on the bounty.

t. Grey Gentlemen

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That implies 'growing up' is simply becoming jaded and cynical. While often the case, it's not a given and is a pretty toxic way of viewing life.
>you only keep up with One Piece because of sunk cost fallacy
While I cannot firmly deny that is not the case, I was looking back at older moments from one piece and comparing them to Oden's flashback to figure out of there really was a difference in quality. Honestly, I couldn't say that it's inferior, it's exactly what one piece has always been.
I also stopped reading one piece for like 2 years while Dressrosa was happening because I got bored, and I got back to reading it and genuinely enjoyed it. If I really had the sunk cost fallacy, I'm not so sure I would've stopped in the first place.
As I said, you are probably right, but I genuinely don't think one piece has changed one bit.


I'm not dropping it.
Im keeping my eye on it for whenOda dies of Corona in 3 days

>Wano Arc

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Dude has Heart Compensation and Coronaropathy. He can totally die from the virus.

One Piece needs to die

we just got flash backs of young whitebeard and young gol d rodger

something we've wanted for 20 years

what more can u ask for

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yep she is even more poochie than oden.

Something that actually satisfies me

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Literally me.

Just stop introducing all these shitty characters. Nobody cares about Kinemon and the samurai. Oden was cool but he should've been the only meaningful samurai in wano, unless some world class dude is living there, which is not the case. The crew is never together, no more funny Usopp-Chopper-Moments. Everything is blueballing, Vegapunk hasn't been revealed for 700 chapters now. All these shitty siluettes with Green Bull and Imu. Oh yeah Logel discovered One Piece and it was....blueballing again. Joyboy blueballing. Blackbeard getting barely any screentime despite being literally in parallel with Luffy for 800 chapters. Yeah I know, he never sleeps and some other blueballing but cmon, some origin story or some quips with the crew.

I still read it and will till the end but I could care less about Wano NPC-s and shit.

I dropped it as soon as I saw the first episode. Shit was mad whack homie you'd get fucking clowned on for mentioning that shit in real life.

>b-but it gets better after 200+ episodes
Nah mofucka ain't nobody got time for that. Meanwhile you coulda just popped on Naruto and had a blast watching cool characters do cool as shit instead of stretch they fucking arms out like Lanky Kong

One Piece was kino from the get go until the timeskip. While it's true it got better as it went on, if you didn't enjoy it in the first few episodes, you're a pleb.

I have never dropped it. I still read it week to week. However, Oden is the biggest mistake that Oda has ever made with the series and his intense focus on this shitty family has brought me the closest that I have ever come to wanting to drop it. And yes, I was a weekly reader during Dressrosa, and even then it wasn't this bad.

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Why Oden and why not every other Wano character?

Oden had some importance in the story so he deserved this few chapters (and we got some Roger and WB action too). But Kinemon and the shitty kid is with us for like 10 years now.

Yeah, I suppose I wasn't exactly clear. I meant the entire Kozuki family as a whole, including Kinemon and Momo who have been plaguing the manga for almost a decade

Then I agree, the fucking bunny has overstayed her welcome too. I'd even go as far as to say that Carrot got more screentime than some crew members since her tagging along with the crew.

>But Kinemon and the shitty kid is with us for like 10 years now.

>Debut: Chapter 656, February 13, 2012
I had to look up their debuts because I though you were exaggerating. It felt like they've been kicking around for ages, but I didn't realize it was almost a decade. Jesus. I can think of so many other characters I would prefer to have travelling with the stawhats for that long instead of those two.

Fuck my life

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>Next chapter hits March 1!
>no chapter in sight

I'll come back when Wano ends.

I never did. It's still by far the best battle shounen

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Yeah but there's nothing in it that you could take out.

Let's look at one example. Take out tontattas? Then you won't have a place where the SMILE were being grown, nor known about the 10% success rate which factors directly in Wano's plot. Along with their relation with the DonQuixotes and Norland saving them, then Usopp's character development regarding saving them from Trebol, and all that important shit. AT BEST you can take out Mansherry who is just a plot device but everything else would need to stay

>Oda is a bad director, some times it's like he wants to ruin the flow of the scenes on purpose
He put a flashback right in the middle of Luffy punching Wapol and it was one of the best decisions he ever made. Fuck your "flow", focus on a good story instead.

Attached: OnePiece-bullet01.jpg (503x792, 229K)

>8 years ago
>316 chapters ago
>from the beginning of Romance Dawn to the end of Skypiea there were 302 chapters
>from the beginning of Water 7 to the end of Fishman Island there were 331 chapters

How the fuck did Oda's pacing get this bad?

>pirate naruto

0 correlation

Volume 2 at around the age of 10.


>focus on a good story instead.
It's a shame that one piece can't.

>he always fed anyone who wanted food, up to and including fucking mice. I thought it cheapened one of the few good aspects of his character.
This, it also ruins his first flashback because Sanji started out being wasteful of food in regards to leftovers and found people eating leftovers gross, yet this flashback has him cooking food for mice and being happy his mom ate his cooking after it was ruined by the rain.

>I think my realization came late
No shit. Luffy has been getting by ever increasingly improbable twists of fate ever since the Strawhats left the East Blue.

>enter Grand Line without a Log Pose
>just happen to run into a man in a whale that gives them his
>experience illness for the first time on their journey
>just happen to find an island famous for medical knowledge
>fight a Sand Logia in a desert and get mummified
>just happen to collapse the the perfect spot for the water he launched earlier to land right on him

ODA Will NEVER let Luffy become the pirate king. It's a straightforward plot and oda hates that. He'll kill Luffy after he gets to raftel and before the gets the "title".

Fish Man Island. I just kind of drifted away.

Dressrosa, I think. I need to

Can't blame you even if the elemental fruits really did need a nerd

Mermaid island and tried to watch punk hazard but it was trash and tried with dressrosa PURE TRASH and regret spending my time with this crap
Anime is gay

>>just happen to run into a man in a whale that gives them his
They'd probably stumble into an island sooner or later and get a log pose there. Crocus was just for convenience
>experience illness for the first time on their journey
>just happen to find an island famous for medical knowledge
The illness was caused by them going to Green Bit, maybe Drum Island developed medicine so much precisely because they had islands nearby with rare diseases
>just happen to collapse the the perfect spot for the water he launched earlier to land right on him
Yes user, he launched, so he could control where it was going to land. Also Crocodile didn't mumify him in the desert but in the castle.

I didn't.

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Oh hey. It looks like you saved a flawed image. You wouldn't want to look like a total brainlet, right? Here, save this one and delete that trash.
You're welcome! ^-^

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Why are they so behind? Weren't they up to Punk Hazard, though?

>Carrot filters plebs, like (You)

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is nu-wan piss just about luffy running in every panel?

Seethe more

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Who's this Luffy you guys keep talking about? Is he a friend of Oden's?

>complain about the manga being too luffy focuses
>complain about not seeing luffy for 5 months
make up your damn minds

Not him, but I'd like One Piece to be focused on all the 9 main characters, not on some Gary Stu homo samurai

It didn't, there's just more stuff happening now which calls for longer individual arcs instead of several 20-chapter arcs like the beginning

>complain about the porridge being too hot
>complain about the porridge being too cold
If only it were possible for some kind of "just right" happy medium to exist.

>Come back. It's god tier.
Imagine actually believing this

Wano flashback was too boring for me and my hate for the kozuki family was only growing, so i dropped it

>But it kinda fell apart
No it didn't. It only got bad after Freeza(and it was still infinitely more readable than One Piece by technical standards)

>big picture.
No such thing with Dragon Ball.
You don't understand the series at all.

spic detected

What app should i use to read it on my iPhone

His art used to be so much more readable.
Just look at that paneling. That's old-school Jump, not this busy as hell garbage Oda keeps doing for the last 10 years.
I wish Oda had Torishima as his editor to kick his ass back into shape. Start out by disallowing the fucker from using any double spreads for 2 whole years.

Attached: Torishima.png (907x269, 181K)

But I never paid for a manga.
Who'd do that? Lmao

Dressrosa was by a large margin the worst thing I've ever read in manga.

Oda is sick

WB and Roger didn't do anything, they were just background characters for Oden's adventure. It was just cheap fanservice and you're a retard.

Worse than FKT and Quincy War in Bleach?

The cons outweigh the pros here.

Pfft no. They've putting out the movies and specials, like East Blue and Skypiea and even the Episode of Sabo but to my knowledge the last episode was 574, almost two years ago.

I just googled it. They actually stopped dubbing it in 2018, but announced in October that they were going to be starting dubbing again, allegedly, but afaik, nothing has come of it yet.

>announced in October that they were going to be starting dubbing again
I read that too. Kind of odd nothing's come out yet.

>>big picture.
>No such thing with Dragon Ball.
That's EXACTLY why it falls apart. There's no bigger narrative here. Even fucking Naruto had a bigger narrative. They just fight fight fight for the sake of stopping some asshole.
Early Dragon Ball was way, WAY better than anything from King Piccolo onward. It had gags, it had fun world-building. Namek & Earth post-Namek were soooo boring.

holy shit OPhaters are retarded
a mundane realistic story would be fucking boring
every successful story written relies on asspulls and the protagonist to be special for people to be interested

>9 main characters
10 now with jinbe

That flashback just repeated a bunch of points we already knew. The only two new pieces of information were: the previous location of the 4th Road Poneglyph (useless information now) and the fact Joy Boy had something to do with the One Piece treasure.
All-in-all, it was just a blue-balling teaser for the REAL Roger flashback we're going to get on Raftel. Oh, sorry. LAUGH TALE. Bleh.
And before you say we've learned about the Laugh Tale thing... no. The Stampede movie already revealed that.

wholecake is good, but honestly even if you're only reading it, you still pretty much HAVE to binge through the story one arc at a time because it's just so fucking long otherwise.


>"OMG, look what he just did! It's amazing!"
Man, I do hate the trope of random spectators being shocked by a fight and explaining things.

so is that when shanks used it to scare the fish monster away, when eneru and his priests used it to predict peoples' movements, when garp used it to hurt luffy with his punches, or only after they named it as "haki" in sabaody?

Fishman island was a flop and then punk hazard had a lot of potential but then dressrosa came and washed that all away. Now its all shit

Agreed. It's not so bad if the explanation serves some purpose--like if the fighters are using a complicated powerset readers won't understand without some help. However, bystanders narrating mundane action that can be conveyed by visuals is one of the most annoying shonen cliches. At best, it's space filler; at worst, it's a crutch for shitty artists who can't into good panelling and action poses.

I can't express how disappointed I am in Wano, especially Oden wank. I've never been bored with this manga before.

I don't understand the criticism haki gets. How is Luffy suppose to defeat say Akainu with the rules that established before

That's more plot contrivance than anything.

I dropped during Wano Act II, it was so predictable and boring, I was wondering why I kept on reading, I found no more enjoyment from reading it. Show have dropped it way earlier.

I dropped one piece in chapter 942 got tired of reading this crap.

drop it at fi and pick it back at zou.

Haki made fights boring. Logias were scary because they were impossible to hurt without exploiting their weakness. Now everybody can hit everybody, except for when “muh Haki is blacker than yours”.

when the FUCK is oda gonna start wrapping things up, he said we’re 70% done a while ago but were still nowhere near the endgame

What you are saying is that haki is not the only problem and that one piece suffers from 2 major flaws. First that logias are retarded and implemented with no satisfactory solution ready in advance. And that haki has all the pits of power leves in DBZ, the only solution to problem is punch harder, and most of the cast is now useless. Don't create stupid problems that require stupid solutions. Why create logias if you dont have a satisfactory solution to handle them ? Haki is shit and reveals Oda is shit at planning ahead which ironically is what was supposed to be his forte with his foreshadowing of things coming only after years.

Somewhere during season 1 like 10 years ago, it just seemed like boring and generic pirate trash

There's only "more stuff happening" because Oda keeps shoving a million subplots in them with a million new characters every arc that no one gives an actual shit about, those arcs could be resolved WAY faster than they actually are being resolved.

Like, if you think dressrosa needed to be 100 chapters long you have legitimate brain damage and I hope you get help soon.

I forgot what episode I was on. It was during Whole Cake Island arc when Luffy and company were lost in the forest. The last fight I remember was when Luffy was fighting Charlotte Cracker. I don't mind going back, I just need a more reliable website to watch it on.

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>Sabo and Burgess did jack shit the entire arc
>blackbeard battle with the revolutionares didn't matter at all
>half of the colosseum fighters didn't even join the grand fleet
>doflamingo's crew should've been half the size of what it was, only strawhats should had individual fights
>luffy could just stretch to where doflamingo was instead of wasting a bunch of chapters running
>luffy should've used gear 4th from the start
>mansherry was just a dumb plot device
>tontattas where the worst, Usopp had this same development 100 times and he always comes back to being a coward in the next arc

Kinda fell off the deep end after the timeskip
had that phase of trying to pretend shounen is trash and that I only watch grown up anime and read grown up manga.
Then recently fell back in love with it and binged all of it over 3 months. good times.


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When Wano started. It didn't get bad, I just got bored of it. Just couldn't find the motivation to keep reading you know?
Has it gotten THAT good? I'm willing to get back in if it really got something going instead of the same old...

KnY will end soon so OP will end up with a higher 2020 total

KnY has enough volumes left to fill the entirety of 2020 because the tanks are behind on the chapters.
Even if it didn't, it wouldn't matter. It already sold 25.6 million in 14 weeks. For context, OP sold 10 million in the entirety of 2019.

Oden's flashback wasn't that bad. At least the flashback told us that One Piece (the actual treasure) is just a punchline for a joke

but we're only 9 weeks into 2020

Oricon fiscal years start mid november, not in january.

Didn't the One Piece Volumes that come out during the same time as the KnY volumes last year still sell twice as much in comparison?

Correct. One piece's individual volumes were the most sold in 2019, while KnY had the overall higher sales due to backlog.

However KnY's sales have kept climbing higher since then and its volumes are now poised to be the most sold of the year even individually.

KnY absolutely exploded in 2020. It sold more in the first 8 weeks than its 2019 total.

I doubt that KnY, even with the influx of tanks buying will reach one piece's individual volume sales, especially since the early year numbers are always so much higher. Watch it fall off the deep end once the hype completely dies. Or maybe it will give is some dying breath sprint. When will it end? Like towards June or so?
Secretly I am just mad Promised Neverland and Dr Stone didn't get such a great adaptation.

It's not a matter of doubting or not, it's already there.
This is last week's number for volume 18, which released in december (about 3 weeks before OP's 95)

Kimetsu no Yaiba #18 - 52,488/2,134,606

It's already above 2million and still selling a fuckton (that's 52k in a week 2 months after release and running out of stock - it got reprinted after that, and is going to get another one in the middle of march). For context, this were the most sold volumes of 2019.

01. One Piece 91 [Week 49, 2018] - 2,388,243
02. One Piece 93 [Week 27, 2019] - 2,200,000
03. One Piece 92 [Week 10, 2019] - 2,112,734
04. One Piece 94 [Week 40, 2019] - 1,880,146

So basically, yea. As for when it'll end, I dunno. From the way it's looking right now it could end with volume 23 (9 more chapters), but might also end with volume 24 (18 more chapters). Some say it'll last till august so they can publish the results of the popularity poll in the magazine, but it could also end earlier and have them published in a volume.

I love "One Piece sucks now" threads. So glad that there's still a big portion of the fanbase that aren't Nu-WanPiss fags being apologetic of post-timeskip One Piece.

It's when it was used as a way to just ignore Logia abilities and also become a magical shield that protect from attacks
>when garp used it to hurt luffy with his punches
Bullshit. That could have easily been misconstrued as simple comedy. By that logic, Nami was always secretly a haki master from all the times she punched Luffy and got him yelping in pain.

Never read those.

Oda could think of some bullshit to pull. I mean, even before haki, the series never worked in flawless scientific logic. Luffy was able to hit Crocodile because his hands were wet. That's not really bulletproof reasoning right there, but it worked. Luffy was able to hit Enel because he was made of rubber, and somehow survived 90000000 volt lightning. Again, that's not exactly how it works. You could keep doing stuff like that.

Just making it much more boring with a "one-fits-all" haki answer was part of what took away the magic from One Piece.

The problem of haki is definitely over-stated, though. There's a lot more shit that went wrong with Nu-WanPis.

One Piece barely even gets pirates right. The Strawhats are often just pirates in skin-deep flavor.

I came back for Dressrosa just to see Doflamigo lose and that shit bored me to death. I can't get into One Piece anymore.

The introduction of haki always left me perplexed on something: how the fuck did Shanks lose his arm? You'd think he'd at the very least be proficient enough with it to protect from that attack.

the arcs are already big, luffy can't afford to lose to a big villain even if it's to learn a valuable lesson or to turn the wheel on things like it can happen on other anime (gon losing to hisoka, gon never even talking to the main villain of the arc late in the series)
at best what can be done is he gets hit by the big villain early on then uses that to power up his determination, but you can't expect luffy to lose a fight when the time comes, and I'm actually not that bothered about it. the "genre" of this story focuses on other things, luffy being fated to win doesn't ruin it for me

He lost it on purpose to motivate the Chosen One.

Wano is fucking trash, I don't care about the beast jobbers and the scabbards, I just want to see more Big Mom kino.

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Yeah but I mean, that's just fucking silly. Shanks had no reason to lose his arm "on purpose" there.

He saw that Luffy was the man of prophecy. There's a reason the world bends over for Luffy every arc, it's destiny.

>imagine thinking that having to read a comic that's slightly less to your liking is "suffering"
leave. one piece is not for you.
you clearly don't like it and only read it because it's popular, but you also haven't been following it for long and are too ADHD read it weekly.

was going to drop it because oda was stringing the story along and increasing the cast tremendously and needlessly every arc. i only bothered to keep up because niggerstream made it easy to load up anytime and see what was going on. since niggerstream died, i've dropped one piece.

>Reply to a post answering "When did you stop reading One Piece?"
>Tell him to stop reading it
The intellect of Nu-WanPiss fans

Cool mental gymnastics. But the truth is, One Piece is just bad.

If destiny bents everything in favor for Luffy then was it even more pointless for him to lose his arm.

Destiny is what took his arm.

The way all the other arcs are so formulaic Oda must've been possessed when he wrote everything from Thriller Bark to Marineford

I wanted to get into it but saw it was 600+ episodes. Fuck. That.

Destiny is a jerk.

You very clearly have issues with other people not sharing your opinions and you need to work on that. No one is going to coddle your retarded behaviour, grow the fuck up or leave.

OP is good. It had some low parts and most of the low parts were post ts, but it's still good enough imo. I've been reading it weekly for 13 years so I don't think I will ever stop.

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>OPtards realizing their manga has become shit and no one cares about it anymore
Good thread

Could this fight take place in the New World? Take in mind the way things have escalated, and imagine Usopp having to deal with someone like Snack or Jack.
>Would it feel fair if he survived several hits from Snack?
>Would it feel fair if he overcame the odds and ability of someone with superior Haki in every way with only ingenuity?
>Would it make sense if he was able to deal enough damage for it to matter?

Attached: qwX7PiK.jpg (259x195, 10K)

>and no one cares about it anymore
God, I wish. That's what this shit manga deserves now.

based retard

Usopp wouldn't die even if he took the strongest attack from the strongest pirate in the world, Oda doesn't kill actual characters, only NPC, and most of them are flashbacks anyway.

I don't like reading manga weekly. I'll finish it once it's over.

B-b-but you guys told me One Piece wont end up like Naruto

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Try animepahe

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the fat mama
I belive I dropped it because the media I used to watch it to died.

Sorry that the rubber boy's hair didn't turn yellow.

>One Piece had a lot of creative and interesting ways to 'solve' Devil Fruits, but now it's just stupid Haki bullshit.
>I want more "lets cover my fists with something to punch this guy"

Attached: homero.png (259x383, 168K)

You don't know what a strawman is, dumbass.

I disagree with your worst choice but damn skypiea was fucking peak, nothing in shonen will ever top the spread with Luffy's shadow in the sky.

>Why and when did you drop One Piece?
ace's death was the most ridiculous ass pull I have ever seen in shounen.

I like Haki

Yeah usopp and nami don't use creativity to defeat people, they just punch them with haki right?

>>I want more "lets cover my fists with something to punch this guy"

isn't it normal its been going on for over 20 years you can't expect all the stories oda tells to be god tier

What? That's a nonsensical thing to say. If anything, the ridiculous ass pull was Ace coming back in the form of Sabo, a character that had never been mentioned before, basically plays out the same character, and even gets the exact same super power.

yeah but that chapter was THE bounties everyone wantedto know at one point in time. I think it was overhyped and the chapter was put in a COMPLETELY irrelevant spot, which annoyed many. It seems like it was obviously made just to boost sales for a chapter/volume. Its fucking low and the story suffers. Old one piece is a different manga.

for good reason, it was a long arc that nobody wanted to stop. It just kept getting better and better.

Hopefully getting infected with the coronavirus will keep Oda on his toes and the prospect of possibly dying will encourage him to improve.

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THIS SO MUCH. Sabo exsistance pisses me off so much. Its beyond me why people were so hype for this shitty retcon character

I kind of feel different about OnePiece.
I think all the Post arcs are good-ish (even FI), but there´s no sense of adventure anymore.
We are waiting 10 years for the confrontation between Luffy and the Yonkos so there´s no sense of adventure anymore since we all know what´s coming.
It just reads as a waiting game for the chapter Luffy defeats Kaido with a strong punch.
Pres TS there was always an arc boss, but he wasnt known in the beginning, and the wait for the defeat was like 25 chapter from introduction(croco for example) to the arc finale.
PH + dressrosa was 150! chapter of waiting Luffy punching Doffy.
The only exception is the Tea party which was nice

I'll come back when I see the chapter that confirms wither or not Jinbei and Carrot are officially on the crew and sailing with them

I never picked it up in the first place

I dropped it in Skypeia when the manga was at Water 7
Not really sure why, I think I just hit a money crunch, cut out some hobbies, and manga was one of them.
Caught up and started reading again around Punk Hazard.
It's good to be back

Dressrosa was okay. Only the "save the dwarf princess" subplot sucked.
It was always going to be 100% fights. Why did people hate it?
>Quincy War
This was worse.

Luffy covers his fist with Haki now, checkmate son.

But the tattoo.....

Did the anime ever fix it's pacing? I might pick it back up if so.
Also did Jinbe ever actually die or did he join the crew for reals?

Haki wouldn't have been as bad had it not been for the black coloring

The pacing got worst in both the manga and the anime so you can imagine how bad it is rn

it won't die
a movie is coming up soon

>It's god tier.
anons, please do NOT pick up One Piece again, Wano has been shit tier so far

Jinbe has been homied

I dropped it around the mermaid arc because I realized I was not enjoying it anymore, reading it was getting boring, I will read the last few chapters maybe out od curiosity, but i am done with wan piss

>Also did Jinbe ever actually die or did he join the crew for reals?
neither, Hackda has been blueballing us for 10 years

>Haki devolved every battle to db levels of stupidity
>Wano sucks and Oden and his scabbards are all 1d characters with nothing interesting about them
>Luffy doesn't experience any significant character development since the timeskip
>Kaido is the most boring and inconsistent character of all time
>Bounties stopped being meaningful and just became powerlevels
>Luffy turns out to be muh chosen one
>The panels are overcrowded as fuck

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I'm legit expecting luffy to be the reincarnation of a god after the Oden flashback that pretty much state that he is the Chosen One of the prophecy

>Basil Hawkins,
poor thing he's just a Kaido jobber

I sort of left during the latter half of Dressrossa and just looked at the pictures. Read WCI a bit but it was just eh. But I picked it back up at the start of Wano and been having a blast.

i dunno. lately i just cant really give much of a shit about whats going on.

i also think its suffering from a similar but not the same bleach disease. too many characters.

or maybe i just grew up.

Idk why all the shonen end taking the chosen one route. Aren't they supposed to be written to encourage teens to be good friends and unique people? What's the point if the character you felt identifies for was destined to be stronk as fuck because muh script. I don't get it. Rock Lee is a way better main character than narutard for example.

They were already foreshadowing it with the D. stuff, but I didn't want to believe.

Recently, actually. Sometime before the Oden flashback started.

Will is something anyone could inherit, and doesn't necessarily means destiny. Also luffy main thing is wanting to be the most free man. If oda is pulling all this destiny bullshit for luffy to refuse it at the end I'll clap for a hundred years.

Dropped it right at the timeskip, years later picked it up again and dropped it for good at gear 4.
OP has been a giant slog since the start of Barrock/Alabasta when a short arc turned into a gigantic escort mission with blueballing intense fights by always cutting to the weaker members fighting some joke characters, Bibi didn't join the crew and Robin did for some reason.
Skypea also felt forced because they went on this giant arc because Luffy felt sorry for that one diver, at least they got some gadgets for Usop and Nami.
Water7 felt extremely good for the first half, but the CP9 and the personal drama with Robin didn't catch me, Franky also felt shoehorned in.
Triller island thingie felt good as a contrast to the previous 2 arcs, it all went down afterwards.

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If Luffy "refuses" it but still unintentionally fulfills the prophecy it's the same shit, every shonen mc would refuse or not care if someone told them they're a prophecy child

>Why did people hate it?
Because fuck all happened every week and it was just boring forgettable skies and meaningless fights between filler-tier characters?

>How is Luffy suppose to defeat say Akainu with the rules that established before
How about having him lose a fight for a change?

I did not.

Dudes, new groups already picked up One Piece.
TheCupboard and The Avengers.
The latter is higher res.

You can find that shit on Mangadex.

Maybe he shouldn't have given people so stupid OP powers if he couldn't come up with a logical way to beat them without having to resort to an asspull. People shit on Haki because it was clearly not intended at the start (or at least not work the way it ended up working) and was clearly created to hard nerf Logias abilities since they typically were a billion times better than the other ones

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He loses all the time though

One Piece art and paneling was so fucking good. Most mangakas improve over the years, but it seems Oda's art is the opposite.

I need to reread the pre TS arcs to remember how good OP was.

>That's EXACTLY why it falls apart. There's no bigger narrative here.
You really don't understand DB at all. DB was never about the story.
Truly a moron.

I think he probably meant that Fire is hotter than Magma but that Oda is a retard who didn't know it.

>Haki devolved every battle to db levels of stupidity
You wish OP battles were ever as good as DB's.
Oda doesn't have the drawing skill necessary to draw battles like that.

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>Idk why all the shonen end taking the chosen one route.
Not all of them.

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>One Piece art and paneling was so fucking good.
That paneling was Jump standard at the time. Good times.

>Most mangakas improve over the years
I disagree with this actually.
Most mangakas get worse or more generic over the years.

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>Why and when did you drop One Piece?

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I dropped it because I couldn't stand Dressrosa, WCI, and nothing happened at the Reverie. Wano actually got me somewhat invested again, but I don't want to see Luffy be the one to dunk on Kaido. I'd much rather see it be Zoro doing it, or have it so that Kaido's bullshit power is subverted by Otama.

Yeah I reread East Blue recently and not a big fan of the chinlet faces still but everything is so clean and comfy, doesn't even feel like it was drawn by the same person

Have seen people defend the horrible post ts designs by saying it's a romance so everything is exaggerated but only the initial art style actually transmitted a fairy tale type vibe, now it just looks like any normal manga but the characters have fucked up proportions

>romance so everything is exaggerated
This youtube-tier defense was even used in this thread.
It's a typical Nu-WanPiss excuse.

stopped watching the anime at zou
I got 2min/week to read the manga and shit talk it

Bro you don't get it One Piece being idealistic is why so many characters have tiny legs

forcing wano to be the only relevant island to obtain the one piece, also all the ninjashit and gook culture

>only relevant island to obtain the one piece

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Punk Hazard is around where I got all caught up and got tired of waiting for it weekly. Now I'm so far behind that it seems like a chore to catch up.

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>Judging a manga by it's anime
>Also judging a manga by it's anime that only has 1 Season
This is a great example of a KnY hater

Skypeia had the most soul

Jesus Christ fuck off with your autistic companywars bullshit. Are you paid when X product sells better than Y product? Does it actually better your life in ANY metric beyond deriving some kind of weird validation because you prefer to consume X product over Y product?

>only 40 chapters a year at most due to do many fucking breaks
>million characters introduced every arc
I'm just gonna binge Wano once its done but the 3 year wait for every arc is so fucking tiresome.

Shortly after the gas station or wtf it was

This. They actually went on an adventure.

hope he has good life insurance then

>he says to best selling manga of all time

Only because it has gone on so long though.

Volume 100 is likely to come out in december so who knows

Dropped one shit when i saw first few eps after time skip.

Anyone who still thinks there is nothing wrong. Cant accept reality.

Still turned into a 1v1 fight fest, makes you think

Water 7

there are older mangas than one piece that are still running

Legitimately almost dropped One Piece when Sabo showed up
He makes me seethe

I watch it on TV when it was airing in its first year, never really liked it. The character design of the girls doesn't make my dick hard.

Why is there no new chapter up on Viz? That shit said the next one was on March 1st.

Dressrosa nearly killed it for me but Zou, and the better parts of WCI and Wano are keeping me strung along. But things are clearly coming to a head now and its going to become very clear whether OP was ever going to be worth something or if Oda was a shitter all along. Very worried about the prophecy shit too.

I didnt, I still like it.

Holy shit fag, you at least need to finish that shit.

Yeah, its getting pretty worrying. Haki, Im, all this prophecy shit, the constant value signaling muh rich and poor narrative... if Luffy is just Jesus, imo One piece essentially betrays everything it set out to be and I would honestly not have trouble believing that pre and post timeskip were written by different authors

>Water 7/Enies Lobby is the weakest

never dropped it but i let a gap grow in the middle of Fishman Island, which i dubbed the worse arc in the series so far.
Wano has been fun though, love me some ancient japanese fuckery

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That's not the point I was making.
The point was that it's not the best selling manga per volume.
DB sold higher on average, so did Slam Dunk and some other series(like Black Jack)

I dropped it the moment that it was revealed that Luffy/Shanks hat was passed down from Roger.
>muh special chosen one
I’ve checked in maybe 3 or 4 times to speedread and catch up but, it feels more tedious than anything now.
Dressrosa was god awful.

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>pirate captain gives hat to subordinate, who then gives it to a friend of his to inspire him
Doesn't seem that bad. Also there's that other straw hat with Im that we don't have any info about.

Should I start watching it? I've put it off because of how many episodes there are, it just seems like something I shouldn't get into. But is it good, should I watch it? If so when should I stop watching it?

Don't know about the rest of you, but I dropped One Piece because I realized I found the main characters annoying especially Luffy, Nami, and Sanji.

Luffy is every never learning retard. Nami the cunt who beats up men who she knows will NEVER hit her in retaliation and Sanji the white knight faggot pussy begging son of a cunt who I wish his father killed him instead of let him go.

How can anyone enjoy this series? I like the world building, but with character so shit I simply don't care to follow their point of view. Annoying or unappealing characters do turn off potential viewers and another thing they need to start making Shounen protagonists who are smarter than Luffy and also that they beat the bloody hell out of cunts like Nami and that pussy begging traitors like Sanji are castrated. Anime these days reeks of estrogen.

>Sabo is alive
I don't know why I still didn't drop

Dress Rosa was also where I dropped it, such a shitty arc and a shitty final to Don Flamingo. Also it REALLY didn't help that the next arc is what I like to call the Furry Yiff Yiff Arc, I don't like animal characters, I barely tolerate Chopper whose humanoid form is disgusting garbage to the point Oda himself stopped drawing him like that and keeps him in Mascot Mode. Anyway don't like furry animals so I didn't care about that arc and on top of that Oda announcing in the middle of the arc that This Is The Year Of Sanji my least favorite character? It was easy to quit. And going by how bad the current Wano Arc is, I think I've done the correct thing.

>Other than that, I agree with what you are saying. But it doesn't change the fact that current one piece is as good as its ever been.
Jesus christ. How is it possible to be this wrong?

Never did, One Piece Chad for life. On my 10th full rewatch of the anime and 17th full re-read of the manga. One Piece is all I do outside of auditing retards that think they can skimp on taxes for the IRS.

I forgot why but, I stopped following it religiously after enies lobby concluded. After that I'd pick it up and read again if something interesting was happening.

>this deluded

>I believe it's the opposite, those people have become incredibly jaded to anime in general
Honestly, I don't even think it's this. My theory is that while Marineford Saga brought a bunch of new readers to One Piece. It also attracted the worst subhumans imaginable, unironic powerlevel fightfags. I think the current "WANPISS A SHIT" crowd are just leftovers from when One Piece became a huge hit due to the massive melee in Marineford. Once they leave, only the people that either like One Piece for the adventure side or just like the banter between crewmates, will remain.

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I only read every 1-3 months or every week depending on how it looks like things are going. So I am in a constant state of semi-dropped.

Is this guy the most hyped BB?

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He doesn't even have a black beard.
The most hyped is an off-screen level 6 literally who asspull that is innevitable. Moreso than the kitsune asspull.

Took a break around Wano. Splitting the Shs so much is just annoying me.
I almost dropped around Dressrosa though, that shit dragged so much and got worse and worse when Sabo stolen the show and ended the coliseum like that

>didnt changed

Except the part where Oda started to introduce tons of characters in each saga even townfolks, a couple with flashbacks, splitting the Shs so often they dont interact or do random shit like before while doing adventure because the focus are on the new characters of said saga and fucking Law.

If Alabasta or Sky Piea were done today the rebels and of sky pieans would have more individual characters talking and doing their own shit, with Oda changing focus in different parties a couple of times within the same chapter, with Mr5 having sad backstorie of why Mr5 wanted the booger devil fruit or why Mr2 wanted to become someone else and how Norland was in the pirate crew of the owner of the strawhat of the time.
EL fights wouldnt be just Shs vs CP9, it would be Shs and Franky friends and Galleyfags fighting CP9 with Sanji in the corner doing cooking and Chopper doing cute things because he cant be a monster anymore. And Zoro would be so strong he would save himself for the marine royal rumble and would never fight Kaku but Paulie would.

The timeskip feels a disappointment regarding the Shs. anyone would think that the Shs overall could handle some shit on their own like before but in the new world, but what happens is Luffy doing everything alone, Zoro saving himself because his too based, Usopp having moments but everyone else is just "there" trying to survive and run away with a moment here and there like Franky vs Senor Pink, Nami showing the witch she is and Brook in WCI. But there is no EL moment with all Shs having their own fights and figuring things on their own, or like Sky Piea, or Alabasta, or tag team on Oars.. oh right, pts did this shit pretty often, but timeskip only did in FI just to show them off.

Spoken like a deluded fanboy.

I stopped exactly at 290.
Probably the never ending padding and filler was annoying me.

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>Says the filler and padding killed him
>All those naruto episodes

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I wasn't even into Bleach when the Quincy war came out but even then I knew it fucked up hard.

One Piece isn't a series you can read weekly otherwise the arc's will feel slow af, I stooped around the beginning of dressrossa


Not him, but from what I recall of Naruto's anime (never watched Shippuden), its filler was of an entirely different sort than current One Piece's padding. It was closer to pre-Water 7 filler, where the story was padded out with anime-only miniarcs. I remember hating that type too, and skipping pretty much all of it in both anime. But in hindsight, short self-contained filler arcs were vastly preferable to the miserable, badly-paced slog Toei has made One Piece today. At least Naruto's canon material wasn't ruined by its standalone filler.

I'm sure there are some examples that could refute your point, but none are coming to mind right now maybe some other user will do it

Am I the only one disappointed with what Oda did with WCI? Such a huge family and cool designs only for Isayama to waste time in a lame background Sanji didn't need, plus Sanji didn't learn shit.

you are such a faggot holy shit
even before marineford there were some pretty gruesome injuries
what he was trying to say by mentioning marineford is "nut the fuck up and figure it out yourself, faggot."

don't take the bait, boys.

Oda died during the earthquake

i want to stick my carrot inside of carrot

It got even worse now

How long did it take for the fucking anime to finish this mess of an arc? knowing Toei and their 5 minute long opening, 5 minute recap and constant panning and "DON" sfx shots probably 4-5 years.

big brain Kakarot

>by far the best battle shounen
It's nowhere near the best

I don't know if if I can recommend someone watch something that I know turns to shit eventually, leaving many loose threads on the way. It's god tier in a lot of episodes. For the most part, it's a better read than a watch, though.

Anyways, you should definitely drop it at the timeskip if you watch it.

lol, I'm into this character building for your gimmicky posting. You've got potential, son.

Have sex for real

You can just tell you have *that* mentality/personality.

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Nice theory, but I started reading at Thriller Bark and Skypiea is one of my favorite arcs of the series. If it makes it easier for you to categorize me, though, I really enjoyed Water 7/Enies Lobby and Marineford, though.

One Piece just sucks now, I don't know what's so hard to admit about this. Even Nu-WanPiss fans admit none of the post-timeskip arcs reach the best arcs of the series in quality.

Yep. I wish One Piece got a Academia style adaptation that did it justice so that you could hate it for what it is instead of hating it even further because of the horrible Toei pacing. Meh, I'm sure it will happen in a few decades.

Jesus, reading Dressrosa was already painful, I can't even begin to imagine how suicidal it would make me if I tried watching it

Marineford wasn't great because MUH FIGHTS, it was great because it was the culmination of a long long buildup with some big emotional moments too.

It had so many of these big characters that the world had introduced and hyped you up for prior, instead of boring you to death with lame one note characters and stupid subplots no one gives a fuck about.

And it truly felt like that arc had a goal that the reader could relate to, I mean, "Luffy wants to save his big brother from an execution" was more exciting than "Luffy wants to save x country oppressed by y baddie", quite frankly.

>do timeskip
>Luffy and Zoro become beasts
>Sanji gets nosebleeds and "oh! my leg hurts"
>arc about Sanji was to save his ass which he wastes crying and eventually cooking a cake while running away for chapters
>eventually get a power ranger suit to be useful again

Fucking timeskip. Oda also ruined Franky

The problem with WCI is the same as Marineford, everything is a build up for some renown pirates(and marines in Marineford's case) to show off what they can really do later in that big war arc.

The worst part was that they had the opportunity to take on the BMP at the end but instead chose to bake BM a cake and run.

It was the Strawhats, Jinbe, Fishman Pirate (who have a ridiculous field advantage in naval fights), Firetank Pirates and the entirety of Germa 66.

BMP had a significantly weakened BM, Smoothie, Oven, Cracker, Peros, and a bunch of nobodies. Why didn't they stay and fight back?

Sanji's carelessness killed Jinbe and I hope he gets to regret it.

>Oda also ruined Franky
Design wise, he certainly did. He looks like garbage now. His original design was iconic.

Good news is that it turned a lot of anime only fags into manga readers.

The one year hiatus from the author. It just didn't feel like the same storytelling; any tension in the story was resolved with such bizarre ease that I just couldn't stay invested like I used to. Maybe it changed since then, I don't know.

Wasn't the time skip hiatus like 2 months?

I thought it said he was talking a whole year, but it's literally been what, five years since then? I can't say I'm sure about it, now.


i watched the first episode because my cousin was really into it and i wanted to talk to him about it but i drooped it after a few minutes. i'll probably try to watch it again at some point.

I wanna know how and why you dudes stuck with it this whole time.

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Dressrosa. I could put up with a lot of shit but that Arc took forever and Rebecca might be my least favorite character in One Piece. Even Shirahoshi had more to do than her.

Y'know what my issue with Haki is. It's not that it exists but more how it's shown. Haki at first was this invisible ability. Like you'd see someone dodging shit or grab a Logia and you'd know that they're a force to be reconned with. But almost immediately after that they establish that when Luffy wants to use Haki his arms get all black and sleek. Which would've been fine if that was an attribute specific to him. But now just about every character that HAS Haki gets that black sheen. Not only that but now whenever a character USES Haki we have to have someone going "wh-what that's haki!!" or "His Haki is so strong". It's doing what everyone didn't want in One Piece. It's muddling down the fantastic elements to one straightforward ability, in the same way Dragonball became about Ki blasts and Power Levels.

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I ship Jinbei and Katakuri. Jinbei being the top.

Yeah, I was always disappointed in Oda for adopting a visual effect to indicate when CoA is being used. I would have preferred it to stay invisible and just let the reader infer when it's being applied, unless it's being used for the first time by a new character the reader wouldn't expect to know it.

I want to see a lot of my initial questions get answered. I started One Piece about 10 years ago and am curious about the details of the Void Century, what the treasure is, etc. I think the lore reveals have been interesting including plenty of content post timeskip, the fact that the Gorosei are basically stewards for another character called Im, what the giant straw hat signifies, etc. And other stuff like seeing what Dragon is capable of and Shanks. Personally I am even curious about less important characters like Big News Morgans and Stussy. Post timeskip gives me lots of reasons to read just for how interesting it is to me, although for the most part the emotional investment and sense of danger for the characters I felt reading it originally has mostly vanished. Also I have to admit there were pre timeskip arcs that were mostly boring to me. I dislike Skypiea and Thriller Bark because they felt less connected to the larger world of the narrative. Meanwhile I loved small arcs like Jaya and the post timeskip Reverie because they were full of cool lore. One Piece is great for what it is and how long it's been going, although I wish Oda was willing to cut its massive amounts of flab and focus on the more important elements—big mistake taking the focus to a bunch of side NPCs instead of using it as an opportunity to keep the Strawhats central to the story. One Piece will likely still be amazing when all is said and done but it won't be without its obvious flaws.

The first 20 chapters because I thought the art sucked, and honestly didn’t care much about pirate shit.

first drop at Sabaody, second at fish man island, lost interest again somewhere between Whole Cake and Wano. One piece is like fast food more or less; two minutes to read a chapter is ok even if everythings shallow. Like browsing through news papers headlines and saying - well, aha. The plot is too simple and repetitve to edge out any reaction beside this.

but as i said; it's like fast food, you can literally pick it up anywhere, wnytime and swallow the next buldge, whenever you feel like it... so it's easy to return to - the trick ist just to not expect anything too good.

Oda ruined most Strawhats
>Luffy became a caricature of himself
>Usopp's character development keeps going to square 1 because Oda thinks Usopp's scary reaction pics every chapter is funny
>Sanji what you said
>Chopper is a merchandise character
>Franky's post ts design is complete shit, only in Dressrosa was it passable
>Robin's post ts design is shit and became even more irrelevant now that we have flashbacks infodumping the viewer about the Void Century

Only Brook (after he ditched his original post ts design) and Nami arguably became better, Zoro is more or less the same

>judging Marineford of the final arc and not the entire Saga
The most well written and less formulaic Saga

Also that was Enies Lobby not Marineford

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You can say Oda has always been a bad storywriter who covered it with open world hype but
>art is worse
>paneling is worse
>main characters are worse
>pacing is worse
>more formulaic

All objectively true

Dropped it after WCI because of problems I had with the series for years now. Character bloat delegating non-Luffy SHs to literal who tier and a general quality drop the series has had since the SHs split up. Couldn't bring myself to suffer any more after WCI.
>arc started strong with character building for Sanji and Bege's plans for mutiny
>plans go wrong because of course they do
>arc then devolves into the typical "frantically run around the island for 100 chapters while Oda stalls for time"
>despite being "his" arc Sanji has no major fight, is a massive bitch, and the only thing he did was bake a cake and spend half the arc escorting it
It's become impossible to believe now that this used to be my favorite shonen.

The post timeskip story flows a lot better when you judge everything from Punk Hazard as one massive saga, but I don't think that's going to cut it for most people until the climax of Wano

>Why and when did you drop One Piece?

when mangastream died, didn't think it would be so difficult for another team to pick it up and deliver consistently

I never dropped it because it's still worth the 15 minutes a week that I spend on it. Still:

The series is so stretched out, it's not even funny anymore. Arcs that take 3-5 years to conclude are a drag.
Like others said, Haki is so stupid and unnecessary plot-wise, it seems to me the only reason it was introduced is to allow for retarded power-levels to exist.
The character design went crazy after the timeskip to a point where I cannot take it serious anymore. Why are half the characters 3 times the size than everyone else?? It sort of made sense for Whitebeard to be big guy, but now scaling doesn't exist anymore, every character has their size randomly determined. Same goes for boobs.

There are other minor issues but the part that by far annoys me the most. Too many characters. The crew is constantly split up with some Strawhats just not being in the story for years.

I imagine the publisher is constantly nagging Oda
>you should introduce Kamehamehas like in Dragon Ball, people love powerlevels!
>you should have a character named Lor D. Edge join the group for seemingly no reason, people love overpowered edgy characters!
>you should have this arc last 200 chapters instead of 50, that way we can print money for another 20 years!

Doesn't really go anywhere and recycles plot elements too much. Same shit that plagues most long-running shonen. Just kinda got bored and moved on. I genuinely do not have the patience to keep up with a series that runs for over a decade anymore.

be happy then , they are rushing the fuck out of it and ruining in in the progress

Wano lovers really need to come to terms with being a minority.
This is starting to remind me of dressrosa, like just accept there are bad parts it's not hard.

Havent dropped it yet but considering to do it soon. I hate how it truly lost the golden age of piracy aesthetics. I liked how in the east blue arc they truly captured that but now the aesthetics from say Dressrosa look no different than what we see in the modern day, except they still use sail boats. Also the fact that the change in animation style killed the soul of the show. If they do go back to east blue or whatever i hope they can recapture the original feel of the show, rather than just every one having df and haki

>Romance Dawn - Long Ring Long Land 321 chapters
>Water 7 - Fishman Island: 331 chapters
>Punk Hazard - Now: 318 chapters

Yeah bro so rushed

"bro it's okay, keep watching. It gets better after episode 735" /s

This annoys me because I remember reading Law's plan and being hyped because I thought Oda was gonna be original again only for him to double down on the same old formulas, Dressrosa's main plot was destroying the factory, WCI's main plot was stealing the red poneglyph, why did it turn into another rescue princess/strawhat from bad guy arc?

The Oda who wrote the Summit War saga needs to come back and rewrite everything from the start of Punk Hazard

Until the timeskip: Because it was genuinely phenomenal with great arc after great arc, with the last few even switching things up considerably and shoving a lot of twists to keep you engaged

From the timeskip until Dresrosa: Cause I didn't want to believe it sucked. I wanted to give the author a chance. I needed it to be a definitive thing and not just my impressions.

what the fuck happened to franky's design after the timeskip

If anything, the fact that Dressrosa is just a minor aspect of a much larger saga makes its atrociously slug pacing even worse.

There are always gonna be inherently less Wano haters than Dressrosa haters, because everyone with sense dropped the manga by Dressrosa. The majority of people that are left are gonna naturally be more merciful.

It's a way to lamely justify deus ex machina being used heavily

I never did

>Sabo is alive
You're an idiot if you didn't call this when he "died"

I dropped it immediately after Alabasta.

I'm glad most people agree Dressrosa is the worst

>wan piss fag still coping and deluding himself the pacing didn't go to shit aftr the timeskip
try watching the earlier arcs before the timeskip compared to those after the timskip
pacing is shit, we will never have moments like the walk to arlong park again or the crew travelling through alabasta
robin got benched hard and barely did shit and is a zombie character post timeskip


she is though unironically
from the start every fight she uses haki without realizing it.

That's retarded

I've always been interested in getting into this series but holy fuck that's a lot of chapters/episodes