One Piece

There is no man more cooler, handsome and badass than Zoro in the entire story.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yonko tier

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Wano Sucks
Oden Sucks
Kaido Sucks
Oda Sucks

name the last opponent luffy defeated by not punching them super hard

I’ve enjoyed Wano but people who say this reveal is a “10/10 moment” are the worst kind of OP fan

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Katakuri. That was easy.

Women cannot resist Zoros long sword

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Oda is gonna die, isn't he?

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Is that to say you think it’s over hyped? Or that it wasn’t good?


He's already recovered speedreader.


everyone dies eventually user.
You, me, and even this user
we all shall die

Judging by the massive drop in quality and unprecedented amount of plotholes I'm starting to think something's definitely going on. Hopefully he's got trustworthy successor in case.

You wake up in the one piece world around 6 months before the time Luffy started his journey.
how will you spend your new life?
reminder that the rules of this universe now applies to you.

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Who would win?

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Blackbeard could easily and quickly suck up the magma then effectively nullify his powers and hurt him. Plus he has the tremor powers on standby.

Do we actually have any epic moment post-TS? Something like SHs going to Arlong Park, or preparing to assault Enies Lobby, or "nothing happened", something like this.

everyone dies and cats die sooner, catbro.

Kiku my wife, my flame, my muse.

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but I wanna live

death is coming regardless if you want it or not

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This panel gives me chills

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reminder that after wano, ruffy is finally getting the pirate coat, and giving the strawhat to tama

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Imagine being dead
>you won't process the fact that your life has ended because you're brain which is the very essence of who you are shuts down and rots into nothing
>you will become the state you were before were even conceived having no concept of existence.
unless the afterlife really exist

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Is there no anime episode today?

plenty, but half of them are from WCI

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anything brook really

jesus I almost forgot about how fucking shit the animation got when the time skip happened

No anime this week and next week

you never know when you'll die either.
It could be today, tomorrow, or right now

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This moment is more subdued, but it's incredibly powerful.

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The anime is on a 2 week break. This and and next week, there will be no episode

Is it Brookchads hours?

Atleast I’ll be free.

>based characters that make /opg/ seethe

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Um, sanji’s pre-timeskip harem of background characters would like to disagree

Yet he still ran - probably because Whitebeard (far stronger than himself) sucker quake-punched Magmaman from behind and it wasn't enough to drop him.

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What's Ace thinking about?

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*sniff* *sniff* that smell...COULD IT BE!?

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Quickly find the WB pirates and get the Yami Yami no Mi before BB does.

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Kill yourself Hiyori

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Are you guys getting Pirate Warriors 4?



With that roster? Fuck no. Just get PW3.

when it goes down in price, i like the character choice but going full price for a musou, i rather not

that being said, if pedro, perospero and cracker a pleyable, i'm buying it

PW3 was fun so yee

PW3 doesn't have Katakuri though. I'd rather get 4

is PW3 good, it's on sale right know, but i don't if it's worth it

is my boy cabage and monet on it?

Based Katakurifujo

Yes it’s worth it
No and yes as an NPC but I think she’s playable with mods.

Fuck PW
Gimmie annual or biannual games that faithfully adapt one to three arcs per installment and you'll have my money for as long as you can keep that going

Yeah but I’m bracing myself for mild disappointment. There’s a lot of stuff that looks good about it but hearing that they cut a bunch of popular characters even though they clearly took a fuckload of the PW3 assets wholesale rubs me the wrong way. If you watch the trailer, Whitebeard, Buggy and Ivankov look completely unchanged other than having aerial moves added I suppose. And they didn’t even really show that for Whitebeard.

That's what Purpleeyeswtf is leaving to do

I want Grand Battle back.

When One Piece ends I want a Dragon ball Z Kakarott jrpg like game where we play in a open world game following the story from the beginning to end.

I maxed every crew level for PW3 on PS3, PS4 and PC, then ran through Dream Log and the story again with my little brother (6).

I'm gonna buy two copies, one for me and one for my brother, since One Piece is the only games he really likes. He hasn't even seen the anime, only the movies.

>"You know, Luffy, with great power comes great Freedom. Gol D Roger called it "The human burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>Shanks looks directly at the camera.
>"The fishmen, the okamas, the giants...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the adam tree. The Day of the Rope is near, Luffy. We'll have every fishman under the sea dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God have me lose my arm to a weak ass seaking this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the World Government Gorosei party."

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i'm going straight to momoiro island and requesting some of that sweet forcefem fruit
then i'm moving to sphinx to chill with marco

Post asspulls

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Everything anyone in the story does

sugoi smoothie

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God I want Robin to squeeze my balls and stomp on my dick

Is Momoiro Island in the Calm Belt? Or could one of the Supernovas have gotten there on their way to Sabaody?

Reminder since Tama has worn Luffy's hat there is no denying her access to the Straw Hat crew

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I like Law much better

Top ten paramecia fruits not ordered

Gura gura no mi
Ope ope no mi
Baku baku no mi
Mirror mirror no mi
Bari bari no mi
Doku doku no mi
Picas fruit
Fujitoras fruit
Mochi mochi no mi
Soul soul fruit
Niky nikyu no mi

Anyone saved the picture of obzeen and his goblino whore? I forgot to look at it.

N-no! Akainu-sama! Please, I need to go back to Wano for my favorite cun-I mean Udon noodles!

Storyline purposes, what is the purpose of giving momonosuke a knock off brand of kaidos fruit? Exactly why did oda specifically do that? Not insulting him just wondering if there is a literary element I’m missing

she is not only joining the crew, luffy is passing down the hat to her

Does Crocodile being unreasonably strong in Marineford count as an asspull?

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Nice headcanon. Everyone who Luffy has had wear the hat willingly joins the crew. Prepare for second timeskip after Onigashima Let me guess, your a delusional Carrot fag who still thinks she'll join the crew

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Momonosuke is gonna age up and we'll see a giant pink dragon swallowing Orochi whole. Idk what the literary element is, but it's gonna be cool

Shit I'm retarded. Thought you were saying she wouldn't join the crew. Sorry user

What exactly did Ben "I think I'm stronger then Kizaru but in the next page Kizaru disregards my warnings anyway" Beckyman mean by this?

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both of them are joining user

>Momonosuke is gonna age up
no i believe he will stay the same age because he will date otama

> we'll see a giant pink dragon swallowing Orochi whole
i reckon he will get a hybrid human dragon form or a berserk dragon form and beat the shit out of orochi

Anticarrot rabid dogs are no better than the carrotards


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Looks like a black mammy

If I don't see this chad skeleton fight Apoo on Onigashima or at least have a good fight I'm gonna kill myself and mail the suicide letter to Oda

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You're right, I'm sorry. Carrot has grown on me slightly but I still don't want her on the real Straw Hat Crew

No. Most people have it in their headcanon that Croc was a lot stronger in his prime, but after losing to Whitebeard, losing his ambition to become Pirate King, and whatever happened between him and Ivankov, he retreated back to Alabasta and got "out of shape" since he was still the strongest person around that area without having to try. Losing to Luffy probably sparked something in him to start trying again.


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Lead us to the way shanks-sama

>Turbo incel
What did that bear ever do to deserve this kind of treatment?
>Fisher Tiger
Are you sure you know what you're doing?

Nothing more Chad than dying for your believe in.

don't worry not only will he master the shamisen for his battle of the bands with apoo, but he will uso use shusui

Attached: brook with shusui.png (1280x720, 546K)

>not a turbo chad

looks like a north african drug dealer

Denying and being against other races just because they wronged you is literally without question incel behavior

this but the exact opposite

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I'm not sure why, but there are a lot of people in these threads that don't like Barto. I'm guessing it's probably just the "Dressrosa Effect"

Barto is /opg/ the character and anyone that doesn’t like him is a tourist

>Has his own crew
>Not afraid to get his dick out infront of a crowd
>Can block yonko tier attacks
>Won his fight easily, only difficulty came from trying to protect robin

Why would Brook use Shusui?

Oh dear you're retarded

Just speedread last 2 chapters

I would have preferred if Oden died as an idiot lord but I guess that's Skypea's plot
The plank appeared out of nowhere and Oden's plan was kind of expected
Didn't think for one second he was going to die from the heat, what's even the point of showing someone instantly dying if you're gonna let Oden survive for one hour without major struggle
I don't like where this "Luffy is the chosen one" bullshit is going

Or maybe you're just a semen drinker who loves annoying gag characters and kindergarten humour

Bartolomeo is One Piece's Jar Jar Binks

Yeah I'll drop this shit if One Piece goes 'The chosen one with an all powerful destiny'. Also no, It doesn't make it any better just because Luffy wouldn't give a fuck that he was

I obtain massive haki from my unbending will to have sex with OP girls, end up becoming a notorious pirate, get captured and sent to Impel Down where I confess my undying love to Sadi-chan

>The plank appeared out of nowhere
Wasn't it the plank they were walking on just a moment before?
>what's even the point of showing someone instantly dying if you're gonna let Oden survive for one hour without major struggle
To show that Oden is the ultimate chad.


>why didnt the dead guy and the 2 people not shown in the story at all get new moves?!

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Crew Prostitute! She'll definitely try doing everything she can with Luffy


OP's biggest plothole remains unresolved to this day.

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Only game coming out recently I'm interested in so yeah.

Is would-be admiral name would've included a dog.
Maybe like, White Dog or something like that.

One Piece literally hasn't been good since Marineford. Everything in the new world has been shit, with uninspired characters and lame plots.

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I'm addicted to Nami-swan

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>*steps into your path*

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damn I wonder who is going to beat Kaido

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No, it's true. Fish man island was the first, shitty step and is generally considered to be one of the worst arcs in the entire series. Punk Hazard and Dressrosa were crap as well, with lots of interesting battles cropped out.

I love Robin!

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very true

Pretty sure thats buggy which you rated as turbochad

>being a fightfag

>reading a series you don't like for 10 years
I cannot even imagine

Because Garp appeared in one of the iterations of Romance Dawn in place of Shanks, so Oda wanted to keep his identity a secret until the big reveal in Water7/Enies Lobby

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When is Oda going to reveal Roger's secret daughter Gol D. Locks?

More like Gol D. Rocks.

Find Whitebeard and warn him about that fatso who can't sleep


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New episode where?

I kissed the screen. Deal with it.

You'll reincarnate eventually. Where do you think the core of your consciousness came from to begin with, out of your ass?

Consciousness is an illusion
t. atheist coomer


If the Revolutionaries get anywhere near succeeding, Imu hits the Great Cleansing button.
Keep in mind this is something the World Government only considers doing in response to the balance of powers failing. The results can't be pretty.

Is Oda abandoning the suicidal Kaido trait the smartest thing he has ever done after he realized how fucking stupid it was for a devil fruit user to try and commit suicide on planet that's like 95% water?

Kaido is just a drama queen who's pretending to commit suicide in order to get attention.

>Devil Fruit
This fanbase is cute

Provide literally 1 reason on why he's not a devil fruit user

Maybe. If only he had that same level of insight and would have abandoned the Kozuki plotline as well

>SH meets an important character offpanel

From particles. You don't have a "core" that finds a new body. Rather, consciousness is a property of living matter itself. You are experiencing life now, it has happened before and will happen again.

Kaido wants to kill himself because he's the last living dragon after Ryuma and the other monster hunters of Wano killed them all during Ryuma's lifespan.
>Inb4 B-but how does he take human like form then
Powerful dragons throughout mythology and many fantasy series have been known to be able to take human like forms

This would've been an ok explanation if mythical zoan fruits weren't already an established thing

All due respect, Gorōsei, you got no fuckin' idea what it's like to be Fleet Admiral. Every decision you make affects every facet of every other fuckin' thing. It's too much to deal with almost. And in the end you're completely alone with it all.

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Dragons existed and were hunted in the One Piece World during Oda's 'Monsters' but there are no signs of them now in. Why did Vegapunk create dragons with science? Why was Orochi trying to get Vegapunk's research from cp0 for Kaido?

Crew Prostitute

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Arguably the most based post I've ever seen in these threads

Maybe Joy Boy is/was a dragon. His body is being preserved by Im and the WG is trying to resurrect him.

Plot twist: Kaido is Joyboy and Shitden misunderstood the prophecy

Resized for better viewing? Idk I suck with photoshop

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Chapter when?

And get yourself killed instead of Thatch?


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I'm sorry, can I have that order in writing?

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What is this fanfiction shit?

post pwn goat


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Get in contact with Blackbeard and convince him I'm an oracle who can sometimes see the future (maybe in my dreams or something where I can't completely control it, sort of like that mermaid chick). I'd give him some advice like, "Thatch has what you seek, keep an eye on him." Blackbeard believes in Fate and all that, so he'd probably suck it up. I'd join his crew, but I'd probably just stay back at base occasionally phoning him up to give him advice while fucking girls and enjoying life. Eventually I'd convince him to get me a badass devil fruit. It would be a sweet gig until the world "caught up" to the world of the manga and I could't give him any more advice on what was going to happen, but maybe by then we'd be friends and I'd be decent enough to pull my own weight.

i go on a holy mission to find nami and FUCK HER!!!!


One Piece needs more cunny.

depends on the timeframe.
if it happened centuries ago, its nigger behavior

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Is anyone else sick of all the Zoroposting on here? It's like all of the spic faggots in the Dragon Ball Super threads who worship Broly, Jiren, etc. have also latched on to Zoro. We get it, you're a loser so you fantasize about Zoro fucking you in the ass and you get unreasonably mad at characters who Zoro dislikes, such as Sanji, or spamming characters who Zoro likes, such as Kuina. Everyone has been disappointed with post-TS Sanji, but these Zorofags take it personally. My theory is that these guys never had fathers growing up so they view tough male characters from anime as father figures, so to them they're talking about how cool their dad is and any time something bad happens to this character it's like someone harmed their own father. That could be completely wrong, but it's fucking obnoxious either way.

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Zoro > Sanjicuck

What other celebrities are fans of One Piece?

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That one Saudi prince

Avril Lavigne

She covered that Nickelback's song, user.

I miss him

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Would a real fan do that?

Who's the cutest pirate in all the seas? That's right. It's Monkey D. Luffy, the next King of the Pirates!

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He carried the arc

Mugiwara is no match for the sheer force of nature and testosterone that is Pandaman

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Is he a mink? Is he a gifter?

That porn guy

do JAV actresses count?

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> Married a BBW descended from a Emperor and a gigachad with big hands
> His baby inherited so much testosterone it’s already growing facial hair
> effectively the coziest DF, perfect for a family man.
> Labeled an Incel

How blind do you have to be?

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>Not a turbochad

IIRC an NBA player was seen playing a match with One Piece themed shoes

This may not be a chosen one scenario but a right man in right time scenario. Roger was the right man in wrong time for example.
I hope it is something like in X years all pieces will be in place and if someone moves them in the right direction the world will change and since Roger's crew knew the ideal time of this greart change they hoped someone like Roger would appear in 20 years but Toki took the "20 years" thing too literal

>sanjikeks seething

Is Yea Forums the best place to talk about One Piece in the internet?

I guess it is.

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It's denial at this point. Luffy is the chosen one, it's been hinted at since the Loguetown arc and all but confirmed in the last flashback. Like it or not, it's simply obvious at this point.

No. That would be reddit.

shitposting is not discussion

arlongpark forums

And can't beat Luffy despite rubber being weak against sharp cutting objects.


Yea Forums is actually the best place to talk about OP

You mean Yea Forums as implausible as it sounds. Yea Forums is full of the kind of spergs that cry about Oda's proportions.

No. Too much fanart and cosplay shit.

There's something called flirting.

It's not missing that much and it'll most likely be put back in with DLC
If you'd take PW3 roster over PW4 then you're genuinely retarded

user... you're very nice, but I'm kind of involved right now...

what is this expression trying to convey?

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Reminder Nami got mad Usopp because she didn't fucking bother to read the manual before she started her battle. What a bitch.

It looks like she has a double chin.
This is the best outro.

She was just looking for an excuse to get mad at someone.

>She was just looking for an excuse to get mad at someone.
Is Nami the most realistically written female character in manga?

Sometimes I feel like Zolofags are reading Two Piece when I see all the theories and predictions they make.

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That’s clearly not my point Spee D. Reader. If they’re copying entire characters over from PW3, why cut anyone at all?

This. When's the last time Oda drew a woman with a comedic expression? Now all OP girls are just pretty all the time to pander to coomers.


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Uhh... post time-skip sucks!

Don't you mean Zolo?

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>post time-skip sucks!


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>haha racism is funny
fuck off, asshole


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You're no fun.

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That dismissive demeanor, the way she blows smoke in my worthless face... yes, she is indeed a pro!

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>we want the furry audience

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Non ironically no, not even close. I'm here just for memes.

>Many important things are revealed
>Even Gol D is on screen
>Still 0 hype
Is it me or Wano really is suck ass?
Even Imu and all Sanji x Big Mom family shit are still deliver so many hype moments.

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>We want the scalie audience

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This. We had probably the most important chapter in OP lore wise and I felt nothing. If we had it with pre timeskip Oda, it would be one of the biggest things to happen in OP.

Is it like the Naruto forums?
What is the best place then?

Only ZOlofags will defend Wano eventhough it's not about him at all.
This arc is just shit with MUH ODEN ODEN ODEN.

Fuck no. Obzeen is a mentally ill retard.

One piece speedrun go!
Objective: do whatever I want and get rich.
>start in east blue
>join the marines at captian Morgan's facilitate
>wait for luffy to beet up Morgan
>get to Garp
>Give him information about Crocodile in exchange he trains me haki and I will give him more info on other pirates/warlords in the future
>fuck up Croco hard
>Go to moria to confiscate his dangerous giant because he is a useless shit for the government
>Garp either gives him the boot or lets him stay with the other warlords who cares
>find samurai zomb
>get his swords
>break my leg
>don't participate in marineford (would never fight whitebeard I like him too much)
>train and join sword
>join doffy as a spy
>get the fire fruit
>join luffy's fleet under sword
>switch sides depending on how things turn out in wano

Good post

At this point in the series Akainu would stomp BB

>join up at Morgan's base
>get killed instead of Stewie


wci had a lot of kino moments

Attached: kino brook.jpg (1024x1018, 105K)

>we want the Robin audience

>Start in North Blue.
>Train a lot.
>Kill Bellamy/Get Bane Bane no mi before Bellamy.
>Learn geppo.
>Become bounty hunter.
>Get rich.

Trippie Red is a Zorofag lmao

I will join the marines and try my hardest to work under Akainu so that I can capture the sum of the earth known as p*rates

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>It's March 2nd in Japan
Post Sanji's to celebrate

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>Linlin saying this to Kaido
She was impressed by Soul Chad

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Brook x Big Mom is a ship that exists

Why is her hair blond when her fur is pink?

Kaido isn't as lucky as Big meme.

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Pure unmitigated cope. You are a furry.

That bottom right panel is probably the best Wano panel

Predict how Act 3 will end


Luffy blocking Doflamingo's foot
Doflamingo's throne speech
Raizo is safe
Tons of stuff from WCI


I'm a Jimbro and I also like Carrot.
There's no reason both can't join.

Bad guys are defeated.

Luffy screams really loud and wins

What if Queen jammed his brachio head deep inside Hiyori's gaping snatch? haha

Havent watched in years, didnt this nigger get btfo by whitebeard

by showing us who freed law drake x parhaps.

Luffy finally turns into the Legendary Pirate King after Kaido kills Usopp

Nigga people were freaking out over WB/Roger chapters and the laugh. It's just that the rest of the flashback was so horrendous that it erased all the hype.

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You joke, but I really appreciate Oda's never resorted to pain of loss tropes for his heroes victories. Ace death destroying Luffy rather than giving him a massive power up is refreshing.

Robin is the best.

He's a shandian


What would Human enma look like?

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like oden but much uglier

which chapter is the Robin one?

See Dragon Ball

Either Luffy appears before the scabbards with the rest of the alliance ready to kick ass or scabbards setting out themselves. Act IV will be the Onigashima raid. Act V will be the epilogue once Kaido falls.

What's Nami's scene?
The one Zoro saves her, Rebecca and Barto from Pica.

when was that?

>you will never be Charlotte dad allowed to spank Charlotte girls for misbehaviour

When Luffy was fighting Kaido

>tfw didn’t realize it’s a break week until I saw no new chapter
W-we just had a break week though...

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Oda is fighting off Corona-chan

There's a chapter coming up this week. So cheer up user

An ugly whore with dick sucking lips.


>What's Nami's scene?
Zoro using Enma in 955.

> and not loading pages
it's ogre, isn't it?

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Officially on the 8th. So scans should be out in a few days

Calum Von Moger

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Pages are loading fine for me.

Say hello to my waifu Imusama.

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Shush. Kiku is sleeping.

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>Kaguya 2.0
Oda wouldn't stoop this low, would he?

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sleeping just like a man

Ayy lmao

It seems to be being driven that way with muh chosen one and shit

>snake neck tribe mutt with a fishman
going for a hitler oda ? (hitler had jew and african genes)

Which set from Nel Zel would you like to see? I hope he gets to the Wano characters like Kiku, Hiyori and Toki.

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It's gotten better here the past year or so, remember when the threads were nonstop carrotfags and katakurihomos?

i love my wife kiku, i hope she kicks some ass in the raid

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Gerd is my one piece waifu

Nel only deals in women, and I want Speed.


*Viking Nami

It will be Zoro and Luffy together.
The whole "if it's a one on one, Kaido will win" line is pretty telling that they'll have to team up to beat him.
I don't know what the fuck is going to happen to big mom

The bogs love one piece

Kaido and Big Meme are going to get instantly BTFO when they try to interrupt Luffy vs Zoro fighting after Zoro finds out about Sanji's shit on WCI.

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So is Oda cured yet? Is Chapter still on for this week?

Yes Oda has recovered and there will be a chapter this week

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No, Oda got the clap

I want one for Ishilly, I wasn't expecting one at first but since he did that random blue mermaid I think it's fair game.

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Pandaman is the user of the mizu mizu no mi. Uses it to become one with the ocean then instantly re emerge at the coast of the next island. Also he is at least 800 years old and supposed to guard Laugh Tale but being the lazy fuck he is, hes been doing illegal pro wrestling lately

fishman karate more like pissman karate

This is said like it's controversial but it's his entire role to be the cool guy. If he wasn't the cool handsome badass, he'd be failing his job, and nobody else is competing for the title.

I love Nami.

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For you cowards that think i'm joking

"Pandaman" being written on the Alabastan poneglyph is by all means, canon.

Is One Piece irredeemably shit now? should I just pick up Kimetsu no Yaiba?

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>Is One Piece irredeemably shit now?
it's not. I remember when all you fuckers were talking shit about WCI as well but when it concluded, you were praising it.

>Kimetsu no Yaiba
literally what

Fuck dude, you can read more than one manga.

devil fruit more like devil's poop lol

>it's not. I remember when all you fuckers were talking shit about WCI as well but when it concluded, you were praising it.
WCI is shit, regardless of what these thread think. And Wano's quickly living up to that shittiness.

You can read OP and KnY. It's what I do.
But KnY is one of those series with a good start, but really fucking drops off at some point.
If you think the current stuff in OP is shit, then you definitely haven't seen the shit going on in KnY right now.

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I wonder what he got. I am glad he's okay though

i took him a couple of weeks to get better if he ran out of backlog so probably a pretty mean infection of something other than airways or stomach

I wish Sugar touched Oden so that everyone would forget about him and he would truly be dead

Just like Luffy joined the Red Hair Pirates, right?

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Cluck cluck

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just like shanks joined the roger pirates
tama is an orphan and unlike shanks luffy doesn't have the braincells to deduce that bringing a child on board is not right

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a boy still has potential to grow
a woman will always be nothing but a cockslut so might as well bring her in when she's in her prime

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He needs to stop smoking.

>implying she isn't at her prime

Zoro will defeat Kaido

Luffy literally learned that from Shanks though. It is true she doesn't have much connecting her to Wano itself though, she's an outsider even in the country. I really like that Luffy's emotional connection is with her for Wano, instead of a princess like Rebecca again.

Stop it

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I didn't say that

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Man I miss Mob Psycho.


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Wano theme
Ruined Wano theme
Onigoshima theme
Queen theme
Orochi theme

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WCI is maybe the best at combining action and comedy since the timeskip. Punk Hazard can be a close contender, but WCI is chock full of actions that are cool as hell but also stupidly funny.

Croc was likely stronger at his 'prime', he was just relatively sloppy in Alabasta presumably due to never having a real fight while there. He's a contender for having awakened his fruit (his dehydration-based abilities) which implies at least a contentedness similar to Moriah.

I will not shut up unti Oda gives us the Hebi Hebi no mi: Model: Black Mamba

>dat Darkest Dungeon-like artstyle

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Zoro wouldn't even say that. He'd be training to be strong enough to face Kaido. Or count on Luffy to beat him if Luffy wants to face him alone.

and no anime either


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Crocodile didn't do much that he wasn't capable of in Marineford, he just stood his ground against some people who Luffy couldn't beat (and even then, not in life or death confrontations, Doflamingo was playing games with him.) It's only an asspull if you consider powerlevels to be an unflinching ladder instead of matchups with a bunch of variables.

Zoan fruits are all dogshit, except the mythical beasts ones.

He's still smiling he just flipped his lips round

i like it, i always like the headcannon that yasu never ate a smile, he was crushed by the fact that his daughter did so, so he pretended in order to make her feel better

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body hair doesn't always match

Maybe, but it's not as if the bar is particularly high.

are minks even attracted to humans?
like chopper is not attracted to humans at all, yet like the reindeer mink, and so does she. then there are furries like sanji, but sanji like everything with tits

this excludes nami and wanda, those are just lesbian things

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I do like Yasu smiling genuinely to keep up spirits, but it does seem weird he'd be the only one who never resorted to a SMILE fruit. SMILE can't change your actions, just your ability to express emotion, so I guess it doesn't change what a saint he was after the fall either way.

*The Kaido

My Somali brother :)

They just consider them like monkey minks without hair, so I don't think there's any complicated thoughts on that front. The only big difference culturally is they're more casually physically intimate.

I never considered Brook vs Apoo, but now I want it more than anything. Apoo and Kidd do have unfinished business though.

There's one or two Charlottes who look like they could've had mink sperm donors, but they probably don't count. Anyway, merfolk find fishmen attractive even though some look like humans with fish lower bodies and the other usually looks like the Creature from the Black Lagoon, if those two make up their own species and stuff like wotans exist the sky's the limit for interspecies lov'n.

>Brook uses his spirit form and Apoo has his music powers so the fight looks a goddamned Stand battle

>Zoan fruits are all dogshit

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Usopp isn't much better,designed it as a party accesory first for some reason when nobody asked for it.

pre timeskip zorro exceeds post timeskip zorro in all those regards.
Pre timeskip he actually had a character and was badass. now he lost all character and just is the silent guy that waves around his swords a few times when he isnt drinking.

Arlong, he kicked him really hard

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i was just thinking in terms of the general population, like normal humans don't find people covered in fur head to toe attractive, why would winks find people without furr as such

but i guess in the one piece really everything goes, robin is attracted to fishman while sanji likes minks and mermaids, so the one that's the odd one out is chopper for only liking reindeer

>Robin is attracted to fishman
To be fair, the fishman in question is Jinbe, who is known for being, for most purposes, a intelligent gentleman and virtuous person that even the Five Elders explicitly preferred to retain. If there's one thing Robin could be characterized as, it's probably a size queen, it'd be as weird for a normal human to be attracted to Jinbe as post-timeskip Franky.
A horndog, there's something in the water in the NW that causes breasts to get bigger and he didn't have a chance.
To be fair it'd be weird if having, say, a monkey zoan gave you funny feelings when going to the zoo.

It's fanart

As part of their alliance agreement, is Kaido going to make King marry one of Big Mom’s daughters?

I think it's more likely the Beast Pirates outright collapse this arc if Kaido goes down and either Queen or Jack will have preemptively switch sides.

Fishmen and minks are races, Chopper's an entirely different species.

salt salt no mi will be the sand fruit rehash

I miss when Chopper did stuff aside from just look cute in the background

Zoro's still a goofy idiot, his entire arc in Wano has been misadventures because he keeps casually fucking up.

>salt salt fruit
we had Crocodile's awakened powers and Smoothie's ability to juice people, I'd rather have a mosquito or vampire zoan next

not having any sense of orientation is not something that develops his character.

I'm not saying it's a good idea. I'm merely saying it's likely to happen.

most likely gonna marry Kata

He also couldn't bother to lie about shit, and mostly acted based on whoever would feed him at the time. IF anything, Zoro's the closest he's been to his East Blue days in a while, where he mostly acted like Luffy but just slightly more responsible.

I must be loyle to my fleet admiral

Zoro will die in Wano.

He will have already become the worlds greatest swordsmen, as he already beat Mihawk.

Screenshot this.

Attached: zoro.png (977x436, 18K)

I love this bunny

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none of the strawhats will die except luffy


God Usopp will never die

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Hopefully Oda uses Wano as an opportunity to kill off some useless crew members like Franky and Usopp

daily reminder

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I love her more.

944 already passed

Daily reminder

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Train haki for a few months then head to Marineford with a bag of fruits.

This picture is retarded, always has been retarded and always will be retarded. Step two is a full blown furry.

contact the WG secretly and claim you can see into the future, keep making long-term predictions with a veil of mysticism until stuff like Marineford happening comes true and try and get a job and coast through the next few years before skedaddling

>large fish daddies

>Roger, whitebeard, and their respective crews could fight all out for 2 days straight
>Luffy can barely last a half day

Defend this


Nice headcanon

Predict what will happen during the intermission.


Teach will grab him, nullify his powers which will kill him so his devil fruit leaves his body, pushing Luffy into autistic rage


You haven't been doing that daily you lazy fuck

Tell us where the furry touched you.

Doesn't getting haki involve a traumatic experience?

Be honest Carrotfags, would any of you still like Carrot if she wasn't a bunny girl?

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I don’t think it has to, that’s just how it unlocked in Koby who otherwise didn’t know about it.
I’m just thinking with what I know I could at least do something in half a year.

Luffy's metabolism is absurd and runs him dry in a matter of hours. It means he can heal up quickly and be back to fighting form just a couple minutes after he eats, but it also means he'll burn out if he tries to keep going for days on end without refueling.

furries are not as attracted to regular people

OPbros, I have a cold (corona) and am in bed.. why is water seven so comfy?

Yes but thankfully that isn't and never will be the case. Now my love for her also makes faggots seethe.

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arguably cuter but I'm not a furry

Carrot's best trait is her complete awe at the world and joy over adventure, but her being a bunny is fun. So probably yes, but not as much?

The second half of Water 7 is probably some of the most stressful conflicts the Strawhats ever went through, but the first half is cute little shopping ventures. Most of the islands start off "comfy" like that, even Dressrosa.

>He can't jack in to my cunny if I hide

poop lole

How long did his fight with Cracker lasted again?

why are Oda's loli so adorable

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Do you guys remember that fatso that wanted to make Kiku his wife? man that guy must be gay as fuck

They do

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Kiku was a loli, dont bully

Oda draws all his children like beans with noodles on the corners

Okay Hear me out

one piece game styled like warframe but has the coin system of PW and still has warframe cards and Skill trees, And frames are crewmates you can unlock that are completely blank when you unlock them but you can build them as freely as you want. and every "frame" is a random Race either as Giant, Fishman, Human. And the plot is just YOUR crew doing fuckall that aren't related to the mugiwaras. and every DF has the same droprate at 00.1% no matter what fruit it is

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Yeah, probably. I pretty much agree with

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based slow reader

>has sand logia
>can turn into sand and generate sand
>dehydration powers
nigga how's that related to sand, it's not the 'desert fruit', abstract stuff like that is perfectly in line with what we've seen so far

I always wanted a mystery dungeon thing with skill trees but that sounds solid too

cursed image

When did you realize that Brook is your favorite straw hat?

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This. Her being a bunny-girl was never leaned into that hard in Whole Cake, which I remember surprised some people who were expecting some more direct Alice in Wonderlands-ish broad strokes stuff to take place.

Chopper is an actual reindeer, just with human traits.
Even if the fruit gave him human intelligence, doesn't mean it automatically makes him attracted to things outside his species.

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>doesn't mean it automatically makes him attracted to things outside his species
That's basically the human condition so I'm sure it did.

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Someone saved my edit, neat.

Only fighter girl who isn't a damsel in distress and
enjkoys the same things as the dudes, already sounds like a winner.

I get why people always suggest stuff like "Devil Fruit 00.1%", it's great for lore and hearing about Jedi being rare in the old MMO is neat, but it's just locking a huge amount of the game off to most players. Getting a Devil Fruit shouldn't be so rare that it isn't considered part of the actual game experience.

It's not confirmed, but the only type of Awakened Devil Fruit users we know of are people who can turn other objects into their element. Crocodile uses his right hand to turn everything into sand. It's a short walk.

>tfw didn't even notice a difference

This is frankly sad.

I don't think it'd be that much of a stretch for all the Warlords with fruits were all awakened (Handcock turning people into stone with love powers, Moriah's large-scale zombie shenanigans, half of Croc's skill set, Kuma's sheer versatility).

>right man

The guy who used to genocide nations if they badmouthed his crew was the right man?

܂ :3

Devil fruits as a random thing would probably be a kind of pity timer at some point or a reward for exploration even, presumably a 'normal' character would be trying to improve themselves (CoO and CoA as skill trees, ships, hiring fodder and cashing in bounties, buying illegal stuff on the black market, ect)


>i took him a couple of weeks to get better if he ran out of backlog
I very seriously doubt they would run through all his backlog
It more likely that they still have at least 2 chapters and wanted to give him time to catch back up to 3

The hardest part of making a consistent power system to make a One Piece pirate is so many are based on dumb jokes even outside of Devil Fruits. How do you make a world where players actually look like One Piece pirates if they can't make custom gimmicks and then mechanically influence with those gimmicks?

Just read the 2 latest chapters, it’s pretty good.
Fuck the oden haters.

Straw hats being the chosen is meh though, I hope someone else arrives in wano to fulfill that role while luffy is just a guy that wants to be free and free others as well.

Yeah but you suck and swallow

>How do you make a world where players actually look like One Piece pirates
You have every fighting style ingame, if the combat is like warframe why not have every combat style in it? Say fishman karate or newkama/okama kempo as their own weapons with skills, With how the first user said it you'd think crewmates that you get could be turned into okamas or swordsman. could even have it so they aren't completely blank but some spawn with a unskilled fighting/weapon style that can be worked upon

nami is the queen of the lesbians, there is no women safe no matter the race or sea


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Dellinger is fishman, retard

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Dellinger is the edeljude of OP.

>Zorofags believe this

Half-Fishman, but that's neither here nor there.

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Guys, I want to make sweet love to Carrot, she's too damn cute

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now post cute and lewd carrot3

Ugly feet, inaccurate art.

carrot is so fucking dumb. i love her
i'm glad there is finally a girl who is willing to trow hands and get into all the weird shit the boys do

hope she joins

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this is now a carrot tread, post stupid bunny

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Slightly better.

11th strawhat, lookout
yuki yuki no mi user

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that's a well fed bun!


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>that one guy turns out be be a huge Dragon
Is there any reason not to like this?

Raizou being weird looking guy and then turning to be super cool nin nin ninja was nice way to hype him.

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as an old one piece fan it's fun to see the anime community collectively scramble to appreciate it in the last 10 years once they realized they were late to the party.

When he tanked a Yonko

Is Carrotposting the lowest form of shitposting? It's not funny, it isn't cute, it isn't infuriating, it's nothing

Is antiCarrotposting the lowest form of shitposting? It's not funny, it isn't cute, it isn't infuriating, it's nothing

i think is a given she is going to end as a Zou duque in OPs prologue


That would be Kikufags

I miss the old sense of adventure on One Piece. It's not that I don't like the actual pirate games sense we are getting, but I miss the adventure.

I don't think user's saying it's bad, but just that it wasn't the most amazing moment of the series. It's a bit overhyped, in that I think the lead-up to him appearing is a bit sudden. There was already enough going on, although I admit seeing him drunkenly wreck the town after is hysterical.

The timeskip took any kind of personality Zoro had.

wouldn't that be wanda, since she is inu daughter, and the only reason there're 2 duques is because inu and neko don't get along, and one of them most certainly dying in the raid

Oda died at least 5 times so far

You already tried that this thread.

wrong this kiku is dead

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OK, Boomer.

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Is she actually his daughter, or is she a niece, or something?