The final episode airs in less than 24h. Post VRAINS memes to remember the good old times If there were any and post your expectations for the final episode. What would you like to see?

>The gang hanging out in Yusaku's house and thanking him for saving them AGAIN
>Roboppi working again
>Akira marrying Hayami because why not
>Pandor showing up even if it's for a sec
>Kiku kissing Takeru
>Naoki finding out Yusaku is Playmaker
>Frog and Pidgeon real identities
>Everyone eating Hot Dogs
>Ai leading a new generation of Ai's together with Pandor
>Playmaker and Soulburner dueling in the very last seconds before the episode ends (Bonus points if it's IRL)

Episode 120 (FINAL EPISODE): 繋がる世界 – Tsunagaru Sekai
(A Connected World)
Both Playmaker and Ai have come to acknowledge each other's ideals: the importance of connections to humans, and what an AI ultimately desires, respectively. The two then use everything they have left to settle their battle once and for all. Just how will their Duel conclude?

Fujiki Yusaku/Playmaker: Ishige Shoya
Ai: Sakurai Takahiro
Homura Takeru/Soulburner: Kaji Yuki
Kusanagi Shoichi: Kimura Subaru
Zaizen Aoi/Blue Maiden: Nakashima Yuki
Onizuka Gou/GO Onizuka: Hamano Daiki
Dojun Kengo/Blood Shepherd: Okuda Takanori
Bessho Emma/Ghost Girl: Kamakura Yuna
Zaizen Akira: Yamamoto Shoma
Kogami Ryoken/Revolver: Takeuchi Shunsuke
Spectre: Kajimoto Daiki
Faust: Mikami Satoshi
Doctor Genome: Kirimoto Takuya
Vyra: Koshimizu Ami
Shima Naoki/Brave Max: Sawashiro Chiharu
Hayami: Ikki Chihiro
Kamishirakawa Kiku: Shimabukuro Miyuri
Kusanagi Jin: Suzuki Ryota
Frog/Pigeon/Chief: Seki Tomokazu

Script: 吉田伸 || Yoshida Shin
Storyboard: 浅野勝也 || Asano Katsuya
Direction: 武藤公春 || Mutou Kimiharu
Animation Director(s): 川村裕哉, 荏原裕子 || Kawamura Yuya, Ebara Yuko

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Only trannies, delusional autists and fujos care about this anime

I'm sure whatever anime you prefer is only watched by the highest caste.

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Are yo gonna pretend otherwise? Most yugioh either left during arc-v or season 1 vrains

These threads are lowest of the low

DM Super

>jobs offscreen
This series was a mistake.


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At least my favorite anime doesn't force a pseudo-general to have all the shit fanbase dicksucking each other 24/7.

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This. Most yugiohfans already left. Arc-V thread was kino, vrains thread is just shitposting general

there will not be a DM super anons, simply because duel links is getting DSOD world, it doesn't mean anything because duel links is not the main game,the tcg/ocg require modern updates every 3 years,not rebooting,so if they go the reboot route, they would be shooting themselves in the foot.
and the recent Dark magician support is just part of the huge legacy support for previous Main characters so it's not as alarming as you think it is.

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Yeah, it will be GX super

So they basically state that if any simple AI, like an ai from a vacuum cleaner, obtain free will, they will immediately turn against the human race?

I've watched every VRAINS episode weekly since the day it began airing: May 10th, 2017. Hard to believe it's been over 2 years, and it's really ending.

Honestly unsure what to think of VRAINS overall. I guess it was okay.

Expectations for the final episode?

>Playmaker and AI making out as the latter fades into data once he's defeated.


>PM and SB arm-wrestling like the OP pic 2 threads before this one
>Yusaku and Aoi autistlove once again
>Takeru proposing to Kiku
>Kusanagi and Jin tearfully embracing
>Aoi and Miyu going out shopping or some shit
>Akira and Hayami visiting Queen in the hospital after she wakes up from her coma
>Go returning to pro wrestling
>BS and GG teaming up and becoming cyber crimefighters in VRAINS 3.0
>Revolver somehow coming across Pandor
>Living LI victims reuniting to remember the lost Ignises

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Not now, everyone's in a shitposty mood

>is only watched by the highest caste
The anime I watch is only watched by spics, so yeah.

Knowing Vrains, I'd rather just not expecting anything.


Why are there so many shitposters in these threads now?

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Because you are incapable of ignoring posts you don't like.

Do you expect the thread maintained 24/7 for two years to always have consistent quality?
It's like leaving a bread on your fridge to rot.


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This show is an absolute disappointment that it makes Zexal look like a masterpiece.

Case in point.

What are the biggest Vrains memes?

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unironically firewall

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It topped Arc-V as this franchise's biggest embarrassment

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I'm trying out Duel Links and the game is really different from what I remember. Not that I played all that much to begin with. PvP usually tends to consist of the opponent summoning two or three high-level monsters on the very first turn and when I do get to summon something strong, they always have something able to shut me out instantly. Most duels seems to end in the first two or three turns.

you cameback at the worst time because the meta is suffering from tier 0 darklords right now.
>Most duels seems to end in the first two or three turns
that's the point, it's on my mobile after all.if you want longer duels, you can just play the tcg/ocg

100% This one

I don't even play Duel Links and I can see how broken they'd be in that format.

remember when yusaku could do hacking?

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I really enjoyed vrains despite all its flaws
DM>5Ds>GX>Vrains>Zexal>Arc V

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Those were just Sol Tech facilities. Season 2 introduce ignis' coding and only a few character could even understands it. Yusaku isn't one of them.

You mean when the plot needed him to?

>Vrains above anything
>especially Zexal, undeniably best spinoff

ill miss you

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>Zexal, undeniably best spinoff
you forgot your ":^)", sir

How come no one ever came close to matching Kaiba's autism? Jack seemed promising, but he was a disappointment.


Zexal is only good by the standards of being a literal kid's show (Yugioh is usually aimed more towards teen) that actively talks down to it's viewers. Also most of its duels were mediocre at best.

>that actively talks down to it's viewers

Only if you can bear through the first season.
Then again people praised GX despite its equally horrendous first season.
That being said Barian arc > Supreme King arc

>Zexal is only good by the standards of being a literal kid's show
Just like GX

>Only if you can bear through the first season.
I wonder how many people ended up using that chart.

Pretty much the entire first season. Is full of it. I don't know if "talks down to" accurately conveys what I was trying to get across, but what I mean is that it's always truing to force morals down our throats without ever really working for them. The only good moral to come out of its first half was "don't hate on food until you try it" and it came from the goddamn vegetables episode. The rest of that part was pretty much just "duelig automatically makes you friends and it's a mortal sin to not have fun while dueling".
The barian arc was a lot better, but in the end, none of the barians except for Vector was allowed to be even remotely interesting as a villain since they were all mind controlled. Nash's motivations after learning the whole truth was "I fell into hatred and became a barian because satan manipulated everyone around me into being evil so that means I have to stay evil because it was definitely my choice to become evil."
GX never really tried to force black and white morals down our throats as far as I recall. The problem with S1, and to a lesser extent 2, is that GX started out with no aim whatsoever, only the premise of "genki boi goes to card game school."

The least insulting thing about vrains I can say is "better luck next time"

And people praise 5ds despite its terrible second half. You better get the fuck outta here

reminder that lightning will finish the series with a 100% win rate

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>Yugioh is usually aimed more towards teen

Yuya riding on hippos is geared towards teen? At best the edgy 5D's s1 was geared towards teenages in their edgy years.

>f-f-rist half was so good, it had cool characters like Random Tournament Participant #34 and uh.. the bald Dark Signer who didn't have a backstory!

y-yeah, so g-good!

Yuya riding on hippos towards battlefield between dimensions while holding Satan inside him.

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Fuck you, the duel against the guys with nothing but shitty commons was kino

It was, but that was in the second half. He was making fun of Fortune cup/Dark signers.

I would like to see PM's Link-6 and Neo Storm Access as a card. Also, Ai having a happy ending that isn't dying.

I don't disagree that the first part was a little Saturday-morning-cartoonish, but I think you're underselling the second half. Nasch had people who depended on him, and was not going to hand over the keys to wipe out Barian World to the people who caused the whole damn mess by dogmatically pursuing Rank Up. He is a very different person than Tsukumo "I don't want to doubt anyone, let's die together, Vector" Yuma. I believe it's very well illustrated by how their duel ends: Nasch plays a card that forces them to act and understands Yuma well enough to know exactly what card he's going to Shining Draw, but loses because Yuma holds out hope that they can find another way.

pseudo 5D's fans everyone

S1 duels were so damn unmemorable besides like Kiryu, Jack and Goodwin. While the S2 you crticiize had all the good moments.

New series soon, post hype OPs


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The Dark Signers arc had alot of stupid shit like all the villains being jobbers and half the duels being boring as fuck but the animation and OST salvaged it at least. Fuck everything else in the series though

>He thinks the deaths of ugly and irritating characters was better than the greatness of the Supreme King arc
Did you take all of the nip’s shit taste when I wasn’t looking?

wow look at this tryhard edge

??? Being barian doesnt equal evil just because don thousand was evil, it's having intense passion or will to live in contrast to astral world's cold detachment in pursuit of enlightenment. Both had good and bad aspects like becoming the extreme end of selfishness or stagnation. Like, come on, this is spelled out

>Yugioh is usually aimed more towards teen
What the fuck? Something like FMA or death note that are actually aimed at teens have way more mature elements and less censorship than any of the spin offs. Even bleach at many points had more graphic violence than they'd ever put in a yugioh anime after DM.
5ds pushed it maybe to like 12-13 year olds but come on now. Surely you've seen at least a little itty bit of one other edgy show or popular normie shounen like tokyo ghoul that's way less afraid to show blood or more mature jokes/subject matter because those are actually for teens

I dont want DM super because it would mean that Tea is the only cute girl around. I want few cute duelist girls to hang around.

And ironically all of that turned out to be a bigger joke and laughing stock of the nip internet than just the straightforward image of yuya riding a hippo. Fuckin' battle beast, leo, and gargoyle yuya, give me a break

21hr until VRAINS ends

Anzu gets seniority status but in my opinion all the other main yugioh girls and several recurring ones around her age are so much more eye catching it's a little ridiculous. Yes that includes a flat autist like Aoi

ahiru no soracast list soon

Clearly Vrains episode 120.5.

so, after this season end, will we get ygo7's sneak peek?

I hope so

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>Implying theyll even have a single promo image ready until December at earliest


Yuki Kaiji said he had an annoucement to make: Yuzu Hiiragi is a bitchass nigger. She pissed on my fucking wife

AV didn't have Vrains'. This time's even less probable with the later ending 6 months before than usual.

What, is he going to say "no fear, you can still hear my voice every Wednesday in ahiru no sora pls tune in"

Hahaha jesus

Like Yuki Kaiji needs to announce he's going to voice anime characters

I fucking love Vrains!

>Being barian doesnt equal evil just because don thousand was evil, it's having intense passion or will to live in contrast to astral world's cold detachment in pursuit of enlightenment.
This was more or less my point. This could've made for some really interesting antagonists and good conflicts of interest, but the only barians who got to act on their own motivations were Vector and Nasch. Thinking about it, Nasch DID have an excuse. the worlds were about to annihilate each other, and someone had to become god to fix it. It was either him or astral at that point and it's not like Astral was all that trustworthy. I still don't like his path to villainy all that much, but that's probably due to how much it was just glossed over, much in the same way they expected us to believe that him and IV were actually friends because they dueled together once.
I'm not entirely sure what you're on about. Just because a show isn't edgy doesn't mean it's not amed towards teens. I'm too tired to put it into words properly, so I'm not even gonna try, but it's definitely a thing you can feel when watching the shows. Zexal was made for younger kids than the rest of the spin-offs, and that's a fact. Yes, even GX.

ze al has the best uniform, fite me ! master rule !

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Supreme King arc was just gay love triangle between Judai, Johan and Yubel. Judai lusting after Johan's cock so much he turns evil while his friends become useless. The only remotely good characters were Kaiser Ryo and that one nigger.

How they handled the speed of shark becoming nasch (and the how nasch became shark backstory) was a kingdom hearts dream drop tier MESS and they really should've softened it with more foreshadowing like vaguely recognizing durbe earlier or dream sequences, something more earlier on. BUT the actual experience of the episodes of Shark reliving his past life running directly alongside Yuma in the present trying to secure Astral's future with absolutely everything he has is what I would unapologetically call kino, and I cant hate it despite the messiness of the set up.

When they heard vrains was ending, they need to say they hated it and the next one will be better. But really it's just another feint so they can shitpost even harder when the next series airs. Don't believe them, they will not like the next one better, many of them are still hurt by arc-v even though that's what caused problems with vrains' writing in the first place.

They're not for teens (unless you count preteens) because of how nips divide shows (especially action stuff) for demographics is so utterly predictable and never stray from taking advantage of looser censorship even if it's in cheap or shock value ways. Does it really make that much difference if zexal is for 6-10 and gx is for 7-11

>another fight over what demographic yugioh is aimed at when the shonen demographic is really expansive.
Fuck off already it aims at ten year olds as well as sixteen year olds and probably lower and higher.

It's true the other barians couldve been used better but mizael and Alito were still entertaining enough on screen overall I can forgive it to an extent in their cases. Not sure why gilag was ever there, really


>When they heard vrains was ending, they need to say they hated it
They have been hating VRAINS since way before it was revealed it was ending. Also everyone predicted it was ending as soon as we got the current ED

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>They have been hating VRAINS since way before it was revealed it was ending.
But now they want to say "it was all bad" and the "next one will definitely be better in every way".
>Also everyone predicted it was ending as soon as we got the current ED
Obviously not as they only stormed in the past month or so.

Demak and that Narnia mini arc were trash but if a few bad eps invalidate everything around it, might as well scrub all yugioh anime from memory


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Don't have a cow, Puraymeikah

Fucking nips. I bet they are still salty Roboppy killed their favourite jobbers.

This is great, everyone who looks back at it now will know not everyone hated it and it's just another thing that divides people.

that's why its need to have sneak peek, to keep the fire on , and make people discussing about

>nico ratings matter when they fit my narrative

Honestly: Yes, the difference was enormous.
Hell, GX season 4 was mostly about finding a purpose in life and coming into your own as an adult, which speaks much more to people around the age of 18 than anyone around/before the start of middle school.
Also, season 3 was a lot heavier than the barian arc because Judai's friends "dying" was pretty much a direct result of his own actions, and he also ahd to deal with the guild of having coomited a full blown-genocide. All Yuma had to do was prevent two genocides from happening in the first place.
The barian arc is the kind of shit I WISH I had been able to see on TV as a kid, but watching it as an adult was rather underwhelming.

>few bad eps
Rudger and Rex's backstory, wtf was that? Are you implying Domino City exploding for no reason thus (possibly killing many DM characters) were good?

15% are cosplaying as Lot's wife but almost 80% said they liked it. I still think they really should've let yusaku express his thoughts more often throughout the show like he did in 119, even if it was only inside his head

Please don't.

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>possibly killing many DM characters
>probably prevented it from being DM super
of course it was a good thing

It wasnt genius but a dark god posessing someone important to cause suffering or break open a seal is pretty straightforward

basically, half of the audience thought it was great through the entire series running.

When this thread become Previous Yugioh Animes PTSD patients thread?

You filthy honkies always hating on the black man. And no Yusei crying over his gay robot after getting rammed hard from behind was the gay shit

>When this thread become Previous Yugioh Animes PTSD patients thread?
It's been that since Arc V ended thanks to Arc V.

The only real ptsd is from arc-v when it was the only one that played the bait and switch game to a top level

>Yugioh is for 12 year olds
>Nietzsche refrence in the first episode

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Why do yugioh and pokemon staff/executive ppl get so affected or scarred by fan outrage when toei acts completely shameless and gets away with it

Kaiba is the most complex character in yu-gi-oh for a reason.

I really want to translate some of the fanworks I found. How do I hire a cheap translator?
Same here. I was enjoying vrains more than ever and this happens.

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Nietzsche is for little babbies
Call me when a rene girard reference comes up

People memed about crash town for quite some time.

Well I did say Brian is a good character.

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Toei has too many big franchises to give a shit.

24 hours.
I had a great time watching vrains. I couldn't get sadder because it got cut short. Life is unfair.

but i also saw some argument about GX, 5D's and Zexal

That was what, 8 eps? As a side mini arc that played like some bizarro ova? Not exactly the peak of fan investment.
Sorry but arc-v pulled the biggest years-long prank in yugioh and you just cant top that


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If someone hates 5ds gx or zexal they just plainly hate them or dropped them early because they didnt care. Betrayal is different and it cuts much deeper

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>Yugioh is usually aimed more towards teen) that actively talks down to it's viewers.

So basically for kids

For real. Vrains has been disappointing since the episode 20 mark.

Good lord Vrains is ending early. That means you fujos and dicksuckers can go back to wherever circlejerk place you came from even if it's temporary.
I hope it will take a long while before new season is airing.

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You do know the filter options are up there ^^^^

DBS threads?

Fujos have been part of the Yugioh fandom since the Play The Damn Card Already community on LiveJournal.

I haven't been following this, but is the new series gonna be teased at the end, or do we to wait until it's actually out?

Pokemon outrage was next level. They literally trolled Ash from winning the Kalos League. The outrage on Twitter was ridiculous

You'll have to wait until december.

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December Jump Festa.

They've probably been there ever since the original DM chapter where Jou gave Yugi back his millennium puzzle piece got published in that week's shounen jump

Thank you very much, my dudes

I haven't watched Arc-V, but I love how you guys treat it like GoT.

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They should have brought him back.

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except they don't change anything except vrains' plot and then bitch about that too.

What a pity

Anime fans in general also have always been filled with trannies and literal edgelords.
The thing is no one want to see them here.

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>All future ace monsters are now vanillas thanks to him

No they'll probably just have basic attack effects.

The situation is not too dissimilar. Characters acting like retards if they werent benched for legacies, unsatisfying story payoff, felt like the ending was a loss for everyone involved. Not sure how much the "sUbVErTiNG ExpECTaTiOnS" meme applies or if tsutomu kamishiro was just a fucking retard.
But the GoT actors unlike arcv VAs were able to be a little more open about their displeasure due to cultural differences.

That's some pig.


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And voltron did stuff like this too, complete with a fandom implosion and meltdown. Yugioh anime isnt on the same profile level as that or GoT but why does this keep happening?

Reminder that despite being a mess, Yuya is still the most complex protagonist we've had yet.

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Arc-V aimed for the stars with its premise and initial arc that got everyone hyped up for the future it set up. Then it squandered all that potential as it caught fire and spiraled into the ground killing everyone on board.

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It's more like he maybe could have been. As total packages he doesnt hold a candle to Judai

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Spoilers for vrains II when?

There's nothing complex about Judai. His arc is fairly standard.

>just want to chill with the crew in the schoolyard and not have to worry about important stuff
>shit gets fucked up due to his negligence
>has to learn to grow up and be responsible
>gets disillusioned with acting like an adult 24/7 but gets inspired again from his idol and his mojo returns

Thanks for reminding me of all that wasted potential

Queen tries to extract the ignis from vrains.

Okay then, ignoring that someone could reductively greentext yuya as well, elaborate on yuya before he became synchro jesus in synchro arc