This show's gonna be impossible to talk about.
This show's gonna be impossible to talk about
I'm just happy they've stopped trying to do mecha for now
I'm looking forward to the doujins
Don't worry, first Yea Forums has to get through Beastars.
That’s how it is for most Trigger shows.
I want to make babies with that squirrel
at least it wont be as bad as beastars
>Squirrel Girl
Oh God, now I have a boner.
That SUPER small squirrel girl hentai always manage to make me hard, it's fucking amazing.
>rodent ball
Knowing trigger mecha is going to show up in some form or another. Probably in space to defeat the big bad.
I'll break your legs pablo
Fuck off furries
lmao nigga u thought
i'm not a furry but
Please no, I've had enough. I just want something new
>it's another Yoh Yoshinari goes wild and makes a classic
can't wait
>western animators/artists worked on it
Look it's going to be new, but Trigger can't sneeze without mechas fighting aliens in space, expect it to be on a billboard at the very least
>>western animators/artists worked on
That's nothing uncommon nowadays.
Yes for sure. Just look at state of Farmland Saga threads or any of shonen threads.
>western animators/artists worked on it
love it how newfags expose themselves so easily
>Farmland Saga threads
Yeah, what happened there?
Please don't be sassy in my prescence.
this on top of the fact you can't have a trigger thread on Yea Forums without letting hell loose
After the shitshow that every Trigger show thread has been for the past few years, it's what we deserve.
Now we can talk about it.
Yeah trigger threads were always hot topic but now a lot things change.
Wait, what is this?
New trigger anime called Boku no Yiffing
Brand New Animal. It's an upcoming TV anime by Studio Trigger for next year.
Eh, Gridman threads were fine until the schizo showed up.
He was fun. But I think we may have actually killed him.
I still fucking hated the fact that I can't talk about it here. And then there was the whole thing about Obari and shit
when is this airing?
It's a raccoon, look at the face mask
Yea Forums is able to talk about beastars just fine, at least until the anime airs. Though the discussion this will probably be worse just because of Trigger
>at least until the anime airs
I will screencap your post.
At this point I just want to see what kind of absolutely insane freaks Trigger can dredge from the depths this time to trash up the threads. What kind of eldritch horror could possibly top ACK?
Time to fap, again
Either spring or fall. It's not clear which airs first, if this or Great Pretender.
Bots are back. There is bots who spam HxH shit and one who spam Fate.
The Bstars anime won't even take off because it's 3D. Most fans of the manga are already swearing it off and normals aren't going to participate in watching.
I couldn't reverse search this but found it anyway somehow
(C93) [Mayoineko (Emons)] Yaritai Sakari (Kemokko Lovers 8)
Houseki no Kuni studio right? Look good. What was the state of HnK threads? Didn't watch it ongoing
People are going to watch it regardless and the CGI is just gonna fuel more shitposting
Not that there are many Squirrel girls on sadpanda(non-western, of course_)
We get it already.
It's a raccoon/tanuki. You can see the mask.
Bots are nowhere near as bad as ACK, because with him you know there's a person behind each and every one of those posts.
fucking LWA got a mecha episode so there's going to be robots one way or another
Implying there's not going to be a furry mecha at the end
>Koala cola
I want off Paru's wild ride.
How many times will this be posted before people understand?
I am retarded and just now realized you probably meant about shitposters flooding the threads
>male characters are actually beastmen
>female characters just look like humans with animal ears and tails
every time
We're able to have worthwhile Promare threads, and that's just gay gurren lagann. I think BNA should do fine. Or at least, it'll take more than it being about animal people to make it impossible to discuss.
>not doing atleast one mecha episode no matter what
i got bad news for you