Can someone please explain? I have no clue

Can someone please explain? I have no clue

Attached: IMG_20190923_234447.png (1080x1329, 515K)

a boy falls in love with a girl

Looks like Kimi no Nawa and I haven't even seen it

Finds a way?

Japanese private parts

deus ex machina


Probably from garbage.

bukkake no pico obviously

Thank you fren

thanks doc



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But is are Yea Forumsnons here otakus?

Attached: Demotivational.Poster.full.467664.jpg (601x601, 35K)

Isn't this the proof that Haruhi's design/color palette is iconic?

Look, that's child's play
You're gonna LOVE this

Attached: I+like+how+fj+vivian+have+the+dailydose+color+scheme+_b4cfa597ec6735568c325f8c4687c016.gif (218x200, 4K)


Domo arigato hakase

Arigato doc

Easy peasy: Keit-AI the animation. Boom.

sank yuu vary much dokter!


Attached: Thanks Doc.jpg (357x403, 46K)

Obrigado, doutor.

Grazie, medico.