
Place your bets. Enemy stand user? The "attack" that "crashed into" Yasuho from the hospital director's stand? Secret rock human? Totally innocent red herring that is really just some guy that's really into Yasuho?

Attached: TooruFull.png (240x240, 23K)

Other urls found in this thread:ō_Senshi_Porygon

it me

post proof

Hard to tell, my prediction is that he's a non stand user HD minion that knows everything about Josuke and co. and was given the mission to distract Yasuho

Araki got a taste for red herrings after part 7 SANDMAN stuff so I will say that`s it. My guts says he is a fake out and it is actually a rockman or working for them tho

I thought his hair was a fluffy hat, weather report' style

It's amazing how much this chapter got me interested in Tooru and the Head Doctor stuff. I didn't give a single fuck about this plot line before.

rock human that is out to keep yasuho from helping josuke and rai. im also thinking he was the second person in the ambulance that went to the orchard when it was on fire and not the hd but has not been in the rokakaka lab because hes still a low rank in the hospital/organisation

Tooru has a memory manipulation power. You can get hints of this when he's talking to Yasuho about their past together. In reality, they've literally never met before, and Tooru is just fucking with Yasuho's head. Another piece of evidence is the picture of Mitsuba he had on his phone, which was definitely taken during the period that Mitsuba has no memories of.

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>another rokakaka fusion, but with two living people, making Tooru and the Doctor
>Stand user, probably gathering info for the Doctor
>Rock human
>spy trying to squeeze info out of Yasuho
of course he could be a combination of some of these things

he is the main villain, screencap this.

That's actually really believable.

What about the photo of Tooru and Yasuho at the beach?

Might not be the best thread to ask this in, and maybe I'm just retarded, but I gotta ask: In the anime adaption of Part 5, why does the screen visibly darken whenever a punch barrage happens?

Because of the Porygon episode in Pokemon that caused seizures.

No fucking way, seriously?

Like said, due to an episode of Pokemon that featured rapidly flashing red and blue lights, there were reports of seizures. Consequently, Japanese television now does not allow flashing or bright lights to be shown unfiltered.
You can read about it here, if you would like to know more:ō_Senshi_Porygon


It's worth noting that home releases of animu typically don't have the filter effect, so be sure to send off all your money for those unsullied Blu-Rays.

Thanks for clearing that up anons, it's been on my mind for months now.

Good point. I actually think you're right, but this made me think of a different theory. Tooru's stand can literally change the contents of photographs. So the stand would function as follows: First, you create a "false memory" by doctoring an image with your stand. Next, you show this image to somebody, perhaps accompanied with an explanation. To that person, this would become the "truth" to them, and the gaps in memory would fill in by itself.

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Is my google-fu weak or is there really no way to grab the old yellow scans of part 3?

I like this theory, It would explain why he bringing up pictures to show her

Attached: hair.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

based hairposter

Don't forget this would explain femJotaro disappearance from the family photo.

seems plausible but I believe the person Yasuho mentions here is Tooru.

Attached: JJL_v01_007.jpg (987x1400, 461K)

i want Tooru to become the first rock human jobro or just an ally

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No it wouldn't, why would he change a photo in their house? How would he even get there?

When will Araki remember her?

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No. He also won't remember Nijimura or Flashback Man.

I believe this arc. Josuke is now alone and going to the conference where the HD is. Karera is also investigating the HD and going there as well.

I bet you also think Diego or his descendant won't somehow be revealed having played a role

>Josuke and Karera Vs Head Doctor
The inkling about josefumi was given by Karera, perhaps this arc will shed some light about Josefumi's past, the whole monolog about Josuke's identity may have some stakes if he discovers the whereabouts of Josefumi's mother, we only know that by a flashback but Josuke doesn't
>Yasuho and Rau Vs Tooru
Also i want to point out that Rai is still hesitant about Yasuho's involvement, the whole hairclip rape tale didn't buy him and this may be their chance to get along, by beating Tooru's ass

I sure hope not. Diego, and especially the version of Diego that survived, is a boring character that only exists for referential/nostalgic purposes. Shoehorning The World into the end of SBR was the worst decision Araki made in the entire part and I would prefer if they just moved on from him.

Why Araki just dont choose a big bad for this manga?

Why you can't formulate full sentence before do post?

I'm not saying he will be truly relevant but he has to have some involvement even as small as Dio role in parts 4 and 5 was.
Off the top of my head, altDiego fucked with the holy corpse before being obliterated or Diego had kids who went after Johnny.

But dude

If you don't think the High Voltage arc was fantastic you have shit taste. The "this time is only mine" reveal page was the hypest shit ever assuming you made it there unspoilered.


Imagine being this jaded, it was amazing exactly because it was tacky. You could tell it was going to be The World Diego since the first hint but just kept thinking "there is no way he's showing up" but with each successive obvious hint you kept second guessing it until the bomb dropped in all it's glory.
You really thought Diego would be left with only having shown a borrowed stand? Come on.

I really hope this NTRing faggot gets a Steely Dan tier beat down by Josuke.

The plan is to top the 7 pages of Mudas against Cioccolata. The entirety of that months issue will just be various shots of Tooru getting obliterated.

If anything, the main diego was a fluke due to the corpse parts being present and all alt diegos drew za warudo

>Only kiss once
>Has been fingered already

Normal sexual trajectory for the average Japanese person. The typical way in which a woman loses her virginity in Japan is through train molestation, or so I'm told by JAV.

By Joshu

He is related to the Director.
for fuck's sake
The director's name is Satoru

I remember it saying that she only kissed one person.

>The director's name is Satoru

I managed to get there unspoiled and I unironically made the s*y reaction face. The only time I reacted like that.

Attached: soyreaction.jpg (1280x738, 63K)

She was clearly talking about Joshu, Tooru wasn't even close to a thing by that point. Is this just a joke?

The Director? What Director?

Finished Part 6 sometime ago this month. Do you think they'll mesh Gogo Dolls Stand user and Hermes into one character for the anime? It would make sense making Hermes Joylene's roommate since Gogo Dolls felt like she had zero effect on the story and you could easily remove her.

It's not that Araki forgot that he wrote this, or that it was retconned with the introduction of Tooru.

It's that Araki himself is a dimension-hopper, and every morning when he wakes up, it's a new Araki consciousness from another version of himself in the multiverse inhabiting the same body. Every chapter is written by what is essentially a different person.


So basically, Araki is Rick Sanchez?

>Do you think they'll fundamentally change the story because I personally didn't care about this arc?
Why the fuck would they do that?

No. Those are different bodies entering into different realities.

In Araki's case, it's the same physical body, but a new mind from another time and place.

If you really wanna go far with this theory, you could make the claim that a number of photographs were used before this arc even started. There was the photograph Karera showed Josuke, and the photograph with the absent maid. Just as an example, seeing the family photo with the maid missing would probably erase Kyo from your memories. I think it works more like a flashback light from V3, which erases selected memories, then overwrites them if applicable.

were there any other photographs in this part?

But that’s just different bodies from different realities with extra steps.

Also the ornaments on stand and Tooru's accessories are similar. Rising questions if it is actually his stand in action with attack magnetism that he put on "attack whoever goes after HD information and has a stand" trigger. And I wonder what the blades on it are for. He went for backstabbing twice, yet both times was intercepted and attraction began. But the stand itself evaded the hits and vanished. If it was a marking stand, like chestnut massacre, why give it proper assassin's gear?

It's actually fewer steps.

He means the head doctor, probably. You knoe, the 89 year old fucker.

>Tsurugi wanted to bang Yasuho
>Tooru fingerbanged Yasuho
>The head doctor actually banged yasuho, with car

You got me there.


Fuck no. But I really like the idea of Ermes being Jolyne's roommate.

>Gappy bangs Daiya
perfect ending

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Could it be...?

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>Tsurugi means "sword" in japanese, and the King of Swords is associated with mental clarity.
>Tooru means "transparent" in japanese.
>Satoru means "to understand" in japanese.

>Tooru means "transparent" in japanese.
Sheit nigga. Didn't Tooru say he wanted to disappear from the world?

Attached: 1563160312037.jpg (397x398, 22K)

>The director's name is Satoru
I hope you recognize that Japanese is a language with comparatively far fewer phonemes than english, meaning a lot of unrelated words have similar parts.

>Tsurugi is anxious about his future
>Tooru was anxious about the future as a child
>Satoru is the future

underrated post

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If someone wants to update the collage

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This is a wrong translation check the nip one says the same as pic related

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Nah Araki was just foreshadowing Tooru in the first fucking panel

Theres no way Araki forgot this. Its not like he just drew them from memory. He HAS to be planning something. Somehow this is all going to tie in with tooru, karera, kyo, and yasuho.

Or maybe he just intentionally chose to remove her

You fucking know what? That makes a lot of sense. You know why?

Joshu. It seems REALLY weird to me how Joshu is not even a factor in all of this. Joshu should've been mentioned by Tooru by now. There's no way that he wouldn't have been REEEEE'ing at their relationship and constantly trying to sabotage it or some shit.

Where was he during the relationship? Was he in another place? At another school? She does say that she only kissed one person but never outright mentions Tooru.

He also redrew Mitsuba to match her current look.

Honestly Araki's ability to remember plot points or maintain consistency is so poor that I have no idea if this is an interesting story hook, or Araki really just making major changes in the middle of the story because he doesn't plan anything and simply decided he didn't want to try to integrate Kyo into the story anymore.

Joshufags in denial about how little he matters at the worst kind of people

It's not that he matters, it's that his character dictates that he would be losing his mind over the dude that was apparently sticking it to his forever-gal. In the first page he was going to kill the naked stranger she found and then himself, because he's fucking nuts and thought he was a suitor.

Do you think if you were dating a girl who had a maniac stalker, you just wouldn't hear about it?

Is there a character in the entirety of JoJo more godly than him?

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I really hope Kyo isn't being removed from the story. That would be worse than what he did to Sandman.

Your memory of Kyo Nijimura is mine now.

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I think if Araki wanted to remove a character he wouldnt just outright erase them from the story. If he wanted Kyo gone he would've just killed her off.

I mean, Fugo just walked right out of the story.

You realize that The World hadn't made an appearance in jojo since part 3 unless I'm forgetting a random page in 4-6 so it had been 2 decades in serialization time. It was out of nowhere and probably had everyone shitting their ass. Just because you blew through it all in a month and think it was some lame thing doesn't mean it was actually lame.

Based as usual doctor Tom

Attached: poor tom.jpg (640x619, 69K)

I hope the SANDMAN/SOUNDMAN shit is given expansion in the anime.

Yeah but you still had him walking out right there in the pages, and Araki's writing has improved from back then. In any case, Fugo was just a case of Araki bitching out of making him a traitor because of recent personal experiences.

haha good one bud

With good reasoning

Your only defense is that it was unexpected and that's inherently good. Don't post anymore.

I hope they keep him around after they deal with Satoru, just to allow Joshu to get involved and end up beating him up.


89 years old this guy

Joshu is going to FUCK him up. Mark my words toorushits, 100 page NUT incoming.

Attached: Its over Tooru...png (784x617, 213K)

Why would Tooru bring him up at all? He's been doing nothing but being nostalgic about the good times with Yasuho, you think he'd go "Oh, remember the time your childhood friend tried to murder me because we were dating? lol we should get back together btw"?

It'd be a pretty funny resolution, Tooru and the head doctor have our protagonists in the palm of their hands, ready to deal the finishing blow, when this salty autist comes out of nowhere and trashes Tooru for reasons completely unrelated to the main plot, then immediately getting out of the story again.

>Josuke, Jobin, Yasuho, Tooru, and Rai all staring down eachother waiting for the first move
>Tsugiri watching from the corner
>Out of nowhere Joshu barges in and immediately starts trash talking Tooru and shows the pics of him with Yasuho on the beach
>Nuts him and does a 10 page beatdown

Attached: Joshu Requiem.png (905x401, 94K)

Explaining what happened
> Norisuke: hey guys lets take a picture come closer ...... hey nijimura what are you doing here, this is not a auto camera also It is a FAMILY picture Go there and tathere and take a It for us
> Mitsuba: Well since It is taking so long i Will change my clothes

How would Joshu get there? I truly believe it's a possibility for this storyline, Josuke is aware both of Joshu's and Toruu's fixation for Yasuho, if things get sour and Toruu ends up being the baddie he could call Jochad to aid them for her sake.

pretty sure he wrote Fugo out of the history because of his power, killing everybody in the room would make stand attacks pretty easy to deal with

So far Tooru and Yasuho are in no set location, so he can easily get to them with not much reasoning needed. He doesn't need to get much involved, just fuck Tooru up out of jealously, and then Yasuho can be free to support Josuke through the phone agains the head doctor, giving him the edge needed for victory when he needs it.

Joshu NUTs reality to learn all things

cringe & wrongpilled

Tooru has to be the biggest fag in all of JoJo. How can such a humongous homo even exist in the same part as heroes like Joubin and Joushuu?

Attached: 1566163056579.png (304x171, 43K)

>Tooru has to be the biggest fag in all of JoJo.
t. Joshu
Reminder that Tooru fingered Yasuho.

Hey sailor faggot and nut retard,
My name is Tooru, and I hate every single one of you. Both of you are dumb, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass stands. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun beating up people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I'm already an intern at TG University Hospital, and is already acquainted with Apple and Huawei. Do you even have jobs, other than running away from random people? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my bitch

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That's a cute picture from that time Yasuho snapped Tooru's neck.

Right, because Araki has never fucked with power levels or stand abilities for the sake of forcing a fight outcome before.

Tooru's death is going to be glorious

Honestly, Purple Haze is underpowered.
Yeah, it can kill anyone in range, but so can most short-range punch ghost stands. And those stands tend to have abilities that make it easier to get close. Purple Haze can only kill. And it doesn't even distinguish between sides so Fugo would risk killing his own friends and even himself every time he uses Purple Haze. In the one fight he used it in, it ended up being more of a stage hazard than anything.
Even if it was overpowered, Araki knows how to deal with overpowered stands. He was able to give Rohan challenging fights, for fuck's sake.

>take this, whiteboy! 20 meter radius emerald splash!
anyone else find this scene a bit out of place and awkward? i know kakyoin is just a teen but i really dont think it fit his character

Attached: 2K8dVAkEHhtrGiy5ENazMK6mxXtA7AJfM-5gk23ALu9RsxmgNOf25LW4uUhVTxUt5hlfC02QqzKEBWI3cC1mrG1tq-UHQ.jpg (480x270, 13K)

>This is for Hiroshima, cracker!
Holy shit, how did Araki get away with this?

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Man JoJo's so racist, like I mean why haven't we got a black JoJo yet?

holy shit what was he thinking? i know this scene was supposed to be intense but holy fuck

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How the fuck could this creature be spawned from Dio/Jonathan?

Part 6 art style


Remember that this is what Dio's father looked like and probably what Dio would've looked like if he didn't become a vampire.
This, combined with the woman also having the ugly gene and drinking while pregnant, could reasonably produce a monstrosity like Ungalo.

Attached: dario.jpg (746x675, 83K)


She's ugly

you heard it here first his name is a reference to "Tool" . I know its pronounced (Toh)-Ru, but if a japanese person read Tool they might pronounce it that way. It's like Mamezuke Rai. All the part 8 nmaes have been some sort of reference. And Tool did have an album this year. He might still get a last name tho.

Her stand sucks ass to be honest. Fuck automatic stands. One trick ponies, the lot of them.

Source: urban legend that has been disproven 3 parts ago

Yeah, right, araki loves to not give people overpowered abilities.
Star what? Heavy who? Sticky fuck you talkin’ bout?

Impressive, both incredibly wrong in their own unique way

And yet, she is gone. Care to explain?

Turning things into animals to reflect damage would make stand attacks pretty easy to deal with

I think so too. She's not important right now so Araki didn't draw her.

Dude Tooru looked so damn funny in this after he got curved

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Why are all Floridians so fucking ugly, what did Araki mean by this

>Why are all Floridians so fucking ugly

yeah, they're getting tiresome

>It's an automatic stand, Koichi, which means it can relentlessly track and kill us at an infinite range, even without the user's input! But there's a catch, it only follows the hottest thing in the room
>It's an automatic stand, Josuke, which means it can relentlessly track and kill us at an infinite range, even without the user's input! But there's a catch, it can only go 60kph
>It's an automatic stand, Giorno, which means it can relentlessly track and kill us at an infinite range, even without the user's input! But there's a catch, it has to instant message with a pervert first
>It's an automatic stand, Trish, which means it can relentlessly track and kill us at an infinite range, even without the user's input! But there's a catch, it only activates if you shoot its user in the head
>It's an automatic stand, Joshu, which means it can relentlessly track and kill us at an infinite range, even without the user's input! But there's a catch, you have to try to spend money
>It's an automatic stand, Mamezuku, which means it can relentlessly track and kill us at an infinite range, even without the user's input! But there's a catch, it's a zombie plague

I'm glad Kyo's gone.

Reimi Sugimoto might be the luckiest side character in all fiction

clearly she was just going to be some plot device for a one-off storyline in an aimless arc but then she ends up getting the ultimate payoff in the conclusion of Part 4

She also got murdered by a serial killer, so she's not that lucky.

Wait, part 6 and 7 don't have any?
I guess Bohemian Rhapsody and the original Scary Monsters kinda count

>He HAS to be planning something.
and those plans will be quickly forgotten

Now that I think about it, Kyo being gone is done on purpose isn't it? If Kyo were there, they could've gotten the head doctor by now. He has no way to defend himself from her stand.

I can't wait for Joshu to dab on the head doctor and Tooru

yasuho will be main villain
she has pink hair and a stand that can basically predict the future and change outcomes to what would benefit her, just like diavolo

She'll eat a rokakaka and fuse with someone, two souls becoming one. Probably the head doctor or someone else. She'll be the doppio in that situation.

Screencap this.

>She'll eat a rokakaka and fuse with someone, two souls becoming one.
but thats not what the rokakaka does

shit you're right
well whatever my theory could still happen, without that part
and even then, a rokakaka could be involved somehow, if not specifically that

I love these threads but I can't help but feel like the speculation here, stupid or intriguing, will leave me disappointed once reality comes around. I'm only now finally caught up with Jojo, and every other series that I've read or watched as it released ended up crashing and burning.

trish also had pink hair you donkus

Personally I think reading the speculation only improves the story when I remember how much worse ideas other people had.

then maybe yasuho is the daughter of the main villain?

Will Love Train play a role in the finale?
Are the Wall Eyes just another ditched part of the story?

Attached: TicketToRidecolor.png (556x916, 1.26M)

who knows

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Yasuho? MY Yasuho?? Sleeping with a man? NO!!! Yasuho has never even met Tooru! He has the power to manipulate memories and is manipulating her. Yasuho has NEVER been defiled by a man before. She has never slept in bed with another man! Let alone slept NAKED! Not MY precious untainted Yasuho!!!!! JOshUuuUU! Hurry up and kill that stinking Tooru!

I never thought the Wall Eyes was anything more than a manifestation of the Devil's Triangle shit, causing Morioh people to gain stands.

The Higashikata family has had stands for generations

Head Doc’s stand reminds me of Love Train, but more directed

That makes a lot of sense, but why didnt Araki mention that as an explanation for all the Morioh hijinks? Most people who have stands in JJL are relatives of SBR characters, or Rock Humans.

I mean, it's not like anyone in the Higashikata family but Jobin and Tsurugi are important right now

What was this things deal? How can the leaves on a street manifest a Stand?
Was it an after effect of Tusk Act 4's infinite rotation? Was it Love train somehow creating a sub-Stand? What's funny is that everyone who lives on the street knows about it, and acts like it's nothing out of the ordinary. "What, you don't know about the ginko leaves on Shakedown Road? Are ya stupid or something?"

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I hope he takes off that stupid wig and reveals he's the flashback man.

Oujirou and Yasuho get their stands from the Wall Eyes
Also SBR Norisuke was never mentioned to have a stand

It's the trees' stand

Superfly was a pile of girders and it had a stand, dingus. A living tree seems more believable than that.

Superfly's user was human

Attached: Toyohiro_AV.png (873x1080, 1.28M)

Way to miss the point of that entire arc, dingus.

The entirety of the stand is contained in the pylon. Toyohiro is a victim who is being held captive by it.

He's still the user

Attached: Super_Fly_Stats.png (1920x1090, 3.41M)

No, Superfly was his stand that manifested after getting hit by the arrow.

tfw the duwang gang didn't take kira on a wild chase, ultimately trapping him within superfly

What's the demographic for Jojo readers in regards to their relation with other anime and manga? What I mean to say is that, for example, while I've watched other anime and checked out other manga here and there, I have a secret intense weeaboo autism, exclusively for the Jojo series. I think about Jojo multiple times a day, pretty much every day of my life. I have random thoughts towards it in my creative writing class and my film class. I remember my favorite moments from the series and how they made me feel. I speculate about Jojolion to myself frequently. I think about the craft and construction of Jojo parts and repeated motifs and stylistic choices that make up an overall "Arakian" spirit and architecture for his main characters and their obstacles. I haven't even really thought much of how obsessive and excessive it probably is until now as I'm writing this. I basically can't help myself. I have a folder of manga panels on my computer when I would copy pages I thought were amazing from Honeyview. In more recent Jojolion chapters I'm copying every other page, basically making it no more useful than flipping through the actual zip files. When I look through the gallery on my phone, most of the images are just of Jojo, not even memes, just faces and panels. I guess that at least for that it's not that I go seek out Jojo images all the time but that I can't help but save them when I see them, and don't save much other things or take photos.
This post is kind of veering off from my original purpose I guess. The point is that I only come to Yea Forums for Jojolion.

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He explicitly states that even if he died, the stand would persist. And if he can trick someone else into the pylon, he can just leave permanently. The stand's "user" is just whoever it traps inside to draw life energy from to continue powering itself

I had no idea it was happening and I got really excited. Then I just sort of got bored.

If Superfly was born when he was hit by the stand arrow then its his stand

>He explicitly states that even if he died, the stand would persist. And if he can trick someone else into the pylon, he can just leave permanently.
This doesn't change the fact that it was his stand. He says it was his stand.

He's the user. If he dies, it just means the stand has a dead user like Anubis or Notorious BIG.

Attached: x16.jpg (780x1200, 782K)

how the fuck do people catch details like this

>An entire person missing is a detail
That's easy, most people aren't fucking blind.

It was cool how we got to see Tusk Act 4 outside of the battle with Valentine, most other manga would just have the main character unlock a new ability in the final fight only for the reader to never see anything come of it ever again

>Stand has the ability to manipulate photos
If this pans out then I'm betting everything on his stand being called [Paparazzi]

That's not what I fucking mean. Obviously right next to each other it's clear what's missing, but how does someone just randomly compare two frames and go "this is it, that's my plan!"

>this is it, that's my plan
I don't know what I meant by this
What I meant to say is "this is suspicious!". I don't know what plan I'm talking about.

Most other manga would just have the good sense to bring the story to an end after the climax with the final villain instead of undercutting the finale with some nostalgiabait.

>Steel Ball Run should've just ended with no resolution to the Joestar vs DIO destiny
>Steel Ball Run should've ended with no resolution to the fucking Steel Ball Run that the entire part is named after

High Voltage is a bridge to close out the actual race without it being a boring falling action. Imagine the end without Diego, sitting through monthly published chapters of nothing happening.
You can say that the tackiness of returning The World colors the ending's taste, but Araki knew what he was doing and he accomplished it.

all it takes is one person to remember that kyo was in the picture

or maybe an user wanted to compare mitsuba's design

Many people noticed immediately because it was already a meme that Araki forgot about Kyo. Case closed.

This but unironically. I pity your cynic ass and I pity the retards that would take people like you seriously even more

I miss this faggot so much

Attached: dio.png (637x729, 514K)

Don't worry, I'm sure Diego is going to tie into this somehow if literally every other part hasn't had him in some way, shape or form.

dinosaur fruits

What was the point of Tooru's discussion about wireless charging? Is that how his stand works? Is it foreshadowing Paisley Park Act 2?

It's kind of funny. Even in part 2, where I don't think he's mentioned except once when Lisa's past is told, his presence is still felt everywhere.
>Part 1: Jonathan's nemesis
>Part 2: His surviving minion kills Joseph's dad, and the creators of his stone mask show up
>Part 3: Obvious
>Part 4: ???
>Part 5: His fucking kid is the main character
>Part 6: Pucci
>Part 7: ???
>Part 8: Possibly some fuckery with Diego

Dio is talked about in the beginning of Part 2 by Straights

I don't think I've seen any signs of Diego or Dio in part 8

Josuke is literally half DIO

Also every non-Dio main antagonist except by Jobin is related in some way to him
>BT: Cars is the creator of the mask that made Dio a vampire
>DiU: Kira becomes a stand user thanks to the arrow Dio gave to his father
>GW: Diavolo gave Dio the arrow that made him a stand user
>SO: I don't think I have anything to say here
>SBR: Valentine and Diego rivalry

you're either trolling or insane, it should be:
>Part 1: Jonathan's nemesis
>Part 2: Straizo
>Part 3: Jotaro's fleshlight
>Part 4: Stand arrows
>Part 5: Giorno
>Part 6: Pucci, Dio baby
>Part 7: Diego
>Part 8: absolutely nothing

>Kira becomes a stand user thanks to the arrow Dio gave to his father
Actually he got it from Enya not DIO

Kira and DIO fused to make Josuke

I wondered if I was speedreading but I can't find anything supporting this in the family trees or anything

First of all idiot its spelled Kars. Second of all we dont know that jobin is the main atagonist.

show me the panel user

He was buried in the wall eyes
The same place where the corpse was buried
The corpse is DIO
Do the math

but... we explicitly know that josuke is josefumi and kira... that's why he has soft & wet... your headcanon doesn't make sense

Red herring
The actual josefumi is still alive out there

you're both right - it's an automatic and autonomous stand that was created and manifested by him but he can't control it, ala dragon's dream. he's a victim of it but also the user that created it.

two people can't have the same stand.

The corpse can pass stands around between people. That's how Diego ended up with Scary Monsters in the first place.

>you're both right
No, only I'm right. He's wrong because he doesn't accept that Toyohiro is the user.

makes sense

And Enya was DIO's minion

Civil War is an automatic stand

At first I though it either an allusion to Paisley Park or a possible set up for a motivation for him to help the Rock Humans

>First of all idiot its spelled Kars
Way to fucking expose yourself as having not read the part

huh? just because i watched the dubbed version doesn't mean i did not watch it

Yeah. His name is Kazu. Only normalfags call him Kars or Cars.

jojolion is shit

Jojo and Berserk are the only manga I've read in like a year.

But scary Monsters it's like a virus stand, from that doctor, he did not got that stand passed by that guy wtf

At that point you probably don't even like manga/anime, just good well written and drawn stories.

>unintentional foreshadowing

>well written


Attached: is-he-a-stand-user-or-did-he-just-say-61891903.png (228x228, 46K)

Yo why the fuck this dude looking like Black Sabbath?

I'm more concerned why Araki mentioned Huawei as if they're the only good phone company. Feels like either a tinfoil or shilling

>The corpse is DIO
Since when?

Attached: 1566146762130.png (911x573, 257K)

what is Tomb of the Boom you fuckin' speedreader

But user the conclusion was clearly that Joestars and DIO lost to a random kid didn't you get the memo from Stone Ocean the best part? Emporio is based and standpilled!

Not that guy but I can see altDiego having fucked with the corpse in such a way it had some collateral effect in jojolion. Not talking about Diego showing up again or anything of the sort.

The corpse part allowed Diego to keep the ability to turn into a dinosaur regardless of the doc will and even of his death.

Attached: hair.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

Because they live on the cursed land.