Look at pictures of Hagoromo Lala.
Talk about Hagoromo Lala.
Use Twinkle Imagination for Hagoromo Lala.
Hagoromo Lala Thread
The real twinkle imagination was inside us all along.
Thinky boy
I love Lala!
I'd rather talk about how cute Emiru and Ruru are instead.
It's a little disheartening how obviously true this is. There's zero chance it ends up being anything else.
Cute and separated.
Why would you want anything else?
I still don't get that.
Prunce episode fucking when?!
Those Emiru/Ruru Sugarbt doujins are great are amazing
I miss Milky Twinkle Precure.
That's a cool pose for a trash lady.
I guess it's Pufficorn's fault. There's nothing wrong with the old standby that a magical girl's power comes from the heart; the almost-powerups that they did a while back where they got a Super Saiyan aura after feeling strongly about the moral of the week worked well enough. It's just, why does everything suddenly have to be about this puffball monster that the show has given me (and the Cures) literally zero cause to care about in the least? So now the Cures get to find the power of imagination inside themselves not actually for their own growth, but so Puff can suck out their souls to fill the Cup of Heaven. That's lame as fuck. The little shit never earned a damn thing.
They are cures, they don't need a reason to protect the weak.
Oh my that's hot! Yeah I love playing in Hana's closet and I really love wearing her blue frilly skirt outfit, so comfy to wear. All the other stuff you mention I love to do too.
Traum is the worst dad ever.
>Ow yesh my cute daughter made me a good guy again! Now I can relax and let her fix my and other adult's mistakes and work her ass to unfuck the dead world she has nothing to with. It's so nice of her to be ready to ruin her newly obtained happy and normal life in a world she deserves, with only people that truly care about her. It's so convenient to have an autistic robot daughter. I'm a genius!
Why do Lala friends separate her from Hikaru? you need to love them both.
I think their friendship is really cute.
There is nothing wrong with Lala hanging out with other girls. Boys are okay too.
Lala is great.
but Hikaru is the greatest
hikaru makes me want to have a daughter
abe is winning
Precure is dead.
But I'm not.
maybe we should join them
I love this dumb asshole.