Imagine if Shinka ended your career

Imagine if Shinka ended your career.

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Imagine Shinka throwing away your resume like garbage during the interview.

End my career as an arch wizard? I would welcome it.

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Why would you throw your magic powers away like that?

You have no power over me!

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>goes on social media
>accuses you of sexual misconduct

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>implying I have any sexual conduct at all

>imblying i have a social media account

It doesn't matter, the witch hunt is on.

What's with the apples in this ED?

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I miss chu2

Meaningless symbolism in an attempt to look deep.

And how would she do that?


>not my life
One job.

If you want to commit suicide, pills are a lot easier.

The company needs me, and we have the majority share in our industry. If you fucks want to still have electricity in 10 years, I can't be dismissed without definitive evidence of wrongdoing.

All it takes is one accusation.

I would actually kill someone if they did that.

no you wouldnt youre a beta, all you do is mope and watch anime

>would actually kill someone

Dekomori is hotter!

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Because she burned to death?

I want Shinka to give me a career ending pregnancy!

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But you are a man.

When will Shinkafag share his Shinka folder with us?

When will writefag release a new chapter?

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What if Shinka gets #metoo'd?

can't accuse anyone of sexual misconduct when you fuck dogs

Just say Mary Summer and she will be your slave for eternity