Why do people hate KNY?

Why do people hate KNY?
The animation is God tier. And... uhhmm... the animation is so good.

The story is a generic shounen revenge plot, MC is a little bitch, Asspulls after asspulls, but dude the ANIMATION.
I know, the villain is a boring uncharismatic wacko jacko, fightscenes devolve into who can breathe hardest, and it has it's fair share of annoying loud side characters. But have you seen the animation?

I do not understand where all this hate is coming from.
Have I mentioned the animation? It's sooo good.
Episode 19. Episode NINETEEEEEEEEEEN

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It's popular and that really grinds your autism

better than full metal alcheshit

Behead Zenitsu

user are you okay? Are you okay? Are you okay user?



Kyoujuurou died

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Shinobu died

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Muichirou died

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>The story is a generic shounen revenge plot
The story is pretty generic but MC's entire character is based around forgiveness and compassion rather than revenge
You don't need to make weak bait to start discussion about a show you like
Just talk about it like a regular person

Genya might die

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They tried to play this as a very emotional moment when the train arc where his character took the spotlight was like 10 Chapters lmao

Inosuke almost die

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I like the first few episodes a lot, the visual designs of the characters are great, it really drives the point of how much effort and sacrifice forehead boy is going through, details like showing how he peeled the skin off his palms add a lot, and he is a lot more kind-hearted and gentle than most shounen protags. Any series can coast on good first impressions for a while and this did it for me.

Not yet! He's still hanging in there!

Rent free.

What anime do you like OP?

>You don't need to make weak bait to start discussion about a show you like
>Just talk about it like a regular person
he's just an insecure person who has to hide their opinion behind shitposts so he can jump behind irony every time he gets confrontation he doesn't like
>"Ha! I was acting retarded on purpose! Based! Chad! Cringe!"
I like how he started as a good person as well. He's already acting like a father figure for his siblings, having taken on that role after his dad past to the extent that he's financially supporting them. Even his sympathy for demons i.e. his enemies makes sense because of his sister. He knows they were once human.

Besides that the CGI is great, love the more traditional music and sounds they mix in, and the time period is really interesting.

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You recognize that this is a board focused on discussing the medium of animation, right?

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F*re force shitters are so mad their garbage shounen continues to be ignored

"bad animation" is a good thing. directing/budgeting is everything. just look at no-budget shit like teekyu.
in any case the craft is more to be admired than the "art"

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>hurr durr it is just a mediocre shonen
people who say this overestimate what an mediocre shonen looks like, if you want some reference see fairy tail or fire force

written by a woman, so i can't enjoy it on principle

>if you want some reference see fairy tail or fire force
Yeah Demon Slayer is about on par with Fire Force

you've been hit by
you've been hit by
a smooth brain

series with fight scenes definitely need good animation and execution

that is why even when the two are smoothly animated by great studios, only one of the two is being actively discussed.

cmon man fire force is definitely worse of the two

this is what I'd have to wholeheartedly agree with

niether one of those is particularly bad, Yea Forums hateboners aside. I dont think demon slayer is particularly better.

Fairy Tail and Fire Force are the absolute bottom of the barrel trash shounens. When even children/newfags who watched five titles and rated them all 10/10 think the show aren't great, you should know how bad compared to real anime they actually are.

>absolute bottom of the barrel
no user, i know that you only watched evangelion but i can guarantee you that down there it gets much MUCH worse.

>animated by great studios,

god dammit kek

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haha those are pretty bad but not even middle of the barrel yet user

So I just started watching. his head scar thing just changed completely at ep 6. Is this a relevant detail I missed or just a stylistic change?

>The cool guys and best girl are dead
Now I am upset.

Fire Force is discussed though, and that’s on top of the bad luck with the that recent arson in Japan and another two week delay

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I like the demon sister that has criminally low screen time and the piggy. And yeah, the fights look pretty.

this I want to know too, like I realize the new scar looks cooler and is like a fire thing but where did it come from??

people hate what is popular

what I like about this shounen is that this isn't toddler tier about death and injuries

I LOVE LOVE LOVE nutsruto and ROCK lee's springtime.

And i don't understand why newfags feel like they need to make a thread filling up the catalog with the same series with the same topics over and over and over again.

Guess we will just have ti live with these questions OP.

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what do you consider "real anime" you utter twat?

urobutcher garbage like fate/zero or psychopass?
zankyou no terror, which Yea Forums shits on constantly?
3deep5you diarrhea like boogiepop, serial experiments lain, angels egg, paranoia agent or haibane renmei?

personally I prefer what i get enjoyment out of, and things like machikado mazoku, yuyushuki, spice and wolf, mushishi, kiru ga kill, and agame ga kill are way better than any of that.

I like dumb shonen because its FUN, not because of pretention in "muh deep, sophisticated" plot or characterization or whatever sorry excuse you joyless bastards harp about.

Honestly, we'll see if you still remember that it exists 5 years later.
That's what defines a good anime/manga to me.

No, altenatively gifted friends, you miss the point. There are certainly shounens that do more pants-pissingly stupid shit than these ones (like Vinland Saga or Hunter x Hunter), but those at least have some distinct appeal that gives them an audience, as well as haters. Fairy Tail and Fire Force are just so meh in every department that no one even cares to think about them.

Uhhh fire force has great animation and one of the best OPs for seasons. The story's been eh but I'm willing to give it time. Costs me nothing after all.

Why so much buttfrustration about it?

AHAHAHA you use vinland saga and hxh as examples, it just shows you don't even know what trash actually exists

Fairy Tails fanservice is anything but "meh"

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The little sister is cute. That alone fixes everything else.

Thanks for sharing you thoughts on various anime titles, do you have a blog where I can read more of them?

yes, check on MAL

Here you go, enjoy ~

Will people ever tired of saying criticism like generic? They keep using that word without understand it, now it seem to mean anything that do something similar to something before it without realize that how story-telling evolve overtime. People don't wake up one day and come up with 100% original concept, they instead took existing elements expand, refine it to create more interesting story. Just because a plot is familiar and simple doesn't make it bad, just like if something is complex and original doesn't mean it is good. It all in the execution which is something KNY is very good at.


Literally the oposite of Bleach

The animation is fucking garbage. Cgi crap that looks like you've been warped into a video game is not my idea of even watchable let alone "God tier".

Agreed, but sakugafags can get fucked.
animation has nothing to do with either the entirely subjective measurement of """quality"""

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Shut the fuck up, you like akame ga kill motherfucker, you have just shit taste

She’s a non character

>hasn't read the manga

No shit, the manga art is trash the anime is the only reason this series is watchable

Why does it make people so mad?

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No one can remember fireforce for long enough to get butthurt about it.

This is actually very plot relevant later, it wasn't a random change. In case you're wondering when it did happen, it was when the hand demon threw him against the tree and he hit his head on it.