Funimation will never dub One Piece movies 1-7 & 9

>Funimation will never dub One Piece movies 1-7 & 9

Attached: its just not FAAAAAAAAIIR.jpg (501x277, 50K)

>wan piss



one piece of shit

>We'll never get another dubbed One Piece game ;_;

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>We'll never get a good One Piece ga-

Attached: PW4.jpg (1280x720, 282K)

Movie 7 had massive jiggling Nami tits

>It will take 7 years for their dub to each Wano now

>implying that's a bad thing
>not loving ichi dai sanzen daisen sekai

iktf brother. I like the funi dub more than the sub.

Oh no, I guess you'll have to enjoy one of the greatest ensembles of Japanese voice acting talent and not watch some hamfisted dub

because of faggy pants?

no one care about shounenshit


If this thread was about Pokemon you'd all be praising the shit out of the dub


>bothering with non canon one piece...
I am an cannon oda supremacist, I can't bother with any one piece storyline not by him.


Because the funimation team sean schimmial amoung others had a blooper reel leaked of them yelling homophobic and homosexual stuff for fun. One line was goku screaming look at that faggot with his faggy pants.

but Grand Battle series on ps1 existed

you are very correct, but Luci Christian as Nami does things to my dick. I also like Krillin Usopp.