What made the SSJ2 Gohan transformation scene work so well despite all of the bad writing surrounding it?
What made the SSJ2 Gohan transformation scene work so well despite all of the bad writing surrounding it?
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I was a spic kid that self-inserted as Gohan so it was pretty cool.
Gohan was basically the hero of this ensemble cast since the moment he showed up on screen.
We can spend all of the time blathering on aboutg how great goku is...but goku was best when he was used sparringly and wasn't given some ridiculous over the top powerup.
I mean shit.
His whole thing with Frieza makes no goddamned sense thematically and SSJ1, the entire scene and everythign building up to it is 500% lifted from when Gohan had his rage boost against first form frieza after Krillian "died".
Unmei no hi.
i was 12
Sorry, went off on a tangent there.
It worked because it was built up since DBZ began and we all saw him grow up and wanted to see what kind of power he was hiding.
When SSJ2 happened, well.
Went to shit after that when the editors went all bitch made and tried to figure out how to shoehorn Goku in there for some fucking raison. You know how it is.
Fucked up thing is, Gohan beat Super Perfect Cell with one arm and only half power, maybe a bit less.
Full power SSJ2 Teen Gohan is a monster that can easily stomp Dabura and hang with SSJ2 Buu saga Goku and Majin Vegeta.
The utter rage of a compassionate heart when confronted with the cold uncaring brutality of "perfect Sel".
Same except I was an aryan with blonde hair and green eyes so I could self-insert better than you
You were Aryan? As in you later realized you're an amerimutt mudperson?
Foreshadowing (hidden power) + Contrast (Peaceful -> Extremely Angry) + Build-up (Getting beaten up, seemingly hopeless fight against Cell) + Overwhelming Power + Epic OST
What seals the deal to me is 16's permanent death along with godlike OST. 16 final words are absolutely beautiful and the fact that unlike the main cast he's gone forever makes it even more impactful
"You have the strength. My scanner sensed it.
Just let it go"
Get me everytime
opinion discarded
Because it's a yandere loli, and those are glorious no matter how badly put together.
Everyone stopped caring about Gohan the moment he grew up and became the Gay Saiyaman — all lolis should be æternal.
I type that because that's the version I can remember at this moment cause, you know, I watched that shit like 20 years ago and I aint got time to search youtube just to type a quote precisely
Most Iranians don't have light hair colors and light eyes, amerimutt
2 arcs of foreshadowing, 16s death as the final trigger, absolutely annihilating Cell on every level in the following fight and a power spike that made Gokus initial SS transformation vs Freiza look middling in comparison.
The death of 16 was pretty excellent especially, 16 was inherently a relatively nice guy, he was just hard coded to want Goku dead, and in the end he defied his very purpose for existing to try and fuck cell up and save everyone, which provided a very nice parallel for Gohan having to throw away his restraint and distaste for fighting and hurting others, and finally cut loose with a part of himself that he did not particularly like or want.
It's a work of art.
>the foreshadowing since the start of Z
>16 making a real connection to Gohan right before he dies
>the moment of silence
>the OST
>the bird representing peace flying away as a blinding red rage takes its place
>no 20 minutes of charging, just a desperate scream unlike any we've ever heard from Gohan and an explosion of power
>no pointless monologues about what's happening, just raw emotion
Could litterally just wish the machine back.
16's entire thing made no sense and came off as silly as shit.
If it was Piccolo or shit nigga GOKU for the first time in his entire life acting like a father and dying to protect gohan from cell then giving him that speech?
Him doing that...then it would have blown the roof of the place.
>Gohan having to throw away his restraint and distaste for fighting and hurting others
literally never existed before, he always fought when he needed to prior the the cell games
Gohan will fight and to be honest is a maestro at fighting. Just can't do the whole bestest martial arts thing and is full on foot in ass brutal strength and flying brick with occasional crazy ass high level demon school technique.
He's basically Jiren if he was born in a universe without the dragon balls.
He doesn't sprout a foot of wood for fighting and is willing to throw everythign away for a good scrap like goku.
He's a down to earth normie who'll do what needs to be done and doesn't fight unless he has too or he's pushed then goes full berserker.
He has a distate for fighting and is peaceful when you compare him to Goku.
That's about it.
And to tell you the truth...Gohan has quite honestly had the worst childhood of any person in DB.
Including Vegeta and Broly. Him not wanting to fight and being a relatively well adjusted dude is to be honest quite extraordinary.
The entire point is that 16 is a machine with nothing more than killing Goku mindset. Him sacrifice himself like that is much sadder than Goku or Piccolo death, especially since both of them already died before. Plus Goku also sacrificed himself to teleport Cell away like what you want
Sadder to who?
Gohan doesn't even know 16 and the last he saw of the fucking androids they were beating his friends and family and green dad half to death and this one was going to kill his "father".
Him being all upset is dumb.
He never saw #16 do anything bad other than saying he was designed to kill Goku.
He saw all of the androids fuck everyone else up.
Why in the fuck would he see another android that was designed to kill his dad as a good guy?
Some random as fuck android he's never met or talked too before saying all of this shit too him as if he fucking knew him his entire life?
It makes no sense and only works because we the audience knew android 16.
Gohan only saw 19 and Gero do anything. He never met or even saw the other androids until the Cell games. When he did meet 16 he was explicitly told that he was no longer programmed to kill Goku. I agree that him being upset at 16's death enough to trigger SSJ2 is a bit contrived since they never really bonded or interacted at all until that moment.