Why are commercial truck drivers in anime and manga so hopelessly unaware of pedestrians?

Why are commercial truck drivers in anime and manga so hopelessly unaware of pedestrians?

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Why are pedestrians in anime and manga so hopelessly unaware of commercial trucks?

It's like that in real life, too.

Because fiction parallels real life in this instance. Is it really that hard to look both ways.

This explains everything about truck-san.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Isekai truck at work

if reality has similar amounts of truck fatalities as anime did, about 40% of japan would be dead

This is why Abe's plan is utterly hopeless
Children are fucking liabilities holy shit

Because commercial truck drivers are dicks. You wouldn't believe how many times I was almost hit by a reckless truck driver

Maybe don’t play in traffic?

I was expecting chinese but wtf wrong with japanese kids. They tend to commute alot by foot or bike so you think they would be more aware to look left and right.

trying to get themselves isekaid

Car accident fatalities are incredibly common

It's deliberate.

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>commercial truck drivers
>car accidents of private individuals

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Truly bugmen

Dunno what that means but that was funny

Thanks to Amazon we have a similar issue in America

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Because Mexishits can hop the border and buy their CDL from their buddy without actually training.

Then we wonder why truckers have gotten so shit lately.

They recently closed down a CDL mill in Miami doing that, too little, too late though.

Those 1 lane streets are the real problem that shit is just asking for people to be splattered, you can literally take one step out the front gate of some of those buildings and be right in the middle of the fucking road.

Even for aware drivers, it's relatively difficult to stop their 3000 pound sedan depending on how fast they're going, and even harder on a moving truck averaging around 10000 pounds, on a dime. Most collisions could have been avoided if more drivers and pedestrians understood this. Cars move faster than you think and stop even slower than you think. More drivers also need to exercise common sense. If you're in busy area with a lot of foot traffic like a mall parking lot or tiny side street don't drive 20km. Drive slower, assuming someone is going to jump out from behind a car at any moment.

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>ほら !
it's like "look right here!" you see a lot of milf characters say this. The other thing those drivers are yelling is

This basically confirmed what I suspected, Japan wants to add many more entries to the Darwin Awards.

I hope they remember this is not a contest and some things you don't want to be number 1 in.

Seriously, what's the deal with those streets without any space to walk?

126 million people in a tiny island country.

Tokyo drift literally.

this confuses and disturbs me greatly.

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The only things worse than truck drivers IRL are motorcyclists.

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If i would hit one of those little buggers i'd just keep on truckin'

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Because trucking is a meme by now. Still wondering why there is no truck anime or some truck Transformer driving amok. Or maybe both already exist and I just don't know yet.

This is clearly why they need the bright yellow helmets.

Attached: City Escape.webm (640x480, 2.94M)

Pickup drivers are worse in my experience
>Half of them have 6 fucking sets of headlights always on so you're blinded if they're anywhere behind you within a mile or if they're driving by in other direction
>Almost all of them tailgate like absolute asshats
>At least half constantly accelerate hard and getting close to flooring when light turns green which forces you to either do the same or likely get hit
>Some of them are crazy hopped up shitters that are way bigger than they would ever need to be, have exhaust pipes going above cabin in semi fashion that are wider than your head, have a super shitty muffler or none at all and blot out the lane in their huge plume of white trashery

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So this is what it's like to be truck-kun.
Seems like a fucking nightmare.

Needs to be a Truck-Kun anime where the first episode starts as a really good romance. Episode two is Truck-kun doing his daily routine. It should be a milk truck so he can say hi to the neighbors. Hes just doing his daily routine but he winds up killing a love interest. Would be pretty fun IMO.

fuck pedestrians who cares about them

>who cares about them
the people who get killed, probably

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If you get killed you die after all.

No bike lanes? Also what was up with that one kid who fell on his side from the sidewalk to the road?

Kids are just unaware, this happens a lot i guess in cultures when they let sub 8 kids cross streets alone.

What the hell

Kids are generally dumb, this happens in any cultures.

That's the point. In places were they let them wander alone cause there is more security and/or are with the mentality of teaching them autonomy, I'm sure traffic accidents and death are more common. Just a guess.

based yakuza drivers

Aren't the helmets for earthquakes, since young children can't properly cover their heads to shield themselves from falling debris?

>You're getting isekai'd whether you want it or not!

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Where are the stop signs / traffic lights in general? Do they have a suicide quota or something?

I feel bad for Truck-kun.

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>majority of them are kids
No wonder Japan has a birth rate issue

Well, quite a lot of these are on pedestrian crossings.

whelp that explains everything

>about 40% of japan would be in an alternate reality


and who knows?

If my henatis are right, every pubescent boy is having daily gangbangs with cakes, so all these bastard children have to be going somewhere for the population to be declining

>have high pitch squeaky horn just to not scare kids
>shout at them from the window anyway
Wew lad

It's not like they're better irl. They're in a constant rush due to their tight schedule and should they hit someone on the road, they'd rather kill the sucker on the spot and pay his funeral fees since it's cheaper and less complicated than paying his medical bills.

I'm pretty sure that would land you a life sentence if the attorneys ever figured it out.


コラッ dumbass

Because they have nothing but blind corners in Japan.

I'm glad that little qt was aware, and avoided that threat

She's secretly an adult who was already isekai'd to this world and so knows what to look out for.

It's like those kids want to be isekai'd. BAN ISEKAI ANIME NOW!

>Terminator music plays in the background

Where I live, there's always the issue of that one asshole who tries to cut past you when you're about to turn. Whenever I get near my home, I always have to slow down and signal a bit before turning the corner into the street because there's a real chance of some idiot trying to cut past from the side I'm turning into. The worst part is that even though I'm legally in the right in the event of an accident, I still have to go through all sorts of legal bullshit anyway.

Oh, and I forgot to add the part where the dumbass I might wind up hitting winds up acting like I'm the one in the wrong. I remember a case where one kept at it even though both the police and I outright explained why he was at fault repeatedly.

Why do they even have pedestrian crossings if every driver ignores them also lot of dumb bike riders

Dipshits buying large trucks as a status symbol fucked up the market, too. A modern Tacoma (mid sized truck) is as large, if not larger, than a 90s to early 00s Tundra (full size truck). My 2009 B2300 is about as large as a full size sedan and I get 21 MPG with mixed city and highway driving. That was the last year of production so when the rust takes it I'll either have to buy a much older truck, or something bigger than I want. The larger trucks don't even have a bigger bed, they just have a larger load/towing capacity which most people won't use/don't need. If you buy a crew cab then you actually have a smaller bed than I do.

All this tells me is that
1) Kids should be kept on a leash.
2) Places that have no room for a bike lane should just straight up not allow bikes and stuff like that.
Outside of the first and last one, as far as I saw it was always the cyclist/biker/pedestrian's fault for taking sudden, unsignalled turns on a large road, or straight up rushing through traffic.

A lot of those tiny suburban streets were almost certainly just not designed to have trucks running up and down them regularly. I don't know how garbage collection works in Japan though.

I need some eurobeat to go with this.

I think the 1 lane roads is the least of the issue, since from what I saw, the speed limit seems so low in those places that you can't get a serious injury unless you step infront of a truck literally just as it reaches the gateway, and at that point, if you can step in front of a truck like that, you're deaf and not even careful about it. No amount of road regulations can save people suicidally stepping into traffic.
I'm more talking about like those two lane roads with tiny sidewalk where each lane barely fits a car and the side walk isn't wide enough for more than one bike.
The issue is that in those places, it's clearly meant for proper traffic, so speed limits are going to be higher and reaction times suffer. That's why bike lanes are great, even if they eat up a bit of the road, since at least you have something to stick to, and you're going to get your ass jailed if you try going anywhere but exactly where a truck driver wiould expect you to be as he's coming up on an intersection.

The fuck?

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>I'm pretty sure that would land you a life sentence if the attorneys ever figured it out.
What he described was China, I have no idea why he thinks that's applicable to Japan.

Like 90% of those are kids

What would do you think she ended up in?

Attached: a anime irl isekai girl truck.png (601x539, 37K)

>non alcoholic drink
>walking along a motorway in the middle of the night just after prom

Lol, sure.

I've never seen a truck hit someone in an anime, is it really a common cliche all of a sudden?


As someone who spent years living and driving in Japan these are my observed issues:
Extremely tight corners, so tight you can't see anything until it's too late. Very narrow roads and corners with walls, you literally cannot see until you are past. A lot have mirrors, but some do not.

Terrible drivers. I shit you not, I regularly saw people run red lights. The time from red to green in perpendicular traffic is longer, so people think they can just run them. I saw one of my students almost get mowed down by a car who ran a red light.

I almost got into a head on collision on a two way road that was only the width of one car, and the opposing driver was going full speed at me.

I saw someone driving in the wrong lane. She was fucking Japanese, it's a two lane road. I'm American and we drive on the opposite side of the road, and even I never did that shit.

If you're a pedestrian or a biker, just pretend every intersection has a stop sign, even if you have the right of way because I rarely saw people stop for them. I can't tell you how many times I stopped on my bike when I had the right of way and some car just blew through a stop sign without seeing me.

Also, old people walk in the middle of the street at night and if you hit them it's your fault (If you're foreign and do that might as well just commit sudoku because it will be all over for you)

Is it just me or are there double posts?

Even at zebra crossings you are supposed to wait until its clear/people stop like they're supposed to. Not just run out randomly when obviously drivers can't see you.

Because they're watching anime.

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>leaves party at 11 pm to go home
>1 hour and 40 minutes later, she's walking on a country road
The fuck?

>in anime and manga

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>wheel rolls out
>turns around and tries to return to its spot to save the truck
Truck-kun and Wheel-chan OTP.

this some of those kids are just jumping when the truck is practically already over the crossing, and also they jump from behind cars without any care
though some of those trucks really seem to be going very fast for those small streets

>Also, old people walk in the middle of the street at night and if you hit them it's your fault (If you're foreign and do that might as well just commit sudoku because it will be all over for you)

They should have vampire escorts.

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Most new/nice cars in Japan have large monitors in front and you can legitimately watch TV while driving

>I almost got into a head on collision on a two way road that was only the width of one car
how is that suppossed to work? there are places like that on my city, but in the most abandoned areas where streets aren't even paved, and no one would give a fuck if the streets were one way, they would do what they want anyway

well, the guy driving that truck was just retarded or a murderer

You either pull to the side or you literally had to back up until an area that was wide enough for a car to pass.

To be fair that isn't an average road though, it was a mountain road that led to a community where the school (elementary through junior high) had a total of like 30 students.

Yeah but some of these fuckers aren't even slowing down at pedestrian crossings.

Oh, but at least you could go to the side. I thought that you were talking about one of those roads where the street ends and the line of building starts. Not even the Japanese can be that suicidal.

>passing a car that is stopped in front of a crosswalk in the morning when an elementary kid is on their way to school
Just give that driver the rope

Yeah sorry not that.
On some places you could pull to the side, some places it was cliff up on your left and cliff down on your right with barely enough room for one car to pass, so there you would need to back up carefully until there was an area where someone could pass.

Remind me of how he ended up becoming a spirit detective in the first place.

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All of this is terrifying, for the poor Truck-kun

I'm not sure if this became an official banner but I just found back when we were making new ones someone made this

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People always forget in Isekai Stories, Truck Drivers get charged with Vehicular Manslaughter.

Everyone forgets about the Truck Driver since everybody saw him murder you with his truck


Because after 100+ years of industry led anti-pedestrian propaganda, we've lost sight of who owns the street and who owns the lion's share of the blame in accidents.

>story starts
>just an ordinary highschool student on his way to school
>gets hit by a truck
>"this is how my story began"
>Story is a truck driver being "isekaied" into prison
>Ggoes on a quest to use his cheat item(shiv) to defeat the demon lord(warden) and return home(escape prison)

Whats with the "BEEP BEEP" computer noise most times when they stop?

Isn't the birth rate in Japan continually dropping and suicide rate really high?
I'd say that Japan was is on the way to that figure soon.

Those are some narrow fuckin streets they got there

>Isn't the birth rate in Japan continually dropping and suicide rate really high?
No, for the thousandth time Japan has a higher birth rate than the vast majority of European countries once you remove immigrants from the equation. Second, only a turbo retard would think constant growth of population on an already overpopulated planet that's consuming resources far too quickly is a good thing.

wouldn't it be nice if there was an isekai where the driver would be sentenced to death and is than isekaid to the same world to fuck shit up?

that's the shittie thing with old cities and towns
they obviously never thought about cars and sidewalks and now you're stuck with 30cm to either side to make it work somewhat

alot of small towns are like this around my area and it's fucked up

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Enma noticed the potential in him, which was actually just his inheritance from Raizen

i can not stand the lights i end up going blind for a few seconds whenever i pass them

If two trucks crash into each other head on, are both drivers isekai'd, do the two isekai forces cancel out, or do they simply die now that there's no vehicle to ferry them to the other world?

fake, uk dont have prom nights

Two trucks having a head on isn't a tragic loss of innocent life so they wouldn't deserve to be reincarnated somewhere.

It's realistic

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This China?

Narrow streets and short pedestrians.

>walking in the middle of the road
>looking backward when a car is closing in
>friend didn't even notice the car (and her friend being sent flying)
Tell me this is staged

Maybe those kids want to isekai truck drivers by giving them heart attack before 50s

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>Driver finds the protagonist surrounded by his harem, awesome super power and living it up in the new world

>I had a wife and kids! I had a life! I blink for one moment, and HE steps out in front of my truck! THE MINDLESS IDIOT! AND I'M TO BLAME!? I DIE IN SHAME BECAUSE HE CAN'T FOLLOW A CROSSWALK!? And here he is, rewarded for it all...


Notice they're using the wrong side of the road. Now that's the problem.

I now understand why all Toyota models now come with “safety sense” front radar to engage breaking.

Attached: 0CFFD03B-B442-4875-9663-D0A65F1EB62C.jpg (960x538, 61K)

> el over population may may
Limited resources only apply to apelets who can't build tools.

The truck.

> I was a hard working truck driver when I was charged with vehicular manslaughter and isekai'ed into another world where stupid brats who run into traffic are given harems and super powers?!

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You literally failed basic science, come back when you understand the conservation of energy.

>tools don't require resources

> implying
There's literally more solar energy in one tiny desert than gets used by the entirety of mankind. Cope.


Oh and pray tell why humanity hasn't utilized said solar energy yet? Surely you're not gonna tell us a bunch of sand niggers could impede such a massive resource right? Stop being retarded, you're not as smart as you think you are, and everything you think you know comes from the internet in the first place, which means you're just as gullible as the next idiot here.

> Another loli isekai didn't get approved

Theres any manga with girls being trucks a la Kancolle Azur lane

Attached: St girl truck.jpg (1280x853, 671K)

you can't even solve pollution or global warming you dumb armchair cunt shut the fuck up

> solve pollution
Such a statement makes even less sense than "curing cancer". Go watch captain planet so you can catch up to speed with the rest of 5th grade.

its china user
>if i don't see evil nothing happen to me

Wow generalizing much? I know people who didn't die when they were killed.

There are projects for building massive solar arrays in deserts currently being implemented.

>The truck driver is a MC with a happy famliy
>A edgy boy wanted be killed by a truck
>The driver goes to prison or his family is destroyed .
>Death sentence / suicide
>Goes to same world of the boy
>Finds out, the boy is now the supreme villian of the world
>Truck driver start his quest for revenge and find a way to back to home.

Attached: jap truck.jpg (1600x975, 353K)

>Driver-kun must go on a quest to find the 18 Wheels of Destiny

>Travel in the world using a steam punk truck

Attached: Steam punk truck.jpg (1247x875, 436K)

>All of his special attacks are CB-radio callouts

>hundred dollar lane strike! ...10-10.

Fuck i really a fucking Isekai like this.
Fuck exist even isekai about prostitutes.


They're called lot lizards, good buddy.

It's the dashcam recording an incident. Slamming on the brakes and bringing the car to a sudden stop is interpreted as a crash.

This is why I love doing 1 mile under the speed limit in from of pickups

They fuckin

>mfe China just got rid of the law thing that made people make sure they killed who ever they hit with their car

>uV ajeD

>Double axle in the front
>Single in the back


I know Japan don't know shit about vehicle physics, or material physics in any way (Wood crack like stone EVERY FUCKING TIME), but this just made me laugh.

I remember being drilled for like 3 weeks straight once a year at like age 3 to age 9 to always look both ways before crossing the road and to keep checking constantly while on the road. A billion years later I still adhere to that.

Because they get paid an extra by the isekai goddesses to recruit neets or sararymen

Isn't that dude who died and got dumped in a trash compactor or something?

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What's going on here? Some kinda glitch in the Matrix?

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Nice try cager. You fags never see me and have to dodge you all the time because you retards can't actually stop it yield.

It's not the drivers, its the trucks.

This has to be on purpose.

japanese bike on the sidewalk.

>thinks it's unawareness and not deliberate malice
It's Truck-kun's road, bitch, you step onto it and take your chances.

Attached: truck kun.jpg (1280x1440, 214K)

Looks like someone defeated the Demon Lord and Truck-kun is on its way to return them to their rightful place.

Asians are notoriously shit drivers

Friendly reminder that if you hit someone in China, the legally responsible thing to do is finish them off

> 00:48
>tries to not run over kid
>another comes out of nowhere
Jesus fucking Christ the isekai gods wanted a kid dead that day.

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So this what 105 IQ average looks like... the human race is fucked...


You got it all wrong. They naturally have 100 average IQ, but they skew the numbers by culling the low IQs with rabid truck-kuns.

What else can you expect from a society based on incest?

These small towns looks like they were frozen in time since the 80s


Wtf I'm looking at? is that real life or some glitch in Grand Theft Auto?

Being truck-san in japan surely is something tough

I choked on my drink

Watching this is stressful.

So truck guys were innocent are along...

It's just a truck being towed and the steering rack wasn't secured.

Where's your god now?

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It doesn't matter the place, religion or the race. Kids will always be repulsive creatures.

After this we can assume that the low birth rates is just a lie to hide reality. They are just retarded.

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That's irrelevant to the other truck.

Your truck has a utility crane, thus need to have axles under it, or extender legs.
The other truck have the majority of the weight on the rear axle, yet have two front, and one back.

It's like having a top fuel dragster swap front wheels with the rear wheels.

Most of the weight of both trucks is between the second and third axles. Two steered axles with one tire at each end is just far easier to package than a steered axle with dualies.

The rear axle on the dualies often steer as well though.

Fund it

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so there are so much isekai manga for made people remeber about wath before crossing a streer?

You're 3x less likely to be killed in a road accident in Japan than in the US

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Japan is 3x smaller than the US. Checkmate atheists

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The oldest instance I've seen of a truck killing someone is touch, which came out in the 1980's or something. It's not exactly a new thing, although maybe it's more common now than before

So the problem is that kids are retarded?

私は車両の過失致死罪で起訴され、交通に出くわした愚かな小僧がハーレムと超大国を与えられる別の世界に連れて行かれたとき、勤勉なトラック運転手でした! is getting a anime next year bro... they beat you to it...

Uhhh, yes we do

what do you do, eat crumpets until 10th bong?

sneak in vodka in water bottles and get shitfaced

They're too busy looking at all the power lines.

Also, one of the truck drivers is sexually molesting the other — but it's okay; they're both boys; they're nothing to be embarrassed about.

already better than the cuck fate


If I had a dollar for every time some retarded mother has pushed her pram out into the middle of the road in front of me without even stopping or looking because she's too busy fucking around with her phone, I could afford to retire.

Isn't it beautiful?

usually someone pulls down their dress in a stretch hummer that daddy rented for them
there's probably a fair bit of shagging but I wouldn't know (´・ω・`)

Those one way streets are a disaster waiting to happen, specially at night

Kids are dumb as shit and don't pay attention to their surroundings.

The predator attacks, charging with great speed towards his unsuspecting prey. He may be fast however on this day he's not quite fast enough and his prey is able to escape a most grisly end. His opportunity now gone he moves on in search of another meal.

>Truck-kun to Van-chan

Motorcyclists are only a real issue when it's spics on rice rockets. Pickup truck drivers are the worst, especially if they work for some kind of blue collar service (i.e. lawn, pool cleaner, etc.) since the dipshits never fucking secure their shit.

So what? I don't know what planet you live on, but on this one you don't need to slow down just because you're near a crosswalk. In Japan it's considered jaywalking and they will ticket you if a cop sees you crossing at a crosswalk before the walk signal turns on.

How is it so low, is it just fewer drivers/more people taking trains? Japanese streets do not look safer than the American equivalents - at least we have way more sidewalks.

seen that, done that

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Truck-kun level up in badass.

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- Fewer people driving

- Getting a license actually requires you to learn how to drive

- Most people actually pay attention to crossing signals and don't cross unless they're allowed to do so

and we have mexican ricers. One of them splattered a high school girl a few years ago while drag racing

Me and my friend were in Tokyo and we were about to cross between parked cars and I poked my head out just as one of those trucks went flying past, very nearly got isekaid, now i understand the whole truck thing better

There is no fucking visibility. Tiny single lanes with houses hugging the sidewalk. The fault lies in the city planning.

>Those trucks straight up zooming through residential areas
What the fuck

A lower percentage of the population drives, driving school is really expensive, plus owning a car is more expensive (look up shaken/車検)

I think part of it is that the drinking limit for driving is literally 0, if you have one beer it is illegal to drive.
Japan and Korea have something kalled 代行 (daikou) that is like uber but 2 they come pick you up after you drink, and one will drive your car home, so you can drive to where you drink, then have someone drive you home. Not necessary in Tokyo obviously, but outside of big cities it's very convenient.


He just google translated the greentext into somewhat awkward Japanese

in the spring/summer, every time i drive past some retard weaving through traffic on his bike w/o a helmet, whether its some alcoholic boomer or dipshit college kid, I take solemn note of their appearance and look for them in the inevitable biweekly motorcycle death articles in the paper