Which does Yea Forums prefer Kengan or Baki...

Which does Yea Forums prefer Kengan or Baki? I like Baki's fights and art style a bit more(as weird as it can be at times) but I feel Kengan has the better overall story and characters

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kengan is better but baki is entertaining in a retarded way

People actually die in Kengan

Kengan bc Baki got a Netshill cartoon.

Kengan for the suspense. Baki for the turn your brain off fun.

So did Kengan.
It isn't terrible.

I can definitely agree with these statements.
Do I have some bad news for you

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Never read baki cause the artstyle throws me off but kengan is amazing , solid 9/10

Stop trying to force this fanbase war, you fuck.
They are different series with different qualities and different purposes and different methods and different philosophies and different directions and different audiences.

Kill yourself if you insist that all things are to be measured against one another. Kill yourself if you simply want to spark a flamewar. The constant, in all possible "ifs" here, is the judgment: kill yourself.

>different audiences

Both are Netshill and Kengan's is even worse since it's CGshit

>and different audiences.
Most people on Yea Forums seem to have read both, now if you mean people who keep up with current Baki compared to the Kengan audience it's definitely going to be less common ground since it takes a masochist to keep up with Dou after Musashi happened.

Kengan. Baki has become long and tedious with no pay off.

Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? It looks fucking terrible and doesn’t match up with he art style at all.

OP here, I'm not trying to force this war I like both series I just wanted to get other people's opinions on it.

Oh, I'm sure.

I watched the entirety of the Kengan anime, really expected to hate it after loving the manga so much. By the time the first match of the annihilation tournament starts they've found a pretty good spot for the CG. It also didnt suffer from weak ass sounding punches like Ippo season 3, sound design was on point. It's not perfect and they cut some stuff out (medicine man) but it wasn't the unmitigated disaster I expected.

Is the whole musashi arc not well liked?
I'm wondering how they'll handle the whole coop thing without medicine man. I'm assuming Hassad will still be there

>s the whole musashi arc not well liked?
Even Japan grew cold to it. At least from what I remember from the TL's comments.

No why would it be?

Kengan Asura is one of my favourite manga but I haven't read Baki because I can't into the artstyle. I'm sure it's also good though

Baki's more fun. Kengan takes itself too seriously even though it's actually as retarded as Baki desu.

Convict arc best arc

>Most people on Yea Forums seem to have read both
Oh my sweet summer child.

so... i like these two but baki is more on my oppinion

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>Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
Apparently the artist of the manga was supportive of the cgishit and said that he likes it that way.

It's literally soul vs soulless. Kegnan has literally nothing interesting going on, while Baki is such fucking over the top retarded fun with legendary art that's a biggest pleb-filter in martial arts manga for sure. Also most of the characters are unironically amazing.

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loved kengan, would like to read baki but can't seem to find the earlier chapters.

>Dumb retard funny fighting things > literal edge

God, what a fucking retard.

>literally zero confrontational posts before his, just people stating what they like about each

A majority of Yea Forums may not read them, but I bet most people who read one also read the other.

>They are different series with different qualities and different purposes and different methods and different philosophies and different directions and different audiences.
How the fuck does this invalidate the "which do you prefer" question? That's exactly why you can have a preference.

>different audiences
They really don't.

What a nice, safe, faggy opinion you have there. But yeah, us baki and kengan fans are pretty chill because well...we read both.

Honestly the current arc of Baki is SO STUPID it's actively making KA/O leagues better

But being stupid is Baki's trademark.

Which says something about how bad this arc is.
Plus the most recent chapter was actually so idiotic stupid instead of wacky stupid I'd honestly put it up there with the top 5 maybe even top 3 worst chapters of the entire series.

for me kengan asura is just all the appeal of baki but with art that doesnt make my eyes bleed. so i guess kengan asura

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You're so fucking new to these series' threads that it hurts.

OK, schizo.

Excellent /qa/ comeback. I don't know why I didn't use it myself.

>ACTUALLY taking pride in his long-time generalfaggotry
you can't make this shit up

Pretty much this

If you wanted an incomprehensible retort for those who have no part of whatever shit you imagine this is about, you could have just with "dilate".

I have seen everything I need to see about Baki and I can tell I will never give my opinion on which one is better because I will never read Baki, on the other hand it just took me a little search on Kengan Ashura to red it all in a single week and then follow every single thing the author did, so I just go and say Kengan Ashura wins.

based retard

Baki is the superior manga in terms of art, fights and martial arts depiction. Since they're both martial arts manga that makes Baki superior by default, but KA is better crafted in a traditional storytelling sense. Nothing in KA is even close to Baki's most kino moments either, though.

I didn't even realize I typed that out like that? I meant to say most people who read one of these series have read both, although most people who read Baki only make it about as far as the Convicts Arc, maybe the Kaoh tournament at most.

>Baki is the superior manga in terms of art, fights and martial arts depiction
The only thing I think Baki easily surpasses KA in is the sheer insanity of the fights themselves. But to say that martial arts are anywhere near better depicted in Baki, than in KA is laughable. The art for Baki likewise borders on the surreal at times. Despite Itagaki having practiced martial arts it's obvious to anyone who reads his stories that he's more interested in the idea and philosophy of fighting and not making the fights look logical or sometimes even make sense.

Baki isnt really trying to tell a story anymore but its pretty fun to read, though I think the current sumo arc is kind of a let down when compared to cavemen and samurai ghost clones

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Have you ever practiced or followed martial arts at all? Both men and their manga obviously bleed love for MAs, but Itagaki is Sandro's better when it comes to posing, panel flow and most importantly, depicting the weight of punches. Baki might be exaggerated bordering on surreal, but every jab Itagaki draws is almost always on point when it comes to proper technique form (AKA sound biomechanics). Sandro does his research but he's not as obsessive/proficient.

>but Itagaki is Sandro's better when it comes to posing, panel flow and most importantly, depicting the weight of punches
I can give you that Itagaki loves heavy hits but it's mostly the same hit where the eyelids are unable to keep up with the momentum of the hit itself. But again, Itagaki has already proven he'll delve into the absurd for how the body poses and moves through a motion, the KA crew are obviously better at making a believable body movement through various actions although they have their own deficiencies as well.

Itagaki loves martial arts it's clear. But he's not pretending to want to make it seem like he's trying to mirror how actual martial artists move because he's more than willing to just rely on crazy poses.

>Excellent /qa/ comeback
Well, what else other than schizo do you call someone throwing a tantrum over "flamewar instigation" in a thread where the only non-civil discussion is the one about how much of a faggot he's being?
I don't get what the fuck being from /qa/ has to do with accurately describing you, but if you wanna complain about imaginary flamewars, perhaps you should go there?