>classmates are talking about how shitty SAO is >all of them are "I'M AN OTAKU UWU" girls >they have watched 10~ different anime in total >tell them SAO is better than their favorite isekai and hating SAO isn't even cool anymore >then I had to explain what an isekai is >I shut down all their replies >conversation quickly turns back to Tokyo Ghoul and how hot Kaneki is
Please neck yourself, slightly less retareded normalfag
Jackson Murphy
>Anime was a mistake Hello, reddit. Is JoJo your favorite anime?
Noah Morris
>SAO Kill yourself to death.
Jeremiah Smith
Why is Sword Art Online so awful again? I skipped it altogether because the premise was unappealing as hell to me.
Ryan Diaz
Well, why are you even starting a conversation with them if it makes you mad?
Hudson Bell
one piece? more like One Piece Of Shit
Noah Gray
>things that didn't happen
Julian Hughes
>girls There's your problem then
Anthony Roberts
Ha, based.
Wyatt Reyes
Everything sucks Sadly I will never become a normalfag No it's Death Parade Why?
Jaxon Lee
It dropped its premise halfway through for muh married life and then got progressively worse from there.
Jeremiah Ortiz
The closest I ever got to this was a guy at Gamestop saying Castlevania S1 was the best anime of the decade. He did not take my explanation of why it was a cartoon well
Grayson Thomas
I'm not mad but I can't stand retarded stuff Idk man It happened, like hours ago.
Nolan Wright
It just has the same problems as every other overpowered MC light novel, it just gets more hate than shit like Isekai Cheat Magician because it's popular among normalfags.
Wyatt Green
Slice your wrists, Yea Forumseddit
Hudson Wood
You lost me at "girls"
Daniel Hughes
>conversation quickly turns back to Tokyo Ghoul and how hot Kaneki is Based.
>bad premise >uninteresting le epic gamer world >overpowered MC >no sense of urgency or threat >boring characters >cliche villain Do you hate yourself OP? I actually watched that garbage, you probably didn't and are trolling. I hope so.
Christian Cooper
>blogposter XD make yourself taller.
Jaxon Perry
It's a waste of what was considered an interesting premise back in the day. The author has obviously never played a video game in his life. MC is a potato self insert, but he obviously is super strong so all the girls like him unconditionally, they are here only to look nice and have no personality either. The whole story is predictable and cliched. I don't know, it's not even that bad for today's standards, but that honestly pretty sad.
Ethan Smith
Is the reason why I feel like this thread is still up after almost 20 minutes and only 1 person replying to itself the same reason why I think Yea Forums is never going to be the same?
Jason Clark
sao is dollar store .//hack
Nicholas Cox
>SAO >isekai
Isaac Myers
Dilate blogshitter
Jaxon Garcia
SAO Progressive is good though.
Brandon Moore
Honestly I was just expecting "kys, saged" replies but I'm surprised too
Chase Edwards
>interrupt other peoples conversation >become hostile for no reason because social interactions scare me. >explain what the isekai genre is so i can exhibit my vast anime knowledge. I can see them looking back and forth nervously. They keep watching my hands and flinching if they go near my bag. >excitededly explain how much more i know about japanese cartoons for children. Feel actual pride over this. Who do these normies think they are? >smugly exit the conversation. Cant wait to tell Yea Forums about this!
Aaron Nelson
Wanna have a real opinion?
It's the most average anime that exists it's so average in fact that it's the major factor why it makes such a shitty anime
At the time, SAO was hot garbage. In a time where Gurren Lagann, Code Geass, Soul Eater, Lucky Star, Evangelion Rebuild, Gintama, Kill la Kill, and other legendary works had recently come out, SAO was bad.
But now, the industry has fallen so far from grace (when anime hit the mainstream) that even SAO is competent when compared to the likes of Slime, Monster Musume, Danmachi, Shield Hero, Goblin Slayer, Attack on Titan, and other trash heaps. And I'm referring to the first couple seasons of SAO, not whatever trash it has recently become.
Are we just looping back around now that popular opinion is SAO sucks? I didn't mind the first half but everything after sucked balls imo. The doujins with his sister were great though
Isaac Moore
Fuck, that one wasn't half bad. I just don't like how it forces the author's weird sense of morality on the audience, also it comes off as too melodramatic at times.
Levi Morales
Congrats, this might be the most autistic post I've ever seen on Yea Forums, you should be proud.
Justin Bell
>talking about chink cartons outside Yea Forums
Lincoln Baker
Bad adaptation of an okay LN, fans of the LN aren't fond and normal fags hate it because some E celeb told them to.
Xavier Rivera
The only thing good about SAO is the first part of the first season. Everything after onions elf is shit.