There are people on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW who can't do this

>there are people on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW who can't do this

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Other urls found in this thread:

What do you get from being able to do this?

A bigger chest. DFC isn't flattering on males.

What do you get from looking flattering?

anyone who started lifting 12 weeks ago ,when the show started, should be able to do at least 50kg bench right now

Being able to beat up your waifu.

Doesn`t heavy weight training on pectoral muscles makes girls tits smaller?

you get higher amounts of testosterone with greater physique, strength, and stamina for anything you might need for day to day activity. Attitude changes due to hormone changes. and many more things, what do you get for not doing it?

won't make them smaller, it just stretches the skin tighter and forces the fatty substance more evenly across the chest. Unless they are roiding they won't make significant enough increases in mass to deform the breasts.

>tfw I weigh 40 kg
I wish I was a tank I hate this so much.

>hibiki can easily overpower 9/10 anons on Yea Forums
Jesus, what an intimidating girl....

Attached: she cute.jpg (1366x768, 88K)

What does the barbell weight again?
I forgot.

What's she gonna do, crush me under her flab?

>Hibiki will never overpower you and make you her boyfriend
I sleep forever nao

More free time, a shorter life, people pay less attention to you, you save money you would have spent on gyms and nutrition, don't have to spend the rest of your life doing it do you don't lose progress.

Increased endorphins associated with better mental health as well better physical health, plus building positive habits and a good work ethic, duh

You sound sad

That end animation was so fucking adorable. I’ve never had this much urge to protect that smile of pure happiness.

20kg. so 40kg has like fucking 10kg on the ends. thats should definitely have been reached by anyone that started lifting 12 weeks ago. but for males they should have been able to do 60 kg now (1 plate(1 20kg plate on both sides plus bar is 60 kg. 2 plates would be 100kg))

How many years does it take to work?

I've never been to a gym

yet people that do the minimum amount of gyming in their lives wont need a cane when people that never exercise need one 10-20 years before them, basically regaining all the time you spend in the gym when your on pension, plus the added benefit of actually feeling decent before your pension

I ready have enough to worry about, I don't need to add more.

Nothing, really, most male teenagers should be able to do it

Ask the lolis you fap to

I want to be dead by fifty so I'm not worried about that.

feeling better?

a few weeks of 3 time a week if you stopped eating anything processed and only ate veggies and meat and some complex carbs
your food intake affects your mood a lot, especially if your gut biome is fucked.

i fasted for 2 weeks when i was depressed and was almost not depressed anymore after 9 days.

Your mood increases after your first workout, the physical changes will take months. Remember, proper dieting is just as important as throwing weights around.

>not wanting to know what the anime of the century was.

though i am gonna need to pull a bilbo baggins and become 111, thats why iam doing research on longevity though. 111 should be doable for most people if you do things right

It varies per person man, only one way to find out. For me about a year later I started getting compliments (much better posture, looked better in most clothing, plus more stamina and strength simple things like carrying groceries etc.) I wasn't huge and I'm still not but the benefits so far have far outweighed the perceived negatives I thought about when I first started. I definitely noticed more mental clarity a month or two later once I found a routine that worked for me and was hitting the sweet spot of being sore, not exhausted and steadily improving. Doesn't have to be lifting either, boxing is a good example and you learn something that could potential save you later, but you need strength to start.

40kg is easy as shit and I don't even do it for my warm-ups anymore but yeah I started very low with 20-30kg as my max.

I have a huge chest merely from push ups
get good ********
also the last numbers of my post is how many push ups you now have to do

I doubt it's many. Bench pressing is one of the easier exercises and 40 kg is not much.

Attached: -.jpg (260x298, 20K)

I only have 5kg dumbells, I can lift 60kg though since I weight 110kg and can do over a hundred pushups.

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>the last numbers
How many of them?

Whenever I go for a run or do pushups, I just feel tired.

This, for christs sakes move around a bit, strengthen yourself. You'll feel better.
This user sounds is a depressed drone who trying to hard in the social game.


Hey retards can someone translate this Eurospeak? thx

it's not a fair comparison, she inherited her father's Superman syndrome

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88lb + tip

sorry, last two digits

mother fucker how did you not learn this in any basic science class
just do 2.25 x lbs and you have a general estimate


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So five pushups.

But that's exactly why exercise helps. Takes your mind off of nonsense well helping you improve another anons have already mentioned. No one is saying be a body builder, but being an immobile sad fuck does nothing for you

Every push up you do will prolong your lifespan
so do 50

If you actually bulk properly, it's estimated that you can gain around 25 lbs in your first year (0.5 lbs per week). Your second year will be slower, but that's fine. Either way, you'll look and feel a lot better within your first year, because 25 lbs of muscle is non-trivial.

I think it's comparable to learning Japanese in that you start to notice your own progress within 3-6 months, and it visibly changes your life (or lifestyle) in a year. And 2 years is enough to reach intermediate proficiency and reap the rewards of your labor.

kg is for europe retard, only the US and UK use the pound.

Although I'm not who you originally replied to and don't really care about getting a huge chest.

>better physique
>more strength
>more confidence

Wait her dad is wakatsuki?


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But you have to change your schedule, and diet, and spend money on a gym, and don't slip up or you lose all progress.

why do you think she's so strong (and hungry) despite never weight training before?

that's roughly 1 american leg

I'm too lazy to follow a program.

I'm not

I can do five, maybe ten.

dude I spend like 10 dollars a month for my gym its not that hard

Just do something each day.

Yes, you have to change things to improve. Besides, you can do bodyweight to start if you're worried about a gym membership anyways. I dunno why you're so worried about somehow losing all your progress, that's not how it works

A man of integrity and perseverance
then do as many as you can, three days in a row, rest 3 days, and repeat
Your chest muscles will be bigger than most guys

>But you have to change your schedule
Stop pretending you don't have 4 hours of free time every week
>and diet
If your die is good, you don't need to change anything. If it's bad, you need to change it regardless of lifting
>spend money on a gym
How can you not have enough money for a gym membership? Even the most expensive aren't more than 50 bucks a month
>and don't slip up or you lose all progress.
Not true.
You only make excuses because you are weak, physically and mentally

That's what I'm doing, but the people on /fit/ are laughing at me for not having more than a lmao4plaet diddly.

Will I get the same benefits of lifting with pull ups and push ups instead? I don't have access to weights.

I do have free time, but I like to spend it on my hobbies, and I'm a lousy cook as well as poor.

This is the main problem for me always stopping with it after a while. It's so much work and I don't care about other people enough to make anythingg for them/their reactions so I always ask myself why. I mean yes it's cool when you look more like you personally WANT to look but in the end why doing all of this if I just spend all my time in my room in front of the PC anyway since it's the only thing my autism makes me care about?

>but I like to spend it on my hobbies
Yea Forums is not a hobby, faggot

I study programming, which is something that can get you a job.

/fit/ is filled with larpers claiming they reached 1/2/3/4 in 6 months. Don't mind them and do your own thing.

So I got a basic weight bench set. I have the larger bar with some weights, but I have to grab some plats for the individual arm bars(because they're smaller holes). What's a decent workout I can do with the larger bar until payday?

I work 10 hours a day for a big marketing company and still work out every second day, even at the hotels on business travels, jetlag included.
You are such a weak and pathetic fucking faggot, jesus christ. I bet you wear glasses and fap to weeb shit every day.

>mfw i'm struggling to do exercises with 15 kg dumbbells
Will i ever make it bros?

I dunno why you entered this thread to say working out is pointless if you can't seem to even try it. I get circumstances might be difficult but other people already gave you suggestions. You can even get a fitness related job, you don't have to. You just sound like you have terrible self-confidence (calling yourself lousy at your job) which is exactly what exercise can fix. It's honestly fucking baffling to me but it's your life.

eat more, lift more, sleep more

If exersise is so good, why can't it fix ypur eyesight?

>tried going at the gym last year
>thought I was going to be diligent this time
>Came every day for thre days, and then two then finnaly on times a week
>cancelled out my membership one month after subscribing

Well that was one hard adventure.

what? shitposting?

how long can you pieces of lard hold a plank? Try it right now.

Does 40kg include bar weight?

I'm at 2 min but I could probably do another 30 seconds

looking at the picture, there is only one weight on each side, so yes.

It does. It helps you self-improving and you will buy contacts

did you have a plan or was it just a case of hitting the gym as hard as possible

I keep working out for a few months, getting a bit stronger and feeling better, then stopping when life/uni/depression kicks me in the balls.

Give me motivation to go to the gym tomorrow anons. I can't go on like this or i'll go insane.

I've tried them before and didn't like them.

use this

2 min is fairly easy for me, don't push it further than that really though I think I quite easily could.

do it for sensei

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keep crying

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Why is cake sensei always best girl?

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Because they are in my own age.

Next to nothing from 1 set of 10. If you do like 5 sets of 10 it would be good for toning your arms and chest. Strength building though Bench doesn't really do much.

A minute.

I could do that then. 40kg 10 rep bench presses is basically exactly what my mom would force me to do for PE in high school.

Thank you. This was all I needed. I will live like this no longer! I will do whatever I must, no matter the cost, I will prove myself to Tachibana-sensei!

Attached: DoomerNoMore.png (680x680, 105K)

The German way or no way my friend. 10 sets of 10 is all there is.

and frick gyms. Why pay to do useless labor when you can earn money lifting buckets and crates?

What are even the best training methods if you are underweight as shit.

Go lift for your wheyfu user! Get those gains!

50 seconds

like how underweight are we talking?

Does that include the bar?

Maybe if you are /frauding/.

Calm down, don't let the testosterone shorten your temper fitnon. To the other user. You don't need 4 hours, you don't need even one. It's as simple as just trying few push-ups 10~20 with jumping jacks or crunches. If it doesn't work at least you tried.

Working manual labor is not time efficient training. Anyone with a moderately good job shouldn't (and doesn't) even consider it.

88lb with 5,45. I eat properly I swear, it was the same when I was a little kid.

probably lift heavy low reps 5x5 choose 5-day program or something and start eating more drink milk or other heavy caloric foods if you have a hard time eating enough

I will try. Thanks, user.

>this thread

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2 minutes and half. I am not fat. I think I could hold it longer if I had a stop watch in front of me. I just played a youtube video and looked at the time passed when I was done.

Friendly reminder that weight excersie is unnatural and did not exist for 99.99% of the evolution of humans. If you want a healthy body, do cardio + own weight excersise such as push-ups, pull-ups and crunches, or even better, do activities that require both endurance and intermediate strength such as climbing or swimming.

>Friendly reminder that weight excersie is unnatural and did not exist for 99.99% of the evolution of humans.
just like computers and imageboards

neither did exercise at all outside of what was required for your survival

Friendly reminder that human life is unnatural and did not exist for 99.9999555556% of the evolution of the Earh.

I haven't set foot in a gym or practiced sports in nearly a decade, and I can still do that much easily. I'm not a big guy by any means either. What I do know (modesty apart) is a great deal of human physiology and its accompanying statistics, and when I read some of you can't do it despite being (assumedly) 18 years or older males, I can't help but being appalled and quite frankly worried for your health. This honestly puts some of you in the lower end of the fifth percentage among males (regardless of weight and height), right next to the elderly and sick. Congrats Yea Forums, you finally made it to an elite, sort of.

I am at 65 at the moment but 8 reps and started with 40.
Free weights are difficult to handle without practise.

>muh naturalistic fallacy
You're welcome to get rheumatic arthritis because you didn't use antibiotics next time you have a simple bacterial pharyngitis if you dislike unnatural things so much, you hypocritical dishonest fuck.

I can, I am just not allowed to

>talks about evolution
>carrying weight less natural than swimming.

>DFC isn't flattering on males.
Only if your face is ugly and you're balding. Cardio is real exercise.
If you can't run 5k in under 20 minutes, uh nevermind, this is Yea Forums.

oh, so you're the kind of guy that would run real fast to your neighbor to help you carry heavy furniture, ok.

>helping a neighbor.
I'd help file a noise complaint against them.
Anyway, whatever sport you are doing, cardio is more important, so long as you have to move some distance anyway (so not a boxer or football lineman).
Leg muscles, lungs and technique are what matters most. Basic core strength sure, but not bulk. Even baseball players don't need much bulk and their agility is hindered by too much.

I don't disagree with you that stamina is important, but I also don't consider weight training a sport. It's just something I do, part of life.

10 8 6?
I think my 10 was 2 plates 45lb plates pulse the bar was 45lbs I think so 135lbs
My 8 was to add a 2 10s so 155lbs
and another 2 for my 6 making it 175lbs
Keep in mind I was 16 and this was a high school weightlifting class.
Dick around in a few study halls because I had all my credits, eat lunch with the boys then lift weights and drive home at noon, good times.

135 is called 1 pl8 newfriend anyone can do it


I wish high school education started everybody out on weightlifting.

My school's cheap weightlifting room was reserved for the football team or basically sport teams.

For some reason, everybody believed weightlifting would stunt your height if you started too soon. My parents believed it and even I believed it.

If I could go back in time, I would take advantage of my youth and start weightlifting.

>10 sets
You're doing your sets wrong if you're able to do 10 sets. You either need more weight or fix your technique by doing each rep slower. I've seen people pumping bench like a jackrabbit on meth before. They're really getting no benefit since the weight is too light and they have poor form.

I can curl 30lbs dumbell like 20 times. If that isn't considered a lot, keep in mind i'm really tall and skinny.

I have a very retarded question. When you say 40kg does that mean each weight on the barbell is 40kg (meaning overall total is 80kg) or is the total 40kg? Yes, I am fucking stupid.

given limited nutrients you intake in your body, there are limited places where your body can put them to use. Just like how exercising one body part more intensely can stop developing/recovering muscles in other parts. Your body uses nutrients in places it feels it needs it the most. It is great at adapting. It can make your veins bigger to pump more blood quicker, and store extra fat near muscles that need it more for fuel.

20kg(~45 pounds/1pl8) per side.
And no, you don't count the bar.

Remember to do more weight sled trainings!

The bar weighs 45lbs, you should probably count it.

Yes you do. There is no way a beginner like Hibiki could lift her weight

40 kg (being 88 lbs) still feels like something a bit rough for me. Don't understand too well how Hibiki and Akemi pull it off with their frames. I've probably completed 9-10 weeks of strength training, and my muscles still get sore enough bench-pressing 30 kg.

What, do people reach the ability to bench-press 40kg if they do a few sets of bench-presses every day of a 5 day workout? Or just increase the intensity and length of time on the day of my workout that focuses on the chest?

I can do 80 kg with bar included

It depends a lot on your initial weight/strength. For the first 12 weeks, you're probably not really putting on much muscle, the "beginning gains" are mostly a mental thing.

If you're overweight, you can probably bench that easily in that time. If you're a skelly, you have to actually put on the muscle (which is a slow process), so it might be harder.

If you keep it up consistently and eat a lot of protein-rich foods to gain weight, you'll get stronger.

Thanks. Now I'm (slightly) less retarded.

What if you are overweight but your arms are skeleton tier and your body only feels like putting most of the excess fat in your thighs and belly?

>at least 50kg
Nigger you should be able to do at least 150 pounds if you actually worked.

used to warm up with 40kg but not sure if i could do a 10 rep set now, haven't moved much in the last couple of years and got into a deep relationship with booz

losing financial gains brah

Everyone is different, and biomechanics are complicated. But if you keep at it, you'll gain muscle mass. Increasing muscle also increases your base metabolic rate, making it easier to lose weight. Ganbatte user

>are you working towards your goals
Guaranteed gonna make it
>are you not working towards your goals
Guaranteed not gonna make it.

Keep it up user, when I started lifting I could barely bench the bar, now lma1pl8 is my warm up.

Neither overweight nor a skelly I'd say... but I'm thin enough that maybe just need to put on more muscle. (About 5' 7" at ~150 lbs.) Maybe the workputs should last longer than 30-45 minutes if I use a gym 3-5 times a week as well?

Helps that I have a job that involves some physical labor outside everyday and a campus gym I needn't pay for I guess.

Thanks for the tips thus far user

To be honest, I prefer being a skelly than starting off from being overweight.

I think skellys have an advantage by being able to balance better. They can naturally do the Slav Squat.

You be surprised many Westerners find the Slav Squat uncomfortable. We don't have a habit of Slav Squatting in public. It's not in our culture but skellys can easily adapt to the Slav Squat faster than overweight people.

Everyone is suppose to be able to do it though because that is the position most of humans pooped in, for the majority of human history, until Western style toilets were invented.

Yeah, squats were required to poop efficiently for most of human history.

remember anons, you're not competing against other people, you're competing against your past self.

you ALWAYS count the bar retard

I like chinese cartoons and I like weightlifting.

I thoroughly enjoyed this show all summer.

IMO your plan depends on your energy/cardiac health. In general, getting more volume of more intense exercise is going to be better, but if you work yourself to complete exhaustion, you're not really doing much useful and you wont' be recovering in time for the next session (plus, if it's miserable, it's harder to keep at it).

I think the best advice is to find a beginner plan on the internet, it doesn't matter much which one, and stick with it for a while. If you feel like you're plateauing, it may be time to change it up. But consistency is the best thing you can do, and you don't want to overthink it. Some people spend more time picking out their workout plan than actually working out.

I never felt the gym until I ditched the instructor and just followed /fit/ routines. Impressive how it actually works.

>better mental health
Nice cope. This is what gymfags tell themselves to make it seem like they're not wasting their lives away.

I have literally never met a single gymfag who isn't incredibly mentally ill from the IQ drop caused from all the stress the body takes from lifting. Couple that with the hair loss and literally living the rest of your life as being a prisoner to calories. btw only trashy girls focus on physique.

I dumbell curl that much my famiglia

I don’t know if I can do this because I have no idea how much a KG is. It’s gotta be much more than a pound if you need a bar + plates for it though


Couldn't lift the bar
Don't like eating

Yikes, no need to be that jelly user. It’s pretty easy to get started in the gym, /fit/‘s beginner routines are actually pretty solid

>I have literally never met a single gymfag who isn't incredibly mentally ill from the IQ drop caused from all the stress the body takes from lifting. Couple that with the hair loss and literally living the rest of your life as being a prisoner to calories.

Attached: 1566782605739.gif (720x846, 877K)

Jealous of what? low IQ? hair loss? accelerated aging (free radicals+stress)? shittier skin? being able to only score tinder roasties?

No thanks, the girls I like ( young, super petite and very submissive) only like lanklets like me and I already have no trouble getting them.

>*submissively scampers out of the way when a bigger guy walks by*

Honestly I should stop, I’m gonna make your complex worse

Nice daydream scenario you play in your head in order to cope.

based resigned to be unhappy and never better himself poster

Good luck user. You can do it.

Imagine being THIS insecure on an anime imageboard.

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>never better himself
Says the faggot without intellectual pursuits whose only idea of bettering himself is to lift things off the floor

Sorry, retard, but I'm already juggling around 5 different skills, all more worthwhile and overall better investments than your low IQ activity.

Post body, fag

Are you retarded? I already said my body type, it's no different than whatever you find on google images. It doesn't bother me at all because I don't have self esteem issues, unlike you with your canned NPC-ish responses when you feel threatened.

Not dying of infection, predators and sickness is pretty innatural too, but whatever.

based one track mind poster

Yeah, now post it so we can make fun of you.

>nearly every anime protagonist is atleast ottermode if not super ripped under his shirt (and gets his 10/10 waifu)
Aren’t you guys supposed to self insert and become like your favorite characters? Hit the gym you fags

what do you get from shitposting on Yea Forums?

My heart is too weak for heavy exersise.

Once I went to the gym for 4 months and I did 50 kg for 3x12, and I'm incredibly skinny

If I had tried now I'd probably be at arround 30 kg tho

there are no gyms in this isekai

do yoga

It's even in the banner

nothing wrong with being Yea Forums and hitting the gym

Attached: fit banner.png (468x60, 9K)

I could just knee her in the vag though.

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What if you self-insert as Ash Ketchum or Gary Oak?

A single 25 on each side of a men's barbell

Absolute beginner weight for men

It takes one google search

based, like it or not people respect you a lot more when you're fit

Dunno why you'd do that but do you man

doujin where Hibiki wrestles some cute timid guy, easily overpowers him and sits on his face, when?

I don't want respect, I want to be ignored.

no, 14 sets of 88 reps of course.

Little girls love muscles.

You're as much retarded as he is.

This is actually a lot for a grill
Check the sources for the article.

I have a ghetto home gym as well as attend my gym at uni. Trying to break my platau and do 2 45lb plates per side.

When I did I say it cured major depression? You need much more help than that if you've got serious depression man. Here's a good article that outlines some of the mental health benefits in a nice list:
Besides, sitting around won't help you:
Plus that doesn't even get into stuff like simple aerobic exercise helping with your heart. If you still don't want to that's fine but evidence seems to be generally favorable man. Dunno why it's important for you to avoid it.

Hey I'm the original user who triggered the bunch of gymfags, you're replying to someone else.

Your shitty links mean nothing when the replication crisis is a real thing, look it up.

Also why are you implying that because I don't lift like a fucking trog that means I'm not already walking for hours everyday? Are burger brains really this retarded?


get that 2pl8 user.

Also is this show any good? I like working out but this seems like a really stupid idea for a show

You are confused, exercise makes for a better life. If you want to be overweight, impotent, stressed, have heart and lung function issues, just keep spewing those lies and sitting around on your ass.

dude. if my scrawny 100 lbs ass can bench this then anyone on Yea Forums can

I spend 0$ per month for my gym (I have a homegym)

I wear glasses and fap to weeb shit every day and lift heavy 5x a week. What does that make me?

Enjoy not being able to wipe your own ass at 60 you fucking retard.

nigga, i do 25 reps of 100kg when i get out of bed in the morning

I'm not american lol. I don't know why you're upset people go to the gym to get in better shape man. Why do you spend free time trying to get a rise out of people going to the gym? I'm honestly really curious, why do that with your free time? I'm aware of studies not being reproducible but you haven't really established that that's the case here. You can deny the studies all you want but considering multiple studies validate exercise have positive effects, that goes against the reproducability issue so I'm really sure why you brought it up? Unless you have specific issues with methods and are willing to point them out? Why do you take walking, just another form of exercise, as superior to other types of more intense training? If you admit you walk for you're health are you not admitting exercise has a benefit, considering walking also improves mental health, heartrate etc. Wouldn't more regimented training just be a more efficient way to reap the same benefits instead of spending hours just walking? Why do you enter this thread if it's something you don't like?

It seems like people are mostly talking about the gym in the thread and you're trying to save face.

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Set a goal for a year from now or go with someone regularly. YOU CAN DO IT user I'M CHEERING YOU ON

>I don't know why you're upset people go to the gym to get in better shape man.
Because he's rather waste away online, sad desu

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What's your PR Yea Forums?
Have you worn anime related clothing to the gym?
>Finally hit 1/2/3/4, got injured when someone crashed into me driving and have to take it easy for now
>Wore a Kimi No Nawa shirt and someone who I thought was a meathead turned out to be hug weeb. Was bretty funny

I could do that at 10.

As a matter of fact, I do well over twice that when I do pushups...

>What's your PR
Bench 5RM is around 145. I don't have a powerlifter's build, but I'm trying to hit the upper end of ottermode, like 170lbs lean at lanklet height. I'm currently around that weight but with some extra fat from all the bulking.

>Have you worn anime related clothing to the gym
It's tempting, but I'm too skinny. I've seen guys with mainstream meme shirts, like Pokemon references, but they're easily at 2pl8 bench. If you're big enough, you can get away with wearing an ahegao shirt.

From being able bench 40kg 10 times? You get that you're at least not a comletely hopeless wimp.

>If you're big enough, you can get away with wearing an ahegao shirt.
I used to wear an nhentai shirt on deadlift days to motivate me. Not even big, athletic build maybe, but it worked so can't complain

>What's your PR Yea Forums?
Bench: 175
(Front) Squat: 175
DL: 315
Military Press: 125

I weigh 165.

>Have you worn anime related clothing to the gym?
I am not that brave yet.

Attached: This Heavy.jpg (1024x576, 71K)

>Tfw 4pl8 diddy and sub 2pl8 bench
I am not good at bench, I know it's cause I fucked up a collar bone and can't pinch one of my shoulder blades all the way but it's annoying.

I've worn a semi subtle EVA shirt (just the angel mask symbol printed really small on the left side like a logo) and had people notice.

>10 reps of 89 lbs

Strength. Honestly it is not a lot of weight, I am dyel and can easily lift that much

>I have literally never met a single gymfag who isn't incredibly mentally ill from the IQ drop caused from all the stress the body takes from lifting.
Stay mad a weak boi

Depends on what you wanna improve user. I wouldn't spend that much time on the stairmaster if you already cycle and are good at it though.

I can't afford a gym

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>tfw bum shoulder
Mighty hard to use a barbell when you can't extend one arm beyond handshake height.

>low IQ? hair loss? accelerated aging (free radicals+stress)? shittier skin? being able to only score tinder roasties?
Literally none of those come from lifting weights. You are low IQ for posting this. Also cope

>working out is low IQ
based retard

You can go to the park to do exercise user. You can find a group there to practice with user.

You'd be surprised what you can do with a pull-up bar

>unironically self-inserting
I know this is common but I still find it very bizarre. It’s a fictional character...

Being a burger has to be living in an eternal hell where every thought they make is backed by some coping mechanism in order to not go utterly insane. Have fun balding at 25 lol

>I don’t want respect. I want to be ignored.
>but I will reply to every user that is giving me good advice about exercise as if I had something to prove

Depends on your body size and exercise level.

If you are a fat fuck, just focus on light treadmill walking and few reps with small weights (progress is not about killing yourself, it is incremental and takes time)

If you are average, just stick to high reps, low weight (not too low, just barely enough to give you a work out) and if you know nothing about lifting form, watch some youtube videos about lifting exercise and form and specific muscle groups

If you are already in-shape, just do what you do and chat up people around the gym for ideas


Like it's completely impossible that a caveman falls into a river or someshit. Our bodies are capable of swimming, we just don't do it as good as aquatic animals.
Also how do you explain your fingers getting pruney when you take a bath? Because your skin does it to get a better grip when you climb out of water.

haha weak faggot

Do they actually run in this show?

How do you think I got this?

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Nothing, because a 40kg bench is nothing.
No adult man should bench less than 60kg (and I'm being generous)

I'm too poor to buy a pull-up bar

When you say 50kg do you mean only the plates or plates + bar?

When you watch videos of people lifting on YouTube, should you imitate the ones who are Olympic weightlifters or are Olympic weightlifters in a different category that you should not imitate at all in fear of injuring yourself?

Because I seen YouTube arguments of people comparing different Olympic weightlifters and I was wondering aren't Olympic weightlifters suppose to be doing everything right when they weight lift in the first place or does each individual Olympic weightlifter have some kinda quirk?

Is there a way to make your body not go into survive mode when you go to gym?
I feel like my body prevents me from doing more.

Also how to increase stamina?

/fit/ pls go

I could probably do twice that for 10 reps and I long since gave up on bench.
DL I can do double my body weight, but only just.

>stretch marks
Were you also a skelington before getting fit?

Hey fit.
I just decided to start doing the 1 punch man workout.
Going to replace the 10km run with 50 chinups 100 bridges and 10 minutes Interval Training.
Wish me luck

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Bench: 225
DL: 350
I used to wear a Gunsmith Cats t-shirt to the gym with Rally's face on it. It's a bit too worn out now. Maybe I'll get another one.

>if my scrawny 100 lbs ass
That's pretty impressive for a little girl such as yourself
a true Yea Forumsnon

ITT: larps

sure thing, fatass

>What's your PR Yea Forums?
Bench: 245
Squat: 350
DL:425 (never gone full max)
OHP: 145
>Have you worn anime related clothing to the gym?
Yeah I used to occasionally wear pic related to the gym occasionally. I've never even seen Kancolle, I just picked the shirt with the sluttiest anime girl on it my first time visiting Japan.

Wish you went to my gym, I fucking love Gunsmith Cats.

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Do you have to pay for someone to spot you in the gym?

I feel like the anime didn't go over Gym Etiquette much.

>Do you have to pay for someone to spot you in the gym?
What? No
Unless things are different elsewhere, I just ask either the guy on duty at the gym or even just a random dude, most people won't mind

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He means a 20kg Olympic bar + two 15kg (yellow) plates
It seems danberu is good for motivation, but it doesn't actually teach anything.

He's right though; that's very achievable for 3 months work unless you're a manlet

If you want a spotter people will generally do it for free if you ask.
Personally I just bench in a cage

Same universe as Kengan but in Kengan, everyone is a genetic freak with either special muscles or unique body structure and a hax doctor that can heal and cure nearly fatal injuries.

Would Macho Sensei consider this fair if he knew about the world of Kengan?

I'm a manlet and I'm on my way to achieving that. Experienced the roll of shame when I started out, but progress was made and I'll take it.

Cardio is useless unless you absolutely need it for something, like a sport you compete in. Cardio is the easiest facet of fitness to gain and also to lose. It requires no "changes" in the actual skeletal structure or musculature. The average person could run a 5k in a few weeks of training from absolute 0 base experience.

Weightlifting causes your body to "remodel". Bones get denser, muscle fibers get bigger, joints get stronger. Heavy weights also spike your v02 max better than running does. Muscle strength is slower to gain and slower to lose because it is more expensive for the body. Strength is also way more useful in general. "Bulk" slowing you down is a meme. The only way youre slowing down from getting bigger (read, stronger, more explosive) muscles is if you bloat and eat like shit, gaining tons of weight in the process. Increasing maximal load makes submaximal loads easier (this is why your endurance for things like push ups go up when you bench big). This has way more carry-over to real life than running like a faggot for 30 minutes does. A sprint is infinitely more useful to you than jogging.

For people who got used to weightlifting, do you still get nervous or afraid when you weightlift? Do you think of anything when you weightlift or do you try to empty your mind when you weightlift so you don't get distracted and just count the number of reps you do?

Is it harder for you to think when the weights get heavier because I seen faces of people who weightlift pretty heavy and it feels like from the expression on their faces, they don't have time to think of anything and just want to finish the exercise asap.

>squat 230
>bench 185
>press 125
>clean 150
>deadlift 280

Do those exercise rollers really work? Is it just psychological?

I don't see how after exercising, rolling your body on top of a soft tube can somehow help your body after exercising?

A power rack completely erases any fear from your mind. Train at a gym that has one or invest in a decent one yourself. The only exercise i fear is because i know it will be a bitch to lift, not because of any danger.

They massage your muscles and stretch them out is all. Can help you with soreness or mobility.

Training with free weights (especially heavy ones) requires a lot of focus as to not break form since that can lead to injury. There should be no reason to feel nervous whatsover if you take your training seriously.

I was just curious if you had to do those rollers immediately or wait until you get home since I seen the girls in the show use rollers at Silver Gym but I don't think I would use a roller on a real life gym floor.

Am I correct in assuming people with money like pro athletes would rather pay for a professional to massage their muscles than use a roller because they can afford it?

Do you guys wear regular shoes when you weightlift or those weightlifting shoes I seen on sale, online?

Many of them do, it's a preference thing really. Most gyms have mats you can lay down on the floor, or bring a towel from home. Doesnt really matter when you do it as long as it's the same day.

If you want to lift, you need a shoe with a non-compressable sole, otherwkse your shoe will squish and you will lose drove to the bar. Imagine trying to squat on a bed, how much more difficult it is. That is what lifting in running shoes is like. All weightlifting shoes do is give you a solid platform, a little heel to help with ankle mobility.

If you don't have your war face on when you lift, you're not lifting heavy enough to be worthwhile.

There is an average by weight for bench press. Most adult men can't even do their weight. 135 lbs for a 195 lb man is said to be the average.

What about belts? I noticed Hibiki and the rest of the girls didn't wear any weightlifting belts or those braces and sleeves you see some weightlifters wear, when they exercise in the anime.

Are those extra gear unnecessary if you just learn the proper form to lift or will those belts and other gear help you lift more safely?

>For people who got used to weightlifting, do you still get nervous or afraid when you weightlift?
> Do you think of anything when you weightlift or do you try to empty your mind when you weightlift so you don't get distracted and just count the number of reps you do?
I usually listen to music and focus on good form, breathing, and my muscles. I wouldn't intentionally day dream but it's not like one slip of mental focus will kill you.
Is it harder for you to think when the weights get heavier because I seen faces of people who weightlift pretty heavy and it feels like from the expression on their faces, they don't have time to think of anything and just want to finish the exercise asap.
no idea why you are so fixated on what to think when lifting. When I do really heavy on big lifts I just try to think about doing it, breathing, form etc. On other lifts like curls or should press or pull ups I am just relaxing, thinking about my day, singing along to my music in my head etc
I couldn't sit there and do calculus while maxing on deadlift, but it doesn't really impair my thinking.

Don't be so nervous user, just start light. It doesn't fucking matter if you are the weakest person at the gym, no one will care and anyone who does is just insecure about themselves.

I had a king-sized bed mattress that I always turned around like every 3 months in the past that I always found really heavy to lift and turn around that I eventually replaced for a memory foam mattress when the springs finally gave out.

How weak was I to find lifting and turning around a King-sized spring mattress?

You don't have 10 dollars? You can still do body weight man, your call

I have these bad boys. They help a lot with squats, but they only really became a necessity when I started doing clean and jerk, and snatches.
Flat hard sole shoes work for squats too, that's what most people regular people use.

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Ok unless you are a pro powerlifter you don't need them.
Some people will use a belt (some gyms have belts for squating) it helps so you have something to tense your core and back against, giving you a stronger flex.
I prefer to go nothing. imo, if you can't do it without the support, you shouldn't do it. It's important to build up all of those stabilizers and going no belt helps.
I even stopped using hand straps for deadlift, it was hard at first but now my grip strength is way better.

>How weak was I to find lifting and turning around a King-sized spring mattress?
They are heavy and they flex and are big, I haven't tried but I imagine it'd be difficult. Certainly more difficult than a dumbbell of equal weight.

>bigger chest
>40 kg bench
top kek

There's an episode that deals with that...
Have you watched the show? Or read the manga?

>t. wristlet

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im currently at 145 after about 3 weeks

Optional, all a belt does is give your stomach something to flex against, which means a harder contraction which stabilizes your whole core and back. This can be done without a belt, it's just easier with it:

The guy in the video has a bandage around one of his knees. Is it one of those athletic tapes or zinc oxide tapes I hear about? Are those tapes a meme? It seems a knee sleeve would be more convenient than the tape, though.

It's tape. Tape and braces arent a meme, they really can help. The one in the video is for patellar tendonitis, which clarence suffers from. The pressure relieves pain and supports the knee. Braces/sleeves work along the same principle (compression) only they also provide warmth to the joints, which is important because when your joints are cold they tend to be more susceptible to injury.

Again not necessary but they can help.

>It seems a knee sleeve would be more convenient than the tape
You'd think but they always slide down, the tape stays better, you just have to be careful not to make it too tight.
Really not necessary unless you have tendinitis or an injury or are lifting 250 kilos

So I guess even pros have their own issues, huh.

i really hope those are kg

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Eat a shit ton of chicken breast and white rice, Then get to the gym and lift faggot

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Nope I'm still in my novice LP. 5 rep maxes. Hope to be strong some day

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>white rice
>not wild or brown

Eat clen, tren hard, anaver give up, test your limits, Dbolish your haters, and always winn

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Man, watching this video and now my recommendations are all this Toshiki Yamamoto guy. It's making me want to get big calves too

Kengan bodies are impossible to achieve. Everybody has some genetic quirk.

I became weak and fat compared to my high school self. Felt ashamed watching this anime. Used to be the kid in school who gets asked to climb over a fence if a basketball or soccer ball accidentally went off school property and nobody was around to help get the ball back because I was the quickest person who could get over the fence before a teacher or school employee thought someone was ditching school when they were just trying to get the ball back.

Turn that into motivation.

good luck not being a vegetable while you reach that age, thats the most common killer for peeps over 100.

Carnivore diet with intermittent fasting seems to be the one with most longevity.

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Isn't it the Okinawa Diet, instead?

The okinawan diet research was conducted right after the war when people used less nutritious foods to did not take into account that those people ate vast amounts of meat before that

Man I do 5k in 30 and feel good about that. And I do it several times a week. 20 is pretty above average.


No, but use ed and ops as gym music all the time. meatheads are more weeb than you think. I want a Silverman gym shirt, would wear
somewhere around 3/5.5/7/7.5

Then I can do it. Is the female strenght amped up in Dumbell or am I a weakling?

1410,96 ounces, 25% tip of your monthly gym membership and your foreskin.

I felt good like 2 weeks after going at it.
Being able to do more before getting tired is amazing for some reason, who would have thought.

I could only carry 10kg.
Should I give up?


literally this,
I am a manlet overweight loser, i went to the gym after 2 beers because friends told me to go. i ended up doing 8 reps of 70kgs at the end, started at 10 reps of 40kgs.
I am weak, i dontknow how can you be worse than me

The only normal girl is Sensei.

All the other girls have special fathers or special bloodline


you know working out and eating well counteracts brain decay as well?

You might get this in a couple years if you start lifting now.

Bitches will look at you for 3 more seconds

40kg is a warm up weight
My record 140kg x 1 rep

>Strength building though Bench doesn't really do much

What is more effective in your opinion?

Squats is probably one of the best for working the most muscles. Overhead press is good alt for bench but it's more advanced since you stand and lift the bar over your head. You're using more muscles but it looks less impressive because you use less weight, unless your a beast. If you just want large arms though buy a 25lb-50lb dumbbell and curl while you're watching TV.

You can fap to better-looking anime girls

Squatting is for women and gays, you go up and down like you're riding a cock.
This is why squats give you a big ass and most squatters are homos.

145kg is bitch level user

The ability to live if anything marginally heavy ever falls on you.

Its not actually that much work though? Its a couple of hours a week and I listen to audiobooks while I'm doing it so I'm essentially not wasting any time.

What about once you have a job though which is for most of your life? Won't need to study then. Might as well get swole.

Check out /fit/ my man.

Your first mistake was not having a plan. If you did have a plan it was a bad one though. You don't need to go every day. You could get away with going two to three times a week for the first couple months.

>could do a marathon in 3 hours and 41 minutes when I was 16
>10 years later I can't even do 3km anymore.
Age is one hell of a drug.

Age is a meme. The question is how much you train.

Multiple kg by 2 to roughly get an idea of pounds.

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You just got lazy, stop eating sugar fatty.

>LMAO 1/2PL8


>be me
>over 30
>10 months ago, barely could run 8 kilometers
>Yesterday I ran 30km


Nope you just ask someone but you can also just lift some dumbells on a bench without the fear of choking yourself either.

Take sports drinks when tired, rest for 10 min then begin training again.
Stamina builds over time, swimming and running are good.

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I don't get nervous but only because I'm always lifting weight thats challenging but I know I can handle. Also I generally just count but sometimes you can kinda zone out when lifting. It can be relaxing in a weird way.

You can always improve in programming.

I'm actually getting fitter and more swole the older I get and I'm 28. Age isn't a non factor but at 26 there's still time for you.

Sure but If your're a programmer then you should be getting better just from working. Also your gonna get dimishing returns if you don't train you're body too. Even professional eSports players have to work out to stay sharp.

I walk. Walking is exersise.

Frankly, I'm stuck at 30-35 kg. I can't do too many reps because I lack wrist strength and the weight of the thing hurts badly very quickly. Or maybe my grip is wrong.

How much?

Try to do it with some dumbells to work on your stabilization muscles and obviously drop the wight to something comfortable.

Thirty to forty minutes a day.

I can only do 5 reps.
With my right hand.

I mean that's better than nothing. Not sure if i'd call it exercise so much as getting from A to B.

Thsts why I like it.

practice more reps with lower weight, rest, then eat right (veggies and protein).
You will get gainz soon

Is running, doing some weights at home and other stuff like push ups, good enough to see some differences in you body? I don't want to get swole or anything like that, but right now I can't really afford the gym

I get you. A lot of it is just mental. Either you think you can't do more, or you fear if you do more you will injure yourself. I find there's a fine line.

Stamina comes from regular exercise. Find a cardio you enjoy that actually winds you, then just keep doing it. Do a little more every time. Even if you can only do it for a second more, that's one more second then what you could do yesterday.

Absolutely. Especially if you're coming from nothing.

Do everything you can

>tfw started slav squatting regularly after Russian lessons

>Want to start running
>Start watching the show
>Get motivated and wake up early ready to run
>Start running
>Nah it's nothing gonna keep running
>What is this red stuff
>Pic related

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10km of Interval is just a hour of jogging. Its not that bad. Finding a place where there is enough dirt/gravel/grass to jog 10 km is a bigger challenge.
Seriously, don't jog 10km on asphalt. It destroys your joints.

Its just a matter of finding your limit, so you mentally get comfortable with pushing them.

>tfw western spy since I had a habit of walking on my toes since I was a kid and never fixed it so my heel tendons don't stretch enough

You are suppose to run on an actual racing track not concrete, you know.

Even professional runners practice on actual racing tracks because they know concrete isn't good for their joints.

Get more electrolytes.

>he can't at LEAST bench 100kg for his waifu
Explain, Yea Forums

How are you going to princess carry your waifu on your wedding night up 6 flights of stairs if you don't get /fit/?

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Looks like It's also not good for my face, still I am not gonna give up on that, but there is only concrete close to my house, should I replace running with something else? Like skipping rope I could do it in grass maybe?

Who falls when they run apart from women in anime?

It rained the day before and my shoes where really old with no grip to the ground, I knew it was dangerous using them

Why would you not go somewhere and get stiches, for a wound that is going to leave massive scars without sitches?

go to a hospital retard

I'll be real.

Every single gymfag i've ever met seems like they severely hated themselves at some point and going to the gym is how they cope with it.
Really, if you like physical exercise so much you could be doing a sport instead, but it's clear they do it because they can't like themselves without it.

I obviously did, that pic was before the stitches

Yeah, haha, he sure is protecting his reputation on the anonymous image board.

It was 3 weeks ago

What a fucking idiot. Thank you for making my day.

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I didn't start lifting until my mid 30s. but got pretty swole in three months, working out 2-3 times a week -- and eating more meat because I got cravings for it.

I did let it slip in my 50s, but have started again now I'm retired. Took a year from not being able to get under the bar to ATG squatting 85kg 3x6.

The local highschool or local college in your area does not open their running track to the public? A highschool in my area opens their racing track to the public after school hours.

Have you considered swimming? Less risk of injury.

Muscles more honed than an anorexic high school girl.

Not that guy, but there's a nice wooded bike trail right next to where I live. How bad is concrete going to fuck me up?

30 seconds. I've been doing it everyday for like the past 2 months and it's pure painful hell just to maintain it for 30 seconds, my lower back hurts like nothing else, I'm a fucking skeleton and this pisses me off.
Now I know why the army immediatelly refused me for having Lordosis.

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Not too bad, if you don't fall off the bike. Running on it, you might as well just take a hammer to your knees and ankles.

user that's...220lbs? I hope my wife is also weight lifting otherwise we're going to the gym.

Isn't that 10kg plate?
I'm plateuing at 1 pl8 and 5kg

I'm running, don't have a bike or anywhere to store one. I know full well I'll end up stopping altogether if I have to drive somewhere first to run

Been away for a while.
I see /fit9k/ incels are still coping hard on Yea Forums.
Good job mods, never delete off-topic trash.

>The local highschool or local college in your area does not open their running track to the public?
Nope, not many schools in my country have racing tracks
I love swimming, but is rather expensive where I live
>Less risk of injury
I don't really mind falling, that injury was my fault for using old shoes and not having my hands free, also bad luck for falling in a sharp rock, I am just happy for not falling in the back of my head and fucking dying

>tfw your waifu starts drinking a gallon of milk a day
Please don't be trolled by Rippetoe

>Starting Strength

I'm liking this anime more and more.

While I go to the gym because I hate myself, I also went so I'd be better at lacrosse so it can be both. Not to mention, obviously any serious athlete in a sport hits the gym.

Joining the army fucks up your body. It's not so much weightlifting but having to march and jog in heavy gear and equipment for long periods of time, that fucks up your body, and all of that is on rough terrain not a proper racing track.

In weightlifting, you can choose when to stop. In the Army, you aren't allowed to stop unless the drill sergeant says so or you get peer pressured not to stop.

I can see why you were disqualified. If you really wanted to join the military, pick Air Force. It has the best dorms and the most weebs and also nicknamed the Chair Force.

>that injury was my fault for using old shoes and not having my hands free
If you're going to take up running, first of all make sure you have some decent flat shoes. Having old shoes can fuck you up in the long run if say one side is word down. Take it from me personally.

Also, lesson learned. If you're moving at a speed more than casual job you want your hands free. If you where holding your phone or MP3 player, look into a phone holder or wireless headphones. You need to be able to focus on where you're going, as well as being able to protect yourself if you do fall or get clothes lined.

How old are you user? How the fuck did you get into Yea Forums if you're over 50?
If you get good shoes running on concrete won't kill you immediately. You can also vary it up by running on grass if you pass a field etc.

>In the Army, you aren't allowed to stop unless the drill sergeant says so or you get peer pressured not to stop.
They've been trying to get better about that part at least. If you're going through muscle failure, they're supposed to have you start doing some other exercise. Unless they're just a dick.

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Really, a popular design for many highschools and colleges is to combine a running track with a football field, soccer field, and even tennis courts.

It's an efficient use of budget to do so. Running track is technically the cheapest sport field to create compared to a baseball field or a football field. Surprised your country doesn't have one.

is it 40 kg each or combined?

>If you really wanted to join the military
It's obligatory where I live my dude.
I didn't even know I had lordosis until then, I just thought I was shittier than others at the part of stretching where you have to reach for your feet as I could hardly reach my ankles without feeling a lot of pain.

32. I regret nothing.

Eat more meat and watch your performance rise steadily

That's why the Army is investing in those mecha power armor suits you see in the news. The Army knows marching and jogging in heavy gear is bad for the body over time so they think giving soldiers, exoskeletons, would help make the body feel less stress.

Then there is Boston Dynamics where people envision soldiers not having to carry heavy equipment and just let a Robot Dog/ Robot Horse, carry all that shit for you, instead, while running alongside you.

Is a third world shit hole
I learned my lesson and already brought some good running shoes and I will never take my eater bottle in my hand again

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>marching and jogging in heavy gear is bad for the body over time
Only if you don't have proper nutrition to recover


Oh shit new Toblerone!

88lb? sure I can do that, last time I did 5x5 90lb


I know because I reached this personal record 2 weeks ago.

This but without crunches.

If you count shaking violently then about a minute-ish


I hope you heal soon! Good luck!

did you mean to quote In my early 60s and been shitposting here for 14 years now, after discovering this anime stuff.

This place really is a enigma. You go to /fit/, ask for advice, get laughed out the the door and called a furry.

Go to Yea Forums, hijack the workout anime for advice, people will come out the woodwork to help a user out.

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>You go to /fit/, ask for advice, get laughed out the the door and called a furry.
this never happened.

t. /fit/

Yes I did.
It's just most people I know who are over 50 type with their index fingers, couldn't rotate a pdf to save their lives, and have no conception of may-mays so color me impressed.

>he didn't read the sticky or use basic google first
that's like asking what anime I should watch next I just finished cowboy bebop and naruto.

Yea Forums would be the best board on Yea Forums if not for the constant shounen bait threads that look straight out of Yea Forums

>>he didn't read the sticky
that stick is outdated and incomplete by the way.

When you don't have to deal with specialized shitposters it becomes a lot easier to talk about things. Same reason it's easier to talk games here than/v/. Well, that and Yea Forums being Yea Forums

You can also have some nice anime threads on Yea Forums if you can mask it as a game. Naruto being a prime example.

This year, a worn out shoe basically took out both a college basketball player and a NBA basketball player out of the entire season from severe injuries.

Don't underestimate worn out shoes.

I know it may feel wrong to throw away shoes that you paid money for like maybe one year ago but people who love running, have no problem tossing out old shoes and getting a new one because it costs way more money treating a running related injury than just buying a new pair of running shoes and helping to prevent possible injuries from worn out shoes.

Most people who bench as 80% of their workout are jersey shore twinks.

Funny enough in my country getting treated is cheaper than getting new shoes, if we don't count the fact of permanent injuries

The sticky is pretty good but I noticed some links have gone 404 it seems or the person didn't update their security certificate for their website and Firefox is preventing me from going to the webpage.

Wonder if the original sticky poster will update the /fit/ sticky to replace missing links.

Which is the point. For most of their evolutionary time, humans excersied naturally by hunting, gathering and a nomadic life style. We don't have that anymore so we need a replacement. Weight lifting is not a good replacement for any of these activities, though.
Nice false equivalance. Antiobiotics help combating a problem that humans had little remedies against before. Now go ahead and tell me what problem weight lifting counters that we couldn't solve with more natural activities that increase your life span by a much greater amount and has for example less potential to fuck up your joints.

So if I want to do some push-ups and sit-ups at home, what am I supposed to do first to heat up my non existing muscles?

Use a hairdryer in your muscles

Some dynamic stretches like they talked about in episode 2.

Well that was a bit silly. Buy decent running shoes.

push ups and situps

Not him, but am I the only person on Yea Forums who still looks at the keyboard when they type long sentences? I never learned how to do everything on a keyboard without sight.

This is because in middle school, I cheated on my typing tests. There was an option in the spelling program where you can create your own tests. I made a spelling test where all I needed to do was hold and press the letter "a" to get a 100% and I just needed the screen to show the 100% to trick my middle school teacher that I was actually learning how to type without looking at the keyboard.

I admit that was a big mistake to cheat like that because I now realize those typing lessons would have been much useful when I grew up. I can type some basic words without looking if I type more slowly but I never could beat my old friends in typing challenges.

Lots of people who play sport also go to the gym. And going to the gym is a lot more convenient than playing sport.

You can do knee push-ups (same as regular ones but legs rest on knees instead of feet) to warm up for push-ups. Instead of sit-ups you can do planks, supermans and crunches. They're all easier on the spine.

I honestly learned more about typing playing Runescape as a kid than in typing classes.



10 seconds
I have bad leg circulation.

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Kek the bar alone is 20 kg. Does that mean 10 kilo's each side or do they mean weight plus bar? Then it is 60 kilo's total.

Based oldfag.

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>am I the only person on Yea Forums who still looks at the keyboard when they type long sentences?
probably, but I imagine there are a million free 'learn to type' things online

Any opportunity to get women to associate anime guys with muscles is a win for me and for the rest of us.

God-speed old-fag!

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>Now go ahead and tell me what problem weight lifting counters that we couldn't solve with more natural activities
Getting swole.

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Is what they say in the anime legit?

I used to be the same as you. I was a real shitty typer because I just missed out on it in school where I'm from and I'm just shitty at it. Then I sat down and used one of those free typing programs. Used it for about 30 minutes a day for two weeks and I can touch type now.

I mean its a push-up. You don't need to warm up for it. Just do it. If you really feel inclined just do some jumping jacks to warm up your body.

Training without warming up is bad for your health and useless, user.

Push-ups are the warm up.

That depends on how trained the person concerned is, and how many push-ups they're planning to do.

>year of our lord 2019.7288
>can finally bench 2pl8 and OHP 1pl8
Halfway there.
Self respect, and more importantly the respect of your peers

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>Collage days, brodude friend asks me to join him in the uni's gym tells me it's okay if I don't want to
>I'm a fatfuck that has never done exercise since highschool was over
>I agree, I join my brodude gym and it happens to be also the early workout place for other lads in the same class. Even one of them has his own gym and he starts to give me advice.
>Change diet to water, fish and veggies. Cut all the trash, unironically want to kill myself but can't give up.
>They start easy on me and eventually we work harder, gives me stuff to do even in my house, bros are bros and continue to help me
>Continue doing exercise, jogging, easy rope, lifting and all kinds of shit. I feel like going to die sometimes with muscle cramps and shit.
>1 1/2 month later they tell me I lost 5 kilos (From 101 to 96kg). They tell me they didn't believe I would stick around for that long they look happy and are ready to continue.
>Wait only 5 kilos? What the fuck? How long am I supposed to do this shit? It's literally killing me. You fucks didn't say anything about pain for over a month only a couple of days.
>user, this is not fast it might take more than a couple of months to lose that much weig-
>It's going to take years right guys? Just break it down to me and despite losing 5 kilos I still look fat as fuck.
>user it's going to take a while, you will lose fat eventually. Come on user, don't give up.
>It's been almost 7 years since I have no done a single exercise. I had to carry my dog to the vet the other day and my arms hurt like a bitch for over 3 days.
>Started sneezing because it was chilly this morning. All my joins hurt so much. Knees and elbows can't stop squeaking.
>I weight 95k now but I'm not sure why, maybe diabetes or some evil shit. I'm probably not going to pass 30yo since I noticed my heart beat has been increasing randomly over the limit nowadays.
Once you accept this horrible fate it's not that bad so don't fall for this exercise bullshit bros just embrace your destiny

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>why yes, I do prefer the dumbell bench press to the barbell bench press, how could you tell?
>why as a matter of fact I DO do 3 sets of 12 using 55 lb dumbbells, thank you for asking!

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He remarried some years ago

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The exercise stuff is basic, but good -- gets a bit bro-science when talking nutrition. Dynamic stretching is just a fancy name for doing some low impact loosening up before you start doing resistance work, even bodyweight resistance.

well it depends on the time of day too. When the moon is up the gravity makes the bar weigh less.

Push ups are a meme exercise ONLY good for warming up. Most dumbstupids can’t do correct form for shit, and then your shoulders are fucked. Just do dumbell bench, rows, OHP, and incline bench for chest. As for “training without warming up is useless” please never give any advice out ever again

I remember all the scraped knees I used to get as a kid for falling on concrete from running. It was okay because kids heal pretty fast.

Now that I am old, I always think, "the bigger you are, the harder you fall".

> As for “training without warming up is useless” please never give any advice out ever again
Feel free to lift weights without doing anything before and then tell us how it went.

Oh sure, she want's him back now that he's jacked.

I’m and have been lifting for a year and a half. No injuries yet

I've been doing dumbbells for weeks and never felt it that bad, did pushups and I'm always spent afterwards.

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>bench press
The Press™ and dips for me, thanks.

that is not his ex you incel, his new one is a "bikini fitness model" girl

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Oh so she's also shallow. Good to know.

You ok man?

I thought that this was going to be an inspiring story of triumph but it turned out to be sad.
>push up form is too hard
>OHP is presumably easier form than push up
please never give any advice out ever again

You were practically asking for it to happen for how you describe it.

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How huge? I wanna get a bigger chest but I'm too anxious to go to a gym

Honestly tho, it comes naturally after decades of video games and frequenting Yea Forums.

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>fell on your chin
tell the truth retard, were you doing the Naruto run?

Injured both my shoulders and hurt my upper right back. Been saving money to see a physical therapist for the past few months so watching this anime has made me jealous of everyone getting /fit/ while I save up enough money to hopefully begin my physical rehab.

It will be a while before I can start lifting like everybody else in this thread.

Grass is at least better than concrete.

But like depending on where you live, I would not recommend running in the woods.

This is because of ticks. I would not want you to get a tick bite at all. Getting /fit/ is admirable but running in woods full of ticks just has too many cons than pros.

Is it true that sex feels a lot better when you're /fit/?

No, but it feels better if the woman is hot

It will always be a mistery to me how people manage to fall on their fucking heads.
As a kid I've done nothing but ran all the fucking time and fell a lot but never had a head injury.

Do you people like, have no reflexes or what? You should be able to save your head from smashing against asphalt 100% of the time. Sacrifice your damn elbow already.