Was it actually possible to properly adapt it in 26 episodes?
Was it actually possible to properly adapt it in 26 episodes?
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There is no "properly" adapting any 60 hour VN into 2 or less cours. Could it be done decently with the right staff? Definitely.
In a theoretical dream scenario I'd give it to the staff who made KnK before Ufotable went off the deep end, it'd have the atmosphere and even the fight scenes would probably work well.
I don't think the first for episodes add up to 60 hours, but then it's been about a decade since I last read it.
I'm re-reading it right now, somewhere early on in EP4 (the killings haven't started yet) and I've got 38 hours clocked.
I don't think 40-50 hours is an unfair estimate for the Question arcs.
Fair enough. I'm not sure four-cour per arc would be necessary though, probably something in-between.
I remember reading somewhere about how all Umineko combined is around 180 hours on autoread with voice acting.
That's why I don't use the voice patch, it just makes it a slog.
That's the other thing: you read much, much faster than you/other people speak aloud.
So however long the VN is, the anime could conceivably be even longer. The action might be faster, but the dialogue would be longer. I'm not surprised at all the voices make it nearly 200 hours.
>I don't think 40-50 hours is an unfair estimate
My point still stands. There really isn't doing any justice to it.
Seriously? The voice cast is fucking God tier. I can't imagine not using it.
I read Umineko twice, first time a voice patch didn't even exist so the second time I felt no need for it.
You should at least try it
It's fucking great.
I don't have time for it. Umineko by itself is already really long and with voices it takes twice as long.
Maybe if I became a NEET again but I have a full time job.
You don't have to listen to every single line
One cour per EP of Umineko would have been ideal. Wish the series had been popular enough to get the ideal treatment. The manga at least did amazing with it.
Umineko would work better as an OVA, if they still did those.
so are witches real or not? i only read the manga
Oh desire
Manga makes everything less ambiguous, and yes they're real.
Each EP needs 1 cour, minimum. Too bad we'll never get a Chiru adaptation
People were expecting it to adapt Episode 1-3 at the time and have Episode 4 be a separate cour.
And in the end they didn't even make Chiru. Good job Deen, you chumps.
Now I'm doing mental mathematics to determine how long each episode would need to be (to do it justice) translated into anime episodes, allowing for some condensing of the material to better fit the time frame of a TV show.
Legend (7 episodes)
>Kinzo intro, meeting the family and staff (airport, boat, grounds), Beatrice's portrait
>Kids hang out, adults scheme and plot, Rosa and Maria and the rose, letter reveal (stinger)
>Reading the letter, argue over epitaph, George and Shannon, hints of First Twilight
>Natsuhi opener (I forget if this includes the scene with her and Kinzo), First Twilight in full, Eva accuses Natsuhi
>Eva's receipt trick, Second Twilight, Kanon in the boiler room, body in the furnace,
>Father's study, the rest of the Twilights, message in bottle
>Tea Party, ????
I could keep going (and I'm going off what I vaguely remember regarding the order of events), but that's 7 episodes minimum for the first arc. Deen tried to do it in 5, adding one episode per arc, and the arcs only get longer.
Turn (9 episodes)
>George and Shannon, Shannon and Beatrice, shatters the mirror
>Jessica and Kanon, all that stuff
>New match begins, Maria and Rosa train, Beatrice shows up
>First Twilight, Jessica and kanon run off, stakes
>Debate, jessica and kanon death, more debate
>Fake Kanon, Rosa being more commanding, debate x 3
>Rush for the key for the mirror, Ghoda and George and Shanon death
>Battler enslaved, worldend dominator
>Tea party, ???
Debates are hard to guestimate how long they'll take, and how to keep it engaging for the viewer. They could go longer or be cut down in some way. Mentally add or subtract an episode if you feel like it.
Banquet's gonna be harder to figure out. Even though it's may favorite of the first four episodes, the whole thing's kind of a blur in my head. If we assume the pattern holds though - 7, 9, 11, 13 - that's 40ish episodes just to cover the question arc, nearly twice as long as what Deen gave us. Umineko takes times.
Nobody cares but I figured this much out so I figured I might as well share it before the thread dies.
Ep4 should end up being long as fuck with all Ange scenes.
Yeah, that's the thing about Alliance. When that guy said "We thought it would be EP1-3 and 4 would be it's own season," I was thinking it couldn't be that long, but no, Ange really takes up a lot of time.
I'm not a huge fan of her sections either, so EP4 as a single season would definitely be the hardest to get through.
Is EP4 really that much longer than the other arcs? I assumed it was the same length as the other arcs, but just seemed a lot longer because of how boring Ange's scenes were.
It's not like the source material was so good or so complex that it needed more time. In fact I consider reading the VNs a waste of time.
On the other hand, the anime writing was so shit and incompetent, someone who wasn't a complete idiot could have made a better adaptation even if he had only 12 episodes available.
Yeah, it is. Ange's scenes add up to several additional hours compared to other episodes and it also has 2 hour long tea party.
>before Ufotable went off the deep end
They're still talented. Probably even more so. What are you on about?
>In fact I consider reading the VNs a waste of time.
That's just because you're a dumbass.
the voice acting must have made up most of the ps3 adaptation budjet.
Mediocre use of CG, overembellished action scenes, poor art direction and direction in general compared to KnK, etc.
The one good thing that came out of HF2 was the Sakura delusion sequence and even then it's not amazing, just decent.
Oh yeah, and of course they're in legal trouble, but that's more incidental than anything else.
imagine being this much of a hipster.
It's right, though, they peaked with KnK 1-7. F/Z was merely okay and everything afterwards has been between average and mediocre.
Nice counterargument.
KnK was complete shit other than the fifth movie.
Nah, the direction is fucking genius for every movie, even if the 6th isn't as strong. If it weren't for so much of the inner monologues and certain scenes being cut, it'd be pretty much the perfect example of ideal adaptation.
Maybe they should have cut the constant pretentious babbling while they were at it.
I still don't understand how someone can get into TM without being able to deal with loredumps, it's bizarre.
Loredumps are fine. Pretentious monologues about the difference between flying and floating are not.
That was loredump. It always bothered me that the majority who whine about KnK literally didn't understand it even though it's a really fucking straightforward story, take some god damn Ritalin.
Lemme get there. Banquet first.
>Young Beatrice flash back, new game, Ronove shows up
>Young Eva flashback, basic set up stuff
>Young Rosa flashback (lotta flashbacks, would need to make this flow better), lead up to first Twilight
>Beatrice vs. Virgilia, first twilight and mystery present (all dem keys)
>Debate (inside of a TV, Virgillia and the northern wind), adults try to solve the epitaph
>Eva solves it, becomes a witch (Evatrice), confrontation with Rosa underground
>Rosa and Maria killed by Evatrice, adults panic and get armed, Beatrice starts to feel guilty
>Rush for food, Rudolf and Kyrie and Hideyoshi die, et al, Siestas show up, more guilt for Beato
>Battler flips out at Beatrice, Beatrice is replaced by Evatrice as the "Antagonist," Beato tries to help George and Shannon reunite
>George and Shannon die, Krauss and Natsuhi die, jessica gets blinded, Nanjo dies?
>Beatrice stand off against Evatrice, Battler accepts witches?, GOLDEN LAND wait what's this fine print, ANGE
>Tea Party, ???? (end with Ange jumping off a building at Bern's behest)
12 episodes. We're at 28 now.
It has roughly 50% more text than other episodes.
>Ange flashback No. 1 (Eva bad mom, meeting with most of the "Modern day" characters and all that)
>Game begins, Gretel, is Kinzo alive or not, Maria triggers Ange
>Ange flashback No. 2 (oh boy), reading Maria's diary while bullied at school, Sakutaro is born and given life,
>Ange flashback No. 3, black witch mama; meeting with Witch Hunt
>Ange flashback No. 4, summoning stake friends?, attacking school bullies, 34 wants to help.
>Goldsmith is awesome, survivors captured, mama punished, the game begins
>Ange No. 5, meeting Nanjo and Kumasawa's sons?; back to the island, Jessica vs Ronove, George vs. Gaap
>Prison break stuff, Krauss gets to be cool, everything goes to pot as they get picked off, George and Jessica die, Kyrie calls to Battler
>Ange No. 6, get to island with ship captain, stand off with kasumi (Probably takes an episode all by itself)
>Angie dies, Battler vs. Beatrice, big deal.
>Tea Party, ???
Only 11 (for a total of 39, give or take an episode for debate and such)? Maybe I'm misremembering how long certain bits took, though unsurprisingly Ange's scenes still dominate.
I think the problem with EP4 is Ange's scenes drag and there are a lot of them that are tricky to weave into a batch of 20-minute episodes with acceptable pacing (whereas a "Book" can just take however much time it wants). Assuming we're doing a "Smart" adaptation and keeping the meat of the content but trimming the fat (i.e. how much time Ange spends angsting about stuff over and over again), it's actually not that much longer when you look at it like this.
Even so, that's a bunch of episodes (sometimes in a row) that ignore the island to focus on Ange, to the detriment of the audience's enjoyment most likely. EP4 is probably the weakest individual episode of the whole series.
I'm a massive brainlet so bear with me. I really want to reread from the beginning and actually finish this time (only read 1-7), but I'd like to get a version with the original sprites and the voices. Is this possible and if it is, please explain what I need to do.
Here you go. Be sure to choose the original sprites in the installer and you should be good to go.
Thank you, user.
Reminder that George is fat.
God I wish that was me.
>Mediocre use of CG, poor art direction
What the hell? Did you even watch Fate/Zero, HF or Kimetsu? Berserker remains to this day one of the greatest examples of great CGI in anime, and their usage of CGI backgrounds is legitimately unparalleled in the industry (see webm related). Plus when it comes to visuals they're one notch above the rest all thanks to the black magic shit they manage to pull with their post processing as well as their after effects coloring and tracing.
You mean directing? Again, did you even watch HF or Kimetsu, and if you did, were you snoozing off? HF2 has some legitimately great scenes and takes when it comes to the way it handles its source material with it not hesitating to reconsider the purpose of entire charcter arcs and scenes, and then rethinking the way to approach the elements that wouldn't work on the screen or hamper the pacing it is going for. The fact that you only mention the dream scene makes me think that you're only looking for completely off the wall sequences that scream "look at how wacky and original this director is!".
And if you look at Kimetsu then you have the textbook definition of what a great adaptation should strive to do, by understanding the source material they have as a whole and not hesitating to elevate it, and through an absolutely flawless art and music direction, as well as knowing when to let the anime breathe and communicate with the audience with those only elements, something I would kill to see in an eventual Umineko adaptation by them.
I feel like 10 episodes per VN episode would be a perfect way to go about it.
Umineko threads were unironically the most fun I've had on this site.
>what is?
it's a theory that explaine all games with kanon and george as culprits(kanon is yasu but not shannon and a women!!!)
genji(for loyalty), kumaswa and nanjo(for 4th game bank money) accomplices
with this all the games have the same culprits(in the 5th kanon is only an accomplices and the 6th game is a battler's game soo doesent matter)
>so how can you explaine the 6th and 7th games if kanon isnt shannon?
so how can you explaine why erika didnt see kanon in the wardrobe?
simple because kanon was into erika!!!!
erika become kanon, made battler exit and return erika this is why she didnt see kanon!!! thid explaine everything
so i called this theory ERIKANTRICE
ep 6 was the best
this is the witch truth...
manga was shit
editors need a solution so ryukishi take and confirm the more popular one!!!!
and for made this non-sense become true add many red true that wanst in vn
even now ryukishi is waiting for someone who will find the real true
>manga was shit
yes maybe you didnt read the vn
in this case you are the brainlet
cut everything and add shit for made shkanontrice works!!!!
Ryukishi literally said that he told them to add the scenes since people weren't getting his intentions from being vague in the VN. Which is kind of dumb, since anyone who read Episode 7 should have brain problems to still not get it.
all bullshit!!!!
ryukishi that help people to understand one of his creations!!!!
cmon editors force him to support this
he need money and sold his soul
Yeah, fellow Goat!! Rosatrice is the only truth.
kanon=erika this explaine why erika didnt saw shannon in the end of 6th game
read this
kanon not shannon sorry
how is your image an example of good directing
if you dont like my theory argument!!!
i can explaine everything with the same culprits
george and kanon(erika)