5Toubun no Hanayome

Best boy chapter next week. Which quint deserves ourboy virginity the most?

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>Best boy chapter next week.
Isanari chapter!

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Only one of them wants it, but he prefers Itsuki.

I don't know if some of you really believe in bullshit like
>if F helps x with something than he loves her more than y and z
>if F with j right now than k and l btfo!!!
>if F blush because of actions of r then other quints btfo!!!
but you should stop if you do. You still neglect the HEART of the main person in this story - Fuutarou, When he said that he likes all of them it meant that he likes all of them. If he helps one quint with something then it means that he can help another quint with the same problem Of course he has special something for him but all quints are precious for him. This is why he is afraid of accepting her and hurting feelings of others. Stop being blind fags and think that someone won if you just see her in chapter.

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i wuv itsuki

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>Only one of them wants it

The second daughter.

Oh, yeah, i didn't understand it was about Maruo.

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Friendly reminder that Nino just want to train in Fuu before Papa

There is no way he's a virgin

imo 14 are not candidates for bride but 235 are. The various flash forwards tend to show things that tie specifically to Nino but of course Negi could write things to change our perceptions down the line like how even though the cakeshop manager was on the bride's side he also has a relationship with Miku's manager and with Itsuki directly since he is now aware that she is May.
For the bride to be 1 or 4 Negi will have to revisit lots of minor plot points from ages ago to not contradict himself. With 235 it is possible to remain consistent with much less effort.

>For the bride to be 1 or 4 Negi will have to revisit lots of minor plot points from ages ago to not contradict himself.
There is nothing to revisit. And although the manager is closer to Nino, he knows all the quints, they are regulars there. Also, we never saw Miku's manager, it's a man.

There are numerous things to revisit. Easiest and most glaring example is the bracelet.

What's the problem with the bracelet?

>MAY invited manager
>not Fuu
Wow what a great theory

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i'm in love

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>Dead threads
What killed the hype?

He's on the bride's side.

And why MAY should invite him and not Fuu?

Shit chapter focusing on worst quint, what else could it be? It's gonna be a boring month just to get rid of the 2 and 3 filler waifubait, but at least that will be the end of them.

Ask Negi. But he's on the bride's side at the wedding. That much is fact.

did you miss the half dozen threads flooded with shitposting

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Keep seething.

Don't project your seethe on me, chink.

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Reminder that it's one hamburger.

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Because she likes the place so much, she saved it multiple times?

>6 days til next chapter
>countdown to miku's death sentence or yotsuba's suicide arc phase 1.
Well, at least we get to see Ninoniggers get to jump ships again

Ninochads are the most faithful. Mikurats jump ships all the time.

>you will never grab a bite after school with itsuki
why even live

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Nah the small amount of remaning Ichikafags are the most faithful.

Would Itsuki like the vegan KFC they are now offering?

Fatty looks like THAT?!

No. She's definitely not gonna have definition. She's fat, remember?

Fuck off.
Real ichikafags liked the evil ichika. Most shitters jumped wagons the moment that rainy chapter happened.

Has Negi made any artwork of the quints in rugby shirts yet?

Fuu is not supposed to have it.
It's with Nino right now, I don't know why she'd give it back unless Fuu starts dating her.

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>Real ichikafags liked the evil ichika.
Kill yourself.

This is the closest one we got for a murican sports

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There is Yotsuba in a rugby outfit.

Can confirm I do

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I do like that side of her but in SW she was definitely killing herself and acting like a retard. Now she is truly at her best.

Stfu nigger.
Mikek got nothing on ichika. The ichika we have now is like half of what miku being a make a wish kid will ever be.

I am a Ichikafag retard.

Fat in the right places.

>the one fanbase that kept dividing their opinion because of Ichika passive aggresive attitude

Preach. Though she's okay now, i gotta say. My peepee was harder way back when she was doing mischievous things.
It was either that or seeing miku getting btfo. Not sure which one gives me boner the most.

And by the looks of it youre a retard too

Why would Nino have it? Last time we saw it is when Nino pulled his sleeve when he was disguised as Kintarou. Taking it there means
>Nino wanted to remember Fuutarou deceived her everytime she sees it
>she wanted to throw it away as revenge of some sort
The first seems illogical and the second contradicts the wedding scene.

You are not a Ichikafag, you just love chaos.

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>Hello, I attended a weeding without be an acquaintance/friend/family/whatever
>I am the cake baker

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Congratulations Itsukifags.
You now have an official team.

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Fuck you all falseflaggers. Win or lose I love Ichika, I'll buy the volumes which has her as cover and her highlight chapters. I love her so much lads, how did she do it. Not even Marika made me do this ;_;

>have to wait 3 more weeks for the Yotsuba chapter

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You want to see her being rejected that much?

I changed. I now deem Marika not even above average. Looking back at Nisekoi I liked Yui the most.

She was rejected already in chapter 72, though. Stop speedreading.

>have to wait over a month for Itsuki chapters

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Realistically, can Negi have Fuu reject any of the quint this early? Won't that tank the sales?

Oh god no

has someone got it? I'm trying to collect rugbyfu art

Having anyone but Miku win will tank the sales

Being willing to hurt her sisters to get Fuutarou is fine but the way she did it made her go full retard and she accomplished nothing with it. Regular Ichika is best.

Just remember
ichika will become a successful actress and would probably land herself a porn career and a loosy vagina
Mikek will be a chef cooking and creating a 5 layered cake on fuu wedding
Nino will probably become an idol she deserves better than Fuutarou
Yotsuba will probably become an athlete this is probably what will say on her grave marker
Itsuki. Well, as long as her kidney doesn't fail before Day 3.

Miku is likely the last to lose if that's the case then.

>ichika will become a successful actress and would
I don't bother myself with such headcanon and even if, which I do not believe in any possible way, Negi alludes to this as her fate, I'll stick to being an Ichikafag.

>How did she do it
You have oedipus complex.

>Oedipus complex
No. Ichika is an onee-san complex, OC applies to either Nino or Itsuki.

Negi will probably do cringey shit as this in the last chapter. A month later he'll probably do an alternate universe where another quint wins.
Every leddit "theories" is enough for him to justify every route is possible and the dick sucking fans would eat shit whatever trash he can come up with.
Im just waiting for the salt the time Fuutarou comes up to their front condo and actually confess to one quint.

>A month later he'll probably do an alternate universe where another quint wins.
I would better accept defeat than this shit.

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So does Nino have unresolved daddy issues?
Is that why she's so fixated on Fuutarou? Because he's very similar to Maruo?

I don't like how negi draws blush, When i saw this on the bride for the first time i thought it was freckles.

>Alternate universe
I'd accept a bitter end than this. This is worse because it is not canon.

Are you sure?

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isanari x maruo yaoi when?

Someone posted all the cards in a old threads and had an imgur link.

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Ichika's chapters were so boring that it killed thread and we can't discuss interesting one.

>Ichika's chapters used as plot device to get Fuutarou conscious of the kiss
>Nino's used as exposition for Maruo's backstory
12 confirmed irrelevant filler.

I don't see any rugby, only gridiron
a shame

Stop licking 5fag's ass 3tard

Rent free

i love yotsuba

>3's chapters will be about love and whatever, being determined
>4 and 5 are the real deal

Ayumi - Ichika
Chihiro - Miku
Tenri - Yotsuba
Itsuki - Elsie
Haqua - Nino

We also love her but we don't love you

>"nino" chapter gets cucked by dad, she stays as boring as ever
No wonder thread's dead

>imagine thinking that this miracle of the universe, the reincarnation of Venus, the proof that god exists will lose
I can't.

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fat cow

>miracle of the universe
Wrong pic haha. Here's the real one.

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Itsuki is so fucking hot

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Will itsuki pull an Ichika
>The girl you met 5 years ago was me

This is funny how he reacted like this even though he was planning to no way fag everyone.

>Negi has to cover her curves with dialogue bubbles to hide the fat
>Look at the top of her bikini's underwear
>Reincarnation of Venus

>Ayumi - Ichika
Ayumi is literally a mix between Nino and Yotsuba, about 6:4 Nino:Yotsuba.
>Chihiro - Miku
Absolutely no relation between those two. Chihiro is her own character, the closest quint to her is Ichika, but even saying that is borderline projecting.
>Tenri - Yotsuba
Literally no such relation between those two at all. Yotsuba isn't even an osananajimi. The closest thing to Tenri is Miku.
>Itsuki - Elsie
As series mascot? Sure. Character wise they're not similar at all. Yotsuba has similar genki dumb personality as Elsie.
>Haqua - Nino
Lol, Haqua has no absolute bitch tsun phase and ultra dere phase like Nino. Her tsundere is quite mild, closer to Itsuki's.

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IF you strip all the quints they'd have the same body laden with baby fats you shitter, show me your quint being sexier than Itsuki

Ichika - Africa
Nino - Europe
Miku - Asia
Yotsuba - South America
Itsuki - North America

>yfw your manga is less favourite than 5toubun

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>mu mu mu
what is that sound supposed to signify


>less popular


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>bbc quint
>not Afrika
You had one job

How can people still read that trash?

Or if Fuuts starts dating someone else, she'd give it back as a token of giving up on him.

Ichika - Europe
Nino - Africa
Miku - Asia
Yotsuba - South America
Itsuki - North America


Ichika - SEA
Nino - Africa
Miku - Europe, Canada and East Asia
Yotsuba - South America
Itsuki - Middle East

Because Aka has enough balls to continue his manga after confession.

Because it only gets better.

You forgot /ourguy/ Meeku pajeet

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It's a bit of a mistranslation
It was supposed to be MOO MOO clearly
Itsuki is a fat cow after all

This is cute

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Seething, but in a cute girly way.

>Because Aka had drop the balls entirely to continue his manga after confession.

Oceania is Yotsuba!

Who was btfo this week?

Based Tuvalu user

Ichika for not being in the chapter

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Yotsuba, she keeps cucking herself harder.

Nino for being irrelevant in Maruo's chapter

Everyone except maruo and isanari bros

Why you put a pig in the middle east?

Stop being so toxic! Look at reddit. Do you see how they are happy?

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Fuutarous interaction with Yotsuba this week really shows his lack of approval to her constant need to help others. In his mind, her being the one to collapse probably feels a bit justified because she's constantly pushing herself. We see how Fuutarou goes out of his way to help Ichika, Nino, and Miku yet for some reason he doesn't for Yotsuba. What's even the point in all this anymore? In the beginning Fuutarou and Yotsuba were close, by the end of this series it's like they're the most distant with each other now.

Is he dreaming or something?


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Mikudera and ninodera will bake cake for wedding of Itsuki and manager.

go back to your shitty manga thread.

I'm already in 5toubun thread

I don't know anything about manga industry
How rich is Negi right now?

Ichika - Haruno
Nino - Iroha
Miku - Yukino
Yotsuba - Yui
Itsuki - Saki

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Itsuki - Hiratsuki and this is accurate now.

Ichika - Rias
Nino - Chitoge
Miku - Emilia
Yotsuba - Chihiro
Itsuki - Bride of Fuutarou
Now shut the fuck up

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Richer than he was before 5toubun.

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>Itsuki - Bride of Fuutarou

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He is class rep too. He has his own duties.

>He is class rep too. He has his own duties.
And its becoming kinda clear that Yotsuba took on his duties so he could enjoy the festival.

> Miku center and has the highest layer order.
The previous version is better.

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>Kaguya wants to confess
She confessed. Now what?

why does yotsuba look like a crazy bitch in the cover art?
what did negi mean by this?


>The previous version is better.
What previous version?

Ichika - 2pac
Nino - Lil Wayne
Miku - The Notorious B.I.G.
Yotsuba - Eminem
Itsuki - Juicy J

I honestly don't like that development at all, but it seems to be what Negi is going for. She's doing it so he will enjoy the festival. Imagine the last chapter of this arc is Fuutarou in the classroom telling Yotsuba that he didn't enjoy the school festival because of her.

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No. There are others class reps.

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From what i remember from Bakuman you get 8000yen per page but a lot of that goes to hiring assistants and supplies. So merch and volume sales i guess determine net worth.

i love her

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Ichika - Miku
Nino - Ichika
Miku - Itsuki
Yotsuba - Nino
Itsuki - Yotsuba

This version. The layer order was more balanced than the final version. The final version makes Miku like the center of all of them.

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does anybody have the itsuki version, also wondering if there was any better versions for ichika and nino with the tilte in it

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that she's a best


Need more Itsuki.

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Did that make him happy?

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She is the bride

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Yes, but he can't admit it with that smug face she has.

Yes and most of those class reps would probably prefer going to the festival instead of working. yotsuba seems the most likely to take on more jobs.
>Fuutarou in the classroom telling Yotsuba that he didn't enjoy the school festival because of her.
Sounds like a conflict that leads to development. Its also possible that Yotsuba is drowning herself in duties so she doesnt have to think about her resurfacing feelings for Fuutarou after Ichikas pep talk(see Chapter 100).

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Someone cope after Nino chapter

I don't care about who is the bride. I just care about the order of the layer is not good. The 1-4 version was better.

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>Sounds like a conflict that leads to development.
I honestly just see this arc leading into more despair. This last page in chapter 100 just seems like Fuutarou is about to cut ties with one of the quints. And it feels like it's Yotsuba.
>Constantly taking on work
>Fuutarou doesn't approve of it
>She ends up collapsing
>I can't help her
>We need to end our relationship
I think this is exactly how this arc is going to play out.

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It's obvious Nino is the bride. 1345 suicide watch

still no yandere edit for Itsuki?

storytelling in this arc is fucking weird

Nino Chitoge and Miku Onodera

Who gives a shit about Nino's daddy issues and whatever Miku will get into anyway? Give me Yotsuba suffering already, that's the only entertaining part of this manga.

Why do 5fags even like this panel? It cringe as fuck.

This. After Yotsuba flashback arc she becomes the most interesting quint. She's like a walking bomb. After chapter 90 I hardly care about other quints

>So does Nino have unresolved daddy issues?
>Is that why she's so fixated on Fuutarou? Because he's very similar to Maruo?
Negi shows us the parallel about >Maruo/Fuutarou and the similar relationship between Nino xFuutarou and Ninoxdad.
Nino works hard with her courage and she try to change Maruo and Fuutarou heart.
>courage to give him your invitation
=courage to confess
Anyway this chapter when Nino wants to give up about Maruo, Fuutarou was unhappy because it's like Nino give you on him
Fuutarou don't want Nino to give up about Maruo and him

The more I think about the more I believe the girl in that image is Yotsuba and the scene is not a confession. Maybe Fuutarou will finally take off her high horse and tell her Lolikano isn’t a trump card. I don’t think he’d ever cut ties with any of the quints however, he appreciates them way too much.

>Fuutarou goes out of his way to help Ichika, Nino, and Miku yet
ironically, Fuutarou only help her because he thinks that Ichika was Nino..

This arc has nothing to do with lolikano.

>Yotsuba flashback arc she becomes the most interesting quint

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Reminder that Fuutarou is not happy about Nino sexy dress

F went out of his way for Ichika before this arc. I don't remember him doing the same for Miku, though.

Because character development. The unedited one, I mean.

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123 stories have been played out it’s getting pretty boring. They all confessed, they all have career paths, the only thing Negi can do at this point is recycle old shit with them with ichikas dramatics, Nino daddy issues, and Mikus “muh fuutaruo”.

The only interesting stories left in regards to the quints is basically everything about Yotsuba, and what’s going on in Itsuki’s mind and heart.

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No but there’s a chance with how much Yotsuba wanted to be and probably still wants to be special she’ll crack and tell him the truth that she was. We’re heading towards the end and Lolikano can’t be a secret forever. We’re watching Yotsuba fall into the same trap as Ichika, and her facade is cracking.

>be Yotsuba
>be genki girl who cares her sisters and Fuutarou the most
>finally reunited with the guy you love
>Your meek sister want to be more than friends with him
>your hot older sister who sneks you and is an up and coming movie star tries to get in your way
>manage to find the energy to continue on despite being outgunned
>your crush turn you down without notice it and you decide to give up and give a helping hand to the useless sister
>then the sister that hates him decides she likes him and goes after him without any restraint, she tries to cockblock everyone from the front while the others start backstabbing you
>get depressed because you're getting screwed from the front and the back
>In kyoto everyone makes up and helps the meek sister to confess
But...she is also a self destructionfag
>manage to avoid the hammer narrowly by winning the war and archiving your aim, cockblock yourself
>others stop fucking with you self destruction plan and you're finally making some progress
>You're the childhood lover and the game was script since beginning
>everybody else knew it besides doormat'fags who speedread hard
>Fatty has been conspiring against you in your favor
5toubun no Hanayome is a story of Yotsuba overcoming obstacles which get progressively harder. Her own shit being the main storyline make sense with the way her past was revealed and everything else is likely a red herring as Negi wanted a ending everyone likes (she is "the girl everybody likes")
When you take into account the Yotsuba reveal being right after Miku makes peace with Ichika and Nino the timing begins to make sense, only she and fat are struggling.
The editor and Negi are so forthcoming with information about you (Yotsuba) because you are the bride since they'd be concerned about manga progression and those retards who'd claim it as asspull.
He kept completely silent about Miku and Nino because they are absolutely irrelevant, they are waifubaits to gain cherryfanboys.

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There’s no trap for Yotsuba though, Ichika tried to be special by being THE lolikano, Yotsuba doesn’t have to try she already has that special classification

Is this arc like the goddesses arc's concert of TWGOK??

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>Cutting ties
Never ever going to happen
Most likely he's going to tell her to stop her to do what everyone else wants and start doing what she wants to do instead

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Ninofags themselves for having ridiculous expectations from such a tsundere character.

He didn’t outright help Miku like with Ichika and Nino but when Miku helped her voice out her opinion for the stall and heard her out during their date, even telling her to pursue what she wanted despite not agreeing with her.

it's so painfully obvious from the way the storytelling works that 45 is endgame. 123 have been dead for a long ass time

Naw. Fuutarou is going to cut ties before learning she's lolikano.

I'm in love with Itsuki's shoulders!

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The real storytelling problem toubun has is that 23 are filler, popular filler, but filler nonetheless.

Her tits are beautiful

>what does he mean by this?

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Fuck forgot to add this panel
Yugami is too based

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Does anyone have that dominatrix Nino art from twitter

The flashback was fucking shit m8.I'd like it if it move to resolve the lolikano bit right after the flashback,but nope nothing happened and Negi just dragged it until it become stale.
I rather see Fuutarou choosing his bride already.

245 still don’t have their career paths. 25 have dreams they wanted to achieve but they still have no set plan. If in the next chapter Nino doesn’t tell Fuutarou anything we’ll probably never know what she hopes for the future. Same with Itsuki, she dreams of being a teacher but we recently saw she might not be able to achieve it.

Screencap this:
>Fuutarou collapse the first day and afterwards he come to learn that Yotsuba ones again (like she did in campaign) helps him to make this festival a success.
>My bet, the third day neither end well because Yotsuba isn't present to help

Worth their weight in gold!

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Itsuki will achieve it, that's what the stoyr leads to, so she's done in that regard.
Nino probably has some nebulous idea already.
The legit problem is Yotsuba, who keeps thinking about others and not herself.

Yotsuba isn't going to be magically fixed by getting a talking to. You're really undermining Negis writing here. Yotsuba has to be broken first, and the biggest way to break her is by Fuutarou cutting ties so she can spiral down.

Or he can just give her shit and say
>I never asked you to do this in the first place
Which is triggering enough for people like Yotsuba.

>Nino probably has some nebulous idea already
Nino will become an idol and ask her papa to come see her shows!

I’m not talking about the Lolikano is special trap I’m talking about pic related.
Fuutarou’s bond with all of them isn’t that weak. They’re his friends and if anything it’ll inspire to him to help Yotsuba work through her guilt and problems.

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>Yotsuba keeps overworking and acting like a retard when Futarou and all her sisters beside 3 advised her
>When she paid for this before
>She is interesting
>Lolikano plot dragging
Lol. Thankfully it'll end this arc.

Snek Ichika and broken Yotsuba the only reasons i read this shit.

Never said she's going to get magically fixed
but i don't see any realistic reason why Fuutarou would want to cut ties with her.
Sounds like you're trying to shoehorn drama in just because you want to see Yotsuba see fixed asap.

Itsuki is not for lewd!

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>attention whore
>daddy issues
>history with drugs
Yeah, she's a perfect celebrity.

Fuutarou has been growing tired of her constant need to help others, which leads to her ending up in the hospital. So he sees her as destructive to herself and cuts ties because he can't keep watching someone he cares about do that to themselves. You can't fix someone who refuses to fix themselves. This has been building up since Sister wars.

>Itsuki will achieve it, that's what the stoyr leads to, so she's done in that regard.
Itsuki’s dream of being a teacher is thanks to her mother complex, if the author doesn’t fix her mother complex issue it should be taken with a grain of salt, we also don’t even know what grade level teacher she wants to be which matters because she’s failing miserably right not and it might not even be a good fit for her. Itsuki’s Big theme is that she bites off more that she can chew more often than not and ends up sad when she fails.

>You're a nice person but i don't like the way you do things because you're hurting yourself in the process
>You know what, fuck this, you're on you own. This surely will help you.
Truly cosmic brain reasoning here

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>I know you've always been there for me and helped me a lot
>But fuck it, your issues are annoying, bye

Hopefully she gets eliminated from the bowl. Yotsuba is my second favorite but lolikano is retarded and neo-Yotsubafags who only like her because of the pity bait flashbacks have shit taste.
Best thing for Yotsuba's character is having nothing to do with Fuutarou and the absolutely abhorrent shitstain that is lolikano ending up irrelevant.

I don't think it will be that cut in dry. The big climax also will happen in that chapter as well.

Just found this manga the other day and finished catching up

Most realistic bride: Itsuki
Best girl/bride: Miku
Bride I'd be okay with: Nino
Plot twist/"She was actually destined since they were kids": Yotsuba
Worst sister/shittest bride: Ichika

I think 1-0-1-0-1 would be better IMO.

>itsuki, miku
shittiest taste

>Plot twist
*shit writing

Fuck off newfag
Yea Forums is an Ichika board

>Most realistic bride: Itsuki
Nah. Most WTF bride. FIFY

>Most realistic bride: Itsuki
>Best girl/bride: Miku
you don't belong here

Attached: illust_76838228_20190917_162052.png (1500x1228, 1M)


>Most realistic bride: Itsuki
>Best girl/bride: Miku
Prime Yea Forums approved taste
>Bride I'd be okay with: Nino
This opinion belongs over on reddit.

We never agree to this.

You are ok, user. Not great but ok.

blessed Nino tootsie wootsies

Garbage taste.

Fuck off tourist
Ichik/a/ and Yotsub/a/ are the only two Yea Forums approved girls

Which part of the body of each quint do you tend to focus on?

Nino: thighs
Itsuki: belly
Miku: thighs
Ichika: lips & eyes
Yotsuba: breasts

>Yotsuba: smile

>keeps sexy undies for the right moment
>not for lewd

Attached: __nakano_itsuki_go_toubun_no_hanayome_drawn_by_fujima_takuya__febdfe1185c8e51510b409139bc7e6a3.jpg (1000x811, 686K)

nino also has SUGOI DEKAS

Attached: nino_twitter.com_dondayo__status_1168212041435205632.jpg (596x900, 71K)

Best types of mizugi?

Attached: __original_drawn_by_salpin__1571ba8f02994cf56cbe0527197f0652.jpg (768x1024, 230K)

Whose smile do you want to protect?

Perhaps because there’s one up 24/7. They are plenty busy on spoiler day and chapter release. But when you have 30-50 dumb faggots constantly making threads every fucking day and all of them being esl brain dead waifufaggots shitflinging of course you can expect slow threads while they wait between shitposts.

Ichika has better everything but sometimes Miku's eyes can compete.

Attached: EFDy7DCUcAAq1Rz.jpg (1414x2048, 279K)

Any choice besides Yotsuba is the Reddit choice

Itsuki's everything. I love everything about her. but mostly her hair.

I want to protect that smile!

Attached: 134.png (625x331, 72K)

>implying the literal cuckold isn't reddit incarnate
Yotsuba is as reddit as heroines come.

This. Yotsuba is Yea Forums. The other 4 are a snooze.

234 are reddit's girls


Fight me Yea Forums!

Attached: PuttingIchikaAtNumber1Ever.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

Wrong answer

Attached: Ichicute3.png (685x864, 400K)


Ichika> Miku> Itsuki> Yotsuba> Nino.

Most realistic in the "She was the first of the sisters introduced/met as he is now, so she's destined to be the bride" way. Typical manga "happy ending" shit.

>This opinion belongs over on reddit.
I just have no strong opinion on Nino. Don't strongly like or hate her. Basically the middle sister for me.


Yea Forums were pushing 2&4 while reddit were having miku love ins, those fuckers are slow as hell.

Ichika literally is number 1 tough

>Yea Forums were pushing 2&4

Attached: 34665.jpg (960x593, 71K)

Miku always was Yea Forums. Reddit just stole it from us. Their favourites were Ichika and Yotsuba.

For redddit the ranking is Miku> Nino> Yotsuba> Itsuki> Ichika.

Holy shit what a dick move.
I still didn't decide which girl I like the most, but after this Miku definitely falls into below trash tier.

Attached: [Go-Toubun no Hanayome][09][BDRIP][1080P][H264_FLAC].mkv_snapshot_07.18_[2019.09.22_15.33.35].jpg (1616x909, 164K)


Nino a bitch

This. Reddit even stole EH from /snk/. They just do whatever the cool kids are doing.

Idiot.i regularly go there to snipe artwork, since this place became "LOL NINO" "LOL MIKU" "LOL ICHISNAKE" "LOL ROPESUBA" "FATTY XD" cesspool and the most art there is Miku followed by Itsuki then Nino then Yotsuba and then Ichika.

all the reddit polls have miku and nino up front followed by an extreme power gap

Can we pretend that we like Nino in the sake of shitposting?

>snipe artwork
What the fuck.
Why do you even need to do that. Why not just browse pixiv or twitter like a normal faggot.

Holy shit. You can see the size of the quint fanbase once you go to the subreddit. It's exactly as I said.


Ichika wants to concentrate on acting and considers skipping school. But of course, she changes her mind because of F, and not from a confession from someone she was never intended to go out with, so tasked Miku to do the usual thing.

Attached: 27C17588-4605-43E5-A7B2-AF571300FD54.jpg (750x418, 251K)

That scene (after they walk away arms linked) is anime original. Miku still a shit though

Bitchika the shit

>animeonly opinion
>dissing on best girl
Figures. Just pick up the manga and relearn to love Miku while you are at it.

Patheticness of fags:
Ichika > Yotsuba > Itsuki > Nino >>> Miku

Attached: IMG_20190919_040959.jpg (848x1200, 121K)

>I-I only go there for the artwork I swear!
Yotsubafags confirmed redditors.

How the fuck did you get 4fags from what he said

Wtf 4channelbros I can't believe reddit stole Yotsuba from us


I go to pixiv as well, the difference is reddit sometimes has better art. The combined quint cover? That's from reddit. Meanwhile this place? A shithole filled with shitflinging.
Unfortunately, unlike a braindead like you, I am not a yotsubafag. Nice assumption retard.

Go back.

>reddit sometimes has better art.
No, you're just lazy to find them.
> The combined quint cover?
Which one you faggot. Show me.

12345 - reddit
Raiha - Yea Forums
Prove me wrong

Attached: 1542910562917.jpg (1200x1200, 231K)

Nino a shit

This is a terrible excuse. Even if Ichika rejected him anyway it should be her choice, not Miku's.

I see. So it was even worse in the manga. Anime director realized how bad Miku looks and tried to smooth everything by adding this scene and giving a shitty excuse.

Yeah I gotta go back too work soon. You be careful on the way back to your grandma's basement.

Attached: 7690457.jpg (700x1319, 426K)

2/3 = Reddit
1/4 = Yea Forums
5 = one person
This is how it's always been.

I'm a sidetail-fag

Attached: do_it_for_tsubaki.png (2000x1400, 1.99M)


Attached: k.jpg (540x360, 50K)

> The retard was blocked by an artist for doxxing
Yeah, ok. Here's a tip, if you like him so much you can follow him on twitter. Reddit is just an excuse.

>2/3/4 = reddit

Well done Tsubakibro

>caring about what site like your quints or not

Attached: 2314432.jpg (680x680, 85K)

I don't give a fuck who did it; what I give a fuck ;however, is I get the highest quality for the art.

Never been to leddit, who's their favorite quint actually?


This one.

Attached: 9sMHC0c_d.jpg (640x1433, 199K)

i hope she gets a spinoff. we know she likes the dude with the hentai hairstyle

Attached: x4 (1).png (261x206, 70K)

>I-I go to reddit for pics only I swear,I am too lazy to find it
Terrible excuse considering there toubun thread at /c/ that mainly posted fanart and even few colorfag in there


post the itsuki edit

I have that bookmarked, they link twitter which compresses. Why can't you accept that sources for anime art are not in one place nowadays? Pixiv, reddit, and /c/ are all good sources. This thread however...


Attached: 1561628519194.png (2104x4190, 3.7M)

Tsubaki is a carpet muncher

Jesus christ this retardation should not have been possible.

still makes me laugh everytime

Attached: itsuki_sneak.jpg (924x1092, 114K)

Is the pic supposed to represent Itsuki being caught taking too many cookies and putting them back shamefully? Am I interpreting correctly?

Yeah that scene was not too good. I I believe the point is that Whatshisname was about to notice that it was not actually Ichika but another quint in disguise, foreshadowing that you can distinguish the quints so long as you have love. But, if he discovered it was Miku it wouldn't really be a big deal, it's not like he was about to rape her for revenge. In the end Fuutarou only made things worse by jumping in to intervene.


Why can't you accept that reddit is a shithole that should be avoided with a 6 foot pole and you trying to justify it is even worse.

I thought everyone knew that a large part of 45fags are from reddit or discord nowadays. That's the main reason these threads have been dogshit since the anime ended, especially after Yotsuba's arc.


Attached: raiha no dumb ahoge 2.jpg (1200x1200, 601K)

I don't go there for discussion, I go there for artwork is it that hard to get through your thick skull. Despite my comments about this thread being shit, I discuss here during chapter drops.

I had a quick look, seems like it goes Miku>Nino>Itsuki>Yotsuba>Ichika. Not surprising the waifubait characters are the most popular there.

> I go there for artwork
Same fucking thing. Alternative sources are there, yet you still collect from that shithole. You disgust me.

Nah, just stealing.

Attached: 1523713276064.jpg (592x1631, 213K)


Ok then. Whatever you say.

Good. For your own sake, stop mentioning that place.

>I go there
Go back 2fag

Attached: 1568753067720.png (845x703, 512K)

How are you holding up yotsubros?
Remember to stay strong for best girl

Attached: 1568492092636.jpg (1876x2048, 3.04M)

Attached: repulsive!.jpg (1268x428, 83K)

Hopefags - reddit
Despairchads - Yea Forums

imagine being 3fag


imagine letting 3fags live rentfree inside your head

That means
5>1 or 5>4>3>2>1

Rude. We've both existed from the very beginning.

Hopeful as always. Can't wait for her chapter.

Attached: easyforyoutosay.jpg (342x484, 55K)

Thread are shittier than usual, was this chapter really that bad?
I mean, it was boring but at least we got some info on Rena, Maruo, Isanari relationship

Best girl

How does it feel knowing she'll win?

Attached: EE5egxMU0AAckhL.jpg (816x1200, 130K)


>Remember to stay strong for best girl
Easy, she has the best shot at winning

Attached: EE3VzNeU4AALr4e.jpg large.jpg (1443x2048, 273K)

i wanna feed itsuki until she can't move!!


Who is that?

The quint Fuuts is going to fall for.

Attached: D3OZM2sV4AAa0m1.jpg (599x680, 96K)

Seriously though, who is that?

But Fuu has already fallen for one.

Main girl, and the reason Fuuts is going to say "I'm sorry Ichika/Nino/Miku/Shitsuba, you'll always be my dearest friends."

Nope. Everyone knows reddit is mostly 3fags and if you really think the threads went to shit after 4's arc, you need to cope with the fact that she's in the lead.

Attached: 1566264736017.png (743x563, 541K)

why does her face have aids?


t. redditor

2fags are mostly Tieba




Its pretty obvious that Miku is the bride and the main heroine

Attached: 1567456151933.png (992x620, 447K)

Yeah if you're a delusional mikek.

>Even if you don't like me like that, I'm going to make sure that you're conscious of me
>How about I give your body a scrub
>Get ready, Fuu-kun
>I'll settle everything there
>You should be grateful you get to go on a date with me
>Fuu-kun, don't leave me
>I wanted you to see how I looked
>My feelings will never change!!
Has Nino's character been developed properly?

Yeah, there hasn't been enough development on the other girls to make a proper end with them, closest is Ichika but she's still falls a bit short

She's filler now, user. 4 and 5 is endgame.

Attached: mikek.png (1060x573, 773K)

> yotsuba that low
You don't remember the 42 pages leddit writes about Yotsuba?

>4 and 5 is endgame.

Attached: 1566794624838.jpg (722x994, 452K)

I didn't had that colorized panel, thanks user!

It doesn't matter who is bride. Reddit has already won.

I went and checked, the most upvoted chapters are all Miku and Yotsuba chapters. It's pretty clear who their favorites are.

>she's in the lead.

Fuck off they stole Miku and Yotsuba from us.

>MikuNakano 8K members
>NinoNakano 3.3K members
>Yotsubros 2.2K members
>ItsukiClassroom 1.3K members
>IchikaFanclub 1.1K members
Yeah, it's pretty clear.

Wow how fat are miku's tats that it bobbles up as she goes down the slide

Ninobros what parallel do we expect to see next chapter? For me it will be Nino being rejected by Fuukun during the bike ride. When they arrive on Maruo's she will drug them both and hop on their dicks as they sleep, with Fuukun's on her ass and daddy's taking her vagoo (cherry already popped from before). She will then take a pregnancy test confirming she's pregnant with Jamal's babby and reveal her Kdrama-villain keikaku, to rope Fuu-kun into marriage using her pregancy. Btw Jamal is just a boytoy she drugged into sleep for use as a stress reliever, she can't even remember anything about him but his name.

Not as fat as Itsuki's. Miku's are probably hard as shit and filled with plastic, like her personality.

1 and 5 best quints confirmed

>Caring about what reddit likes

Attached: 1552336875125.jpg (1184x908, 436K)

Kek only on ninofag fanfics can their quint be anything but filler

My quint>Your quint

Source artist?

Fuck you bitch


No you!

I bet Fuutarou will put the new helmet on Nino's head

Attached: 201909233356.jpg (495x430, 137K)

Xfags are seething over being shit on by Ychads. Cope more Xfags.

Attached: 1564235024342.png (842x899, 580K)


>Most realistic bride: Itsuki
>Best girl/bride: Miku
Unbased, kill yourself.


Anyone aside from Itsuki being biggy means you are retarded.

Ugly. Stop posting that trash.

Attached: muh nigro.png (654x810, 947K)

Moar black quinys are needed

Attached: 1567458585449.png (1185x580, 703K)

i want more loli quints

Attached: kids.png (1460x1650, 700K)

>post a bucket of fat
>call it Venus
In the name of Zeus....please smite this plebian.

> blackfacing
Why is Nino such a racist?

Looks like brownface to me

There is always some argument on what girl is Reddit tier taste. Why does everyone care so much? Do we have nothing better to talk about other than who is Reddit tier?

>>keeps sexy undies for the right moment

Attached: thelegendofpanties.png (1059x535, 604K)

Back to plebbit with you

35 are reddit quints



>Nino always Underestimated herself
since the beginning
Even with all her efforts and her courage for keeping her sisters or dad or Fuutarou.
She probably thinks that all her efforts are useless because she will always be abandoned by her mom, dad, sisters and Fuutarou.
>Fuutarou realizes that Nino is not confident girl even if she does brave things.
>Maruo/Fuutarou is the same figth.
Negi gives us subtle hints that Maruo and Fuutarou have the same personality so
>That Nino courage can make a man change aka Fuutarou
This chapter
>Fuutarou indirectly says "Nino don't give up "mybowl
>Isanari clearly says"dont give up"my sonbowl

Attached: 0190922_192215.jpg (1017x1920, 496K)

>posting stats you got from reddit
You only prove my point that you 5fags are reddit

Ichika - The horror movie she starred in got a sequel. Since her character is dead, she didn't get an offer. Reads novels.
Nino - The concept of seasonal uniform switch is lost on her, so she wears cardigans year round. Reads fashion magazines.
Miku - Culprit behind the endless bread festival at the Nakano family's breakfast. Reads autobiographies.
Yotsuba - Likes the sword she bought at Kyoto Studio Park and carries it with her while questioning others. Reads manga.
Itsuki - Keeps her adult panties deep inside her closet just in case. Reads guidebooks.
Fuutarou - This year's battle over the electric fan at the AC-less Uesugi household has begun. Reads dictionaries.
Raiha - Reads picture books.

Attached: 1568735928943.png (2170x1618, 3.39M)

Clever Kafkaesque trap user, very Machiavellian of you, you little mastermind.
Except literally any retard can google "quintuplets reddit" and see for themselves.

Attached: 1493624008657.jpg (756x1100, 209K)

>this pic was the most important (after Isanari asking himself about FuutarouxNino relationship.

Fuutarou have Flashback about "Maruo warning "to don't touch his daughter"
This is Flashback comfirmed that the warning was about "Nino"
(Because "Nino letter" Maruo knows about Nino feelings for Fuutarou)
But Fuutarou apparently don't give fuck about his warning

Attached: Fuutaroumind.jpg (765x548, 160K)

Your cope is cute

>The horror movie she starred in got a sequel. Since her character is dead, she didn't get an offer
willing to bet because it gained a cult status because Fuutarou's head is apparently an apparition

Nino holding Fuutarou's hand.... Bride confirmed

>generic first girl
>only specialty is that she's first girl and eats a lot
>only thing going for her with F is that she's first girl
>her fans like her because she's the first one that appeared
>her fans believe she'll win because she's the first one that appeared
Pretty cringy. Itsuki is just another first girl.
No different than every other bland first girl be it Kaguya, Taiga, Naru, or Belldandy.

What really makes the Toubun special isn't Itsuki. It's the quints as a package. And even there the special sauce isn't Itsuki. 3 is the popular one. 2 is the cavalry carrying the 2nd arc. And 4 is the special sauce. 1 is a mix of everything. 5 just seems to be there for the covers and fat jokes.....

Attached: quints 4 part.jpg (1382x1402, 1M)

>one hamburger
Are you deaf? I said 5 godzillobajillions hamburgers not one. I said ONE large soda.

Attached: 1555579005260.png (282x533, 186K)

>miku doing the bride face
3 end confirmed

Attached: 1567968044105.png (800x675, 248K)

Looks like Itsuki to me.

Is it Yotsuba?

i like itsuki because i'm into vore

She looks like Ichika if anything. But the bride looks like a different quint every time she shows up, and that's probably intentional.

I like Nino because I'm into missionary sex with the intent of procreation

theyre identical retard

Attached: 1559524936029.jpg (222x222, 22K)

>Ninochink actually makes a good point
Holy shit Nino is the bride confirmed.

Attached: file.png (1024x724, 669K)

You lack LOVE

Nah, the bride definitely looks like Nino.


The "first girl" in other harem manga are always obvious winners since they get the most time devoted to them and/or the entire plot is centered around them (Nisekoi, Masamune's Revenge, etc), with the other girls just there to fill space and pad out drama. In 5toubun each quint is given equal time in the spotlight, so the winner is (intentionally) not as obvious.


If I had to say she looks like anyone I'd say Miku, since she has Miku's tareme eyes and does the hand pose.

You said?

It's Ichika.

Nope, that's Itsuki. Bride doesn't even look like Miku.

>retards arguing who looks like the bride when they're fucking identical quintuplets.
Man, I knew a lot of the resident posters here retarded, but I didn't know it was this bad.

Attached: syd_unamused.png (342x423, 143K)

I have love, you don't.

It's all sisters

Repeat this in my face bitch

Don't forget her smile

Attached: Canon.png (343x1866, 289K)

>I have delusions, you don't.

Identical siblings start to look different as as they age due to lifestyle choices/gene expression. Pic related are the three surviving sisters of irl identical quintuplet sisters.

Attached: Dionne_quintuplets1999.jpg (479x475, 76K)

harem end confirmed

The quints aren't even that old yet, you fucking retard. I had classmates who are identical twins and they pretty much still look alike in their 20s, but they have different haircuts so people can actually differentiate them.

They don't have to be old ladies to start showing physical differences.

Yeah but that doesn't make what I said false either.

>In 5toubun each quint is given equal time in the spotlight, so the winner is (intentionally) not as obvious
I don't know man, they don't have an equal amount of appearances and some quints are definitely more important than others.

The quints that got most attention early are going to lose, they blew their load too early.
That's why 45 is endgame

Get back

>In 5toubun each quint is given equal time in the spotlight
123 have way more appearances than 45.
If we assume what you are saying will happen then Negi will have to make the last arcs about 4/5 to balance out the "time".

That supports the "last girl wins" trope.
So Negi will either have last girl be 4 or 5:
>If 5: First girl wins trope
>If 4: The times when first girl doesn't is often when it's subverted by "First girl after all"

In the end Itsuki will be the generic first girl who wins because she's first girl. The most generic and boring ending possible.

Attached: fatsuki fatting up yots miku.jpg (2048x1378, 441K)

Yeah repeat this again, we didn't understand you.

t. seething mikujeet

Or Negi will use this arc to developnthem and then choose any quint he wants.

>they blew their load too early
Guess what, Futarou is in love with one of them. The game is already over.

t. assblasting 2shipjumper

>then choose any quint he wants
And Negi has shown he wants 4/5.
Everyone and their grandma knows this except 123fags deluded by their love and waifufaggotry

both nino and miku fags are spics and jeets

And that's why Ichika is going to win.

>Guess what, Futarou is in love with one of them. The game is already over.
Sure was. Only real girl who has a shot against this is Itsuki and her first girl power.

Attached: Yotsuba won 6 years ago.png (2232x1600, 4M)

People say 4/5 are endgame when they're the only ones without an actual chance at this point.

1bros=2bros=3bros=4bros=5bros>>> 1fags=2fags=3fags=4fags=5fags

You are too insecure or just another boring shitposter if you need repeat your bullshit 100 times every thread.

did you say your prayers today?

Attached: 1539663623615.jpg (1525x2047, 438K)

Ichicute's pretty pink butthole

>when they're the only ones with an actual chance at this point.

Ninobitch's loose, hairy cunt

It'd actually be a really cute moment if Fuutarou remembered her complaints from last time and her newfound criminal record and brought a helmet for her this time.

Would kiss every morning

Attached: 1547724588670~01.png (634x606, 397K)

Fucking fatty I swear I want to kick her stomach

If he asked his boss for the bike then there's probably another helmet since he came to the festival with Miku's boss

How deep?

Attached: 1567751249487.jpg (577x403, 152K)

That's not exactly what I meant but there is some truth in your post. Through everything they experienced Futarou is already in love with a quint. What is left for him is to fully realize it. Saying that the others blew their load is stupid.

>Walking around with a sword
Why is she so much better than the other 4?

Attached: 79wwp6ju1p731.jpg (800x1089, 122K)

I hope there are going to be quint nendoroids

Nice catch. I didn't realize that flashback panel was the one where Maruo told Fuutarou to keep his hands off the quints (which is right after he found Nino trying to meet Fuutarou in the middle of the night).

It's probably a given considering Miku has actual figs already

Enough to wake her up

Which quint shaves and which quint just lets the bush go free

True. People who don't see that are in denial.

None of them is unshaved

They are all natural hairless except Itsuki

Considering the context of the flashback is probably because Fuuts is trying to figure out if Maruo really cares for the quints and if he does then why he acts like that with them

Attached: NN.png (1058x915, 283K)

Everyone shaves except Yotsuba.

Heart shaped
Wild bush
Cleanly shaved
Don't care

Am I the only one who thinks the conclusion of this arc won't be a confession but the revelation of Yotsuba's lolikano identity?

>Yotsuba side chapter
Yotsuba suicide watch when she saw FuutarouxNino relationship

Attached: 21fdc7a3a2ac65c1138b6b0.jpg (184x123, 14K)

It was obvious that he didn't care since he invited them to the pool and even bought a love book.

Yes. The reveal will be before the answer. It's not that important.

trimmed, but a little wild
neatly trimmed
mad bush
never cut it in her life

Idk. If 40 chapters left then probably
If 20 then no way lad

>The reveal will be before the answer.
There will be no answer nor rejection in this arc. This should've been obvious ever since chapter 101.

If you are not Negi then leave this thread.

Dude, he will give an answer, confession, rejection or anything he will say something.

>It's not that important.
Go back to redd!t

>Cleanly shaved

Attached: 1564613139219.gif (521x324, 433K)

No, he'll only learn the truth after giving his answer

>he will give an answer, confession, rejection or anything he will say something.
Yeah, no. I'm not fucking convinced by how things are going in this arc.

It's more aerodynamic that way

And it's pretty much obvious that he's going to pick Itsuki.

According to Negi's interviews Vol7 was around 50% of the plot and Vol10/11 is around 70%, so the end should be Vol14 (122 chapters) or Vol15 (131 chapters) so only 20-30 chapters left

Get real Yotsubafag. The Lolikano reveal is nowhere as important as Futarou's choice. It will be revealed in Yotsuba POV chapters.

Of course he will, someone as food deprived as he is can't possible resist a BBW as Itsuki

Yes, It will be a dramatic chapter though. Fuutarou will cut ties with the girl walking into the room.
>I can't be your tutor anymore, you don't listen to me I am unnecessary to you
Yotsuba who has the photo in her hand about to confess she's lolikano tears up, drops the photo and runs away. Which parallels nicely with chapter 96, but this time Fuutarou can't catch her.

>Fuutarou is a workaholic
>by the time he marries he's still dirt poor
Face it, the only explanation possible is he married Itsuki and all of his hard earned money goes to feed her.

>at the end of the 2nd day Fuutarou doesn't have anyone in mind for his confession
>Ichika and Nino only spent time with him on days 1 and 2
>day 3 he changes his mind about choosing
So its down to 345?

Still going on about this? Fuutarou cutting ties with any of the quints makes no sense

>not important
>story is 70% done
>Still haven't realized who the bride is?
How slow is your brain?

Attached: 1545401100816.png (627x1080, 912K)

>Most realistic bride: Itsuki
Not really. Take away her being the first girl and your left with a normal quint who doesn't even like him

>The Lolikano reveal is nowhere as important as Futarou's choice.
Yeah because he doesn't need to know she's lolikano to fall in love with Yotsuba. But there's already a huge theory going around that Fuutarou already knows it's Yotsuba, so I'm not gonna delude myself saying it's not important.

It's going to happen, this arc isn't ending on a positive note my dude. Negi isn't that type of writer.

All the flashback will probably be on days 1/2 so each quint will have some time with him
On day 3 he'll probably enter the classroom planning on not choosing but he'll change his mind midway through

Learn to read. I didn't say it's not important, I said it's not as important. And you are acting as if the one he chooses has to be Yotsuba.

Are there spoilers today or I can go to sleep?

Chapter dropped 2 days ago

user, we will see D1 and D2 for all of them. Should be obvious right now.

No shit? It's a romance manga, Fuutarou's choice is probably the most important thing period but lolikano is important cause it could effect Fuutarou's choice

>I didn't say it's not important, I said it's not as important.
For Fuutaro's choice right now? probably. But for the whole story it's god damn important. When the editor blurts out signs that Yotsuba was the main heroine all along, you should be able to understand well enough that that this shit is important. Unless if you're still in denial, then I won't be able to convince you otherwise.

>you are acting as if the one he chooses has to be Yotsuba.
Better remove that tinfoil hat because I never implied that he's going to choose Yotsuba.

Every day to the god of lard.

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Short hair is the best; it gives access to the nape for sweet kisses and small licks without anything in thw way

Something bad will happen for sure but I don't think it'll be intentional from Fuutarou since purposely cutting ties would completely ruin his character development and what he's trying to achieve with the quints.

I thought that was pretty obvious.

I don't think it would ruin his character development. I think it just shows that who he is still isn't who he needs to be. Rash decision making, blurting things out, not realizing things until the last minute. He himself needs to lose something important as well. By him cutting ties with Yotsuba and also figuring out she's lolikano as well that will help both his character and her character grow.

>When the editor blurts out signs that Yotsuba was the main heroine all along,
You shouldn't take your headcanon so seriously, the question was how the concept of quintuplets came about, just as Yots could've been planned as the main heroine from the start she could've been the designated loser all along with the plan always being MC can't recognize childhood friend due to her being a quint and ends up falling for another one

>Unfortunately for Nino haters, She will be the only quint to be in all her sisters chapters.why? Because It's Nino Family arc.
Nino meets and talks with all her sisters during the festival D1 and D2 probably D3
Ichika used Nino face D1+Nino meets Ichika D2
she asked Nino for the dance idol+Yotsuba saw NinoxTakebayashi fight + her moment with NinoxFuutarou this chapter +(maybe hospital moment with Nino)
Itsuki>Nino meet Itsuki twice D1 and D2 pancakes stall
Miku >Nino takes her sister place so of course she meets her +hopital moments

Nino tells to Ichika that all her sisters are fine now
+Maruo issue

Nino is the center of this arc

>Discussing pubes
>Not pits
Which quints have the smoothest pits?

Sure, whatever makes you sleep at night.

landing strip
very short landing strip, close to bald
absurd bush, needs a trim to find the vag
normal bush
clean shaven, can‘t have anything else with the dessous

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Nino even got shoehorned into Yotsuba's flashback arc and retroactively invented "Fuu-kun" before Miku. Shit's insane.


>it could effect Fuutarou's choice
No, not at all. He loves one of them, if it ends up being Yotsuba, it won't be because of Lolikano.

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Lmao Negi went as far as to change the bride’s hair color from brown to pink.

That was the moment Nino's chances died, Instead of getting some development on her issues all she got was a joke

Well we did pretty good for 4 years then fucking died

Hair colors arent canon

>My finger smells like garlic.
Okay? What of it?

Why do you always write this stupid shit? lol
You sound like a saturday morning cartoon villain

thats really cute honestly

You know it's the truth


>Nino even got shoehorned into Yotsuba's flashback arc
To me, that’s the most annoying thing about her, she’s always in shoehorned in the reader’s face. She had no reason to in chapter 101.


That's just how waifubait works

Negi making Nino the og Fuu-kun just means that Miku is a shit, even in Negi's eyes.

KEK Nino

>Theory about Nino will "shine" ch100 (32+68)
OK she confess
>Nino will get Ch104
Ok Nino side 2 chapter
>Maruo the boss is associated only with NinoxFuutarou
ok confirmed
>Nino will have hints "bell kiss" like Ichika
Nino will kiss Fuutarou next chapter >"accident kiss, check kiss, thank kiss"
Fuutarou will remember a flashback about the kiss bell and next is Ichika words about
>who Fuutarou wants to be the kisser

Nincels are losing their shit lmao

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>Fuutarou will remember a flashback about the kiss bell
>next is Ichika words about
Nice reading comprehension skills

Top kek

Fuck off, chink

They get married at 22, so he's probably just out of college.

He comes up with some really crazy theories.

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The only ones who are losing it are you mikeks, now that you are realising Nino will win.

I love how Itsukichads are biding their time, while 123fags fight each other like rabid dogs

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Since Itsuki bought those panties she must be shaved. Smae for Ichika. But Yotsuba still wears kiddy panties so she probably keeps it natural. Miku and Nino both have it trimmed but it is Nino who trims Miku's bush.

They're not biding their time; they're just too fat to type up shitposts like other quintfags.

that's for the best

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Miku is the only fucking one who’s not involved with the main plot, and people think she’s going to win.

People who go for fat girls aren't chads.

Him needing to lose something to grow makes sense, I still just can't wrap my head around "You're working too hard and won't listen to me, get out of my life. Oh shit nevermind you were lolikano pls come back". It makes more sense for him to choose the wrong quint, leading to Yotsuba realizing her true feelings and withdraw from everyone's lives, breaking up the family. This would make him lose the trust of the quints and erase his effort of keeping them together and happy which is something he stands to lose the most. It's an unintentional consequence on his part, he loses whats most important, and it allows for him and Yotsuba to grow as characters.

itsuki is the type of girl to start working out to lose weight and take it seriously

Mikunt and Ninope are both the designated fanservice sluts with no relevance or chances of winning, that has been widely known since at least the chapter they threw themselves at Fuu clad in bikinis.

>S-she’ll get involved! Just y-y-you w-wait!

That's why 145 were the only true contenders
1 will lose because she has to repent for her sins.
4 must suffer.
5 becomes the bride through elimination, although that's not even necessary since it's painfully obvious if you read the fucking thing.

Waifubait BTFO

She'll be revealed as lolikano from the picture and then you'll claim you were a mikuchad all along


>She'll be revealed as lolikano (fake)
So she will be revealed a liar? So much for MUH SNEK

You're just embarrassing yourself at this point.

What are you talking about? All the sisters are relevant to the main plot. She's only not involved in the lolikano story, which doesn't include 2 or 5 either.

Embarrassing ninoshitter

The plot is past vs future
Yots is lolinakno 1, Ichika is lolinakano 2, Nino is red herring lolinakno and Itsuki is fake lolinakano, they're the past

>replying to bait

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>lolikano plot is the main plot
now that's peak delusion

>True feelings
Chapter 90 was that my dude. Did you not pay attention to how she switched from Fuutarou-kun on the swing to Uesugi-san? Then it ends with Fuutarou-kun?
>Get out of my life
He wouldn't say that, I think it's more like him feelings he's unnecessary to Yotsuba so he tells her he can't be her tutor anymore.
>Oh shit she was lolikano nevermind
That's not how it would go at all, chapter 43 shows us how he handles things.
>breaking up the family
Again not something Yotsuba would do, she struggles from guilt. She wouldn't break up her family.
>Lose the trust of the quints
Not at all. His relationship with Ichika, Nino, Miku, and Itsuki is pretty solid. The one that's been slowly breaking since Sister Wars is his relationship with Yotsuba.
>erase his effort of keeping them together and happy which is something he stands to lose the most.
He already knows they will eventually go their separate ways. He talked to Ichika about that and he wasn't against it. It's part of growing up. Him losing what's most important to him, is losing the one who has always been there by his side. A lot of what you said just doesn't really fit into the narrative of the story.

Delusional mikek coping with head canon, how sad.