Bad shows you enjoyed

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Cross Ange.

Fucking atrocious.

I want to rape Reinhard.
He makes Mein hard.
I want to stick my finger tips.
Deep into his womanly wide hips.
I want to violate the Butcher of Prague.
I will do it in the style of a dog.
I want to rape Reinhard Heydrich.
With German Sausage, Snake and Dick.

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For some reason i believe that you were waiting to post this for a long time.

If I enjoyed it, that means it's not bad.

You can like a thing but still acknowledge its flaws.

100% this

God tier songs though.

I enjoyed every second of it, but I have no illusions about what a tire fire it ended up being. It was fun though.

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no one enjoyed this crap. Don't lie, dude.

cross ange is a masterpiece and needs to be preserved for future generations.

A lot of potential that was never cashed in on. Watched the whole way through for Altair and Shark-chan.

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I enjoyed this show simply because of how much I like the source material, even if the anime itself was a trainwreck.


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Was this one route or omnibus?

I don't regret watching all of it simply because the ost was a Sawano, and a particularly good one, imo.

If you enjoyed them in any level then they are no longer bad shows.

If you can recognize shitty aspects but still enjoy it ironically or for very specific reasons, you can probably still call it shit, though I'm more inclined to agree with you. That said, Code Geass.

This one.

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It's better than the sequel, at least.

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fucking based, that's not a bad show


Re:CREATORS deserves the watch because even though it didn't cash in on everything, the stuff it did cash in on was worth the price of admission Shunma getting shot to get her perfect, dark-noir argument with Blitz, Mamika breaking down and building back up in the face of a "realistic" world, The best recap episode in anime PERIOD

It was a clusterfuck and ange is mary sue but fundamentally still better than most anime. Its better than some gundam series

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Overall it wasnt good, but i loved it.

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Good on you. I dropped it after eroge girl popped to existence, the MC can go die in a fire.

Cross Ange was enjoyable but is certainly a bad show that looped over and became fun to watch. Lots of bad shows are just either boring or so bad they make wonder why your still watching and you don't want to watch anymore.

Re:Creators had an excellant premise that they super screwed up. The concept was interesting the way they handled it was not. I would love to see an anime that did it right.

One route. Marie

It's great.

Absolutely horrible but, I fucking loved it.
Shizuno is also best girl.

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father of the year award 2016
also top tier ED

Attached: [HorribleSubs] TO BE HERO - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.28_[2016.10.05_22.22.21].jpg (1280x720, 126K)