I'm growing older, but anime isn't growing with me. It's still the same old stories and mindsets...

I'm growing older, but anime isn't growing with me. It's still the same old stories and mindsets, the same taboos and the same censorship. Most of anime is meant for 15 years-old people, or people who are still 15 inside their head. I'm 27, and I find anime less and less appealing. I'm watching less and less of it, mostly older stuff, from the 80s and 90s.
Is it possible to outgrow anime entirely? I believe I'm headed there, at least in regards to modern productions.

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Stop reading shonen garbage, you retard.

>implying all the other shit isnt 10x worse

Welcome to getting old. Next regular movies will get stale and generic. Eventually you'll find yourself watching a documentary about beavers just because there's nothing else to watch.

Stop reading the same bullshit. I know, you know, they do, we all know that most of Anime is recycled content from Manga that is recycled content. It's all the same beta stories written by beta guys. Wake up brother, you're time of sleeping is over.

literally everything post 2010 is fucking the same boring, ugly looking shit bar very few exceptions

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Unironically try drugs. A few doses of LSD will open your mind enough to make watching anime a new experience.

29 here. You're not outgrowing anime. You're just realizing that most modern series are shit.

I was worried about this too but I came to the same conclusion as.it could also be that I just have shit taste and therefore can enjoy stuff like gundam sneed .

please read a book user, you're a fucking adult

the truth

anime is like any other media: escapism

it gets boring after a while, go for a walk in the world and read the Unabomber manifesto

>ughhh all this stuff is the same as before
>this stuff from before is lit though
You actual brainlet.

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There's a reason why anime stagnates. It's because for every person who gets bored of anime and lose interest, they have a lot more kids who are just getting into anime. It's also a lot more people interested in anime than in the past. So the stories that interested you as a kid, can be recycled to the new generation and work like magic with far more success.

So stagnation is actually extremely profitable. They already proved what type of stories sell well, and they can keep reusing them over and over cause new people keep getting born. It's why cartoons can get away with still releasing new spongebob episodes.

based and tedpilled

>read the Unabomber manifesto

I was actually experiencing this myself although I'm a good 7 years younger, but I eventually realized it's just modern anime that is trash
Try to objectively compare something from today with, say, the mid 2000's: 0 originality and memorability
The number of 'masterpieces' that have come out has also gone done dramatically (by the admission of mostly everyone - everything is forgettable)
>Next regular movies will get stale and generic
That stage comes before you even get into animu user

Congratulations, user: you've just discovered


A certain cute midget once said. "It's not that the world is boring but you being a boring person."

fuck off with that retarded logic

Fuck off literal kid

Is it me or is that manga gets more appealing as you get older? Anime does nothing for me but cute SoL/romance/comedy manga or parental raising gets more appealing the older I get. The Way Of The House Husband and Spy x Family is the shits right now compared to something I'd read or watch 10 years ago.

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Anime has changed. Modern, aka 2010s, anime is made almost exclusively for socially stunted teenagers and hikkis who are obsessed with bishoujo. I'm 29 and I've remained an anime fan mostly by being extremely selective in the few modern titles I watch. I'll watch 1 or 2 new/current shows a year max. Most of the anime I watch is just stuff from the 80s, 90s and 2000s that I missed the first time around.

Romcoms, Isekai, CGDCT, etc. All of this stuff is made for teenagers and mentally ill hikkis and it makes up 95% of modern anime. The modern anime industry is catering to the absolute lowest common denominator.

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This. It's rare to see any mature anime nowadays, when was the last time anyone has ever seen anything comparable to let's say; something like paranoia agent?

You make it sound like anime like Paranoia Agent were common at all

Something as mature as paranoia agent were pretty common pre 2009. Something like paranoia agent is impossible.

Just have to find the gems in the rough. Even with the shit state of the modern anime industry, some really great stuff still gets produced.

Not sure what sort of taste you have, or what types of series you like, but I'm closer to 40 than I'd like to admit, and while I don't watch a lot of seasonal anime anymore, there's still plenty of content out there that I really enjoy and feel is worthwhile as far as legitimate artistic merit.

Recent things I really enjoyed include:
- Showa Genrou Rakugo Shinju
- Shoujo Suumatsu Ryouko
- 3-gatsu no Lion adaptation
- Ikuharashit, (even though Yuri Kuma Arashi and Sarazanmai are not as good as Utena or Penguindrum).

Also, start reading more manga, there's a much wider range of variety in storytelling, art, subject matter, and themes. Especially if you're able to read some moonrunes, or are willing to seriously put in the effort to learn.

>I'll watch 1 or 2 new/current shows a year max.
Then you aren't entitled to make such statements.

It was never supposed to last.

Absolute cope.


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I wish I could talk to him. I’ve recently come to this conclusion and I’m trying to break the cycle

Good luck, user.


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How old are you user? I feel the same way as you- but I'm only 20. I feel dysfunctional, everyone around my age loves what they are doing and love whatever shows they are watching.
It feels empty, nothing I watch fulfills my needs anymore. I don't see any point to continue really, I told myself when I was 12 that I'd be dead by 18. Every year since then there have been less and less things that interested me or motivate me. Fuck this gay shit

Look at this speedreader.

>still watching anime
>not reading manga exclusively

This hurts.

Sorry. I read the whole thing but the numbers flit past my eyes, I was staring at a mirror and i just wanted some quick validation. Fuck me