School Days

Did he deserve it?

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Being a chad has it's perks and losses.

it was a gamble for sure .I was new to anime when I watched it .he made a huge gamble and lost because he couldnt stop.people envy chad but they dont understand his situation.

>Did he deserve it?
Not really. Sure he was a sociopath, but being murdered for his misdeeds was not ok. Not being able to just cut him away like that other girl did was the biggest crime.

Based on how big of a cunt you have to be to get the bad end in the game, absolutely.

I still haven't watched this, what am I in for

cheating and sex


A really great show that won't be any good to you anymore because you already know what makes it special.

>have his main girls taken by a literal retard
this meme has to stop

NTR, mental illness, repeat

Yes. And Sekai did, too.

Attached: sekai.png (400x419, 152K)

He deserved worse even.

>sticks his dick in crazy
>gets killed
He was dumb enough do to it so i argue yes.

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>Being part of a family of inbreeding

No, he didn't. Those girls were sluts and massive hypocrites

this. ALL of the school days bitches are sluts. The show actually very realistic on that front.

deserve what? having kokoro as his girlfriend?

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He wasn't such a scumbag in the manga

He didn't deserve her


>help him get together with Kotonoha
>get mad at him having a relationship with Kotonoha
Nah, it was Sekai's fault.

A Nice Boat

Punishment for being an asshole? Yep. Murder? Nope.

>rapes her
>ends up with her
I think he deserves it

>almost all of the main girls have pubes in the game
Why is this so rare now? These days it's rare for eroge girls to have pubes unless it's a hardcore fetish kind of thing, but the more vanilla stuff almost never have them anymore.

That's something that usually happens with jocks. The sluts date one guy and then date another one, and you're pretty sure one of them is at least kinda retarded. Then date back the first one again etc. It would only be cuck shit if Makoto developed feelings for any of them but it's clear he's just after the puss.

Gay ass rape on his part as well.

go in blind