Revolutionary Girl Utena

I finished watching the Utena anime and just what the fuck exactly?

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They turned the metaphor into the actual plot at the end.

What did being the Rose Bride mean?
What was up with the coffins in the Mikage arc, was he literally using corpses to make the black roses or something?
Why were there random segments of Touga, Akio and Saionji being gay as fuck?
What was real or illusion?
Was Anthy really a full on magic casting witch?
What happened at the end?!

Fag bait, also people turning into cars, because japan

will the movie explain anything?
where did the sword storm come from?

It's been like a decade since I watched it, but from what I understand, the Rose Bride thing was sort of a controlling scam, and the entire fights and implied sex they had with people in the cars sort of meant they were controlling and using them abusively. Utena disappearing at the end meant that she stepped away from the "cult".

...again, been like a decade, so I probably misunderstood the whole thing.

She revolutionized the world.

>Why were there random segments of Touga, Akio and Saionji being gay as fuck?
That's just normal Ikuhara shenanigans

The show, not that movie.

I was talking about the show.