/ss/ - Secret Santa - Last Thread (of this weekend)

Continuing the festivities from the last thread.
Welcome to Yea Forums's very own Secret Santa! Santa Loli and the Santa Gang are back this year to deliver more holiday cheer. Fill out the form below to join up! You’ll need to send it to [email protected]

Here’s a link:

FAQ to follow in my next few posts.

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Other urls found in this thread:


What does the santa gang look like irl?

Form FAQs
>WTF where’s the email copypasta? Why are we using a form now?
We demo’d the form last year and it seemed that most people (Santas included) liked it.
>Santa, I can’t edit the form!
Select “File”, “Download as”, “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” and save a copy for yourself. Fill it out and send it to us as an attachment
>But Santa, I don’t have Excel!
If you have a Google account, you can also create a copy on your Google Drive.
Just click “File”, “Make a copy” and send us a link sharing the document with us in your email.
If you choose to use Google Drive, please set the spreadsheet to allow anyone with the link to edit. This speeds up the processing time on our end.
>Santa! I’m /g/ as fuck and I don’t want to use Excel or the Google Botnet!
Scribble your answers on your screen and send us a picture of it!

General FAQs
> What is Secret S/a/nta?
A chance to give and receive gifts and be a part of an experience with other Yea Forumsnons locally, nationally, or even globally with a bit of X-mas spirit!
> Who is hosting this event? Can I help out?
Your friendly hosts are now Santa Loli, Santafaggot, SpoonSanta, Santa’s Elf, SantaError SantaBucket, SantaTrap, and SantaGrunt. We are not accepting new Santas at this time.
> How do I join the gift exchange?
Correctly fill out the signup form and email it to us as an attachment. Once we process it, you’ll receive a confirmation.
> Deadline to join?
Dōshite!? Because we need time to match, and then every user needs to buy gifts, fap about, make cards and whatever else in order to ensure everything arrives on time.
> Why should I trust this?
It's up to you. We’ve had multiple successful SS events hosted by us for the past few years.
Although the average amount of people not receiving gifts is low, the risk still exists. Please be aware that your mileage will vary. However, we do provide a grinched protection program which lets people send gifts to those who didn't receive anything at all... even after X-mas!
> Can I give you guys stuff?
If you want. I think Santa Loli might have a PO box by now, ask her about it. The other Santas will do what they feel like.
If you need to make changes to your wishlist or address, or anything else:
please RE-SEND the application with the changes made as a REPLY to your first e-mail!
This means send the whole application! It's almost the same process as last year!
Let us know what changes were made.

Remember threads are created only on Fridays/weekends until we get closer to X-mas.


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How did this idea started?are you guys doing it just for fun?

>want to make an user's Christmas special
>don't particularly have my eye on anything animu related right now
>don't want to bother my Santa by putting "w/e"
Don't know if I should sign up.

Who's santa grunt exactly?

I'm going to wait until next season to submit. I always like topical shit in my cards.

just ask for some cute idols

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Thank you to the user who sent me this Mii-kun! He didn't arrive til (I think) early Feb but has been on display ever since. Truly it is a card shaped like a friend. Inside is an Asirpa with some nice patterns on her bandana, and a glimpse of Sugimoto on her blade, but being fineliner on green card I'm afraid she doesn't photograph too well. Glad my list offered you some variety, and hope you've had a pleasant nine months.

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sign up to give something to some one who doesn't get anything. You get to save their christmas without having to ask for anything.

Fuck no

>Signs up for 10 cards this year knowing full well it'd be tight
I.. I promise I'll send it out in time

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Sent in my form
Please be gentle

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Like cute little girls I assume.

I'll bully you softly

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What the fuck do I write in those cards?

yea but make sure those series have figures first

Don't tell me what to do

Yes. Just keep in mind that if the show is niche with no official merch, it's likely you'll receive handmade stuff or something not official

Merry christmas and happy new year, go suck a million cocks because your taste is ass or something along those lines

best wishes, compliment their likes and waifu
Alternatively bully them due to their taste being shit

Here's some inspiration


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Next year i am going to join, stupid thirdworld country economy

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>tfw didn't even read off to the side like a dumb dumb
All I'm putting that I /don't/ want are dvds and bds, I hope I don't seem rude for auto rejecting those

Check out the previous year's cards. It's mostly up to you though and how connected you feel with your user based on their taste

Dude, handmade stuff is the best

Is the user a male or female? I need to use pronouns right?

i'm feeling this hard

while I was looking for the mobile I found the card that came with it
this user has much prettier writing than me

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We're all little girls, user. If you can't tell from the name, just go with they

You said that last year

Why would you need to use pronouns when you're writing a letter to them? You can just use "you" / "your", no?

Yea I guess so
I'm not a little girl

Knowing an user put time into making something handmade for some obscure series I like sounds great.

Fuck. Now I'm gonna look like a greedy idiot.

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Yes you are

I've still got thank-you cards from last year that I need to send out, fuck. I hope they haven't moved.

Call them user

Call them a faggot.

No that's creepy

Just some shitter who joined the Santa Gang last year. I do spreadsheets and stuff.

Send us an email about this user, we'll help you get your cards where they need to go.

I don't have their number

You should check that with the Santa's, an user said they'd send me a thank you card last year but it never arrived so I'm worried they are leaving it until this year but I'm in the middle of moving right now

Dropping by with the correct upload to give my thanks to the anti grinch user that send me this cute saber, she'll keep watch over me this year to make sure I send my cards in time.

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You should clean your camera lens before taking a photo

As in call them "user" the title you dorks.

>sent santaloli a blank document by msitake
I pressed send as attachment and it didnt fucking send the updated one I wrote AHHHHHHHHHH


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user is baka, baka!


Yea so?

Not sure if I remember uploading it but sensational work to the the user who made me this card, you were the only one who heard my request on Kiara and I absolutely love you for it yes I refer to the other part.

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Can I see the other part

>Lost job
>Unemployed but searching
>Still want to dip into savings for /ss/
I had such a good time last year, food can wait.

The male to female ratio on imageboards is about 40-60%. This is based on a study conducted on Finnish Ylilauta which almost perfectly mirrors 4channel albeit not its more NSWF parts

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You can always send like 2 cards and the lowest tier
I hope I don't get grinched for my first year participating.. the grinch number looked high in 2017

tfw want to do this but i'm a pussy and am scared that i'll somehow fuck it up or that it won't make it in time and i'll ruin someone's christmas

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turns out looking at the photobucket that I did upload it

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You have like an entire week to decide on what to get your Yea Forumsnonymous lover

Whats the best way to get Photoshop or similar? It looks like adobe is making you pay for CS2 now so advice doesnt work

just pirate CS6, although free options should be more than enough today.

Just use Gimp

>Have Debian GNU/Linux
>GNU Image Manipulation Program doesnt work

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Just a reminder to not necessarily join in with the mindset of wanting something specific. Part of the fun is being able decide what to get your assigned user, or inversely, the surprise of what you get and the thought put into it. Or be that guy and just send in a mfc link. I can't stop you, but it's not fun to shop for or personalize at all.

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I just give my MFC. My wishlist is all stuff not even up for pre-order yet or canceled.

>was slightly upset I forgot to mention one big favorite anime of mine
>calmed down after your post

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Ask for something international instead. I was more chuffed at getting a bottle of Italian wine over the LN's I asked for one year.

I'd imagine that counts posts over lurkers. Women are much more attentionwhorish, no matter which way you look at it and would likely infest the more /soc/ tier and 24/7 generally-places.
Also, cite your sauce faggot.

I try to keep it vague enough that I don't know what I might get but specific enough that my Santa won't struggle to find something
I always just end up getting Nendoroids though and I know asking for no Nendoroids will just result in me getting more

Just post some of your favorite series and any seasonal anime you enjoy. Sign up. It's magical.

Shouldn't this be on /soc/?
It just seems so crazy that Yea Forums users are even willing to do this

looks promising, will update when i edit on my first santa hat

Check to see if Krita will work. I use it on a different Linux distribution and it should do what you need for a Christmas card.

Should I add in my normie tier (sewing, crochet etc) interests?

Think it'd be a big deal if I signed up for a higher tier but asked not to get any figs? I'm sort of lacking for shelf space at the moment, but I realize figs are a pretty good way to buff out bracket price.

I've never done this before but I finally got a job and learnt how to buyfag, maybe it's time I joined in. I don't have a creative bone in my body though, I apologize in advance to whoever gets my card.

How many shows/characters is the minimum I should put on my wishlist to make santa's shopping not a complete nightmare?

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I mentioned that sort of thing at the end as extra inspiration for gifts, in case particularly autistic anons don't know what to get.

10 seems like enough, don't you think? Go with a mix of popular, obscure, old, and recent shows for maximum coverage!

Any USA anons worried about the United Postal Union shit?

>Shouldn't this be on /soc/?
Are you new? Other boards hold their own ss too. It's gift exchanging, not a meet up.

If your stuff has merch they can just double up on the small shit. There was an user who didn't want anything that didn't have "use" so we get all sorts. It wont be a big deam

Oh, I guess that makes sense.
No, I just have never been into these threads, seemed like a hotbed for doxxing and witch hunting.

Dumb newfag. We're not showing each other our wieners, we're exchanging anime related presents

I'm honestly excited to get called a filthy fujo by my gift anons again

>We're not showing each other our wieners
What about that one user last year?

>We're not showing each other our wieners
last year's /ss/ taught me something else

>We're not showing each other our wieners
h-haha, yeah, t-totally doesn't happen...

People aren't nearly as bad as you think they are.

Alright, thanks!
Guess I'll add another show or two then.

Don't worry, you're still a dirty fujo MS of MO

Riiiight. I'll believe that when the Sun freezes over. Yea Forums isn't known for good people, its known for autistic flamewars over anime and namefags who are obsessed with each other over gay girls. The other 10% is actual discussion.

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Mainstay of Modus Operandi, huh? Sounds like a sneaky one.

You can always edit but I'm glad the post helped you

Just assume they're male. Who gives a fuck if they're trans or not?

they aren't bad people though, they're just a bit too high up on the spectrum

Oh man, he doesn't believe in Christmas spirit.

Damn user grow a fucking heart, you think everyone online acts the same as in real life?

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That's bullshit. There's always going to be a male majority, except for boards like /cgl/ where there's a female majority.

Try lurking these threads closer to Christmas and you'll be able to understand the magic that is /ss/

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Fucking satan over here.

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Do cards and gifts go together or is the card section a separate thing?

What'd I tell y'all bout being that thing called homo

>They aren't bad people
This is the internet, anonymity brings out the worst in everyone. Which is a good thing.
Its not that I have no Christmas spirit, its that your spirit can be very easily ruined by some user who doesn't give two flying fucks about you, which they won't.
Shut the fuck up

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Not sure what you're asking here, can you elaborate?

I don't wanna spam santaloli. I already sent 2 mails now cus I'm a baka

If I select two cards and two gifts, for example, would the cards I send out go to the same person as the gifts? I'd like the gifts to go with a card too so knowing if I'd need to make 2 or 4 would change my answer to the form.

Ah gotcha. The cards would go to different people. In the scenario you've described, good /ss/ etiquette would be sending two gifts and four cards, with two of your cards going to your giftees.

Most people send a card along with their gift. I usually do 2 gifts and 3 cards, in total, I make 5 cards.

Think of it this way user, if they really are such a hostile autist at their core they're probably not gonna have many social opportunities outside of Yea Forums. So even if someone is a caustic shit 90% of the time they're still gonna appreciate the outlet the site gives them, and might even want to engage with it on nicer terms. I'm sure some see it as a shitting ground and nothing more but I believe the majority genuinely love the place at its core. The low grinch-rate and the fact that anons even sign up to gift to grinch victims is proof of that. Your average fellow Yea Forumsnon loves you deep down.

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Just watch the threads when info is released and when gifts start to arrive. It's completely different from Yea Forums's normal atmosphere. Trust me.

Got a figure of my waifu last year, so this time I am going to lie and say another girl is my waifu, allowing me get a different figure and no one can stop me!

Here's a question:

I'd like to do this, but I'm afraid of getting doxxed. What measures are there that prevent doxxing?

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>want to do it
>don't live by myself and would feel shame if my family learned of my powerlevel
I guess I'll watch you anons feel happy again this year.

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Generous thinking. From the meta threads I've seen, at least 75% of Yea Forums hates Yea Forums users. And we get the little bits of it in threads like the Sad panda situation threads or 25 days. Or the r/a/dio threads.
I would love to take part but the issue is that I'm worried about grinching and doxxing.

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None. I don't think it's ever been a problem in the past.

>some user who doesn't give two flying fucks about you, which they won't
But thats's wrong. Just look at all the cute handmade cards we send each other. I would never put so much effort into making a card/gift for someone I don't care about.

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Just get a temp po box if you're paranoid.

Then don't take part this year. Watch, listen, and decide next year.

Don't worry about the vocal minority who never shuts up about how much they hate Yea Forums in meta threads. They're not as numerous as they seem.

Curious too. Can't have anyone in my field knowing I use this website probably.

>Never sent a parcel before, so I had to ask my parents how
>They literally helped pack it all, wrap all the gifts and everything
>Just said I was doing it a gift exchange with a friend across country, that my gifts would arrive soon
>They doubted me but they were the ones who opened the door to see the box user sent
>They got me a Girls Und Panzer mousepad
oh no

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PO Box, pseudonym, having it delivered to someone else's house instead if you're particularly scummy/stingy.

Just request something that's not too lewd if you're worried about what your family thinks.

The Santas take extra care to avoid sharing your personal info with others unless you've given explicit permission. That's really the only control we have. We all love Secret Santa, and this event wouldn't survive if we doxxed people.
If you're concerned about sharing your personal info, I recommend a throwaway email address, PO Box, and a pseudonym.

I was as cautious as you about this for years but I finally joined in on a bunch of Yea Forums celebrations last year (missed SS though) and the community spirit was absolutely incredible, which is why I'm signing up this year. Maybe we're both fools and we'll get grinched together but oh well.

>they doubted me
Musta been uncomfortable to seem like a friendless dork


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>at least 75% of Yea Forums hates Yea Forums users
Yea Forums isn't what it used to be anyways maybe that's part of the reason. A lot of reddit and tumblr users actively go on here now.

I figure my generous thinking extends to the anons who take part in this, it's nice to believe you're giving and receiving to others who care for Yea Forums. so in turn you'll act nicer here than you might across the rest of the board, which creates a nice little loop that keeps the threads cozy. So even if Yea Forums as a whole can be rough as fuck this is still a little better. If you're really concerned just sign up for a few cards this year, in the worst case scenario you'd only lose the cost of the card materials/shipping and the time it took to make them.

I'm gonna double up this year, to spite them. Hell, I might even ask for the last few volumes of SSR from my parents. I'm really happy about that GuP mousepad though, daisuki okaa-san.
I was in college at the time and had no friends at all, they knew I was completely friendless.

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>user why did your friend send you pee

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I sent them an EVA figure, a Kino figure and some CCS stuff actually. What I got back was all I could ask for.

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>I was in college at the time and had no friends at all, they knew I was completely friendless.
I understand this feeling. I had to make up stuff too about sending stuff too. Too bad I got grinched though

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What'd they give you?

What price range would my imoutos freshly worn panties, sealed in vacuum, be?

yeah im still stuck with family till i ship out and last year they didnt think it was real.

Gross. Put it in a card or something.

Ganbare user-kun!
Makes me want to mother you~

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I only signed up for one gift and got grinched so I didn't get anything :(

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She's prime and confirmed pure though

haven't participated in Yea Forumss ss but im hype already
also when do we get info on our giftee? last time i took part in an SS it became a shitshow with not enough time to buy and send things

I'm okay with that.

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How would you get them without her wondering why they went missing?

Damn grinches should at least send something epic

I wait until she works out and grab them after her shower, she never asked about any of them missing so far

>he thinks she doesn't know her brother sniffs her panties when masturbating

That's creepy user. I just finished watching Wataten and Uchi no Maid.


thats fuckin gross dude but you do you

Still a terrible idea. While the official statement of all lolibros on Yea Forums is 2d only, no 3d at all. there are some anons out there who are actual pedos. Even though they say otherwise on here. Do you really want to risk giving those to an user like that?

Fucking plebs.

She knows, user.

she knows user but that's oky now you need to step up your game tho
next time she takes a show just get in with her
post results

I just think that imouto panties should be a God given right and due to extreme injustice not everyone here is blessed with a cute sister, so I want to do my best to try to make the world a better place.

Yeah, I would have even fine with a gag thing. I'm hoping I get a tenga egg this year.

if you're going to send imouto pantsu make sure they're not washed
sending clean ones is insulting

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>One tenga egg.
Cheap bastard should at least give the 6 pack carton.

I stole my older sisters panties
I mean borrowed

That's why I even vacuum seal them, they get to ferment in her delicious sweat and juices

>card arrives from a femanon with her name on the envelope
>mum was the one who received the card and gave it to me
>explain it's a Christmas card from a friend
>she takes this to mean I'm in some long-distance relationship
>have to set her straight as the hope fades from her eyes

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God anyone else want to be fucking tied and handcuffed under some big CEOs desk and used as a throat fucking machine whenever he damn well wants. From 9am - 5pm you're just restrained under that desk naked and and he just shoves his dick down your throat periodically and you're forced to swallow his cum while you gag on that fucking huge throbbing cock. Being his little office slut and having your entire humanity stripped away and being reduced to that of an object of pleasure to satisfy your Masters lust.

Or is it just me?

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To be fair, if I remember correctly that user packs the tenga eggs with cards, not gifts so it's really just a extra thing.

>calling them plebs

No, me too user
why did you post this

I can appreciate your sentiment, but I'm all about consent and personal property rights. Stealing is wrong. Though I'd be fine with it if you were to discuss it with her and she gives you a pair to ship off, but I doubt that'd happen.

W-what happened to the Christmas spirit..? Keep in mind this is the last thread until next week, some new anons might have actual questions.

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To be fair I brought her more than I stole /steal

I'm an unsatisfied slut.

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fucking cartoon children is fine, fucking real kids is not

Its okay!
Me too. Its okay though, you'll be able to send lewd gifts.

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To be fair, he never said he fucked his sister.
Oh, well thats fine then.

Do I have to pay for the shipping cost? What if I get someone that's across the galaxy

>tfw sent the phone gag gift to mobage dude last year
>he absolutely hated it but the post got a billion (You)s

it's an abstract kind of christmas spirit

It's Halloween month kiddo

fair enough, hell as long as its two consenting adult siblings there is no reason to care.

Please don't send me anything lewd, I don't want people around me to discover I'm a week. To my roommates I'm a Chad and I intend to keep it that way.

Isn't it illegal?

I didn't lurk the threads last year. Story?

>To my roommates I'm a Chad and I intend to keep it that way.
Are you /fit/? I'm honestly trying to get /fit/ so I don't look creepy watching my moeshit.

What's wrong with being a weeb. Who cares if you get judged.
Also this thread is supposed to last until Sunday, please stop talking

A True Chad would not care what others think of him.

I mean, I guess I could consider myself that. I didn't really workout though. I just work a lot with my arms at a facility

smoking weed or using a milling machine to make your AR fully automatic is illegal as well but who really fucking cares. laws are primarily made by people who are beyond them anyway

>not letting your santa send you 2kg of loli doujins

Real men are so secure in their masculinity that they can do childish and girly things and still feel like a man.

Why is incest so popular? Wasn't it like this before game of thrones

So I can get arrested? No thanks

I'll put in a request for the santas so I can get you for my ss then! Ehehe~ Partially a joke, but it would be nice, right?

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Iirc it has to do with human psychology, how we grow attracted to other people that we're around constantly and consistently

A-user please.

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no idea, id fuck the shit out of my step sister though that bitch is hot.

something about being attracted to your own genes is pretty common i guess.

I fucking love you guys, it's amazing how the spirit of Christmas connect us no matter what

Quick reminder that this is a Secret S/a/nta thread in case everyone forgot.

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Yea Forums was always incest

Okay and? Santa deliver to all kinds of people and all different kinds of gifts

>lost the lewd santaloli pic a drawfag drew last year

Could anyone post is as an early Christmas gift

Good to see we already devolved into ERP

Oh yeah, it's that time of year again! I dropped a class so I only have 12 credit hours, guess I'll do more cards this time. Hopefully I don't end up having to make a shitpost card again because I can't think of anything. Then again that user really liked it, so eh.
Having multiple husbandos is bad for you

Just for you user.

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i'll ask for more YuYuYu

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on the form you're able to choose to ship just within your country

unless you happen to be chili user that guy always gets shafted by shipping and so do his santas
I hope there is a BR or something they can pair him with this year cause it's like 40 dollars to ship a 1kg 1 foot cube there

>ntr'ing yourself
truly a noble sacrifice but even if that wasn't classified as mailing a biohazard people are just going to assume you wore them

there was a pair of clean panties that I sent off that have been regifted around few times I wonder if they'll show up again this year

How much time is there to prepare gifts before having to send them? Like how many days do we have on average between the moment we get assigned an Yea Forumsnon and the time when we should be sending off the package?
Kinda want to finally do this but I've never sent anything through the post office in my life and also I am a bit slow when working on little projects like this, so I don't wanna sign in just to find out I'm too busy for that period and then have to do some half-assed stuff.

He never said she was a child, either. She goes to the gym so she could be of age.

Are you trans? Or just a femboi?

Generally speaking, it'd be best to try and get your gift out the door around the end of november just in case. Some people myself included seem to tend towards the end of the first or second week of December but that's definitely pushing it and you'll have to pay extra for expedited shipping as the deadlines close in.

Deadline is October 27th and it usually takes a week to sort out and assign people, but it depends how smoothly things go. I'd roughly say around 1-1.5 months to buy and ship, but maybe a Santa can confirm things?

Stupid question - for Secret Santa, are you paired with someone? Is the person you're sending the gift to the same person you're receiving a gift from?

Your gifts should be sent out by early/mid December. After that it's unlikely that they'll reach your Santa on time. Try to aim for November

He did say she was prime. if you spent any time in a loli thread, you'd know there is some implication of age. Of course, he might not be aware of that either, so who knows.

Usually they try to make it different people, so who you're assigned is giving a gift to a different user, but it's common for anons to send thank you gifts.

your assignment will likely be given by november first provided nothing bad happens, meaning there is only a few weeks to get your gifts delivered to your door, so that you can send them back out for christmas after packing them together and wrapping it, especially if you're shipping somewhere far

desu i'd rather we did early bracket and late brackets
with the postal strikes that seem to happen every christmas
canada post is horrendous for this shit

if you ship things as late as the 15th of december you're really pushing it man

no it goes around in a complicated daisy chain

I can only imagine how many times an Yea Forums christmas card went to someones previous santa only to end up the fake address they had listed on the gift

>I can only imagine how many times an Yea Forums christmas card went to someones previous santa only to end up the fake address they had listed on the gift
That's what happens when you don't contact your user through the Santas to ask if that's the correct address.

We to get it out after the first week of November, ASAP. So you have like 3 -4 weeks to order and receive the gift before you wrap it and ship it around the start of of December ideally, especially for international gifts. Within country assignments, you generally have more leeway due to the nature of your location. But still, postal service is slammed as Xmas gets closer.
But if you have any concern about your gift arriving on time or late, communicate with us and with your assignment via initials or use us as a middle man. We can also help send them tracking numbers for you.

Attached: sagume christmas.png (615x1000, 1020K)

nah it also happens when they move
a lot of college dorm addresses go through these too, might not be in the same unit the following year

Feels good to already know what I'm getting user

Attached: Screenshot_20190921-202713.png (1440x2560, 245K)


Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (480x480, 28K)

If the series you like has a funko it's probably trash anyways. Suits them.

Attached: no_escape.png (480x480, 157K)

Thanks for proving my point

Attached: 1566836542936.png (511x296, 138K)

>user requests an asuka figure
>he gets this
Would that be a grinch?

Immediate blacklist.

What if they genuinely thought it'd be nice

It's a shitpost and if meant as anything besides a joke then they didn't belong here in the first place.

Buy it from J-List for best results.

Attached: jlist.jpg (512x512, 30K)

>want to list a bunch of obscure shit in case user has the same taste
>want to list series people know so my user isn't stuck figuring out what to draw/give
>don't want to list 20+ and be that guy
Every year

Attached: 1530306617834.png (1280x720, 583K)

Peter why sell that crap...
Who cares, write that essay. Getting an essay is better than one sentence for gift ideas

That's me right now, fuck I wish my favourite shows had more merchandise.

List lots of shows then. Your user won't necessarily get you something for everything.

You should list everything in case your user wants to make you stuff. You might get something for the obscure thing you could only get through /ss/

Do you guys eat the cookies anons send

Of course. They're always delicious.

I looked at my wish lists from last year and in hindsight my worry is unfounded. Thanks.
What else would you do with them? Not eating cookies is like not wearing panties/masks you're sent or not checking out USBs you're sent.

>Poverty nendos.

Attached: y.png (184x317, 58K)

not a bad gag gift, especially if you include a copy of the grinch that stole christmas
and then send out the real gift

Is there a rough estimate on how many people are doing this? Is it in the hundreds?

I wanna giveaway cookies to multiple people, but I gotta know what people are allergic to

Stats were posted for previous years in the last thread. Yeah, it's a few hundred or so.

I didn’t even know about that until I saw this post.

gluten/egg free choc chip or ginger cookies would probably be the safest bet

Wait, what happened

no where even close to a poverty nendo
bootlegs are the real poverty nendo
funkos are so fucking disgusting they can't even compete and I hate it so much that they have people collecting them at all

I have a singular one, Uncle Scrooge, and it falls over because he's too top heavy
funkos are such fucking TRASH they need to be kept in the box for display purposes
they can't even compete with dollar store kids toys or mcdonalds toys because those can actually properly fucking stand I fucking hate funkos fuck

Attached: Bootleg-and-Real-nendoroid-1024x677.jpg (1024x677, 114K)

Sent my list in.

Let's have a wonderful holiday anons!

Attached: 1568953075305.png (640x480, 497K)

Email the santas so that they can ask your user

So these threads only pop up on weekends til xmas?
I cant wait for Yea Forums watches during dec

Basically the organization that handles the US’ international mail has a very outdated system that makes it stupidly cheap for certain c[hina]ountries to send their packages here. So it is getting reworked or abandoned which may cause issues with international mailing

Someone requested this edit in the last thread, and I am here to deliver.

Attached: Kimetsu no Christmas.png (1280x720, 1.4M)

And a bonus edit because I wanted to do this one.

Attached: Inosuke christmas.png (268x214, 93K)

Fucking based!

Attached: 8C7735CD-9211-4B1E-B837-50BB999947F2.png (959x1400, 1.2M)


Why do they look like funko pop


Attached: tange_sakura.png (1000x1200, 1.29M)

Just signed up. I am PUMPED

Fuck me this took a long time to make.

Attached: grinch2018.png (531x668, 82K)

>that $150+ bracket

>way less grinches than the year before

Attached: 1441059815085.jpg (320x291, 29K)

less people so if even one person grinches it raises it a lot

What does it mean when you say 19 grinches and 23 gifts? Not 23 gifts total, clearly, if it's 5.6% of something.

>I was one of those poor souls that didn't get anti-grinched
A-at least it seemed like my person liked my gifts.

Attached: 1566680710348.gif (400x405, 1.42M)

Some grinches signed up for multiple gifts.

Why'd it lower
Is Yea Forums dying

Attached: 1566892441168.png (686x596, 198K)

Attached: stats2018.png (1042x958, 330K)

Send an email to the 2019 account and I'll see what I can do.

23 / 408 gifts were grinched
19 / 359 anons were grinches

Oh, makes sense.

I want to do this but I'm in a tight spot. Is a P.O box worth it? I'm moving out soon and want to make sure my card gets to me so I can praise my user for it

Attached: 1557304013738.jpg (1280x1142, 192K)

if you don't have a proper fixed address a PO box is absolutely worth it

time to worry about whether I did everything right on the form until my gift arrives for the millionth time

Attached: 1526704743956.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

>have only ever gotten 3 cards
>have never seen my cards posted
>100% sent and received for gifts though

Think I'm going to stick with shit I can track this year. It's really disheartening when you never see your effort pay off.

You can always add tracking to cards if you can afford it. Probably got eaten by the post rather than anons not bothering to post it.

>One of two New Zealand anons

I didn’t know there were only two Spain anons

Sent. If you guys can't do anything, at least I made my user happy.

Didn't know french fags were here, I thought I was the only one

>US, Canada, UK
>and the rest of the world

haha imagine if you met up and kissed haha

>English speaking board is mostly frequented by countries that speak english

Haha that'd be weird haha

Attached: smug-mare.png (315x427, 207K)

What if an user asks if we can meet up and they kill me

Remember to lube your anus so they can rape you before they kill you.

Well then you haunt them and create wacky situations for them.


You're gonna get grinched anyway

>tfw my match last year was a girl and I ended up sending her letters every month


Attached: hatko.png (624x1208, 485K)

>page 10

Attached: 1545829035411.gif (400x228, 1.37M)

Been waiting all year for this, although deciding what to put on my wishlist is always difficult every year.

Attached: IMG_0375.jpg (2448x3264, 933K)

I don't care for eggnog. it's a meme drink right?

Me neither, tastes fucking weird. What do people like about it other than muh festivities?

I'm so excited lads

Attached: hidamari_yuno_xmas_standpic_0.png (402x871, 353K)

Maybe the unique taste

Fuck it I'll do it. To whomever gets me as their secret santa: I'm really fucking sorry in advance.

I prefer to drink custard and eat danish butter cookies

Attached: pauls-website-product-feature-image-template-500x700px-vanilla-custard-1kg.png (500x700, 143K)

I don't have any money but I have a bunch of figures I want to get rid of that people might appreciate. Would that work for secret santa?

Attached: 1560896307611.png (850x850, 383K)

I, too, am excited to get card grinched again.

Attached: 1543730825748.gif (271x262, 259K)

Is it like milk or are you like the weird mayo guy from gintama

Attached: yc1.png (1128x1600, 650K)

its premade chilled custard, tastier than eggnog

Attached: yc2.png (1128x1600, 725K)

Attached: yc3.png (1128x1600, 762K)

Attached: yc4.png (1128x1600, 755K)

as long as it fits their wishlists, I guess.
but it feels kinda bad to gift the stuff you want to get rid of instead of getting them a personalized gift.

What if you get an user with no series on his wishlist that you have figures of? Will you still shovel him with crap he doesn't want?

pls no

It's not like it's bad stuff I just lost interest in the series and want to save space. I've never done /ss/ before and it'd be nice if i could just give this stuff to people who would appreciate it instead of going though the hassle of selling it

Attached: 1403888870106.jpg (621x590, 359K)

Bad stuff or not, if it isnt on someones wishlist and you "gift" it anyways, it may as well be trash.

If you really want to do this talk with the santas and see what they can do.

>Still have last year's card from my santa on display
Remember that you can really brighten someone's day when you put some thought into things.

I display every card I ever got every Christmas, I love every single one of them, especially the ones with toddler tier scribbles.

Attached: 1541251311569.gif (209x193, 115K)

Reminder, some user received this as his /ss/ gift

Attached: 1545705655713.jpg (4032x3024, 3.35M)

its great fuck you

Attached: 1522183525264.jpg (960x540, 42K)

Attached: danish-style-butter-cookies-500x500.jpg (500x500, 46K)


>max strength breast growth

should have included saw palmetto

Attached: 1547059776450.png (697x1393, 861K)

What's that?

It's my first time but i will try

Attached: 24232550_2024684147818657_8569693857205216406_n.jpg (480x612, 23K)

You know, you guys can just use Amazon wish list so you don't have to give out addresses

>no surprise dildo or bloody panties
>no card
what's the fun in that

I like it with ginger ale


Can I get some santa hats on this image?

Attached: hey kid wanna ss.jpg (893x502, 76K)

>Not saying please


Attached: Ainz Ooal Gown's real face.png (241x450, 115K)

>no wrapping paper
Why would I need to be so private around my friends?

Now we can padoru in october

Attached: halloween_padoru.gif (384x384, 124K)

Request hiding all powerlevel revealing content, I'd love to send a top secret card hidden beneth two layers of grandma like cheesy christmas greetings.

I still have the only card I got from 2017 in my amico card display

If an user wishes for a year long play-pretend long distance relationship for christmas I'll do it.

I don't know what to write on the wishlist. Last few years people have called me a faggot for not listing enough DFC to their liking

Attached: 1568825936173.png (621x887, 195K)

I wish I had a way to display all my cards, but after 5 years the sheer amount of overall cards is getting a bit overwhelming

Rude. Don't listen to them, user.

Just list what you enjoyed the most watching.

They're not wrong, but listen to anyways.

Don't care about what others like and list whatever show/character you love and why. You'll get called a faggot anyway, at this point it's a term of endearment.

i kinda hope i'll get grinched desu
the last time i took part in it i payed so much in fees i could have bought it myself

Last year, I got my giftee's wishlist, didn't like it, and didn't make anything.

Everything on J-List costs about 2 or 3 times as much as it does on AmiAmi or HLJ

Last year I grinches someone as I was out of country.
As a punishment, I want to just send gifts this time without receiving anything.

Possible to do this mod anons?

You should email them and ask

>amazon wish list
might aswell buy my own shit at this point

why not just ask for paysafe cards so you don't have to giveaway what you like?

Join the anti-grinch squad this year
There's signups for santas to send one-way presents to those who were grinched.

time to practice that handwriting, user.

Attached: 1557095890202.gif (800x518, 964K)

Bad handwriting is part of the charm

my wishlist is a fucking mess. ganbare s/a/nta!

Attached: 1543930358937.png (457x650, 249K)

>even more people than the year prior
>grinching only went way down
Hahahaha eat my chode you negative fucks

Other way around, it means that people on Yea Forums are much better than what our detractors think.

In general I don't like thicker drinks because it's not very refreshing. I like eggnog but I need something thinner to quench my thirst.

My handwriting hasn't improved since I started and I still write to this day, hope you enjoy receiving a letter that looks like an 8 year old wrote it.

polska strong
can't wait to spoil my low bracket user

Attached: 1564963520857.jpg (1440x810, 194K)

Show it

How about no? They're well known for having an insane markup for overseas goods.
A figure that costs $80 on Amazon, you can ship from Japan with EMS for cheaper, much cheaper.

>only 5 aussies
I feel like that number should be higher.
I guess I also didn't participate last year.

> hope you enjoy receiving a letter that looks like an 8 year old wrote it.
The real Santaloli experience.

who /confirmedentry/ here?

Attached: dance.gif (260x450, 286K)

I'm not even done filling my wishlist out

Attached: ss wishlist.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

baka zonbi

I'll probably mail it in literally last minute as every year before because I can't decide what to write on it

Attached: IMG_20190912_201350_.jpg (1107x849, 203K)

Je suis là kop1

Attached: 1501264732849.jpg (400x558, 29K)

poor so can't involve myself
I'd like to do cards but I'm completely uncreative and I've got a fear that a pic would get posted and people will call it the worst card they've ever seen and it'd be like Kirk VanHouten trying to draw dignity
so I will watch from the sidelines for another year

Make a card so we can bully you

>pic would get posted and people will call it the worst card they've ever seen
First of all, people will make fun of it regardless. Second, it won't be the worst card we've seen

I've received a card that was just a christmas card with anime characters glued inside and I still adore the shit out of it. You don't need to be too creative or good and drawing to make an user happy this christmas

might get baned for it but fuck it
i've kept this "shittie" card for 3 years now, doesn't really matter what it looks like it's the gesture itself that makes it a nice gift

Attached: 123.png (1656x1176, 2.51M)

there's always room to set a new benchmark in mediocrity

I get enough bully from life

that's about a thousand times more creative than I could ever be
also blue board

Spaniard here. I will probably participate this year.
I will move to Barcelona this November, maybe I have to wait to fill the form.

Deadliine is October 27th. But you may send address fix to Santas if you move early in November before your anonsend your gift.

well than keep beeing a self deprichiating cunt, no more attention from me faggot

I'm torn between sending the form now, and being disappointed in a new season and sending the same form in a few weeks.

Attached: 2017-10-23 09.08.36.png (640x640, 362K)

I don't mean to be a sad sack, I cant help but feel useless at six years unemployment
my parents are both dead and my siblings endlessly fight so we haven't had a family christmas for a few years and christmas is my favorite time of year

Attached: 1557086243291.jpg (1920x1200, 253K)

As long as you put heart into your cards it doesn't matter how uncreative they are. Believe in Christmas.

I wonder how shit of a taste will my anons have

Attached: 1539380948516.png (372x409, 97K)

God me too. I already have some ideas for cards and bonus gift thingamajig, but they are from very specific show and I don't want to bother organizers by asking to get someone who lists it

so fucking what?
grow the fuck up faggot people go through tougher shit than this, ridiculess

>you have no right to feel bad about your own issues cause people have it worse
Who hurt you user?

Attached: 1555755534561.png (320x320, 19K)

I used to be homeless uni dropout just last year and despite getting hired and gotten new home, I'm fairly sure my mom still hates me. Life sucks, no?

>beeing a spinless bitch cuz papa and brother don't get along
you snorted too much penis

Take it easy guys, we all have our problems. Let's not bring each other down.

Attached: 1466945798131.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

DId you misread his post?
>my parents are both dead

oi, stop fighting, fags

Attached: 1540913329286.png (358x358, 109K)

blame the user with the /fit/ mentaality

i hope i'll get him so i can send him a pice of rope he can cry into

Ah I see. You're being edgy for the sake of being edgy. I understand.

>getting used rope from user

>implying you aren't a grinch

>no grinches in 75-100$
kek looks like they are playing the long game this time
rip whitelist bracket

I don't think that's how that works user

I could tell you how it works but I wouldn't want to give some people ideas

Again, people aren't nearly as evil as you perceive them to be.

If your suggesting people signed up for the $75-$100 tier and didn;t grinch last year so they could get into the whitelist tier and grinch this year then that would be stupid because you get whitelisted no matter which tier you did previously so they would have signed up for the lowest tier



I'd like to remind everyone that humans aren't some kind of cost-benefit analysing logic machines. They're largely emotion driven creatures.

>not beeing autistic

It takes severe autism to break that trend. Autism that this board is lacking, if the 2018 statistics are any indication.

Post your favourite cards

Attached: card3.png (2500x1231, 3.57M)

Attached: 20190922_152231.jpg (4032x3024, 2.67M)

Yeah, I finish working on 27 and move out on 28~29, but yeah, I will probably just set that city's address.

this is my only card

Attached: phos card.jpg (679x300, 65K)

I made this for an user last year, all the skills took me forever to think of.

Attached: IMG_7104.jpg (4032x3024, 2.63M)

>horse fucker card

I'm probably going to have to revise and resend my wishlist again like 3 times because I know I forgot something.

Attached: 72281562_p0.jpg (822x966, 373K)

Really user, do some cards. You'll love it.
Just write what you think about your assignments shows, draw a toddler picture of their waifus and glue a cut-out christmas hat on them. These threads will help you with ideas and logistics.

Attached: (you).png (900x562, 696K)

Moi! Super hyped! I'm going to try some new stuff this year.

I love all the cards that I get but I love this one in particular because it went very far to get to me(Aus => UK) and the drawing is absolutely gorgeous

Attached: SS(2017) 2.jpg (1500x1000, 487K)

Yeah buddy. My wishlist is probably hot garbage, but I'm excited nonetheless.

Attached: kyoro christmas.png (903x1048, 503K)

Either my taste gets worse from year to year or I grew too comfortable around this event. Apologies to whoever has to deal with my card wishlist.

this is awesome user

Send an email, there have been other anons who had money issues that are making up for it this year.

Thank you! I really enjoy making cards and I hope to see someone enjoy the ones I make for them this year!

I wanna do something in the lowest tier, but finding something actually worth giving is hard.

Attached: 21d6fec617269ffdc46daea01d82b6f1.jpg (2508x3541, 3.13M)

That's what makes the low tiers so fun, you really have to try hard and put the effort in to find something good

I'm already doing a 75-100 tier /ss/ for another site though. I don't mind splurging on that. I'm just trying to think about what I could even begin looking at since I don't want user to be disappointed.

Browse preowned stuff on Mandarake and AmiAmi

3x25$ gifts or 1x75$ gift? What to choose?

Economically speaking, $75. 3x$25 is 3x postage for getting and sending.

Finally got my wishlist done

Attached: 1566652091229.gif (245x222, 177K)

I am! Also decided to volunteer for making cards.

just post my initials already

Attached: 1560531894363.jpg (2496x2496, 432K)

i went full retard and im doing 3x25 gifts and one 75 plus 10 cards. this might be my last /ss/ so i want to do something more than normal

>this might be my last /ss/
Sounds ominous.

not as much as you would think, im joining armed forces and ill probably be to busy with MOS school by the time the next one comes around

user from Yea Forums
Here you go.

Attached: 1506905535121.png (291x400, 30K)

You can only sign up for 3 gifts max, baka


oh fuck ill fix it and send a second form fuq

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-22 at 11.10.33 AM.png (540x1220, 479K)

ahhhh thank you. now I can sleep calmly

Attached: 1551595084594.jpg (566x800, 144K)

A couple years back I never got my initials posted, but I received a huge package with all sorts of gift wrapped goodies. It was so much more impactful than getting my initials confirmed, so I decided to not post them anymore.

Attached: 1331478870443.jpg (457x515, 114K)

Why are you taking screenshots rather than exporting the image?

Attached: 1565059136697.jpg (992x1403, 429K)

In my life I never thought I would fall so low as to participate in something like this, in a place like this.
I am quite excited

Faq, for changes be sure to reply to the email to make it easy to associate the two.

We're happy to have you user.

Attached: 1569087980279.jpg (1757x2048, 209K)

Already? Fuck this year is going by fast
Where are you hiding SantaLoli? Need my yearly dose

stupid question but is it frowned upon if i order stuff directly to the user?
i would want to, if possible, have my giftee dodge the taxfees

Hey we're not low

Attached: 1568763047474.jpg (1500x1000, 157K)

Don't do that user. Order them to yourself, WRAP THEM, and then ship them to your user, that's how christmas gifts work. So many anons skip the wrapping and it makes me sad every year

Kind of, it's for sure better to get a handwrapped gift with card from your user. I don't know your tax rates though. People usually sign up expecting to deal with taxes.

>i would want to, if possible, have my giftee dodge the taxfees
Customs are a bitch for non Freedomlander's, but you really should ship them to yourself and add your personal touch to them.

It's just paper wrapping user, with the amount of money I have to pay for postage and taxes if I were to ship directly I could give out twice the gifts, Of course I'd send a card as well. I don't think it too egregious a thing to do.

Most of the soul in gift giving is the wrapping and card making

don't ship them directly you fucking twat

If I wanted something shipped directly from a shop with no wrapping or card in the box then I'd order it for myself. The joy comes from the extra effort that goes into it

Where do you get anime themed wrapping anyway?

Just like, don't open the package until Christmas day?

Draw it yourself, order it custom, some weebstores carry it later in the year.

I want wrapped gifts under my christmas tree. It's christmas, you wrap your gifts, that's how it works

yeah i know and i realy don't want to but i had an asian once and my "gift" cut deep into his budget

also customs stole the touchpad i bought him...

Just mark it as a gift and lie about the value on the customs form

just the first thing i thought to do

Attached: hatko.png (700x700, 125K)

I was planning on completely destroying a translated manga volume I got second hand in a lot that is in such a terrible shape that it has zero value and I already own it in nicer quality and make wrapping paper out of it

user no

You're not the boss of me

Reminder for anons whose assignment is in southern America. Most postal services suck ass worse than you can imagine. Send your cards as 1st class/priority/whatever airmail is called in your country. When you send your cards as 2nd class/boat, you might save a couple cents, but it can take up to 4 months for your card to arrive. Even using 1st class mail, you should still send your card as soon as possible after getting your assignment.

imagine kaede gf

Attached: 1545648399792.png (1000x1478, 960K)

Friendly reminder to leave making the threads to the organisers.

Attached: 1503888582767.jpg (1280x1438, 96K)

Honestly you should ship everything ASAP, no matter what country. Even in Europe some postal services can get a bit ass we don't get letter mail in Tuesdays here and even domestic letters can sometimes take a week and Christmas can and will fuck everything up.

Attached: 1544374192122.jpg (1000x1414, 664K)