Why didn't Joseph healed his eyes with hamon?

Why didn't Joseph healed his eyes with hamon?

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Once again Araki forgot

who gives a shit?

Hamon was kinda forgettable

Because Joseph sucks at hamon


Because Joseph secretly hated Kakyoin the whole time and wanted to be rid of him by any means necessary. When he bowed his head when he died he was actually stifling a laugh

>source: my ass

literal fucking autism

This but also
This. Jospeh was absolute ass with Hamon in part 2, that was the entire reason why he was such a tricky and creative shitbag. He couldn't brute force it like Jonathon because Joseph had shit control.

>Joseph secretly hated Kakyoin
>dude believe me


seething cuckyoinfag


Because the author is a hack.

>i hate kakyoin so i'm going to create this headcanon that my favorite characters hates him too

Was Hamon ever shown to have healing properties?

Joseph probably would have been the best Hamon user of all time if he kept it up. Think about it, he was using Hamon before he even knew about it

What's a joke?

Only in Part 1. You could say Araki forgot, or you could make the argument that Lisa Lisa solely focused on learning and teaching offensive Hamon. Either way, Joseph never healed anything.


>Joseph likes to fuck around.
>Kakyoin is after all the milfs.

He had to go. Joseph probably even knew about ZA WARUDO but didn't tell Kakyoin.

The only healing remember is when Zeppeli fixed Jonathan's arm, and you could argue that wouldn't work on Kakyoin's eyes

Joseph did the "Zoom punch" once, so he knows (or at least knew) how to heal with hamon.

Joseph just wanted to stop the MILF hunter before he boned his daughter, is it really that hard to understand?

Out of training with hamon, and a lot of hamon healing appears to be more akin to rapid natural healing rather than supernatural. Zeppeli could fix broken bones and dislocate his shoulder at will, but likely nothing more.

it got us glasses kakyoin so who cares

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