Dragon Ball is the most overrated cartoon franchise ever

Dragon Ball is the most overrated cartoon franchise ever.

Attached: dragonballsuperrumors-blogroll-1552950932643.jpg (1920x1080, 329K)

and the CHADS of Yea Forums

Rightfully so. It triumphs above the actually overrated shit (fullgarbage alcheshit)

It's easy to say something genre defining is overrated, you're using your own nostalgia as the standard.

db wasn't the first shounen manga, retard

I'm pretty sure that almost everyone realizes that Dragon Ball is terrible; there's a difference between popularity and acclaim.

tell that to spics

Dragon Ball is genuinely a masterpiece

it's fun and that's all that matters
if you fags can enjoy your cute girls doing cute things trite I can enjoy my muscular dudes screaming at the top of their lungs and punching the shit out of each other

Poor bait is poor.

Pokemon and Gundam are way more overrated than DBZ

Gundam isn't nearly as popular and both DB and Pokemon are widely recognized as meant for kids. Popular =/= Overrated.

I was completely serious.

You dont even know what overrated means

It wasn't the first, but it's arguably the most influential. Similar to how Pokemon didn't invent the monster collecting genre, but its still what others copy to this day

I also consider c.g.d.c.t. to be far too bourgeois for my genteel intellect.


Suck my dick moecuck
DB chads own Yea Forums

Yes. Only retardes spics love it.

This, basically. DBCHADs are the best thing about Yea Forums.
